4.Royland came with me to Highpoint / The soldiers stayed at Ironrath
5.I killed Beskha's master
Every time I play a new episode I end up rewinding most of the stuff because I didn't like my choices, but with this episode I think I like my decisions
So does anyone know if you can mess up in the final meereen part? Can the guards start the fire?
Also I know there is a game over but can… more you mess up at the whitehills can ryan get hurt
Also what does eleana do if you didnt win her trust and what does ryon do if you dont kiss the ring? Do they act any different
* Brought Finn along
* Showed mercy to Gryff, though I did beat him a little
* Kept Sera's secret
* Brought Glenmore soldiers to Highpoint
* Let Beskha kill her master
I brought Finn along. Finn proved to be a true brother by coming to my defense, and so far he hasn't let me down.
I showed mercy to Gryff. Used the neat trick Royland taught me on him, hit him three times and spit on him. That was more than enough for him to get the point and I needed him in one piece for Ryon.
I kept Sera'a secret. I am by no means a fan of Sera, but she proved very useful for helping to sneak me in and keeping Margaery from finding me. Plus, I overheard her telling Margaery not to replace me. Ensuring she gets her marriage is the least I could do.
I told the Glenmores to stay at Ironrath. If things were to go wrong, I'd want all good men at Ironrath ready to protect Talia and what remains to keep fighting in my stead. I also named Talia "lord".
I stopped Beshka from killing the slave master. As much as I was all for Beshka getting her righteous revenge and I do consider her family, I gotta look at the bigger picture here. But I'm also hoping that maybe in the next episode I get the chance to mention to Danaerys Beshka's situation and ask she be allowed to be the one to deliver justice to her former slave master personally. However, if it turns out Danaerys screws me over, I'll gladly go back and let Beshka pulverize him.
I brought Finn (he added the strength I needed and leaving him behind could mean that he snitches)
I showed mercy to Gryff (I wanted to hurt him badly but I wasn't prepared to suffer the consequences that may follow)
I kept Sera's secret (she had just helped me into the coronation although we aren't on the best of terms and it will keep Sera's confidence in Mira)
I left the soldiers in Ironrath (I thought that Ironrath needed to be protected while I was away since Ludd is raising an army + I left Royland too b/c going to Highpoint requires diplomacy not war)
I let Beshka kill the slave master (doing so allowed her to regain focus)
I brought Finn along with me. I knew I could rely on him the moment he stood up for me. And I'm glad I did when he assisted me in the fight with the Wildlings. Sometimes it does pay off to be a nice guy.
I kissed Elaena. How could I not? Those two kids are nuts for each other.
I showed Gryff Mercy. I smacked him around three times, and when Rodrik held up his cane the way he did, I thought it meant killing him. And I didn't want to go that far. As much as he deserves it. But using him to trade for Ryon was even better, and it (sort of) worked.
I kept Sera's secret from Tarwick. I swore to her I wouldn't tell and I meant it.
I brought the Glenmore army with me to Highpoint. I didn't trust Ludd to not break the "guest right" rule.
I brought Duncan with me to Highpoint. He is my sentinel after all, and negotiations is his department.
I let the Wildling go. It was literally shooting someone in the back. I wouldn't do that to someone defenseless.
I stopped Beshka from killing her former master. Khaleesi said to follow Croft's orders, or she wouldn't give me an army. I couldn't risk losing that. But, I just know I've made a hypocrite out of Asher for that.
I told Ramsay to get away from Talia. That's what Ethan did, but this time, I'll make sure it doesn't end the same way as before.
I showed mercy to Gryff (I did spit on him though).
I told Sera's secret to Lord Tarwick (He could already sense that something was up with her, so I thought I might get a little more information from him if I told him her secret. One cool thing for me in this episode is that after I told her secret, I went and eavesdropped on Margeary and Sera, and Sera was going on about how I would never betray her. Made me feel a little evil).
I ordered the Glenmore soldiers to stay at Ironrath (My priority is keeping the house alive, so I wanted to keep it protected. I also kept Ser Royland there since he could probably hold the place if something did happen, which I expected would).
