Telltale should step UP The Walking Dead!
I think Telltale should step up their game and get better considering Life Is Strange (personally) is 10x better!
What do you think?
BTW: No hate just an opinion.
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I think Telltale should step up their game and get better considering Life Is Strange (personally) is 10x better!
What do you think?
BTW: No hate just an opinion.
Eh... the story of Life is Strange is alright, but the dialogue is clunky and hard to listen to. I'm not a fan.
I think they're doing fine. While I do like Life is Strange I personally don't think it has anything on Telltale (especially Tales from the Borderlands). (Also this should go into the "Telltale Talk" section since it's about all of Telltale and not just TWD games from them).
Have you seen the trailer for EPISODE 3!
The story is ALRIGHT??? Better than The Walking Dead Season 2!
(But I am referring to The Walking Dead they should step it up)
The choices and continuity that is what should step up!
Nope. I haven't played all the way through episode 2 yet. It's just not that interesting to me. I'll get through it eventually. I do think the choices system is a lot better though. It's definitely a lot more interactive. That's just not what I look for.
Exactly the problems of The Walking Dead no CONTINUITY or big impact on choices but Life Is Strange fullfills it!
May I ask where these big impacts are in the two episodes that have been released thus far? So far it's been the same as Telltale when it comes down to choices.
I don't look for big impact of choices. Those are nice, but I enjoy the story of Telltale far more than Life is Strange.
Eh... The Season 2 thing is debatable. It had its flaws but I enjoyed it overall.
I'm with you on that, story is what's most important to me as well.
Life Is Strange has alot to the story (Take note I am not comparing to Season 1, I am comparing to 2) far more than The Walking Dead!
And at the end the whole game revolves aroung CHOICES more than the STORY!
The voice acting is bad and the dialogues are written badly.The game's alright and the choices seem to have impact so far.
Why is the voice acting BAD?!
Actually, I'd say the voice acting is top notch, but opinions opinions...
I agree. People honestly seem to be letting this game get to their heads, it hasn't done all that much more than TWD has so far.
But hey, maybe it will by the end of it, which would be interesting to see
Life is strange is incredibly average for me so far, perhaps even below average.
Why just TWD? Do you believe Telltale's other choice games are better than it?