S1 Clem or S2 Clem ?

Which Clem do you like more ? Season 1 Clementine or Season 2 Clementine or both ? I like both they're so incredible and her transformation is awesome !


  • Season 2 Clem

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Season 1 Clem, season 2 Clem is a forgettable character to me.

  • Season 1 Clem

  • I like them both, too. S1 Clementine was adorable. S2 Clementine was a lot more serious and kinda distant, but she still had her 'kid moments', you know?

  • Season 2.

    Doesn't matter anyway, she's Clementine.

  • That's like choosing between pizza and ice-cream...

  • Season one Clementine, season 2 Clementine was kind of written like an adult, and I didn't care about her as much.

  • Season 1.

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  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    While I can't come to a decision on which one I like better, I can definitely decide which one I find cuter: S2 Clem

    Yeah, I find S2 Clem more adorable than S1 Clem, sue me

  • edited May 2015

    Season 1. Felt a lot less attached to her in season 2.

  • Season 1 Clem. Season 2 Clem isn't even a character just Clementron 2000

  • S2 Clementine, she's grown into quite the capable young lady. That said I tend to bounce back and forth on this, as I love both.

  • Easily Season 2.

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  • Easily season one Clem.

  • edited May 2015

    Season 1 Clementine, without a doubt. It wasn't just about her being innocent or sweet that made her endearing, she behaved very much like a genuine nine year old girl who had her own morals and questions, but could also be hopelessly optimistic and naïve in spite of being a smart child raised by smart parents. She was also rebellious at times, to show that she wasn't always the perfectly kind and obedient child in every scene she appears in, and that's what made her more relatable and human.

    She wasn't Lee's daughter but she was his confident and trusted friend, and she helped give Lee another chance to make up for his past acts by caring for her while reuniting her back to her parents, a kind act that would lead to tragedy for both characters.

    Season 2 Clementine just doesn't gel with me, and at times I just found her annoying. Her 'badassery' feels awkward knowing that she's meant to be an eleven year old girl acting like a fully grown adult, especially when she's consistently portrayed as the most experienced survivor among adults who can't seem to do anything for themselves. Her personality seems to have taken a downgrade from Season 1, making her seem less relatable due to coming across as too serious and cold at times, especially when combined with her sometimes stilted voice acting that tends to take me out of the experience.

    To be fair her presentation in Episode 1 was great and set the correct tone as a child surviving in a zombie apocalypse, and I still had the same connection that I had with her at the time. But then in later episodes she quickly evolves from a child to an adult in a manner of days, and her competence and resilience levels are amplified to the point where she might as well be a wish fulfilment character, glorifying an already well-established and well-beloved character to the point where it comes across as unnecessary shilling.

    At that point I just stopped caring about her and just hoped that by next season, the old Clementine will return.

  • Season 1 Clementine, I felt much more attached to her as a character during this season than Season 2.

  • edited May 2015

    S2 Clem.

    while I love S1, I find the story line of having to protect a child (whether he/she be the protagonists' child or a child that's found, such as Clementine) to be incredibly cliche

  • Both.

    Because they're both still Clementine.

  • edited May 2015

    That's the best reason. Both are Clem :) Clem is awesome one way or another

    Both. Because they're both still Clementine.

  • I like both they're so incredible and her transformation is awesome !

    100% agree.

  • Of course S1 Clem because S2 Clem was terrible written and I hated her in Season 2. I mean I didn't care much for her as how I did in Season 1.

  • Season 2 Clem for sure, and super hyped for Season 3 Clem!

    But really i just like Clem. From the beginning, till the end. Whenever that may be. I like getting to see her grow, learn, make mistakes, touch the people around her, mourn her fallen friends.

    It's her story that i love. I like that we get to choose how cynical she becomes, or whether she still has faith in the kindness of strangers. I really can't wait to see what else she's capable of as she gets older, what other skills she picks up. Who she chooses to 'run' with when she is more capable of making an active choice as opposed to being dragged along for the ride. What will she do if people start actually listening to her advice when she speaks up? What will she do if they don't?

  • I like season 1 and 2 Clem. She's adorable in season 1, but in season 2 she's a strong survivor. Though... I think I like adorable Clem more. I'm not sure why, maybe because you control her in season 2.

  • She's Clementine, and that's all who she needs to be in order for me to love her. Season 1 Clem is a free, happy kid. Season 2 Clem is a survivor.

    However, she's still the same exact girl we adored and protected from Season 1. She's just growing up in a dark world, that's all. I don't blame her for acting the way she has.

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  • Season 1. She doesn't deal with bullshit

  • The only time i've ever cried over a video game was when Clem cried over Lea at the end of S1. S2 Clem was an interesting development of her character, but season 1 Clem was and probably always will be special to me.

  • Seconded for the most part. While I could appreciate the idea of Clementine coming into her own as a survivor, season 2 often tried to hard to make her more competent than everyone else by comparison. After a while it watered down what made her a special part of the cast in the first place.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Season 1 Clementine, without a doubt. It wasn't just about her being innocent or sweet that made her endearing, she behaved very much like a

  • Have to go with Season one Clementine. Season two Clem had plenty of potential with her maturation and admitted survivor's guilt, but she never really reaches the emotional depth that the first season's Clem had. There's no relationship that has the chance to match what she had with Lee, and the novelty of her young age and physical limitations become undermined by how she's expected to solve most of the group's problems by herself.

  • Actually, she does. With the stranger, isn't it?

    Sg190th posted: »

    Season 1. She doesn't deal with bullshit

  • Season 1 Clementine. The sad truth is Season 2 Clementine ruined the character for me and I couldn't care less about her.

  • I'm talking about how she has to do the work

    AronDracula posted: »

    Actually, she does. With the stranger, isn't it?

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Season One Clem is adorable. Season Two Clem is sassy and a survivor.

    She changed quite a bit over the years realistically (well, as realistic as you can get in a game set in the zombie apocalypse). Either or! Clementine is still Clementine. If Lee were to see her now, I'd say he'd be proud of her for the powerful independent person she's becoming. Even though it is still quite horrible she has to live in a world like that at her age.

  • edited May 2015

    I'm in the minority here: Season 2 Clem

    IDK why but every time I picture Clem in my mind it's season 2 clem

  • I was able to watch over Clementine and keep her protected. Gonna root for Season 1.

  • edited May 2015

    I feel the same way. I didn't like how they made Clem make most of the important decisions and treated her like an adult. She's 11.

    kennylee posted: »

    Season one Clementine, season 2 Clementine was kind of written like an adult, and I didn't care about her as much.

  • S1 Clem.

    S2 Clem put me to sleep.

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