What did Clem learn from Kenny as a guardian?



  • [removed]

    Shhh. you're going to get people started with him.

  • Wait so if Kenny does something we think is immoral, we have to blame the writers rather than him? We can't blame him for doing something bad?

    What? I assume, you mean that you can blame Kenny, because he's a living thing inside a game.. Right?

    Blame the writers? Do we have to blame, say, Shakespeare for Othello being a killer? How's that even an argument?

    Say what??!! I didn't actually mean "The writers are immoral". I was being sarcastic.

    What I mean is, those are characters whom's personality is decided by whoever written them.

    Don't you understand yet?!?

    I'm a fan of Kenny.. Jane fans: I'm also a fan of Jane. Lee fans: I'm also a fan of lee, christa, clem, ect. Don't hate on such top

  • I get your point, but we discuss the story, not the writer. It's common sense, ain't it? That's why it's OK to blame, praise, or even hate things.

    Wait so if Kenny does something we think is immoral, we have to blame the writers rather than him? We can't blame him for doing something ba

  • She learnt how to go bat shit crazy & how to whale on women & kids.

    The moment he murdered Jane for no bloody reason & showed no remorse over doing so ( infact he made it look as if she had it coming ) really disgusts me.

    I hope zombie Alvin, Luk & Jane gang up on him & have their revenge.

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