'A New Frontier': A Time Capsule of the S3 Waiting Thread; Head to the Ep 1 Waiting Thread for news



  • There are so many of them, I'm starting to have real trouble breathing.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    water puns are pretty popular around here. Yeah, you'd think they'd eventually evaporate into thin air.

  • edited May 2015

    Yeah as stated above i would love a mini-series perhaps a mini series dlc with 1 big episode for each part of the earth to show how they are doing in the zombie apocalypse it would not effect s3 in the long run but if its a good story and good characters and such im up for it they could call it maybe walking dead: infection or walking dead:earth's downfall as a mini-series that would not effect s3 but be a good dlc to hold us over

  • But you won't be able to play the game. :(

    i cant take this its taking so long i think ill die before the game comes out

  • Spoiler

    I don't recall them ever giving out their names. It was only because the guard wasn't doing her job properly (then again, who can turn down a young girl and a baby when you know there are thousands of walkers waiting for them to become their happy meals).

  • Is there gonna be a S2 DLC thread?

    Are we waiting for it to be announced and then make it?

  • There will probably be a E3 thread in TWD section that the mods will make around the time of E3, and when we get whatever the announcement is (probably DLC) we'll all hype it up and fill 15 pages in less than 5 minutes :]

    Can't wait

    Is there gonna be a S2 DLC thread? Are we waiting for it to be announced and then make it?

  • So I saw this being talked about out, and as an avid comic reader, I've deduced some possibilities:

    You can read that tweet, here are my ideas:

    • Abraham, Eugene, Rosita. If the DLC were to occur before they met Rick, it be perfectly snug in the canon.
    • Magna and her group before they left Richmond. Lots of possibilities there.
    • The Alpha chick

    Can't think of anyone else.

  • edited May 2015

    Sorry if I'm missing something big but how do you know he's not talking about Fables or another comic series? They are working with Marvel after all :P

    So I saw this being talked about out, and as an avid comic reader, I've deduced some possibilities: https://twitter.com/jobjstauffer/stat

    1. Cause there will never be a second season of TWAU :(
    2. Cause Blind put these thoughts in my head and that isn't till 2017.
    Green613 posted: »

    Sorry if I'm missing something big but how do you know he's not talking about Fables or another comic series? They are working with Marvel after all :P

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited May 2015

    What changed ? Why isn't it coming out this year?
    Because of those stupid Marvel and Mindcrap games? Every time I receive news like this , it brings me back to those games.

    Both of those games should be at the bottom of TellTate's to-do list.

    Alt text

  • No it's not because of Minecraft or Marvel, Minecraft has a separate team and Marvel is far off in the future. Maybe the reason it's taking longer is because there are 5 endings that have to be thought out, or to fix some of the complaints people have about Season 2 so that they don't happen in Season 3.

    Cope49 posted: »

    What changed ? Why isn't it coming out this year? Because of those stupid Marvel and Mindcrap games? Every time I receive news like this , it brings me back to those games. Both of those games should be at the bottom of TellTate's to-do list.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Could also be because of the possible DLC or whatever they're working on for TWD. Honestly, you really try to find a way to blame any game from Telltale you dislike when you think some thing's gone wrong.

    Cope49 posted: »

    What changed ? Why isn't it coming out this year? Because of those stupid Marvel and Mindcrap games? Every time I receive news like this , it brings me back to those games. Both of those games should be at the bottom of TellTate's to-do list.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    People are going to complain no matter what.

    No it's not because of Minecraft or Marvel, Minecraft has a separate team and Marvel is far off in the future. Maybe the reason it's taking

  • You don't say?

    Cope49 posted: »

    People are going to complain no matter what.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Telltale has gotten big enough to where they can have multiple teams working on different episodes. Marvel doesn't come until 2017, so it seems highly unlikely that it pushed back Walking Dead: Season 3 in any way considering that Season 3 is due before Marvel. "Mindcrap" only "delayed" Walking Dead: Season 3 in the same way that Game of Thrones or Borderlands did, which is to say, hardly if even at all. The existence of other games does not detract from Walking Dead in anyway, and even if it did, how is variety a bad thing?

    Telltale has given Walking Dead fans new content every year since 2012, with two seasons, a DLC episode for Season 1, an upcoming third Season, and upcoming DLC for Season 2 that is "bigger than 400 Days."

    • 2012 - Season 1
    • 2013 - 400 Days, Episode 1 of Season 2
    • 2014 - Episodes 2-5 of Season 2
    • 2015 - New Walking Dead content that is "bigger than 400 Days," possibly a multi-episode mini series going off of Job's teasers
    • 2016 - Season 3

    Most of Telltale's other series only get a single Season and no DLC. I think you'll live if Telltale only releases some DLC Episode(s) without premiering a new Walking Dead season this year. ;)

    Cope49 posted: »

    What changed ? Why isn't it coming out this year? Because of those stupid Marvel and Mindcrap games? Every time I receive news like this , it brings me back to those games. Both of those games should be at the bottom of TellTate's to-do list.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    Ha ha ....ha .
    I do say.

    Green613 posted: »

    You don't say?

  • But how's the rack?

    I rate that zombie.... strong six.

  • Have it be a spinoff, but one that leads into S3, possibly a character that meets Clem, or a completely new one and this DLC provides their backstory. I prefer the first option though, I can't imagine the series w/o Clem.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    My guess it's gonna be a spin-off miniseries. Maybe it can be a 10 buck 3 episode game? Not as substantial as TWD itself but you can kinda i

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    Alright. Understood.

