Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • ooo, so good :D

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    WOlfy~ I'm really uncreative soo.... @ABigBadWolf

  • The real episode will definitely cheer you up.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Thanks man. It was horrible, the worst dream I ever had in my life !

  • Thanks man. It was horrible, the worst dream I ever had in my life !

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    There, there, it was only a terrible nightmare.

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    Sounds promising.

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Lots of alone times. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Lots of alone times. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Rocketship blast offs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Yeah, I was planning on posting this before I saw Julie's fanfic which was about twice as awesome as mine. It nearly scared me off but then I thought "Oh what the hell".

    Omg yeah I did continue it! I never even thought of it that way, but it's actually kinda cute :).

    I might write more, all these comments are really encouraging.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    What? another fanfic today! This thread is spoiling me! You really nailed Fionas character in this one. And it's cool that you continued ABigBadWolfs fanfic. Please write more!

  • Yeah it's better not to think this as a competition. Both you and Julie made amazing job and they, two fanfictions is always better than just one. :D

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Yeah, I was planning on posting this before I saw Julie's fanfic which was about twice as awesome as mine. It nearly scared me off but then

  • You are aware that dreams tends to be true? HEHEHEHE!....but it would still suck even with Rhysha confirmend an hour long episode would litteraly make me go berserk

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So I actually had a dream last night that episode 3 came out. But it was a nightmare! It was only an hour long and it confirmed Rhysha. When I woke up I felt like I had to clean my mind out. >_<

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    Maneater thou

  • that gif makes me have conflicted feelings

  • Maneater thou

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Sounds promising. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Uh oh, not ship wars! I thought there was a peace argeement or something xD

    Leluch123 posted: »

    You are aware that dreams tends to be true? HEHEHEHE!....but it would still suck even with Rhysha confirmend an hour long episode would litteraly make me go berserk

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    Leluch123 posted: »

    You are aware that dreams tends to be true? HEHEHEHE!....but it would still suck even with Rhysha confirmend an hour long episode would litteraly make me go berserk

  • Oh come on that was just a tease XD,besides the boredom is getting to me...sigh...

    Uh oh, not ship wars! I thought there was a peace argeement or something xD

  • Nah it's fine xD I wasn't offened anyway

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Oh come on that was just a tease XD,besides the boredom is getting to me...sigh...

  • If dreams came true that would mean Episode 3 would be out though :(

    Leluch123 posted: »

    You are aware that dreams tends to be true? HEHEHEHE!....but it would still suck even with Rhysha confirmend an hour long episode would litteraly make me go berserk

  • If it´s not J2 we riot.

    Seriously though, it´s only fair. :|

    Leluch123 posted: »

    At some point it will...I give it ten more days we'll get a trailer at M26 and ep at J2 it will be simial to the last time just reversed when Got came week after TfB

  • edited May 2015

    He's staring and it makes her feel awkward.

    There's probably no real reason -- she knows he's not scanning her because his eye is normal -- but she still can't push away the nagging feeling on the pit of her stomach. It's not even the first time he's dared to do this and her patience is starting to wear thin.

    It's possible he knows it aggravates her mood and he's taking advantage of it for his own amusent but Rhys looks so out of it that she scratches the possibility off the list almost as soon as it pops up into her mind.

    He probably wouldn't dare risk getting punched again either. The last time is still fresh in her mind and she almost chuckles before remembering her current dilemma.

    He's concentrating hard on her face and she shuffles in her seat awkwardly. A sad attempt at a cold glance in his direction doesn´t help and she frowns, turning her back to him instead.

    'Stare at my hat, idiot.'

    She can feel he does, to her dismay. The loud clank of the metal chair he´s sitting in indicates he´s not lost in his own world anymore, however, and she prepares herself for whatever´s coming.

    But nothing does because Rhys just walks around her and, trying to act as casual as he can, sits on the opposite end of where she´s now facing and resumes his staring.

    This is crossing a line.

    Fiona can barely believe how stupid he´s being.

    It´s time to take action or this is probably going to end up very badly for both of them. More so for him but she´s proud to admit she still has a heart. Maybe she shouldn´t.

    She stomps over to him, heels clicking loudly and aggressively on the ground, and he snaps out of it just in time to focus on her words and not her face. She bangs her fist on the table a little too hard to get her point across (her mind is screaming in pain but she bites it back because damn it, her pride is on the line) and her knuckles turn white. He jumps a bit in his seat, darting his eyes from her hand to her and waves with a shaking hand.


    "Hey? That´s all you have to say to me?"

    She´s fuming and she probably looks like it because Rhys doesn´t seem too inclined to talk so she changes tactic almost too quickly. There was never harm in being a little manipulative when you need something, she´d grown by this rule.

