Its kinda sad what this forum has come down too



  • One man's sadness is another one's happiness.

  • We have an amazing story with compelling characters and a mysterious plot... and people on this forum instead focus so much of their time on bloody ships.

    I don't like it.

  • edited May 2015

    Just jealous you ain't the creator of that thread :^]

  • It is kind of sad. I like shipping people as much as the next guy, but this has just gotten dumb. Still better than alot of Walking Dead ships lol.

  • I know right? Ok, maybe a little rant here but, we've done a great job over these last few months keeping it to the 2 threads we have already. Like, this keeps things fresh and we've gotten tons of people to join up in the forum through this. Sorry to anyone, but hearing the same damn theory 20 times over is NOT fun or fresh, it just isn't.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Whats wrong with shipping characters? Its not like we're forcing others to do it. We dont harm the threads at all so... tell me whats wrong with it?

  • Whats wrong with shipping characters? Its not like we're forcing others to do it. We dont harm the threads at all so... tell me whats wrong with it?

  • Man, it's kinda gotten old for me. I avoid those threads like the plague, and watch from a distance as the rest of the forums are still as a fuckin' graveyard.

    There just isn't much substance in those threads, or at least not anything I'd be interested in. It's just hey guys chek out my sik fanfick.... this song rly fits rhyionaugn... omg chek out wat i drew in ms paint...

    It had some novelty to it, and I have a ship here and there I guess, but GOD DAMN. Are we ever gonna talk about anything else?

    Green613 posted: »

    I know right? Ok, maybe a little rant here but, we've done a great job over these last few months keeping it to the 2 threads we have alread

  • I don't see whats so wrong with people shipping here mostly, there's still discussion threads ocassionally and there's pretty much only two shipping threads which are completly optional and no one's forcing you to go. Also it really isn't that surprising theres more shipping than serious talk, epsiodes take so much time to be released and with only two episodes into this series, almost everything possible to talk about had already been discussed to death, it doesn't hurt to let people on this forum have other ways to kill time while waiting for episodes.

  • It's just hey guys chek out my sik fanfick.... this song rly fits rhyionaugn... omg chek out wat i drew in ms paint...

    You'd be surprised at some of the amazing things people have created, not only do we have some fantastic writers in there, but there are also REALLY good artists in there, who have created pretty amazing art. Either way though, it's completely optional to go in there, and it's only 2 out of, what ten threads that appear on the main page? And after time, there's only so much you can talk about the episodes over and over till it just gets bland. There's a reason why those 2 are some of the most active threads on the forum, and why many discussion posts aren't (because they've been done to death already).

    Piggs posted: »

    Man, it's kinda gotten old for me. I avoid those threads like the plague, and watch from a distance as the rest of the forums are still as a

  • Well what else are you supposed to do when everything else we have to talk about has been done so to death and the wait times have been 3-4 months per episode.

    We have an amazing story with compelling characters and a mysterious plot... and people on this forum instead focus so much of their time on bloody ships. I don't like it.

  • It's all in good fun, there's nothing else to talk about since it's been done to death, and it prevents me from going insane, or at least more insane then I already am.

  • How many notifications do you have lol

    Green613 posted: »

    Just jealous you ain't the creator of that thread :^]

  • I only come to the Borderlands section for those shipping threads.

    They're 10/10.

  • It's optional, sure, but it's sucked the life out of the rest of the forum. I hardly see any new topics or interesting theories, but I'll see 10 new posts in the shipping threads every day. Even with the longass waits, there were still a few substantial discussions in the Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us forums..

    Green613 posted: »

    It's just hey guys chek out my sik fanfick.... this song rly fits rhyionaugn... omg chek out wat i drew in ms paint... You'd be surp

  • <3 <3 <3

    I only come to the Borderlands section for those shipping threads. They're 10/10.

  • More than all of the forum users (excluding mods due to release date threads) combined.

    How many notifications do you have lol

  • but it's sucked the life out of the rest of the forum

    Nah, that's how the forum is always after an episode is released lol.

    Piggs posted: »

    It's optional, sure, but it's sucked the life out of the rest of the forum. I hardly see any new topics or interesting theories, but I'll se

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator

    l agree. We need a new thread discussing how great Loader Bot is.

    Alt text

  • I don't think it's the shippers sucking the life out of the forum by posting too much. It's just that the non-shippers aren't posting as often cause at this point they've exhausted all other conversation topics. So the shipping threads stand out more. Shipping can keep a fandom going strong during hiatus, it's a good thing.

    Piggs posted: »

    It's optional, sure, but it's sucked the life out of the rest of the forum. I hardly see any new topics or interesting theories, but I'll se

  • I don't agree with the "Shipping threads are unneeded for the forums" deal, but a thread for the awesomeness that is Loader Bot is granted an A+ in my opinion.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    l agree. We need a new thread discussing how great Loader Bot is.

  • edited May 2015

    its...its true cries in spanish

    Green613 posted: »

    Just jealous you ain't the creator of that thread :^]

  • Shipping is definitely not serious stuff, so as the fanfics and fanart. But for me, it is a good painkiller to alleviate at least 2 months of the long wait with only tiny bit of news so far. I personally find this wait worse than the last one since we almost don't have any concrete news after such a long time. The shipping threads are good places for unleashing imaginations, exchanging ideas and keeping people excited. By the way, it is perfectly okay for people to dislike them since everyone has their own interests.

