Yes it does max is messing up time, someone is alive who shouldnt be that is messing up time. The point is even if all these events are nothing to do with max's power showing the dramatic effects of saving choles dad should make her realise she is messing with time and events purely for her own opinion and benefit
So tell me how is Chloe source of the problems? We saw the tornado before we even went to the bathroom and reversed time so that means that the tornado has nothing to do with our power.
I was happy for Chloe when the original photos changes to something nice, positive and happy. Even though I knew deep down that the change will have a consequence.
I need to talk about Chloe.
From Episode 1, we see that Chloe is a rebellious girl and a punk-queen. She's been sacked from Blackwell, ha… moreng with Frank the drug dealer, hook up with Rachel after Max left, and hating her stepdad, David. Along the gameplay, while interacting with Max, we learned that Chloe felt depressed and down after everyone left her; Max, her dad, William, and Rachel. She felt lonely and angry at everyone including her mother, Joyce. She hated David and doesn't even give a chance to tolerate.
When Max returns into her life, we can see that Chloe's happiness somehow begin to blossom back. Chloe was angry innitially, but she still feel greatful that Max had return. Then, we can decide how our choices that will affect her and her future outcome. Even we didn't sided a lot with her all the time, Chloe still chill and calm even mad at Max.
After finding out Rachel is hooking up with Frank, we can see Chloe confess that s… [view original content]
Yes I agree that we shouldnt save William, that was dumb. However we saw the tornado before we saved Chloe that means that those two things are not conected.
Yes it does max is messing up time, someone is alive who shouldnt be that is messing up time. The point is even if all these events are noth… moreing to do with max's power showing the dramatic effects of saving choles dad should make her realise she is messing with time and events purely for her own opinion and benefit
I was happy for Chloe when the original photos changes to something nice, positive and happy. Even though I knew deep down that the change will have a consequence.
Your not getting what I'm saying, even if (unlikely) these changes are nothing to do with max the point is the timeline is messed up if you save chole. The butterfly effect occurs saving her, the future is going to be changed for good with chole alive. What right does max have to condemn however many people to an alternate fate just to save chole?
In the original universe chloe dies, thats how it happened, change it and who knows what max is stopping/causing as a result. Its the whole debate of time travel changes at all, doing something good actually ends up bad
Yes I agree that we shouldnt save William, that was dumb. However we saw the tornado before we saved Chloe that means that those two things are not conected.
I'd like to see Max become vindictive and more vengeful if I'm honest. I'd like to see her fuck Nathan's shit up, kick in Victoria's teeth, put David on blast, and rip Frank a new asshole. There's too many dick's running around Arcadia Bay and with her powers, I really want to see Max grow strength and start really confronting all the abled body pricks.
The thing that pissed me off the most so far was seeing that "Get well" note outside Victoria's dorm. It really lit a fire under my ass, and I'd really like to screw her life up if I'm being serious.
We saw the tornado before we even went to the bathroom
Right, but Max's powers are time-based and ever-evolving and no one knows how exactly they function. Meaning they could come into play before they had chronologically even manifested properly. It's the same scenario as if a character meets their future self, before they even discover they can time travel, and doesn't understand what's going on. Seeing a vision from the future and being able to rewind into the past a few minutes are vastly different powers anyway.
So, what are the facts; Max has a dream about the tornado. She later realises it was a premonition. Maybe her subconscious was trying to warn her of the consequences of her future action in saving Chloe the only way it could. Hell, maybe 'Friday Max' has the power to send 'Monday Max' the vision, in an attempt to warn herself.
And technically Chloe isn't the 'source of the problems'. In a deterministic reality, she's the sacrificial lamb. Max is the source of the problems for preventing her death.
Plus by your logic "Whoniverse"
Calm your farm. There's no such thing as 'Whoniverse' logic. Doctor Who is too riddled with inconsistencies, plotholes, retconning and continuity issues for anyone to use the 'entire' show canon as evidence for anything. The fact that the reapers have never appeared again and Moffat would never go anywhere them is enough proof of that. I was just using the 'Reapers' episode storyline as an example of a recurring trope, nothing more.