I let Beskhah kill the Slave Master (I ran out of time with this one, so I hope Daenerys doesn't end up giving me the army House Forrester needs).
I brought Finn - I didn't want him to rat me out. Besides, for some odd reason, I trust him
I did not maim Gryff - This one kinda isn't my fault. I wasn't really paying attention, so when Lady Forrester shouted Rodrick's name, I panicked and backed out. However, I don't regret it. It would've gotten me no where, and I watched a version where Gryff was maimed.... it was brutal
I kept Sera's secret - She's my friend and she helped me more times than she should've. If you didn't keep Sera's secret, shame on you (I doubt the choice matters anyway)
I brought the soldiers with me - I WANT RYON BACK. He's worth more to me than anyone else. Besides, Ironwrath has villagers and stuff... they could all rally together and fight back. Besides, there IS an army at Ironwrath, and even if it is small, it's SOMETHING. I wasn't going to let Rodrick go in unprotected (PS: talk about the heart attack I had when I walked into Lord Whitehill's Hall and saw all the guards with crossbows....)
I didn't let Beshka kill her master - I regret this one a lot. I should've let her because it seems that, no matter what, I get the same outcome. However, I wanted that army to go home and save the Forresters (if you haven't noticed by now, I put a lot of emphasis on the Forrester family and I don't really care about anyone else... oops)
"Kept the Glenmore soldiers at Ironrath, I didn't want to enrage Whitehill, but a lot of good that did as it looks like those archers were slaughtered and Ramsay Bolton pretty much just fucking moonwalked in anyway."
Brought Finn along. Dunno why I wouldn't at this point in time.
Showed mercy to Gryff, but I did sock him twice and do that sweep the le… moreg thingy that Royland showed me. No point in butchering people, it's not the lord I'm looking to be.
Kept Sera's secret from Lord Tarwick. He probably knows I'm bullshitting, but she did head Margaery off at the pass and did a girl a solid.
Kept the Glenmore soldiers at Ironrath, I didn't want to enrage Whitehill, but a lot of good that did as it looks like those archers were slaughtered and Ramsay Bolton pretty much just fucking moonwalked in anyway.
Stopped Beskha from killing the slave master. Wanted to stick to the plan, but again it looks like judging from the teaser from the next episode it doesn't seem like that mattered either.
I brought Finn along. I'm guessing that he's probably a really annoying guy if he's not on your side, but he's really been 100% with me ever since that initial incident with Cotter and the stolen knife. He vouched for me when Gared was being accused of murder, even though he didn't actually see what happened. He seems like he's probably a pretty good fighter, and he seems to be loyal, so I didn't really have a reason to not let him come.
I didn't touch Gryff, other than when I initially fought with him before the Glenmore soldiers came in to help. I wanted to, but I was trying to play it safe considering Ryon's situation.
I kept Sera's secret. She's had my back, it would have been pretty terrible of me to sell her secret out like that.
I brought the Glenmore soldiers with me to Highpoint. Sort of had the Red Wedding on my mind.. if it were up to me I wouldn't have gone at all.
I let Beshka kill her master. I stayed silent during the situation, though in hindsight I probably should have stopped her.
I brought Finn along: I have no idea why anyone wouldn't. He's been vouching for me and can fight. Can't really see this decision backfiring.
Showed Gryff "mercy": I didn't want Ludd to hurt Ryon. I did punch him three times and then spit on him though. It was satisfying as HELL. I felt a little bad for him when Gwyn told Rodrik he was bullied, but not really that bad. Humiliating him was enough for me.
Kept Sera's secret: I don't trust Sera completely as I feel she might be a spy of Cersei somehow, but at least she's had my back up until now with Margaery. Plus, it's not like I know Lord Tarwick well enough to want to protect his honor anyways.
Brought the Glenmore soldiers with me to Highpoint: I figured that leaving Ser Royland and what soldiers we did have was suffice to protect Ironrath, but then I considered what we learned from Mira's story about Lord Whitehill assembling an army and regretted it. I felt a lot better having them with me when I got to Highpoint, though, those crossbows made me uneasy. Then we got back to Ironrath and I saw Ramsay and regretted it again. This was without a doubt the most difficult decision.
