Who thinks TWD has become overrated?
It's a great game, but like so many other great games before it, I feel it has become heavily overrated.
Though it has an amazing storyline, it is still only a game.
And I have to admit that I'm surprised at what a following the game has attracted.
In some respects, I think S1 was better than S2.
Mostly because Lee was the PC character in S1.
In my personal opinion, Clementine left a lot to be desired as a PC character.
For Lee to carry weight within the group was reasonable, as he was both intelligent, and at an age that people were more likely to respect.
Clementine was still a child, and who in their right-mind is going to take a child seriously?
Occasionally would be understandable, but to look to her as everyone in the group did, is pretty unrealistic.
Nah not in the slightest, I think its more than entitled to everything it gets and then some.
Not to me, it will probably always hold a special place in my heart.
I think season 1 is overrated WHEN compared to season 2. Don't get me wrong though, I love both games to death.
The Walking Dead just didn't get popular because of its storyline. There were a number of other reasons:
So I'd say its recognition is well deserved.
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who's brent
i think the idea that a games greatest strength could actually be it's story was (and still is) a revolutionary idea, obviously there have been games with good stories before, but to have a game that basically relied on a good story for any of it to be good was a big risk, but luckily season ones story was amazing.
however i think season two's story wasn't good enough for the whole game to ride on and the other less good parts (which were a part of season one) were brought out onto the open.
if they can have as compelling a story as season one for season 3 they could revert back to season one's engine and it wouldn't matter, because the story (and i include decisions within that story as the story) would be all you would want.
anyway i don't think season one was overrated at all, i think if it is matched by season 3 it would totally show how well deserved the praise for season one was.
i think season two was a bit over rated by some people, however i may not have felt the same personal connection some people may have had to the story, ie. i am not a 12 year old girl and i actually bought the game :P
It's definitely on my all-time best list.
Overrated? Nah, it's not overrated. How could anything with zombies become or will ever be overrated?
Who says people can't? Remember eleven is the age people start to see children becoming adults and are growing up. And to put it simply Clementine doesn't act like a child maybe people think she's older than that even Bonnie says:
"I'm eleven."
"I woulda thought older than that."
So it's possible the adults listen to Clementine because she acts older than she is and she's very mature. And just because she is a child doesn't mean she has to act or has to be seen as one. It's an apocalypse many people will give up caring about age because after all it's experience that makes us mature and smart not our age.
eleven really isn't the age people start to see children becoming adults and are growing up, nowhere near, also experience comes with age, or if you are talking about apocalypse experience everybody has had the same amount of time in the apocalypse, but being adults the rest of the group would have done more and had more responsibility, christa would have done most things for clementine, so all in all clementine is the youngest and has the least experience except for sarah.
not acting like a child doesn't make you an adult, it just makes you a well behaved child
Well maybe eleven isn't the age but it's close and it's not no where near. 13 is about the age but you know... it's an apocalypse...
Well yes and no. You experience more as you grow up but it's what you experience in that time. So someone who is the same age as someone else can be more mature because they have experienced more in their life compared to the other person.
We don't know that. Maybe in terms of food and fire but we don't know about how many walkers Clementine killed during her time with Christa and she did teach how to sew up her arm.
I didn't say that, the only thing not acting like a child does is make you mature. And being mature is everything in an apocalypse.
still no where near
i don't know if you noticed what i said after i said "also experience comes with age" but i will just quote myself
so she can't catch food or light a fire, but she is a zombie assassin, not likely also refer to my previous quote about how everybody in the group has been living through the apocalypse.
it makes you seem mature but maturity is more about experience than how you act (although obviously that does factor into it) and really maturity is a miniscule thing for surviving, practical skills and physical capability is way more important, and clementine lacks both.
anybody with half a brain isn't going to rely on a child the way the game made the group do, the game would have been much better if clementine was struggling to be involved and taken seriously (like she would in real life) rather than being the generic player character that automatically does everything.
1st one is underrated in my opinion and should have been getting more hype and better reviews. 2nd is not as good as the 1st but still pretty damn good.
Surprisingly enough I think people that hate TWD are the ones that dramatically over rate it. Most people see it as a successful indie game with an emotionally griping story, that's all. Thanks to the t.v. show and how cheap this game is sold is mainly why people play this game. Then after playing for a bit the people realize how good it is.
If a particular child is capable, I would.
For example, suppose you were in a zombie apocalypse, and in your group, there was a twelve year-old Amish kid. We're talking Old Order Mennonites here, the ones that live oldschool without modern conveniences, like people did two or three centuries ago. If your group found a decent refuge in a remote area and was looking to start farming crops, that kid would likely know a hundred times more about hitching up the plow, when to plant, what to plant, what to plant where, when is best to harvest, how to store crops/preserve food without reliance on refrigeration/freezing etc. than just about anyone else in your group. I don't know about you, but I'd STFU, listen to the kid, and try to learn all I could.
maybe there would be a few very specific circumstances in which a kid could help like that, however clementine is just some kid
You know what's funny? If Telltale did make Clementine sit on the side lines while the adults do everything such as if they did that with the turbine, Clementine would watch Sarita turn it off or something like that. People would have complained that you don't get to do anything as the playable character and that just because she's a child doesn't mean they wouldn't trust her to take control.
I'm telling you people would have complained if the adults didn't rely on her or at least ask her for her opinion. I don't know, I try to find realism where I can but with Clementine I don't care because she's the playable character, so what, she's eleven. Maybe I was wrong about the whole adult thing at eleven but when you're eleven you do start to change so maybe Clementine wants to be treated like an adult because there isn't many kids around anymore and she wants to do things so that the group trust her to do things that an adult would normally do. Again I don't know but if they group hadn't of relied on Clementine people would have complained about more than they complain about her being able to do everything.
i'm not saying the game should have been exactly the same except this time clementine does nothing, i mean a lot of the game would have had to be changed entirely, maybe the same general plot and many of the same things could have happened, but it would have had to have been different , eg. while the (original) game was happening clementine would have been doing her own thing while the adult argued amongst themselves, that way we as a player would have been doing a lot but not at the expense of believability.
i wouldn't want to just play the game and watch other people do things, but the whole "clementine what should we do, please help us" vibe the game had was really stretching my suspension of disbelief.
The game and the comic deserve all the praise they get in my opinion.
The show, well, not so much.
In terms of the game, no. I don't think enough people are aware that it even exists.
Well considering The Walking Dead had a more complex story than a traffic light, then I'd say, yeah it got well-deserved recognition. In all honesty, I had only started playing by the time Episode 3 was out, and after I played through them and waited for Episode 4, I saw its popularity and was so happy because it deserved it.
I think it's actually more underrated rather than overrated. There are far more overrated games out there such as Call of Duty and Assassins Creed