So tell me how is Chloe source of the problems? We saw the tornado before we even went to the bathroom and reversed time so that means that … morethe tornado has nothing to do with our power.
Plus by your logic "Whoniverse" was doomed already in the Unearthly child becuase it was the Doctor who taught neandrthals how to use fire which means he altered the future and Reapers should destroy neandrthals in prehistory.
When Victoria first reacted harshly to Max I thought there might be an option to just slap her and rewind, so I'm sort of on the same page as you, but I don't think Max has that violent streak in her like Chloe. But who knows, maybe she'll have to step up in the next episode, because with everything looking so much better (save for Chloe), maybe Nathan is that much more of an asshole and takes even more advantage of people than he does now? In any case, it'll be an interesting series.
I'd like to see Max become vindictive and more vengeful if I'm honest. I'd like to see her fuck Nathan's shit up, kick in Victoria's teeth, … moreput David on blast, and rip Frank a new asshole. There's too many dick's running around Arcadia Bay and with her powers, I really want to see Max grow strength and start really confronting all the abled body pricks.
The thing that pissed me off the most so far was seeing that "Get well" note outside Victoria's dorm. It really lit a fire under my ass, and I'd really like to screw her life up if I'm being serious.
I want Max to be wrath incarnate.
The thing with Chloe and Max is they bring out the opposites of each other, Chloe brings out Max's inner rebel and confidence while Max brings out Chloe's softer and caring side.
I'm actually enjoying this series just as much as TWD.
When Victoria first reacted harshly to Max I thought there might be an option to just slap her and rewind, so I'm sort of on the same page a… mores you, but I don't think Max has that violent streak in her like Chloe. But who knows, maybe she'll have to step up in the next episode, because with everything looking so much better (save for Chloe), maybe Nathan is that much more of an asshole and takes even more advantage of people than he does now? In any case, it'll be an interesting series.
I'd like to see Max become vindictive and more vengeful if I'm honest. I'd like to see her fuck Nathan's shit up, kick in Victoria's teeth, … moreput David on blast, and rip Frank a new asshole. There's too many dick's running around Arcadia Bay and with her powers, I really want to see Max grow strength and start really confronting all the abled body pricks.
The thing that pissed me off the most so far was seeing that "Get well" note outside Victoria's dorm. It really lit a fire under my ass, and I'd really like to screw her life up if I'm being serious.
I want Max to be wrath incarnate.
And as long as we keep preventing that, the more the universe collapses.
Max caused the tornado by using her powers to save someone who shouldn't have been saved.
You see, this is just the thing I don't buy. How can the universe collapse if a person lives that is not supposed to live? How does that explain snowfall or an eclipse or a tornado? This is just over the top. I'd prefer another explaination, like another person or party that is meddling with time and space for a longer time in a more extrem way than Max, maybe since the foundation of Arcadia Bay or something. And Max has been given the powers to balance this out or make the behind-the-scenes powers stop. It has been hinted that "something's not right in Arcadia Bay" and it would be a let-down if this is resoluted by Chloe having to die.
From the movies/series you listed I've only seen Donnie Darko, and there I had a similar problem. Donnie didn't need to die in the end, because he is not the one that caused the "rift" or parallel universe. Same with Chloe, there is just no indication or reason that Chloe's existence has anything to do with the "wrongness" except some enigmatic higher power has chosen her or rather doomed her.
Oh wait, I've seen Final Destination too. But I rather not compare it with LiS. Final Destination was all about death getting his will and that turned out rather ... well, I don't want to say stupid, but really simple. There's Death and he wants people to die otherwise he riots. Hm.
That means we know what will happen in the toilet and simply can prevent it in another way by keeping her from going to the bathroom or taki… moreng Nathan Prescott out before he can do any harm. So we start a whole new timeline without ever having used the power and Chloe lives.
Well, now we're just getting into free will vs determinism.