Let Beskha kill her master: Beskha has been good to Asher for years and that guy messed up her life. In this case, I felt that the justice did belong to her. Khaleesi has been all raging and hostile to Asher anyways. I doubt Telltale will give us a chance to justify this to Daenerys and the outcome seems to have been the same regardless, so I don't regret this choice.
Account Choices
Brought Duncan, my Sentinel, to Highpoint: I wanted Royland to stay behind to defend Ironrath.
Kissed Elaena: because duh
Did not kill the wildling food thief: eh, there wasn't much food left anyways, and I didn't want the repercussions.
Revealed Andros's betrayal to get Lyman to talk: Had I known there was another way to get him to talk, I would have preferred that. I might consider replaying that and using another method, but I don't know if it's worth it for a seemingly minor choice.
Don't regret anything, even tho I have to admit I was very close to revealing Sera's secret because for some reason I have a really bad feeling about Lord Tarwick and I don't think it's good to be on his shit list. Hm.
I brought Finn along (I started liking that guy and he defended me)
I maimed Gryff (He deserved it for not being friendly with other house's important members)
I kept Sera's secret from Lor Tarwick (Sera already changed her last name and can fool anyone with Mira's help)
I ordered the Glenmore soldiers to come to highpoint (needed to show that a**hole that I have an alliance)
I allowed Beskha to kill the slave master (she was a slave of his so it was fair for her to kill him)
other choices:
I brought Royland to the highpoint (Not my sentinel, I thought he could help me if I'd need to fight but later I realised maybe I should of left him to protect Ironrath)
I kissed Elaena (duuuh)
I didn't kill the wildling food thief (ehhh)
I used sympathy to make Lyman talk (I didn't know there was another way lol)
I figure Dany would forgive Beshka once she knew that Beshka was a former slave.
This Dany seems irritating in other ways, too. She is very condescending to Asher, saying how little she cares about his lowly Westerosi house. Doesn't she realize that good cred with Asher (one of the few Westerosi she's met) could go a long way? For all she knows, the Forresters have as much strength as the Hightowers, Royces, or Karstarks, just to name a few not-insignificant families. Why would she risk letting Asher go home in defeat, spreading the word that the Dragon Queen doesn't give a shit about the Westerosi people, only the Iron Throne itself.
Brought Finn along. Probably wouldn't have if he hadn't stood up to Frostfinger for me, but he did and was in trouble for it. He wants to de… moresert alongside me, let him. Besides, having a big tough guy like Finn could come in handy on the other side of the Wall- even as a meatbag.
Didn't maim Gryff. That would be against the Rodrik I'm roleplaying, who is far too proud and honorable to beat a guy held by two other men. Mess Gryff up in a fair fight- I'm all up for it But I'm not going down to his level by beating up people who can't fight back.
I kept Sera's secret. As far as I care, that's on her, not me. Truth will out eventually, if they do get married, and if she does want to marry a man based on a lie, who am I to stop her? Her lies, her responsibility. I just wish there was an option to tell a smarter lie, which would have been retelling what Sera supposedly told ME about her family, as opposed to pretending that I've met her. In th… [view original content]
Did not maim Gryff (I think...only punched him twice). Not that I didn't want to, I just felt that it would come back and bite me in the arse if I did. I did feel bad for him when I heard he was bullied, but come on... you can't come into my place and act like you own it and expect me to be all submissive.
Kept Sera's secret although I wasn't sure that was a smart move. I feel like he's bound to find out that she doesn't have a family.
Brought the Endmore soldiers to Highpoint. Can't go unarmed.
I brought Finn (he's probably doomed but it'll be entertaining at least)
Maimed Gryff (who's ruined now, Gryff?!?!?)
Told Tarwick the truth about Sera (just because she was nice and helpful this episode doesn't mean I forgot how much of a bitch she was before and he'd find out anyway so...)
