I can not stand when people say...
They will not buy Season 3 if Clementine isn't in it. I've seen them across the forums and it's getting tiresome. I'm not talking about people who want Clementine in Season 3, just the people who will pass up the entire game just because she isn't in it which fortunately is more likely than not seeing as how TTG has said there will be a new direction for S3. TTG can't please everyone and there exist people who don't want her as the protagonist. I'm not bashing people who do want her to stay PC just this "No Clem, No buy" nonsense. If she is I'd get I'd get it and hope for the best if she isn't I'd buy it instantly.
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Well think of it this way, those people have already invested not only their emotions, but their time, and money on 2 seasons of Clementine, seeing her just be thrown away (I'm talking about her be thrown away entirely, not her only not being the protagonist) would feel like a complete waste IMO. I personally will buy S3 either way, but I think going with Clem for it would be the best choice Telltale could make.
I love Clementine and I'd be pissed if they just threw her out of the game entirely. I've spent three years with her character and it would be a waste of my time if she was just removed entirely.
I am a "No Clem, No buy" person, and I feel this way because it has been her for 2 awesome seasons. Clem is my favorite character and her story is everything to me. To start over with a new pc/story would not gauge my interest. I would be hugely disappointed if they just decided to drop everything(everything being the 5 cliffhanger endings). Clem is a great character and there are a lot of different directions they can take her story.
I won't buy S3 if she's not in it simply because, what's the point in getting invested in a story/character if we never see their ending? Also where does it end? Every 2 seasons we just start over? That makes no sense imo.
While I can understand the love for Clem (I'm invested in her character, as well), people take it far too seriously, going as far as to say they'll boycott TT if Clementine isn't involved in some way.
It also means Telltale is backed into a corner as far as TWD goes, they can't move forward and onto a new storyline out of fear that they'll lose 80% of their sales from fans who prefer Clem, but also losing sales from the people wanting to see a new story.
I just don't understand why people feel the need to boycott the entire game. There are people who don't want to play as her. What are TTG going to say to those people? You don't wanna play as Clementine? You want a new story? Too bad.
People act so immature. If they don't get everything they want they'll act like children and whine
Exactly that. Clem is TWDG imo, without her their just making an entirely new game. They should call it TWD part II season 1.
Bless you for saying this, I agree completely.
Not a good idea imo, it's a subtle way of telling a part of their fan base to fuck off. I liked 400 Days and Clementine wasn't really a thought at all when shown to all the good characters it had. I'm also one of those people who were against the idea of Clementine as the PC from the get go. TTG also said there would be a new direction which sounds to me like something different. I'm not against her intertwining with another story but really everything in the plot surrounding her makes other characters seem obscure imo.
Well, that's kinda how it goes. Expectations need to be met, and if they're not, then the person simply won't buy it. Why is anyone going to buy something that they don't want, just because the previous titles were great? I think GiantKiller has a great reason as to why he wouldn't purchase the game. Do I feel the same? Nah. I'm buying it because Telltale games are awesome.
Money is money, no matter how little it is. If I really want something and it's not exactly what I want (or very close to it), I'm not gonna buy it.
It is rather silly, but if they feel compelled to swear off S3 if Clem is not in it, so be it. I'm sure Telltale won't get hurt from this loss. I guess it's only when a shit storm starts kicking up over this reason is when the community will be fighting each other.
Shame too, I would feel a little down if someone passed on a Telltale game over Clem not showing up.
Well giving me the awesomeness of S1 and S2 Clem's, killing all the people she cared about, shooting her, giving her a tough choice, and a baby. Then to just throw that all away would be a *blatant way of telling me to fuck off.
We obviously have differing opinions. I honestly think S1 and S2 are pretty high up in my best game ranking, and I just want them to continue strong. Rather than start from scratch.
I would buy Season 3 regardless, but I would less likely be invested as I was if Clem isn't in it AT ALL. (Clem being a PC or NPC is fine)
I think the "boycott Telltale!1!!one" thing is absurd but I myself am not getting it if she's not there.
She's a huge part of my emotional investment in the game. If I know I won't fully enjoy it, I won't waste my money, simple as.