If Chloe's death is deterministic and a fixed point, then even if we save her some way today, it just means she'll die another way tomorrow, by being hit by a train, for instance. And as long as we keep preventing that, the more the universe collapses.
But if Max is a variable with free-will, then it is possible for her to change the timeline by going back to before the first time she used her powers and saving Chloe. Thus turning most of the narrative into a severed, closed loop.
Problem is, we don't yet know whether Life is Strange is set in a 'free will' or 'determinism' existence.
So the qu… [view original content]
I'd like to see Max become vindictive and more vengeful if I'm honest. I'd like to see her fuck Nathan's shit up, kick in Victoria's teeth, … moreput David on blast, and rip Frank a new asshole. There's too many dick's running around Arcadia Bay and with her powers, I really want to see Max grow strength and start really confronting all the abled body pricks.
The thing that pissed me off the most so far was seeing that "Get well" note outside Victoria's dorm. It really lit a fire under my ass, and I'd really like to screw her life up if I'm being serious.
I want Max to be wrath incarnate.
So Dontnod is bouncing ideas around for a second season. They even said Life is Strange lip synch issue might be fixed for Season 2. I can't believe I'm just now finding out about this. This makes me hella happy.
In my main "canon" playthrough Max is on her phone which is awesome . No clue how it's decided which pic is on the phone though. I guess it depends how much you agree with Chloe or how nice you are to her. Me I almost always side with her. I left the closet and intervened with Chloe and David, I tried shooting Frank,I didn't answer Kate on the phone(I did save Kate though . The only thing I really didn't do was take the handicap fund money (nice foreshadowing there BTW lol)
I need to talk about Chloe.
From Episode 1, we see that Chloe is a rebellious girl and a punk-queen. She's been sacked from Blackwell, ha… moreng with Frank the drug dealer, hook up with Rachel after Max left, and hating her stepdad, David. Along the gameplay, while interacting with Max, we learned that Chloe felt depressed and down after everyone left her; Max, her dad, William, and Rachel. She felt lonely and angry at everyone including her mother, Joyce. She hated David and doesn't even give a chance to tolerate.
When Max returns into her life, we can see that Chloe's happiness somehow begin to blossom back. Chloe was angry innitially, but she still feel greatful that Max had return. Then, we can decide how our choices that will affect her and her future outcome. Even we didn't sided a lot with her all the time, Chloe still chill and calm even mad at Max.
After finding out Rachel is hooking up with Frank, we can see Chloe confess that s… [view original content]
Wtf do you mean it isn't fair? How does that say ANYTHING whatsoever about how we look at the disabled. If you ask any disabled person if they would prefer not to be, I can guarantee the answer would be yes.
I played Life is Strange and I really enjoyed it but there's something bugging me.
I do NOT ship Chloe and Max, and my biggest disappointment in this game is that it is pretty much forcing us into that. It would be nice if it gave us the option of Chloe or Warren, but Max gushes over Chloe and repeatedly makes comments that she doesn't want to address the fact that Warren likes her. I want her to get together with Warren, but even though I make choices to try to go in that direction, Max will make comments like, "I hope he realizes we're just going as friends." After 3 episodes of people telling Max about how Warren has a thing for her, she STILL asks "I wonder why he keeps this picture of us together in his locker," which to me was the very unrealistic and not giving Max/the player enough credit.
As far as Chloe, I enjoy her as a character, but not as a person, if that makes sense. She's a fun character who adds a nice facet to the game, but not a very good person. And the reason I DO NOT want her and Max together is because theirs seems to be a very unhealthy relationship. Chloe is controlling and emotionally abusive towards Max.
I know it's just a game, but it's disappointing to me because I overall really enjoy the game, but I feel like it really lost a great opportunity by not really allowing the player any kind of real choice in this matter. Despite giving the appearance otherwise, it very much pushes for you to go with Chloe. With each episode I keep hoping we might actually have a chance to get Max to develop feelings for Warren, but imagine my dismay when we never even got to see him in episode 3.