Left the soldiers at Ironrath (with Royland, my sentinel... I only brought Duncan with me to Highpoint because I didn't trust him to raise hell back home if anyone tried anything while I was gone since he's like a hippie but apparently it didn't matter anyway O:)
I let Beskha kill her former master (even though I knew it'd piss Dany off... oh well.)
Sure they make you feel bad about maiming Gryff. But don't forget he was beating the SHIT out of the maester. He beat the shit out of you … moreand he pushes talia to the ground and makes fun of Ethans death. He's a little bitch fourthborn who needed to be taught a lesson. (I do feel a little bad for him obviously....but my family comes first!)
Brought Finn - I admit, initial fighting aside, I really like Finn as a character and was pleasantly surprised when he vouched for me. He's still a bit of a bastard, but definitely a brother I trust.
Showed Gryff "mercy" - Oh I freely admit I was so tempted to give Gryff a brief history of pain with the back of my hand, but chose not to. As I told Talia later: "That isn't the leader I wanted to be." Still tripped his legs out from under him though, so there's that.
Kept Sera's secret - She just saved Mira from Margery. A favour for a favour. Simple as that.
Left Glenmore Soldiers at Ironrath - With Ser Royland (my sentinel and who I trust completely) while taking Duncan (who I'm unsure about) to visit Lord Whitehill. Figured Ironrath's protection was more important at the time, and that bringing extra soldiers with me would make negotiations much more difficult and dangerous than they were already.
Stopped Beshka from killing her old master - The preview kinda pisses me off with its implication Dany won't honour her side of the deal over a technicality, but I still stand by my decision. At the time, Beskha's anger and vengeance was compromising the mission. Plus I felt that her killing him wouldn't accomplish anything or satisfy her the way she hoped it would.
Sigh I feel sometimes that I'm too nice and naive for Westeros...
Yes, there is another way. I didn't reveal Andros' betrayal nor did I threaten Lyman. I think it's the first choice, being sympathetic to him. I forgot the exact words though.
* Bought Finn (because why not?)
* Showed mercy to Gryff (Seeing Gryff being punched in the face feels SO good, 3 times are even better, bu… moret make him blind is too much)
* Lied to Lord Tarwick about Sera (She helped Mira)
* Bring the soldiers to Highpoint
* Didn't let Beskha kill the slave master
* Bought Duncan to Highpoint
* Kissed Elaena
* Didn't kill the wildling (there isn't that much food anyway)
* Revealed Andros's betrayal to get Lyman to talk (is there even another way?)
I brought Finn with me. He's pretty alright, he even defended Gared.
Showed Gryff mercy. I hit him three times. I hate him but not enough to maim him. Haha
Kept Sera's secret. Hell, I'm gonna proof Margaery wrong (if you eavesdrop on her and Sera, you'd understand). Plus, I've always been nice to Sera and she's nice to me as well. I'm not gonna betray Sera like that. I'm playing Mira to be cunning and clever but still honorable.
Bring Glenmore soldiers to Highpoint. I don't trust Ludd Whitehill. I don't trust Gwyn either. Even though she wanted peace, her method is sure to degrade the Forrester.
Stop Beshka from killing her old master. I'd let her if Dany didn't threatened me with my reward. Asher needs his army after all. Even though Dany is starting to piss me off. I did what she asked and she's still kind of a bitch from what I've seen in the preview.
I brought Finn, he's my bestie and I like him more than Cotter
I spared Gryff... my Rodrik is honorable, never yield, never show weakness and never abuse his power.
I kept Sera's secret. I made her Mira's bestie though I personnaly can't stand her so it was a logical choice. I ain't afraid of no damn Tarwick. If he got a problem, then I'll just go "Don't be so bloody dramatic" on him.
I brought the Glenmore soldiers. More Arthur makes me happy. And hello, Red Wedding anyone ?
I let Beskha kill her master. Dany wanted the former slave to have their justice well, Beskha is a former slave. Plus she's Asher's big sister so I wouldn't have him refuse that to her. Can't wait for next ep!
Brought Finn with me. I figured he would get in more trouble if he stayed, maybe even put in prison or executed...and it took some serious balls to abandon the night's watch. And he IS a big brute. I am leery of how self-righteous and angry he gets, though. Ideally, I would have gone to the grove COMPLETELY alone, because I don't trust Mr Wildling...
