Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Alt text

    You okay there buddy?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    when someone makes Rhyiona fanart

  • Oh my...

    Alt text

    What a wonderful and harmonious family you have!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Gortys: I know that! I'm a big girl already...First they yell at each other for an hour and after that they make those wet sounds..

  • That´s an admirable goal for her to have. :P

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Indeed again. (She fell asleep but I can still hear her saying: "I'm gonna make the best children's book in the whole world")

  • edited May 2015

    Indeed again.

    (She fell asleep but I can still hear her saying: "I'm gonna make the best children's book in the whole world")

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    And quality fanart at that! (She needs a rest. :P)

  • [Kiss Rhys]


    [Kiss Fiona]

    What character will we be playing in this glorious moment?

  • Both, duh.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    [Kiss Rhys] or [Kiss Fiona] What character will we be playing in this glorious moment?

  • Switching perspectives mid way? :^)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Both, duh.

  • Exactly! >:)

    Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Switching perspectives mid way? :^)

  • Petition for a kiss QTE.

    nohuhhuh posted: »


  • Watch, GoT will be a super surprise and come out Friday, so we all get out of the it must be Tuesday limbo

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    GoT trailer tomorrow which means the episode definitely comes out on the 26th... can we please get TftB the week after? Pretty please?

  • GoT trailer tomorrow which means the episode definitely comes out on the 26th... can we please get TftB the week after?

    Pretty please?

  • Then Tuesday could be for TftB, right?

    ...Right? :'(

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Watch, GoT will be a super surprise and come out Friday, so we all get out of the it must be Tuesday limbo

  • Tap Q to deepen the kiss.

  • Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Petition for a kiss QTE.

  • Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Then Tuesday could be for TftB, right? ...Right?

  • Press right or left to angle head.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh, I will tap it. So hard..

  • Oh, I will tap it. So hard..

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Tap Q to deepen the kiss.

  • Oh man oh god oh man..

    Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Press right or left to angle head.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Alt text
    See how much like is there.

  • (?) Rhys/Fiona will REALLY remember that.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh man oh god oh man..

  • telltale pls

    nohuhhuh posted: »


  • Alt text

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Once upon a time, in a far away land named Pandora, lived a princess named...Rhys. Around that castle, a big ugly and smelly dragon w

  • Looks like we are going to get some Tales news tomorrow as well! (A little at least) :D

  • I'm scared to get my hopes up for nothing. :'(

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Looks like we are going to get some Tales news tomorrow as well! (A little at least)

  • News tomorrow.

    Tomorrow has eight letters.

    The news are for episode three.

    8 - 3 = 5

    The same number of letters as Fiona.

    These Tales from the Borderlands news were confirmed by Telltale.

    Wait. Do you see it? The pattern?

    Both of them have the word Tale somewhere in their names. Tale has four letters.

    Rhys has four letters.

    Episode has seven letters. So does Rhyiona.

    Is this all just a big coincidence?


    Telltale planned this throughly.

    Rhyiona confirmed yet again...

  • So cute omg <3 and I love how you reply using Gortys xDD its so adorable

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Once upon a time, in a far away land named Pandora, lived a princess named...Rhys. Around that castle, a big ugly and smelly dragon w

  • I just wrote a fanfiction on this fucking tablet and one wrong swipe and bam. All gone.

    I have to rewrite everything.

    Yeah, this what just what I needed.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    News tomorrow. Tomorrow has eight letters. The news are for episode three. 8 - 3 = 5 The same number of letters as Fiona. The

  • It's Rhyiona's way of giving you a second chance, and perfecting any problems it had. It's all fate, and all these events connected together.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I just wrote a fanfiction on this fucking tablet and one wrong swipe and bam. All gone. I have to rewrite everything. Yeah, this what just what I needed.

  • Oh, uh... motivation, I guess. Getting right back on it. ;_;

    Green613 posted: »

    It's Rhyiona's way of giving you a second chance, and perfecting any problems it had. It's all fate, and all these events connected together.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Don't be sad GentleSweetWolf, everything will be alright.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, uh... motivation, I guess. Getting right back on it. ;_;

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I have 1 hour left, should I do a fanart?