Emmmm well she actually is dissapointed to see Warren with stella so she MIGHT have feeling for him. And its possible that not kissing chloe leads to Warren being the main love interest. Also you can tell chloe is jealous of warren in ep 3 . So it could still happen.
I played Life is Strange and I really enjoyed it but there's something bugging me.
I do NOT ship Chloe and Max, and my biggest disappoint… morement in this game is that it is pretty much forcing us into that. It would be nice if it gave us the option of Chloe or Warren, but Max gushes over Chloe and repeatedly makes comments that she doesn't want to address the fact that Warren likes her. I want her to get together with Warren, but even though I make choices to try to go in that direction, Max will make comments like, "I hope he realizes we're just going as friends." After 3 episodes of people telling Max about how Warren has a thing for her, she STILL asks "I wonder why he keeps this picture of us together in his locker," which to me was the very unrealistic and not giving Max/the player enough credit.
As far as Chloe, I enjoy her as a character, but not as a person, if that makes sense. She's a fun character who adds a nice facet to the gam… [view original content]
So tell me how is Chloe source of the problems? We saw the tornado before we even went to the bathroom and reversed time so that means that the tornado has nothing to do with our power.
Why didn't she put me on her phone (( I intervened with David, Didn't try and shoot frank, took the handicapped fund, stood up for chloe at her house, Answered Kate. maybe its because I didn't shoot frank and answered Kate.
You know, after watching the ending multiple times I think a few things about the new universe...
First off, people's personalities might… more be different. Usually clothing in videogames shows a type of stable personality for characters, while it can change just because realism...It might be something big.
Max's bracelet in the NU (Normal Universe) is blue while it is red in the AU (Alternate Universe), Max's clothes are a lot more preppy. Nathan's NU red jacket is blue and he seems happier while Victoria also seems nicer and in white in the AU while preppy and dark in the NU. Stella's hoodie also changed. Chloe also totally changed because her personality changed...In the NU, she's really punk and rebelish while in the AU, we can guess she's calm and happy.
This might tell us stuff about Max and others in this new universe. Max might be the big bad guy and bully while everyone else is just calmer and happier. Hell, Kate might be dead because Max could've done what Victoria did.
Why didn't she put me on her phone (( I intervened with David, Didn't try and shoot frank, took the handicapped fund, stood up for chloe at her house, Answered Kate. maybe its because I didn't shoot frank and answered Kate.
You know, after watching the ending multiple times I think a few things about the new universe...
First off, people's personalities might be different. Usually clothing in videogames shows a type of stable personality for characters, while it can change just because realism...It might be something big.
Max's bracelet in the NU (Normal Universe) is blue while it is red in the AU (Alternate Universe), Max's clothes are a lot more preppy. Nathan's NU red jacket is blue and he seems happier while Victoria also seems nicer and in white in the AU while preppy and dark in the NU. Stella's hoodie also changed. Chloe also totally changed because her personality changed...In the NU, she's really punk and rebelish while in the AU, we can guess she's calm and happy.
This might tell us stuff about Max and others in this new universe. Max might be the big bad guy and bully while everyone else is just calmer and happier. Hell, Kate might be dead because Max could've done what Victoria did.
So It looks like Chloe gets into the car crash instead of William??
Yes it does max is messing up time, someone is alive who shouldnt be that is messing up time. The point is even if all these events are nothing to do with max's power showing the dramatic effects of saving choles dad should make her realise she is messing with time and events purely for her own opinion and benefit
I was happy for Chloe when the original photos changes to something nice, positive and happy. Even though I knew deep down that the change will have a consequence.
Yes I agree that we shouldnt save William, that was dumb. However we saw the tornado before we saved Chloe that means that those two things are not conected.
Every good things will have its consequences bruh...
Your not getting what I'm saying, even if (unlikely) these changes are nothing to do with max the point is the timeline is messed up if you save chole. The butterfly effect occurs saving her, the future is going to be changed for good with chole alive. What right does max have to condemn however many people to an alternate fate just to save chole?