Roughed up Gryff Was going to straight up murder Gryff cause mah gurrrl told me to...but I ended up punching him 2x then holding back.
Didn't tell Sera's secret. If that schmoozing guy has any political tact, then he would look into her family himself rather than trust her best friend/fellow handmaiden. Plus Sara is nice. I trust her.
Left soldiers at home. I figured they can kill me at the meeting regardless of troops, so the troops would do better to protect the small folk.
Stopped the Master from being killed. Only bc it would somehow invalidate our mission. I would have done it myself otherwise.
Brought Royland along. Duncan I am 99.9% sure is a good guy, so if I were to be murdered with my mother and Royland, there would still be a Good Guy keeping watch over my people. I think that Mom is the one who is leaking plans out. Or maybe it's a servant, and the traitor isn't actually in my small council.
Kissed Elaena cause I would doooo aaaaaannnnnnnnything for loooOOOoooOOOOooove
Didn't shoot the wildling thief. I was surprised/convinced by our wildling companion's plea for mercy. Also, maybe if we get caught, she can vouch for me.
Told Lyman that Andros betrayed him. Basically, I royally screwed that guy who was passing information to me.
Called Whitehill's bluff. I figured since he protected Gryff from his brothers that he actually did care enough about him to give into my demands. But mainly calling the bluff was an emotional response to him being such a bully. I played chicken with him, and he backed off...thankfully, lol, because he could have just wrecked everything in my life.
I Brought Finn with me
I showed mercy to Gryff
I didn't told Sera's secret
I left the soldiers home
Let Beshka kill her old master
I brought Duncan
i kissed Elaena
I didn't shoot the wildling
i told Lyman about Andros
I called Whitehills bluff
Brought Finn with me (We need extra men to travel with, so why not?)
Maimed Gryff (I wished there was the option to kill the bastard, but at least now he and every other Whitehill knows not to mess with Rodrik Forrester)
I told Tarwick Sera's secret (I have no regrets after hearing Margaery and Sera talking about Sear wanting to replace me. Ungrateful bitch.)
Left the Glenmore soldiers at Ironrath (I thought if anyone attacked, they would be able to keep Ironrath safe. I was a little scared when I found the arrows and blood at the end, though.)
I didn't let Beshka kill her slave master (We need the Second Sons to come with us to Ironrath, and I wasn't going to let Beshka stop me.)
1.Brought Finn with us
2.Maimed Gryff
3.Kept Sera's secret
4.Royland came with me to Highpoint / The soldiers stayed at Ironrath
5.I killed Beskha's master
Every time I play a new episode I end up rewinding most of the stuff because I didn't like my choices, but with this episode I think I like my decisions
Yes but it's "Valor Morghulis". So you have to replay.
Not sure here, but I don't think so.
Ludd will mention in his talk if you kissed the ring. But there is no real difference.
Same choices here, all 5.
I brought Finn along. Finn proved to be a true brother by coming to my defense, and so far he hasn't let me down.
I showed mercy to Gryff. Used the neat trick Royland taught me on him, hit him three times and spit on him. That was more than enough for him to get the point and I needed him in one piece for Ryon.
I kept Sera'a secret. I am by no means a fan of Sera, but she proved very useful for helping to sneak me in and keeping Margaery from finding me. Plus, I overheard her telling Margaery not to replace me. Ensuring she gets her marriage is the least I could do.
I told the Glenmores to stay at Ironrath. If things were to go wrong, I'd want all good men at Ironrath ready to protect Talia and what remains to keep fighting in my stead. I also named Talia "lord".
I stopped Beshka from killing the slave master. As much as I was all for Beshka getting her righteous revenge and I do consider her family, I gotta look at the bigger picture here. But I'm also hoping that maybe in the next episode I get the chance to mention to Danaerys Beshka's situation and ask she be allowed to be the one to deliver justice to her former slave master personally. However, if it turns out Danaerys screws me over, I'll gladly go back and let Beshka pulverize him.