    "Listen," her voice changing radically to a sweet, fake tone that even she wanted to gag at, "I´m just worried about you. You´ve been staring and staring... I´m just wondering if you need help."

    Fingers clumsily try to steady himself from slipping off the edge of the chair and she can see him visibly gulp, not all that convinced at her act and she wonder if she´s losing her touch.

    "I know this is all a big load of baloney," he pokes his index fingers together and she rolls her eyes because now he´s avoiding looking at her, "and I just can´t tell you."

    "Listen here," she drops the act altogether, "it´s something to do with me so I have the right to know."

    "You do," he admits with a weak nod, "I´m just a little wimp."

    "That you are." Fiona shrugs nonchalantly and he bits his lip -- probably to stop himself from throwing a lame comeback at her -- then laying his head on his hand. "But you are aware I´m not going to drop this, right?"

    "When do you ever drop anything?" He asks dryly, tracing random pattern on the table with his free hand.


    A sigh escapes his mouth and he leans back in a small stretch, his arms around his head. Suddenly, her head feels naked and she realises he snagged her hat in one swift motion and placed it on his own head. Amid her irritation, she has to laugh. It´s far too small for his head and it´s dropping down his head, almost covering his eyes. He grins timidly, trying to fix it to no avail.

    "Why´d you do that?" She forgets their problem for a minute and he doesn´t look quite as uneasy anymore.

    "I guess I just wanted to know what it´s like to be you, I guess."

    She raises a curious brow, having expected something along the lines of how fun it was to tease her. Doing a double take, she wonders what he really means by that.

    "Why do I have a feeling this isn´t just about my hat?"

    "Maybe it´s not."

    A cryptic answer isn´t good enough for her now that he´s piked her curiosity again and she decides he´s not getting off the hook so easily this time.


    It´s not a request, it´s a demand and he seems to understand this quickly. True to her thoughts earlier. he doesn´t seem to want to test her and so he lets the hat cover his eyes without fighting back now and replies.

    "You just manage to say stuff to people´s faces, you know? I wish I could do the same but I always chicken out at everything."

    "From all the bragging you´ve done I´d think you got pretty far before the little janitor incident."

    A snort comes from him but it´s not one of scorn and it sounds almost forced.

    "Yeah, by backstabbing people because I can never say or do things straight to someone´s face. Sometimes I can´t do them at all."

    It makes sense, she guesses, and Fiona feels a little bit proud that he´s looking up to her and openly admitting it now but she feels like something´s still missing from this whole story.

    "Okay, I´ll take that." She nods curtly. "But do you really need to stare at me all the time? What gives?"

    He shifts in his seat, the hat dropping on his lap and he curses under his breath. She can see why; he´s blushing vividly and she´d probably feel embarrassed in his stead. Without a comment, she grabs her hat back and places it back on her head and he doesn´t try to stop her. The damage has been done.

    "If you liked someone would you straight up tell them?"

    He´s still refusing to look at her and says this in such a low voice that she could have missed it. But she doesn´t and the puzzle starts coming together in her mind, pieces slowly clicking. She can´t help that her pulse accelerates or that her heart is starting to beat a little too hard against her ribcage but she keeps her voice as steady as she can when she answers, the mask of calm disguising her internal turmoil.

    "...No, I wouldn´t."

    He seems taken aback and she wonders if he´s feeling worse than she is at the moment because she has to steady herself, hand on the wall, so she doesn´t fall. She feels dizzy but she still manages to notice that he´s finally looking back at her. He doesn´t look any less flushed than before but he looks different; the expression on his face isn´t miserable anymore.

    "I thought you would. That´s why I didn´t -- "

    "I wouldn´t." She cuts him off, repeating firmly.

    "Then I didn´t lose my chance?"

    So this is what it was building up to and Fiona´s pretty sure she hasn´t been this distressed in ages, far too used to being nervous, but she comes back with a bold statement that surprises even herself.

    "If I´m not brave enough, someone has to be."

    This is more than enough to coax him out of his spot and he gets up impossibly fast. The arms that circle around her are a strange feeling but not an unwelcome one and the next thing she knows is that she´s pressed against the wall and he´s kissing her.

    It´s clumsy and sloppy and he makes it seem like he´s been holding back for a while. He probably has.

    But he´s putting everything into it and she doesn´t think she could ask for more.

    So she kisses back.

    forgive me for my sins

    also forgive tablet typos, thank ;-;

  • At some point it will...I give it ten more days we'll get a trailer at M26 and ep at J2 it will be simial to the last time just reversed when Got came week after TfB

    Poogers555 posted: »

    If dreams came true that would mean Episode 3 would be out though

  • Yeah our riot would surely show TT

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    If it´s not J2 we riot. Seriously though, it´s only fair.