In the original universe chloe dies, thats how it happened, change it and who knows what max is stopping/causing as a result. Its the whole debate of time travel changes at all, doing something good actually ends up bad
I'd like to see Max become vindictive and more vengeful if I'm honest. I'd like to see her fuck Nathan's shit up, kick in Victoria's teeth, put David on blast, and rip Frank a new asshole. There's too many dick's running around Arcadia Bay and with her powers, I really want to see Max grow strength and start really confronting all the abled body pricks.
The thing that pissed me off the most so far was seeing that "Get well" note outside Victoria's dorm. It really lit a fire under my ass, and I'd really like to screw her life up if I'm being serious.
I want Max to be wrath incarnate.
Right, but Max's powers are time-based and ever-evolving and no one knows how exactly they function. Meaning they could come into play before they had chronologically even manifested properly. It's the same scenario as if a character meets their future self, before they even discover they can time travel, and doesn't understand what's going on. Seeing a vision from the future and being able to rewind into the past a few minutes are vastly different powers anyway.
So, what are the facts; Max has a dream about the tornado. She later realises it was a premonition. Maybe her subconscious was trying to warn her of the consequences of her future action in saving Chloe the only way it could. Hell, maybe 'Friday Max' has the power to send 'Monday Max' the vision, in an attempt to warn herself.
And technically Chloe isn't the 'source of the problems'. In a deterministic reality, she's the sacrificial lamb. Max is the source of the problems for preventing her death.
Calm your farm. There's no such thing as 'Whoniverse' logic. Doctor Who is too riddled with inconsistencies, plotholes, retconning and continuity issues for anyone to use the 'entire' show canon as evidence for anything. The fact that the reapers have never appeared again and Moffat would never go anywhere them is enough proof of that. I was just using the 'Reapers' episode storyline as an example of a recurring trope, nothing more.
When Victoria first reacted harshly to Max I thought there might be an option to just slap her and rewind, so I'm sort of on the same page as you, but I don't think Max has that violent streak in her like Chloe. But who knows, maybe she'll have to step up in the next episode, because with everything looking so much better (save for Chloe), maybe Nathan is that much more of an asshole and takes even more advantage of people than he does now? In any case, it'll be an interesting series.
The thing with Chloe and Max is they bring out the opposites of each other, Chloe brings out Max's inner rebel and confidence while Max brings out Chloe's softer and caring side.
I'm actually enjoying this series just as much as TWD.
I'm with you on that. But I'd also like to see Chloe and Max take that 5 grand and drive off in the sunset, leaving Arcadia bay behind.
Huh. Thanks for your answer.
You see, this is just the thing I don't buy. How can the universe collapse if a person lives that is not supposed to live? How does that explain snowfall or an eclipse or a tornado? This is just over the top. I'd prefer another explaination, like another person or party that is meddling with time and space for a longer time in a more extrem way than Max, maybe since the foundation of Arcadia Bay or something. And Max has been given the powers to balance this out or make the behind-the-scenes powers stop. It has been hinted that "something's not right in Arcadia Bay" and it would be a let-down if this is resoluted by Chloe having to die.
From the movies/series you listed I've only seen Donnie Darko, and there I had a similar problem. Donnie didn't need to die in the end, because he is not the one that caused the "rift" or parallel universe. Same with Chloe, there is just no indication or reason that Chloe's existence has anything to do with the "wrongness" except some enigmatic higher power has chosen her or rather doomed her.
Oh wait, I've seen Final Destination too. But I rather not compare it with LiS. Final Destination was all about death getting his will and that turned out rather ... well, I don't want to say stupid, but really simple. There's Death and he wants people to die otherwise he riots. Hm.
@Mat_Den96 Upload the unused speech files on to YouTube. I wanna hear.
I'm uploading the speech files itself. I'm gonna put the link on this thread when its finish.
I would like to take people I care about, take RV and leave Arcadia Bay and let tornado to destroy it.
Eye for eye ... I like it.
Did anyone else hate walking around in Rachel's clothes listening to everyone's disappointment that you weren't her?
*slowly raises hand
So I'm curious, what picture was on Chloe's phone for you guys (if you even looked at her phone)?