I brought Finn (he added the strength I needed and leaving him behind could mean that he snitches)
I showed mercy to Gryff (I wanted to hurt him badly but I wasn't prepared to suffer the consequences that may follow)
I kept Sera's secret (she had just helped me into the coronation although we aren't on the best of terms and it will keep Sera's confidence in Mira)
I left the soldiers in Ironrath (I thought that Ironrath needed to be protected while I was away since Ludd is raising an army + I left Royland too b/c going to Highpoint requires diplomacy not war)
I let Beshka kill the slave master (doing so allowed her to regain focus)
I brought Finn along (I like Finn).
I showed mercy to Gryff (I did spit on him though).
I told Sera's secret to Lord Tarwick (He could already sense that something was up with her, so I thought I might get a little more information from him if I told him her secret. One cool thing for me in this episode is that after I told her secret, I went and eavesdropped on Margeary and Sera, and Sera was going on about how I would never betray her. Made me feel a little evil).
I ordered the Glenmore soldiers to stay at Ironrath (My priority is keeping the house alive, so I wanted to keep it protected. I also kept Ser Royland there since he could probably hold the place if something did happen, which I expected would).
I let Beskhah kill the Slave Master (I ran out of time with this one, so I hope Daenerys doesn't end up giving me the army House Forrester needs).
I brought Finn - I didn't want him to rat me out. Besides, for some odd reason, I trust him
I did not maim Gryff - This one kinda isn't my fault. I wasn't really paying attention, so when Lady Forrester shouted Rodrick's name, I panicked and backed out. However, I don't regret it. It would've gotten me no where, and I watched a version where Gryff was maimed.... it was brutal
I kept Sera's secret - She's my friend and she helped me more times than she should've. If you didn't keep Sera's secret, shame on you (I doubt the choice matters anyway)
I brought the soldiers with me - I WANT RYON BACK. He's worth more to me than anyone else. Besides, Ironwrath has villagers and stuff... they could all rally together and fight back. Besides, there IS an army at Ironwrath, and even if it is small, it's SOMETHING. I wasn't going to let Rodrick go in unprotected (PS: talk about the heart attack I had when I walked into Lord Whitehill's Hall and saw all the guards with crossbows....)
I didn't let Beshka kill her master - I regret this one a lot. I should've let her because it seems that, no matter what, I get the same outcome. However, I wanted that army to go home and save the Forresters (if you haven't noticed by now, I put a lot of emphasis on the Forrester family and I don't really care about anyone else... oops)
"Kept the Glenmore soldiers at Ironrath, I didn't want to enrage Whitehill, but a lot of good that did as it looks like those archers were slaughtered and Ramsay Bolton pretty much just fucking moonwalked in anyway."
I brought Finn along. I'm guessing that he's probably a really annoying guy if he's not on your side, but he's really been 100% with me ever since that initial incident with Cotter and the stolen knife. He vouched for me when Gared was being accused of murder, even though he didn't actually see what happened. He seems like he's probably a pretty good fighter, and he seems to be loyal, so I didn't really have a reason to not let him come.
I didn't touch Gryff, other than when I initially fought with him before the Glenmore soldiers came in to help. I wanted to, but I was trying to play it safe considering Ryon's situation.
I kept Sera's secret. She's had my back, it would have been pretty terrible of me to sell her secret out like that.
I brought the Glenmore soldiers with me to Highpoint. Sort of had the Red Wedding on my mind.. if it were up to me I wouldn't have gone at all.
I let Beshka kill her master. I stayed silent during the situation, though in hindsight I probably should have stopped her.
I brought Finn along: I have no idea why anyone wouldn't. He's been vouching for me and can fight. Can't really see this decision backfiring.
Showed Gryff "mercy": I didn't want Ludd to hurt Ryon. I did punch him three times and then spit on him though. It was satisfying as HELL. I felt a little bad for him when Gwyn told Rodrik he was bullied, but not really that bad. Humiliating him was enough for me.
Kept Sera's secret: I don't trust Sera completely as I feel she might be a spy of Cersei somehow, but at least she's had my back up until now with Margaery. Plus, it's not like I know Lord Tarwick well enough to want to protect his honor anyways.