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    Leluch123 posted: »

    Yeah our riot would surely show TT

  • Wow, this is just... wow, I have no words.

    I love their dialouge, how you concentrate on their reactions and actions. Perfect!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He's staring and it makes her feel awkward. There's probably no real reason -- she knows he's not scanning her because his eye is normal

  • Thank you, I´m really glad you enjoyed it!

    I don´t know whose POV I like writing more but I just find Fiona easier for some reason.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Wow, this is just... wow, I have no words. I love their dialouge, how you concentrate on their reactions and actions. Perfect!

  • Posting in this thread like

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  • Huh, that's interesting, I always assumed that men more often write male characters because they're easier to relate to... But now that I think about it it was kind of close minded of me.

    And you picture Fiona's character very good... Nah, both of them!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Thank you, I´m really glad you enjoyed it! I don´t know whose POV I like writing more but I just find Fiona easier for some reason.

  • edited May 2015

    Yeah, we all got serious things to do but when we do have a break it´s just like

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    the best way to spend free time

    buntingsir posted: »

    Man, I've had such a busy day, but coming here always brings smile on my face.

  • Well, it´s an easy thing to think, don´t worry about it. :)

    I just picture Fiona as the more outspoken of the two and she´s really flexible to work with for me.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Huh, that's interesting, I always assumed that men more often write male characters because they're easier to relate to... But now that I th

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    Man, I've had such a busy day, but coming here always brings smile on my face.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Posting in this thread like

  • Yeah, she's a con artist afterall.

    I hope we'll get more of her character in the next episodes. At this moment it feels like Rhys steals most of the show.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, it´s an easy thing to think, don´t worry about it. I just picture Fiona as the more outspoken of the two and she´s really flexible to work with for me.

  • Yeah, I think that´s due to the little problem with HJ inside his head and whatnot. But I hope we do get more Fiona, I really love her character.

    At least neither of them are getting the Asher treatment...

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yeah, she's a con artist afterall. I hope we'll get more of her character in the next episodes. At this moment it feels like Rhys steals most of the show.

  • Oh, I can´t wait for that. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Those audio files made the wait even more unbearable.

    I hope the trailer isn´t being tricky. I really like Asher, I feel like he deserves more. What I don´t like is the fight with Beshka. :|

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yes, that's a relief. And considering what Poogs found Rhys and Fiona will have some time together alone. rubs hands And it seems that in the Ep 4 Asher will have more screen time. There's gonna be Daenerys so...

  • Yes, that's a relief. And considering what Poogs found Rhys and Fiona will have some time together alone. rubs hands

    And it seems that in the Ep 4 Asher will have more screen time. There's gonna be Daenerys so...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah, I think that´s due to the little problem with HJ inside his head and whatnot. But I hope we do get more Fiona, I really love her character. At least neither of them are getting the Asher treatment...

  • So, anyone wanna talk about ep 5's achievements at all? .-.

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  • It could be determinant and won't have any major consequences... I don't know, it looks to me like a payback for choosing Asher's uncle (forgot the name) over her back in Ep 3.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, I can´t wait for that. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Those audio files made the wait even more unbearable. I hope the trailer isn´t being tricky. I really like Asher, I feel like he deserves more. What I don´t like is the fight with Beshka.

  • This is for youuu Poogs! (I don't know how to tag people)

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    I don't know what happened to the background color in that last panel..

    Oh well.. Now I go to chop a hand from that last comic I drew..

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  • A maze of Twisty Passages, All aiike: Obviously someone is going to separate Rhys and Fiona and they´re going to have to find each other again.

    Unforseen Consequences: ...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Pregnancy.

    Give And Take (Mostly Take): u no wat this is

    Definition of Insanity: They´ll drive each other crazy, duh. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Time´s A Wastin´:: Why waste time on plot when they got love to share.

    What´s It Worth?: Someone´s trying to sell their baby on ebay and they gotta stop them.

    Tales Twice Told: It ends with them telling their ebay baby their life story, including telling a story inside a story so you can story while you story.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So, anyone wanna talk about ep 5's achievements at all? .-.

  • Its, Its, perfect!

    And just so you know, to tag someone, you just need to go @(Person'sName) For example, @Poogers555

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    This is for youuu Poogs! (I don't know how to tag people) I don't know what happened to the background color in that last panel.. Oh well.. Now I go to chop a hand from that last comic I drew..

  • Oh, if that´s the case then I´m good because I saved her and not him. :P

    buntingsir posted: »

    It could be determinant and won't have any major consequences... I don't know, it looks to me like a payback for choosing Asher's uncle (forgot the name) over her back in Ep 3.

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