I can not stand when people say...



  • I agree. The thing that Made The Walking Dead, The Walking Dead, was that It was the Walking Dead. The story is Deep, Immersive, and Nail Biting. All the Clem love made the game, Well, Devoid of that feeling, If Clem leaves, I might be sad, but that's just adding more Room for a More complex character To Join, Maybe change the Creative freedom rules, Add more Cameos from Comic characters, The Walking Dead without Clem May not be the same, But it will get better.

  • edited May 2015

    Did You Chase the Ball?

    Did you Chase your Tail?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Did you hoot to distract the walkers from devouring the zookeeper? Did you let Dave the zookeeper be devoured?

  • Yeah, to me it felt like season 2 was all about developing and building up clementine to be some kind of tough person, which to me is ruining her original character, which is supposed to be a little girl, full of dreams, a bit naive and silly. Clementine barely has a history before everything went downhill, causing her not to have any of her life consequences to reflect on her character like Lee did. Everyone in the original group had either a problem or history which really reflected on their character, choices and thought process of what is right or wrong. That's what made season 1 be way more superior to season 2 and in general more challenging and fun. I really hope that in season 3 we get to see a new protagonist, either someone from the 400 days camp people or someone from season 1 or 2. But regarding the actual topic, I think it's rather eh stupid? I mean sure we all grow attached to one or two characters but that doesn't mean all of us will not buy the game because that character isn't a protagonist or wont be making a appearance in season 3. Like seriously, i thought you buy games like this for the story not for the character but eh, what do i know? ;p

    I agree. The thing that Made The Walking Dead, The Walking Dead, was that It was the Walking Dead. The story is Deep, Immersive, and Nail Bi

  • I have to agree, I was sceptical about hearing that Clementine would be the protagonist for Season 2. I figured that so as long as the writers handled the transition of an important support character into a playable character well, Season 2 would still be enjoyable since Clementine is still the girl we know, we just happen to play as her this time.

    Instead we had the Clementine who lost most of the appeal and characteristics she had in Season 1, and turned into a blank slate for players to project into. Season 1 made the goal to help Clementine grow into a character of her own, but Season 2 takes it all away by making her playable instead, where her own opinions is of the players, not her own.

    MTCkitten posted: »

    Honestly, I knew that season 2 was going to be god awful from the moment i heard Clementine was going to be the protagonist, though some peo

  • Yes! Exactly! If anything they should of had opinions that reflected back on her personality, and not just a blank sheet of paper waiting to be created into something, season 2 was a major step back to the series. I even wish that the season was like a alternative one for people that wished clem to be the protagonist and the 3rd one is going to be the actual one. But that will never happen, oh well..

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I have to agree, I was sceptical about hearing that Clementine would be the protagonist for Season 2. I figured that so as long as the write

  • I would have liked to see how Clementine's own choices are influenced by what Lee taught her while still having an opinion of her own. The player shouldn't need to make choices where Clementine can make her own, and her opinions can also rebel against Lee's depending on what situation Clementine encounters in her journey.

    For instance, should Lee drop Ben and tell Clementine that he had to die for the safety of the group, Clementine would still choose to save both Nick and Sarah, but she would then tell them that she could have easily left them to die instead just as Lee did to Ben, as a reminder of what the player did in the past. This could have been an effective way to say that Clementine has an opinion of her own, and the players can't change that for their own interest and just have Clementine allow Nick and Sarah to die.

    MTCkitten posted: »

    Yes! Exactly! If anything they should of had opinions that reflected back on her personality, and not just a blank sheet of paper waiting to

  • Alt text

    This! THIS was why I dreaded playing as Clementine

  • But come on, the game focuses on the story of a little girl, who survive the odds. Having Clem taken out of the game entirely would not only make all of our choices not matter, but a waste of a emotional investment.