    Telltale has gotten big enough to where they can have multiple teams working on different episodes. Marvel doesn't come until 2017, so it se

  • Yep, we're planning on making a separate thread for the new content a short while before E3. :)

    I'll probably make a Minecraft: Story Mode waiting thread around that time as well, as I imagine we could potentially get some info around then as well.

    Green613 posted: »

    There will probably be a E3 thread in TWD section that the mods will make around the time of E3, and when we get whatever the announcement is (probably DLC) we'll all hype it up and fill 15 pages in less than 5 minutes :] Can't wait

  • Fables, please, yes, give me :(

    Green613 posted: »

    Sorry if I'm missing something big but how do you know he's not talking about Fables or another comic series? They are working with Marvel after all :P

  • At first I kinda assumed he meant he was re-reading some Walking Dead comics to get hyped for the DLC (or possibly hint at some comic event/characters being loosely connected to the DLC story, like Glen/Hershel in Episode 1 of the first Season), but now that you point it out, it does seem at least kinda plausible he was perhaps referring to an entirely different comic on the side. I'm still primarily convinced he was referring to Walking Dead nevertheless, but I'll certainly keep this in mind as an alternative.

    Green613 posted: »

    Sorry if I'm missing something big but how do you know he's not talking about Fables or another comic series? They are working with Marvel after all :P

  • Yeah because of people like you.

    Cope49 posted: »

    People are going to complain no matter what.

  • Lmao.

    It was never coming out this year. They always said 2016 and news 2015.

    Cope49 posted: »

    What changed ? Why isn't it coming out this year? Because of those stupid Marvel and Mindcrap games? Every time I receive news like this , it brings me back to those games. Both of those games should be at the bottom of TellTate's to-do list.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    I don't what you are talking about Mr. Crocodile....

    Yeah because of people like you.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    No they didn't ...

    Lmao. It was never coming out this year. They always said 2016 and news 2015.

  • Actually yes they did. While I can't find where they said it was coming in 2016, it's actually on this thread that they said news in 2015.

    they mention that more Walking Dead Season 3 news will come in 2015

    Cope49 posted: »

    No they didn't ...

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Actually, Cope49 is right. They did say more news would come this year back in 2014, but back when we wrote that, they were much more vague and ambiguous about whether they were sure if the game would come out in 2015 or later.

    It actually was up in the air - at least for us - about whether or not the third Season would come this year. Even if Telltale was sure we would not get Season 3 this year back then, they didn't say much to directly imply that we would only get news this year up until Job recently confirmed the lack of Season 3 this year on Twitter a few days back.

    Actually yes they did. While I can't find where they said it was coming in 2016, it's actually on this thread that they said news in 2015. they mention that more Walking Dead Season 3 news will come in 2015

  • they were much more vague and ambiguous about whether they were sure if the game would come out in 2015 or later.

    Yeap! Correct me if I'm wrong, but last year in comic-con Telltale said ''it's not coming this year (2014)'' and when they were asked about S3 coming in 2015 they just said ''That would be not this year...''.

    Actually, Cope49 is right. They did say more news would come this year back in 2014, but back when we wrote that, they were much more vague

  • Exactly.

    Cope49 posted: »

    I don't what you are talking about Mr. Crocodile....

  • My mistake then.

    Actually, Cope49 is right. They did say more news would come this year back in 2014, but back when we wrote that, they were much more vague

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    Hmmm.....okay then..


  • Could you guys imagine that when we finally ask for season 3 in 2016, they say "its not coming this year".
    I wounder what would happen to this thread

    My mistake then.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It was actually at "PlayStation Experience" when they said that, if anyone wants to hear it skip to 31:40 in the video below where a fan asks about season 3.


    TheCatWolf posted: »

    they were much more vague and ambiguous about whether they were sure if the game would come out in 2015 or later. Yeap! Correct me i

  • Well... some guys will get angry, others will abandon this thread and the rest of the remaining fans will wait further for Season 3. I will, for example.

    NukeTheCola posted: »

    Could you guys imagine that when we finally ask for season 3 in 2016, they say "its not coming this year". I wounder what would happen to this thread

  • Has anyone here played Telltales GoT? what is the quality like compared to WD S1? http://www.technewstoday.com/23791-is-telltale-game-of-thrones-the-worst-production-from-the-developer/ not a great review

  • The other reviews for that game have been pretty good, and I think that one's just an outlier. All of Telltale's newer games are similar to Walking Dead, basically.

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    Has anyone here played Telltales GoT? what is the quality like compared to WD S1? http://www.technewstoday.com/23791-is-telltale-game-of-thrones-the-worst-production-from-the-developer/ not a great review

  • Actually I was talking about this video, around 1:00 :P


    OzzyUK posted: »

    It was actually at "PlayStation Experience" when they said that, if anyone wants to hear it skip to 31:40 in the video below where a fan asks about season 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5W0Ym0q6ck

  • that was seriously a wasted opportunity for the luke gif

    To re-clarify, no, TWD S3 is not starting in 2015. oh.....seriously......ok feels... fe-....can't breath....(gasp)

  • What?? Season 2 started in 2013?

    Where does the time go?

    Telltale has gotten big enough to where they can have multiple teams working on different episodes. Marvel doesn't come until 2017, so it se

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