What matters is how the characters play out and see how the choices give an effect. If not, no point at all, Clementine or not.
I do think Clem should be the protagonist, or at least somewhat involved in Season 3, since we've invested so much time in her character it would be foolish to cast her out of the story entirely, but I have to agree that the "No Clem no buy" stuff does get ridiculous, and this is coming from someone who used to be one of those people. No matter what happens, I will buy S3 regardless, because Telltale has proven that they make awesome games, no matter what it is, if they can get me to like Game of Thrones, Telltale can get me to like anything (maybe even Minecraft). I won't lie when I say I will be more invested in the game if Clementine is in it, but her not being in it won't stop me from getting Season 3. I get where these people come from, like I said, I used to be one of those people, but some take it way too far.
But none of those characters amounted to anything. Only Bonnie was instrumental in the second season, and she was the worst character of the 400 days lot. Actually i found the 400 days DLC mostly a waste of $4.99.
I could have got into stories with some of the cast but, they never developed them, just like they haven't really developed anyone else that we came into contact with in season 2 except for Clem herself, and effing Kenny of course. Which doesn't give me a whole lot of hope for future developments with anyone but Clem...so?
Agreed however not everything revolved around Clementine. I felt like every character in Season 2 despite Clementine, Jane and Kenny only existed to develop those characters. I had no idea who they were through out the season and tbh I didn't really care
Doesn't matter to me, people still play the game even tho Lee is dead so.
Here's the thing. For me, characters are the most important thing in a piece of fiction. Whether that be a show, movie, game, book, whatever. Sometimes games are an exception to this, because of the gameplay element, but in games like TWD, it still stands. Personally, I am invested in Clementine more so than TWDG as a whole. That's just how it happened for me, and I know a lot of people feel the same. So if Clem is no longer the pc in S3, then my interest goes down to nil. I'm just not interested in starting over from scratch in TWDG, at this point. (I'm actually hoping for Clem to become the Rick Grimes of the gameverse, really.) Boycotting Telltale? That's a little extreme, but if people are that passionate about Clem, let them. They can do what they like. I would personally never boycott Telltale entirely, they're my favorite game developer at the moment. And I'm not saying I'll never play S3 if Clem is not the pc, but it will change S3's priority to me drastically. From "jump on it the day ep1 is released" to "put it on a list of games to play eventually." And I have every right to feel that way. I'm not obligated to buy a game just because it's made by a company that I like.
Different strokes for different folks. I understand the mindset of the "No Clem No Buy" camp even if I completely disagree with it. We've all invested a lot of time into Clementine's story, and that either has you craving for more, or craving to move onto something else. Me personally, I'm completely burnt out on her character. In my mind its time to move onto something else... the walking dead world is too large and full of potential for us to have tunnel vision on one little kid.
And people will argue that Clementine is to TWDG, what Rick is to the Comic/Show... Difference is, Rick has an actual cast to play off of. Even if you're not a Rick fan, they're are plenty of other characters and sub-plots you can invest your time into. And that's really my biggest problem with Clem. Its either her or nothing, and the more I think about it the more I start to resent it. I can live with her being a part of the story but can we please add some more depth to the storyline? Some more important characters maybe?
Though I would like to see develop into new layers of characteristics after her rather disappointing presentation in Season 2, I wouldn't mind if Clementine is no longer the protagonist and resume her supporting role again, or even if she doesn't make another appearance again.
I don't really like the idea of a story that revolves around just one character, because it make the rest of the cast expendable and gives us no reason to invest any time in caring or understanding them. This was probably why Season 2 failed in some aspect, the entire cast aside from Clementine and AJ (as well as Kenny/Jane/Edith) only exist to die, since they don't make any impact on Clementine's development whatsoever since Season 2 meant to be told from her perspective, and hers alone.
I agree. The reason Clementine failed as a protagonist was because she made the group she was with look like a bunch of useless dimwits who were never that interesting to begin with. I think other characters need time to shine instead of being buried by two characters one who shouldn't even have been in Season 2 (Kenny)
I personally could care less about who is the PC in the game, i just want the game to come out.
Clementine has always been a boring character IMO. Her dialogue is tasteless.