    I would still play the game if that happens, but only if they let us play as a character that we can identify and already have a strong connection with. these would be a list of Protagonist that I can think of that would fit the bill:1. Nate 2. Molly 3. Magna 4.AJ older 5. Lily. Anyone one else that is a stand alone protagonist, I wouldn't buy the game. But if Clem was in the story still and we got small glimpse of her in each episode, then yeah.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I just don't understand why people feel the need to boycott the entire game. There are people who don't want to play as her. What are TTG going to say to those people? You don't wanna play as Clementine? You want a new story? Too bad.

  •  would not only make all of our choices not matter, but a waste of a emotional investment.

    I thought playing as her in Season 2 made the illusion of choice thing ever so clear and it felt like our choices didn't matter. I also thought her character wasn't diverse as far as dialogue

    Alt text

    Anyone one else that is a stand alone protagonist, I wouldn't buy the game.

    So you're completely not open to the idea of a new direction or story? I'm sick of people thinking it's The Walking Clementine. There are other better, bigger stories to be explored

    But come on, the game focuses on the story of a little girl, who survive the odds. Having Clem taken out of the game entirely would not only

  • Tough. It's just how it is for some people. Your hating it won't change it.

    For me personally, if she's not in it I will probably skip it unless it's hailed as the next gaming holy grail. If she's not the protagonist I'll definitely at least wait until all episodes are released before I pick it up and do my best to ignore all information about the game until after it is finished. Then I'd try to find a spoiler free review before deciding on if I want it. If she's the protagonist I'm pre-purchasing a season subscription.

  • To be completely honest I'm almost in the opposite camp as far as Clementine is concerned. I loved Season 1, I genuinely think it's the most invested I've ever been in a game and a group of fictional characters. Let's not forget it took Telltale a couple of Episodes to make me feel like that (I was genuinely outraged with the St John's in Episode 2). Clementine's character was instrumental in that, and she was by far my favourite thing about the Season.

    As a 6 foot tall man when I imagine being stuck in a zombie apocalypse my greatest fears are "how do I keep my group safe?", "who can I trust?", "is it right to kill this person?" etc. Playing as Lee I personally felt that I was controlling a perfect avatar of myself, keeping the child safe above all costs, making tough decisions. It genuinely never crossed my mind we would see any of the characters again after that ending. I figured playing as a child would be ridiculous, and every other character had an established personality already, so instead of just being me, I would need to figure out what they would say and press the corresponding button. I was surprised and a bit disappointed that we were playing as Clem is S2 but at the same time curious to see what happened next. In all honesty it was what I expected, a great story, great acting, amazing seeing Kenny again and there were some really good choices too. The only thing I really never got into was playing as a little girl, trying to get into the mindset of a little girl, watching the grown ups make decisions while I just did my own thing. When Clem finally found apparent safety and her story seemed to be fully concluded I was happy and satisfied.

    Now there's talk of bringing her back again? I will buy any Telltale Walking Dead game, there's no point trying to kid myself, and I will most likely love it whatever they decide to do. However, I am really genuinely ready for Telltale to take me on a new journey, one that I can relate to slightly better. As a passive viewer I would be keen on seeing what happens next with Clem, alongside other characters. As an active participant, I really just want to be Lee again, but obviously that ship has sailed, it was a great Season as Lee, a great Season as Clem, let's see what else they can do.

  • I will probably skip it unless it's hailed as the next gaming holy grail. If she's not the protagonist I'll definitely at least wait until all episodes are released before I pick it up and do my best to ignore all information about the game until after it is finished. Then I'd try to find a spoiler free review before deciding on if I want it.

    Did you go through this procedure with season 1 as well?

    Tough. It's just how it is for some people. Your hating it won't change it. For me personally, if she's not in it I will probably skip

  • edited May 2015

    I will make it short, Don't worry about those people, they will lose the epicness of S3.

  • I hope that Clem is the PC... But if She isn't... I would buy it. I would buy it one way or another, but I would be happier, if Clem is the PC.

  • edited May 2015

    I loved Clem in s1....S2. I still liked her...but she worked better in S1. Clem should be in S3...however...I would prefer perhaps Christa being the protagonist. But really...TTGs does a good job, and no matter how much we complain about certain aspects of TWD...like ep. 4 s2....I believe we enjoy the journey ttg sets us on, more than a lot of other game devs.

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