Family Aspect
Alrighty, is it just me or one of the reasons why the show The Walking Dead is so successful is because it emphasizes this tight family aspect. In Season 5 the leader of Alexandria even says something like," It's amazing how complete strangers can become so close" I feel like that's what Telltale needs to do, introduce a core cast of about 8-12 characters(All of them at this point being hardened survivors, who know how to survive in the world now) minimize the death count, so we can grow with these characters. That would mean the deaths actually have a big impact other then," Oh hey I just met you two episodes ago and I already knew you were going to die!" Plus no more internal group fights, like I find these so dumb. I can see in a certain situation emotions are high and what not, but not to the extent of," I'm gonna kill you blah!" You guys feel me?
The family aspect is the whole reason why I am watching the show and playing the game.
Same here man, but tbh I haven't gotten that vibe in both seasons of TWD. In season one, you have the Lee/Clementine thing and that's pretty much it. In season 2, Clementine has Luke and Kenny/or Jane. That's it. Not a tight, " We aren't a team, we're a family. And I would die for any of you." That's what I want to see in season 3, having like ten characters all close knit working together to keep everyone alive. Like if that were to happen I just might single tear cry a few times. cx
I do think there needs to be characters who are actually kept alive, and that the player can "grow with" if you will.
Yes, family is something that needs to applied more so in S3.
However, the internal fights of the group make sense.
When people get scared, they can often times get angry.
So the angry reactions that were being demonstrated within the group, though they were far from healthy, were completely realistic.
The reason I say they were unhealthy, is because when people get angry, they often times become reckless, and when people become reckless, that's when accidents happen.
That's why it is so important to keep calm in a disaster scenario.
And the more desperate a situation gets, the calmer it is necessary to be.
That's why it's vitally necessary to practice self control now, as what you are now, is what you'll be then.
Mark my words!