  • If you want!

    Eryka posted: »

    I have 1 hour left, should I do a fanart?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Do this 1 like tells me too do it? :-P

    Eryka posted: »

    I have 1 hour left, should I do a fanart?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I promise nothing but I'll try!

    Eryka posted: »

    I have 1 hour left, should I do a fanart?

  • Rhys holding an apple as Fiona tries to shoot it out of his hand for shits and giggles.

    Eryka posted: »

    I promise nothing but I'll try!

  • edited May 2015

    For the most part, Fiona doesn't know what she feels or what she does.

    She sports a bored expression as he tells her of his day -- Hyperion was really never her thing -- but Rhys doesn't let such petty things get to him when he's genuinely involved in something and so he keeps going and she lets her mind wander, words falling into nothing as she studies him instead.

    It's as if there's a deafing silence once she stops paying attention and blocks him out and she welcomes the change.

    She lazily leans back against her chair, muscles appreciating the time to relax, and eyes scan over him almost as throughly as he could scan anything and anyone.

    She allows her eyes to follow his enthusiastic hand movements and only offers him nods when he pauses, waiting for her input. A simple answer, but one he seems satisfied with every time and she can roll with that. It´s endearingly comforting and she can't help but let her lips curve upwards but not without him noticing and his curiosity pikes.

    She doesn´t try to hide it, her restraint long gone, but he doesn´t let it go either.

    It´s funny, he thinks she´s making fun of him. Maybe she is; not of his story but of him. But not in the way he thinks and in a way she wants to keep for herself for the time being. So she hushes him and urges him to keep going, suspicion evident in his brows but he complies.

    Once against she´s lost in her own little world and his voice almost lulls her to sleep. She knows he can see her head drooping to the side and eyelids fighting to stay open but he keeps going, slight smile on his face that she just wants to feel to know if it´s as soft as it looks, and she feels a surge of affection she didn´t expect but probably should have.

    The table where they´re sitting rumbles under the weight of his tapping fingers, a habit he developed lately, and it only helps the drowsiness that´s getting to her, something akin to an intended melody from his part. And it hits her that she´s never felt so at home before.

    It hits her that she could probably deal with this happening many more times.

    It hits her that she probably wants that and she´s not sure if she should voice it.

    She probably shouldn´t.

    She knows she blacks out not too long after this, no longer able to fight sleep off, after spending a couple more minutes musing. looking at him, in her silent reverie. But she has a vague recollection of him standing up with a shake of his head she knows he doesn´t mean and moving somewhere out of sight; somewhere she doesn´t care about in the moment.

    But she cares when he comes back and she feels him lift her off the chair and drop her gently on the couch, adjusting her position before dropping something warm -- very, very warm -- across her body that pleasantly shielded her from the cold and she unconsciously snuggles with it, her state clouding her thoughts.

    But she´s perfectly conscious when she feels his lips brush against her forehead, featherlight but enough to be felt, and she knows she´d have cried out in surprise if she wasn´t so tired.

    But she is and it´s only a few seconds before she falls asleep, a meager blush still managing to settle itself on her cheeks.

    Maybe she doesn´t need to voice it, she thinks in the morning.

    Maybe he already knows.

    yeah I dunno what this is

    Buuuuuut I hope it was still decent.

    I´d like to thank my tablet for making me type this twice. Thanks, jerk.

  • I am attacking with internet soldiers! Behold the power of Rhysha! No copy and paste invooooolved!
    0 O __________________________________________________________
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    | | / O \ D O W N W I T H R H Y O N A! |
    / \ / \ O /| \ _______________________________________|
    /|\ |
    0 | / \
    / | \ / \
    / \

  • I thought we had a peace agreement?

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I am attacking with internet soldiers! Behold the power of Rhysha! No copy and paste invooooolved! 0 O ______________

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