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator

    l was kidding. I don't mind shipping threads at all!

    Syberian posted: »

    I don't agree with the "Shipping threads are unneeded for the forums" deal, but a thread for the awesomeness that is Loader Bot is granted an A+ in my opinion.

  • Implying that shipping hasn't been done to death LOL

    Well what else are you supposed to do when everything else we have to talk about has been done so to death and the wait times have been 3-4 months per episode.

  • Not really. Not like there is anything else to talk about.

  • It's been a lot worse on this subforum, honestly.

    Green613 posted: »

    but it's sucked the life out of the rest of the forum Nah, that's how the forum is always after an episode is released lol.

  • Ships helped people get imaginative. They inspire people to make their own story, isnt that one of the goals of telltale games? To make your own story? We are just making our own stories that arent just about "omg they kissed then they sexed then birth then omg more sex" theres story to it. Fanfics are pretty entertaining in my opinion and people work hard on them.

    Ghosthack posted: »

    I don't think it's the shippers sucking the life out of the forum by posting too much. It's just that the non-shippers aren't posting as oft

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited May 2015

    You're right . The character shipping needs to's lame ,sad ,and quite childish ...
    And not just in video games . Films/Tv shows also.

  • No, not really.

  • You don't like it because nobody ships you, Wallethead.

    [I'm just teasing don't kill me]

    We have an amazing story with compelling characters and a mysterious plot... and people on this forum instead focus so much of their time on bloody ships. I don't like it.

  • edited May 2015

    Hey. Come on, dude. It's not like the users who ship have invaded the entire forum. They're just threads (2 to be exact) like any other.

    The way I see it. It's not just a part of the forum that a portion of the community can escape to when there's a lack of news (And there has been a SERIOUS lack of it), but it's also a place where everyone can share their talents, albeit with their designs, their drawings or their story writing based on their favorite characters.

    I've also met a lot of great people in these shipping threads. It further emphasizes just how great of a community this really is, and it's amazed me that these threads have managed to bring in so much more great people, including all of the great artists that put in tons of effort, just to see the pure pleasure and enjoyment it brings to others.

    So if you don't like the shipping threads, then that's fine. I respect your opinion. But calling these threads "sad" is a little insulting to everyone who contributes to them.

    Rant over. Hope you have a pleasant evening.

  • Honestly, even if I wasn't in any of these shipping threads, I wouldn't have a problem with them as long as they were still the minority of the threads (which they are).

    I do not understand the people who think others are wasting their time creating things for their enjoyment and the enjoyment of their own little community. Neither of the main ships are harmful - they're not Cluke or Ethan x Talia levels of disturbing, so I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to have fun. It's not like the people in those threads only talk about ships or don't contribute to other meaningful discussion, and people in not in those threads don't have to talk about ships if they don't want to.

  • although i love rhys and fiona.. maybe thats why i dont come here as i used to.. i love the community here, but lack of content is what i think its is... i would love to discuss actual content.. :(

  • i would love to discuss actual content.. :(

    Not to put you on blast or anything, but I don't get this. Again, ship threads are 2 out of 10 that show on the main page, 20%. And I don't recall anyone saying "hurr durr stop discuzing cuz ships r the onle thing 2 discus", because we aren't saying that, the only people that stopped the discussion is the community itself, they're the ones that run them, they should be the one continuing them, and again 2 ship threads does not contribute to peoples motivation to make new threads and new discussion. Again, I'm not calling you out personally, just adressing why saying you want to "discuss actual content" has nothing to do with the ship threads.

    Mercyva posted: »

    although i love rhys and fiona.. maybe thats why i dont come here as i used to.. i love the community here, but lack of content is what i think its is... i would love to discuss actual content..

  • fkn fight me m8

    Alt text

    Implying that shipping hasn't been done to death LOL

  • Same here :3

    I only come to the Borderlands section for those shipping threads. They're 10/10.

  • Final destination my nigga

    fkn fight me m8

  • edited May 2015

    I just wish that people would focus on more things over than shipping. I mean, the characters seem to HATE one another at the end, and there's been little to suggest that they even like each other in /that/ way. I just wish the threads were more than just this. It's a comedy game, with so much to theorize and discuss. I have to say that I'm glad that they've kept it to certain threads, though. Sure, they're kept to these (2?) threads, but all the other non-shipping threads are pretty dead.

  • edited May 2015

    It's a comedy game, with so much to theorize and discuss

    I'm all for discussion and talking about the characters, but all we could discuss we already discussed several times in the first month after the release. And all the other "non-shipping threads" are pretty dead because we have nothing to discuss anymore, it's been too long and we simply need ep3. It's not really a shippers' fault they still can create something on their own and entertain themselves.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I just wish that people would focus on more things over than shipping. I mean, the characters seem to HATE one another at the end, and there

  • I'll never understand why some people feel the need to make others feel bad for genuinely enjoying something that's harmless. You (general you, not specifically you) may not like it. You may think it's silly or stupid, but... why does that matter? No one is forcing you to participate in shipping, they're keeping it in their respective threads, and it's no one's fault that both shippers and non-shippers have run out of other content to talk about. That's just an unfortunate side effect of a long wait between episodes. And the fact that it inspires people to create art and stories is, in my mind, a positive thing :D

    Honestly, this is what I think of every time people try to bring others down just for liking something that doesn't cater to their tastes.

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    Just let people like what they like.

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