What was Chloe's phone screen?
For me, she had Max on her phone.
I strangely never checked her phone the first time I played the episode, so I didn't know. So I went back and checked and I got Max on Chloe's phone!
For me, she had Rachel
In my main "canon" playthrough Max is on her phone which is awesome
. No clue how it's decided which pic is on the phone though. I guess it depends how much you agree with Chloe or how nice you are to her. Me I almost always side with her. I left the closet and intervened with Chloe and David, I tried shooting Frank,I didn't answer Kate on the phone(I did save Kate though
. The only thing I really didn't do was take the handicap fund money (nice foreshadowing there BTW lol)
Why go back if Chloe is happy now? Everyone hates to see her in a wheelchair but that just shows how we look at the disabled. I don't think it's fair.
Wtf do you mean it isn't fair? How does that say ANYTHING whatsoever about how we look at the disabled. If you ask any disabled person if they would prefer not to be, I can guarantee the answer would be yes.
I played Life is Strange and I really enjoyed it but there's something bugging me.
I do NOT ship Chloe and Max, and my biggest disappointment in this game is that it is pretty much forcing us into that. It would be nice if it gave us the option of Chloe or Warren, but Max gushes over Chloe and repeatedly makes comments that she doesn't want to address the fact that Warren likes her. I want her to get together with Warren, but even though I make choices to try to go in that direction, Max will make comments like, "I hope he realizes we're just going as friends." After 3 episodes of people telling Max about how Warren has a thing for her, she STILL asks "I wonder why he keeps this picture of us together in his locker," which to me was the very unrealistic and not giving Max/the player enough credit.
As far as Chloe, I enjoy her as a character, but not as a person, if that makes sense. She's a fun character who adds a nice facet to the game, but not a very good person. And the reason I DO NOT want her and Max together is because theirs seems to be a very unhealthy relationship. Chloe is controlling and emotionally abusive towards Max.
I know it's just a game, but it's disappointing to me because I overall really enjoy the game, but I feel like it really lost a great opportunity by not really allowing the player any kind of real choice in this matter. Despite giving the appearance otherwise, it very much pushes for you to go with Chloe. With each episode I keep hoping we might actually have a chance to get Max to develop feelings for Warren, but imagine my dismay when we never even got to see him in episode 3.
Emmmm well she actually is dissapointed to see Warren with stella so she MIGHT have feeling for him. And its possible that not kissing chloe leads to Warren being the main love interest. Also you can tell chloe is jealous of warren in ep 3 . So it could still happen.
Just when I thought everything was going to be okay...
All of these events are because we're messing with time. Also read all the past comments on how Chloe's the problem.
Chloe is definitely either a closeted lesbian or bi. Here are the hints:
Referring to Rachel as "her angel"
Chloe says "You could have made a move on me" to Max at the diner
Asking about Warren (she feels insecure about him and Max)
The kiss scene (pretty sure she pulled away either because she's closeted or her love for Rachel)
I certainly hope not.
I'm thinking it's the Frank thing, Chloe makes a big deal out of it.
You know, after watching the ending multiple times I think a few things about the new universe...
First off, people's personalities might be different. Usually clothing in videogames shows a type of stable personality for characters, while it can change just because realism...It might be something big.
Max's bracelet in the NU (Normal Universe) is blue while it is red in the AU (Alternate Universe), Max's clothes are a lot more preppy. Nathan's NU red jacket is blue and he seems happier while Victoria also seems nicer and in white in the AU while preppy and dark in the NU. Stella's hoodie also changed. Chloe also totally changed because her personality changed...In the NU, she's really punk and rebelish while in the AU, we can guess she's calm and happy.
This might tell us stuff about Max and others in this new universe. Max might be the big bad guy and bully while everyone else is just calmer and happier. Hell, Kate might be dead because Max could've done what Victoria did.
Another reason to hate this AU.
She makes a big deal out of the Kate's thing either. It's probably because of those two things.
She also carries condoms in her wallet
Yeah but Chloe does text you about the Frank thing later and really praises it.