Brought the Glenmore soldiers with me to Highpoint: I figured that leaving Ser Royland and what soldiers we did have was suffice to protect Ironrath, but then I considered what we learned from Mira's story about Lord Whitehill assembling an army and regretted it. I felt a lot better having them with me when I got to Highpoint, though, those crossbows made me uneasy. Then we got back to Ironrath and I saw Ramsay and regretted it again. This was without a doubt the most difficult decision.
Let Beskha kill her master: Beskha has been good to Asher for years and that guy messed up her life. In this case, I felt that the justice did belong to her. Khaleesi has been all raging and hostile to Asher anyways. I doubt Telltale will give us a chance to justify this to Daenerys and the outcome seems to have been the same regardless, so I don't regret this choice.
Account Choices
Brought Duncan, my Sentinel, to Highpoint: I wanted Royland to stay behind to defend Ironrath.
Kissed Elaena: because duh
Did not kill the wildling food thief: eh, there wasn't much food left anyways, and I didn't want the repercussions.
Revealed Andros's betrayal to get Lyman to talk: Had I known there was another way to get him to talk, I would have preferred that. I might consider replaying that and using another method, but I don't know if it's worth it for a seemingly minor choice.
Same choices .
I even didn't see Finn.But I'm happy for didn't encounter that idiot.
other choices:
I had no idea you could bring Finn along. He never even showed up.
Though I can assume it has to do with friendship,and since he told Frostfinger I killed Britt in cold blood he probably hates me.
I figure Dany would forgive Beshka once she knew that Beshka was a former slave.
This Dany seems irritating in other ways, too. She is very condescending to Asher, saying how little she cares about his lowly Westerosi house. Doesn't she realize that good cred with Asher (one of the few Westerosi she's met) could go a long way? For all she knows, the Forresters have as much strength as the Hightowers, Royces, or Karstarks, just to name a few not-insignificant families. Why would she risk letting Asher go home in defeat, spreading the word that the Dragon Queen doesn't give a shit about the Westerosi people, only the Iron Throne itself.
Brought Finn with me
Showed mercy to Gryff
Didn't tell Sera's secret
Didn't bring soldiers to Highpoint
Killed the master
Brought Duncan along
Kissed Elaena (so fucking adorable)
Didn't kill the wildling that took our food
Told Lyman that Andros betrayed him
I brought Finn (he's probably doomed but it'll be entertaining at least)
Maimed Gryff (who's ruined now, Gryff?!?!?)
Told Tarwick the truth about Sera (just because she was nice and helpful this episode doesn't mean I forgot how much of a bitch she was before and he'd find out anyway so...)
Left the soldiers at Ironrath (with Royland, my sentinel... I only brought Duncan with me to Highpoint because I didn't trust him to raise hell back home if anyone tried anything while I was gone since he's like a hippie but apparently it didn't matter anyway O:)
I let Beskha kill her former master (even though I knew it'd piss Dany off... oh well.)
The thing with TellTale's Games for me is that they make someone an ass but when the time comes they make it seem like those asses are innocent.
For some reason I didn't get to see my choices at the end of the game. Not sure why?
I know this isn't the time, but I think it was.....
Brought Finn - I admit, initial fighting aside, I really like Finn as a character and was pleasantly surprised when he vouched for me. He's still a bit of a bastard, but definitely a brother I trust.
Showed Gryff "mercy" - Oh I freely admit I was so tempted to give Gryff a brief history of pain with the back of my hand, but chose not to. As I told Talia later: "That isn't the leader I wanted to be." Still tripped his legs out from under him though, so there's that.
Kept Sera's secret - She just saved Mira from Margery. A favour for a favour. Simple as that.
Left Glenmore Soldiers at Ironrath - With Ser Royland (my sentinel and who I trust completely) while taking Duncan (who I'm unsure about) to visit Lord Whitehill. Figured Ironrath's protection was more important at the time, and that bringing extra soldiers with me would make negotiations much more difficult and dangerous than they were already.
