So that was satisfying!
Firstly I don't know how many people decided to persist in beating the hell out of Gryff but I'm preeeeeeetty sure I made him blind! Very enjoyable indeed!
Also anyone else choose the option to attack when at the meal? However fleetingly it may have lasted it was quite nice seeing that axe bury itself in Ludds skull...
Sadistic I know but they're not the loveliest family are they?
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Yup, I think he's blind if you persist. He says 'I can't... I can't fuckin see...' as he's being taken away.
Ludd won't be happy.
I also chose [Attack] first and found that satisfying but when everyone died i thought "oh crap" but thankfully it was a non canon death :P
Axe bury itself in Ludds skull? What have I missed? I choosed not to attack so he was still alive when I left, does he actually die or just sustain an injury? And does Rodrik survive if you kill Ludd? :S
If you attack, Ludd gets killed, but then Rodrik and everyone else gets immediately shot down and it results in a game over
It's quite funny actually. After Duncan/Royland throws the axe at Ludd he dies instantly. Then a Whitehill stabs Duncan/Royland through the heart, instantly killing them. The Whitehills then fire crossbow bolts from above, which Rodrik dodges. Lady Forrester gets shot in the lung and falls. Rodrik his hit 3 times in the chest and falls to the ground, looks at a dying Lady Forrester and says 'Mother...' and slowly bleeds out and dies.
And then you get a game over screen and start again.
I loved beating up Gryff, but then I felt kinda sad looking at the Whitehill painting with Gwyn saying everyone was mean to him except for his father
Oh man I loved beating up Gryff, I was like:
I did feel bad about him getting bullied by everyone, but that doesn't give him a right to act like an asshole to everyone else. was the Forrester version of the Red Wedding? AWESOME
I know, right? When I saw Ludd die I thought I made such a great short-term choice, but then I saw Royland die and I got all sad because at that point I wasn't sure whether it was non-canon or not... It took Rodrik finally getting killed for me to realize it all.
I enjoyed beating him up, but I stopped after four hits (stupid mother and her insisting, what good has it ever done for me). And I also chose the attack option, it felt good for about a second, until everyone died and Telltale shit on my hopes with that.
I beat the shit outta Gryff, stopped after Rodrik slammed his eye with his walking stick. I felt that that was enough, especially as Gryff was apparently blinded in one eye. Plus I pulled that trick on him that Royland showed me earlier which was cool. Fucker deserved it though.
I did feel slightly bad after learning he had a shit life, but I look out for my people and the way he was brutalizing the Maester was the final straw.
It was great until the highpoint meeting. For the first time in the series i considered the real possibility of a Forrester-Whitehill alliance. I will replay and not beat him up.
I truly feel the Whitehills will for whatever reason abandon the Boltons and along with the Forresters support Stannis.
Yeah, when I got to Highpoint and saw the painting, I was sitting here going "Geeze... I kind of wish I hadn't maimed him now..."
Plus, once I saw that knife by Ryon's eye when Ludd had him, the whole "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" thing started playing out in my head...
Axe? Oh is that how the attack goes if you don't bring Arthur and his men? If you do bring them you give the order to attack and Ludd he gets shot straight in the throat. Course almost instantly after that Arthur takes an arrow straight through his eye and everyone succumbs to an arrow shot from one side or the other...
And then the game over screen took a little too long to pop up so you're just sat there like "well this is going fuck up most of my plans"
I felt like I beat Gryff enough by refusing to submit to him, and he ended up humiliating himself by throwing a tantrum like that. There was no need to treat him like he treated us.
It looked like Rodrik gouged Gryff's eye out with his cane :L I don't think he's coming back from that.
In my main playthrough I always try to have Rodrik treat Gryff as a sort of humorous annoyance rather than a tangible threat/hate figure. So while I did stand up to him in Episode 3, I decided to let him go here. Besides, knocking him down with the Royland method was way funnier.
Play them both as the same time.
I know....
Except in this version, their "Walder Frey" dies too, which makes this more awesome.
I was giggling like a little school girl as I beat the ever living crap out of him.
I stopped when Lady Forrester insisted as well, I felt justified when Talia asked Rodrick how he knew when to stop and He replies "I knew that wasn't the kind of lord I wanted to be"
Also he didn't physically maim him when he dragged Rodrick through the mud, he just humiliated him. Just in case tables turned once again I don't want the reply to be as severe.
Its entertaining to hear what happens if you try to attack, I knew it'd be bad so I didn't think to try. I called Ludds bluff and made the deal
Awesome. David Morrissey, who also plays the Governor in AMC's The Walking Dead (who loses an eye), sings a song that syncs up rather well with Gryff who might lose that eye? I see what you did there.
I saved my mercy for the "We're done here." option. I'm sorry, but that little prick deserved every whack.
At least until Asher comes back with Dany.
"I know we were supporting Stannis' claim but this girl has dragons so all other arguments are invalid."
But Dany hates the Starks and therefore the North where as Stannis is offering them immediate help and is the claimant their loved lord Eddard supported and died for.
Also i don't think Ashur will get much out of Dany in the end except maybe a ship back home.
I know it was supposed to be a reverse of roles type of thing since he beat me down so harshly in the previous episode but I couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy. I nearly killed a poor, very mentally damaged kid
I wish I showed mercy.
Asher comes back with Dany? You want to take how many years?
The thing is this game hit you on the nerves a lot. So when you can finally loosen this tension...
I didn't hit Gryff at all. Of course, he's an arrogant prick, but Rodrik is a true Lord, his father's son. Gryff wouldn't have shown such mercy to the Forresters, but Rodrik is not like him. When the time comes, I will gladly chop his head off. But there's no need to mutilate pathetic and unarmed kid.
Glad to see some of you are as bad a person as I!
Wow, The Governor has some nice moves.
After all the misery, indignity and general frustration of the previous episodes, I took a gleeful pleasure in beating Gryff until his eye popped. I just hope Ludd won't do an 'eye for an eye' on Ryon, but that only occurred to me later, I was too caught up in the moment.
I actually didn't see what I did there. I just used the song because I have this thing where I post this song when a character I hate gets killed or beat up. And It's fits because it's like Rodrik didn't want to stop hitting him.
But you know, remember when we hoped for this to happen? There's another song that David Morrissey sings that fits.
Its CONFIRMED! Telltale reads our predictions! Remember when everyone wanted the option [Hit Gryff with a Walking Stick].
i do remember his last stare of pure anger when guards drags them to the dungeon. and he made it with both of his eyes, one's just badly bruised around the eyeball
I couldn't beat Gryff up too much.
I gave him some bruises, but I stopped midway. Maiming him would have been overdoing it.
Being bullied by his brothers doesn't justify what he has done.
Except Gryff deserve it and Ludd wouldn't risk his son's life. So there's no downside to the beating.
If you believe that, then you haven't been paying attention. Ludd obviously has no intention of making peace with the Forresters and this is Game of Thrones, there are no peaceful solutions.
More importantly, Gryff earned that beating.