I do like Clem, i just would rather have an interesting PC leading forward in the franchise, and that could very well be Clementine the writing for her character just needs to improve.
I really hope Clementine won't be part of the games anymore. This mascot status she's sliding into won't work well in the long run. They tried to show us the apocalypse through the eyes of a child. It didn't work out. Don't try to rectify this by rehashing this child protagonist stuff for season 3, TT, just move on. There's so many more stories to tell.
This !!
This game is named TWD & NOT 'The adventures of Clem'. There's so many stories to be told.
I would like it if get to dive into the lives of someone from 400 days or someone new entirely.
Personally I don't care who the protagonist is so long as the plot is good. I'll play as a gosh darn monkey so long as the story is good enough to make me reflect about the material I just witnessed.
Did you regurgitate the bananas?
Did you fling shit at people?
Did you hoot to distract the walkers from devouring the zookeeper?
Did you let Dave the zookeeper be devoured?
Some people may actually want Clem to be in Season 3, and probably just wouldn't enjoy it as much if she was gone. No need to get upset about it; they just wouldn't waste their money on Season 3 because they won't enjoy it. It's simple. They don't like it, they don't buy it.
For example, let's say there's a really good game series out there, and a person has been following a specific character for a couple of years. They've seen them develop, change, and get attached to them. All of a sudden, the next game comes out and the person gets word that the company removed the main character completely. The person doesn't buy the next game because they don't want to waste their money on something they probably won't enjoy. They'll watch someone else play it, and if it looks good, they'll get it for themselves.
I agree that some people go over-the-line with it, but it's just as bad as people complaining about the extreme Clem fans. It's 50-50.
I will buy the S3 regardless but for me at least I would like to see the continued path of clem but if telltale feels there's no more to grow on then thats it let her make a cameo in a couple seasons then she makes a huge comeback.
I do think Clem should be involved in one way or another. I wouldn't mind if she wasn't a protagonist but I would like to see her as a NPC at least. The whole game series has basically been her story. She has been with us from the start of the apocalypse and we have watched her grow, helped her grow and survive. She's basically our protege. I'd find it a pretty weird design choice to completely ditch Clementine in S3. It would... break the story progression. Also, S2 had several different endings. I bet most of us want to see how our choice will play out. If they just decided to forget about her, it would feel like a cheap cop out to me.
There needs to be something to tie S3 to previous seasons or I would feel a bit... disconnected. Though that doesn't necessarily need to be Clementine, I'd personally like to see her again. That doesn't mean she has to be the playable character, nor is it a requirement for me in order to get the season. I just wish to see how her story progresses after our S2 ending.
hey u posted a puke gif on my comment? so matured dude. u must be very educated by ur parents.
I was educated in school like several kids in the U.S and your lack of capitalization tells me another story. And "Clem is love, Clem is life" is kinda nasty to picture a child we've raised as a daughter for two seasons in a sexual type scenario.
I didn't quite like the idea of playing as Clementine in Season 2 back when it was announced, but I got used to it and enjoyed the game nevertheless. It's a matter of habit. And cutting a character both seasons are built around would obviously be a bad move.
I'm not a "no Clem, no buy" person, but Clementine was their original idea from day one....so I feel like TT TWD is Clementine's story.
Now, I'll probably play it either way cuz I'm a Walking Dead-aholic, but again, I feel as though it is Clementine's story and that there's much more that we can do with her character. Given Clementine's age, there are many more potential seasons for players to develop Clementine...and for TT to really hone their skills with player choice truly affecting the outcome of the story
Let people make their own choices. So what if they won't buy the game if Clementine's not in it? It shouldn't affect you in the slightest.
Honestly, I knew that season 2 was going to be god awful from the moment i heard Clementine was going to be the protagonist, though some people may argue that the only difference is the appearance and characteristics of each protagonist. Though to me, a protagonist is a character you can understand and in some sort of way relate to easily and well, kind of let that character become a part of you. Clementine was the exact opposite for me for numerous reasons, she felt completely detached from me and she went from that silly and fearful girl to someone completely emotionless. Even Duck would have been a better pick than her.