Stopped Beshka from killing her old master - The preview kinda pisses me off with its implication Dany won't honour her side of the deal over a technicality, but I still stand by my decision. At the time, Beskha's anger and vengeance was compromising the mission. Plus I felt that her killing him wouldn't accomplish anything or satisfy her the way she hoped it would.
Sigh I feel sometimes that I'm too nice and naive for Westeros...
Yes, there is another way. I didn't reveal Andros' betrayal nor did I threaten Lyman. I think it's the first choice, being sympathetic to him. I forgot the exact words though.
I brought Finn with me. He's pretty alright, he even defended Gared.
Showed Gryff mercy. I hit him three times. I hate him but not enough to maim him. Haha
Kept Sera's secret. Hell, I'm gonna proof Margaery wrong (if you eavesdrop on her and Sera, you'd understand). Plus, I've always been nice to Sera and she's nice to me as well. I'm not gonna betray Sera like that. I'm playing Mira to be cunning and clever but still honorable.
Bring Glenmore soldiers to Highpoint. I don't trust Ludd Whitehill. I don't trust Gwyn either. Even though she wanted peace, her method is sure to degrade the Forrester.
Stop Beshka from killing her old master. I'd let her if Dany didn't threatened me with my reward. Asher needs his army after all. Even though Dany is starting to piss me off. I did what she asked and she's still kind of a bitch from what I've seen in the preview.
I brought Finn, he's my bestie and I like him more than Cotter
I spared Gryff... my Rodrik is honorable, never yield, never show weakness and never abuse his power.
I kept Sera's secret. I made her Mira's bestie though I personnaly can't stand her so it was a logical choice. I ain't afraid of no damn Tarwick. If he got a problem, then I'll just go "Don't be so bloody dramatic" on him.
I brought the Glenmore soldiers. More Arthur makes me happy. And hello, Red Wedding anyone ?
I let Beskha kill her master. Dany wanted the former slave to have their justice well, Beskha is a former slave. Plus she's Asher's big sister so I wouldn't have him refuse that to her. Can't wait for next ep!
Brought Finn with me. I figured he would get in more trouble if he stayed, maybe even put in prison or executed...and it took some serious balls to abandon the night's watch. And he IS a big brute. I am leery of how self-righteous and angry he gets, though. Ideally, I would have gone to the grove COMPLETELY alone, because I don't trust Mr Wildling...
Roughed up Gryff Was going to straight up murder Gryff cause mah gurrrl told me to...but I ended up punching him 2x then holding back.
Didn't tell Sera's secret. If that schmoozing guy has any political tact, then he would look into her family himself rather than trust her best friend/fellow handmaiden. Plus Sara is nice. I trust her.
Left soldiers at home. I figured they can kill me at the meeting regardless of troops, so the troops would do better to protect the small folk.
Stopped the Master from being killed. Only bc it would somehow invalidate our mission. I would have done it myself otherwise.
Brought Royland along. Duncan I am 99.9% sure is a good guy, so if I were to be murdered with my mother and Royland, there would still be a Good Guy keeping watch over my people. I think that Mom is the one who is leaking plans out. Or maybe it's a servant, and the traitor isn't actually in my small council.
Kissed Elaena cause I would doooo aaaaaannnnnnnnything for loooOOOoooOOOOooove
Didn't shoot the wildling thief. I was surprised/convinced by our wildling companion's plea for mercy. Also, maybe if we get caught, she can vouch for me.
Told Lyman that Andros betrayed him. Basically, I royally screwed that guy who was passing information to me.
Called Whitehill's bluff. I figured since he protected Gryff from his brothers that he actually did care enough about him to give into my demands. But mainly calling the bluff was an emotional response to him being such a bully. I played chicken with him, and he backed off...thankfully, lol, because he could have just wrecked everything in my life.
I don't like how when you go to High Point if you attack Lord Whitehill it ends and you have to restart I wish you could just go on with it
I Brought Finn with me
I showed mercy to Gryff
I didn't told Sera's secret
I left the soldiers home
Let Beshka kill her old master
I brought Duncan
i kissed Elaena
I didn't shoot the wildling
i told Lyman about Andros
I called Whitehills bluff