Game of Thrones Episode 8 Discussion

That was probably the best episode of the entire season. The Battle of Hardhome was some of the most terrifying and suspenseful fighting in the show yet. I was afraid that the show had killed off Edd and Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun (I assume the giant is Wun Wun). Pretty much everything about this episode was great, from the dialogue between Tyrion and Daenerys to Cersei finally starting to break. I'd rate the episode a solid 9.5/10.

What were your thoughts on the episode?



  • edited May 2015

    Watching the last 15 minutes like:

    Alt text

    Definitely best episode so far. Everything else outside Hardhome was great and finally getting somewhere as well. But wow. Yeah.

  • Didn't hear that, but I figured it was Wun Wun seeing how he was the only giant there and they were showing him a lot.

    For sure my favorite episode of the season so far. The giant was Wun Wun, Tormund said his name at the end of the fight.

  • For sure my favorite episode of the season so far. The giant was Wun Wun, Tormund said his name at the end of the fight.

  • And everyone was saying this season wasn't great XD this was my favorite episode of the series probably.

  • I was scared to death for Edd, thank god he was okay. That was like the walking dead with like a thousand more people to slaughter. I heart Jon Snow so very much.

  • Ive been enjoying the season throughout and this is no different. They had to build up to this great episode with a lot of putting things in place. I just hope Jorah is not going to get himself killed trying to impress Dany.

    And everyone was saying this season wasn't great XD this was my favorite episode of the series probably.

  • edited May 2015

    It was. Tormund said, "Wun Wun, to the sea!" Something like that.

    Didn't hear that, but I figured it was Wun Wun seeing how he was the only giant there and they were showing him a lot.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    Jon's sword tho.... What the hell is that thing made of

  • edited May 2015

    Its Valyrian steel. I dont know if theyre trying to tell us that Valyrian steel can also kill white walkers or that there is something powerful inside Jon himself thats doing it.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Jon's sword tho.... What the hell is that thing made of

  • Cope49 posted: »

    Jon's sword tho.... What the hell is that thing made of

  • Valyrian steel.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Jon's sword tho.... What the hell is that thing made of

  • edited June 2015

    I'm glad to hear the episode was enjoyable. After hearing so many negative things throughout this season, it's a nice change of pace to hear fans praising an episode.

  • It is the steel.

    There are only two known things that can supposedly kill the White Walkers, and that is dragonglass and dragonsteel. Dragonglass they already found, which is the obsidian that Sam used to kill a White Walker. Jon killing a White Walker with Valyrian steel confirms that it is the dragonsteel referred to in the legends.

    That being said Jon is most likely special as well, though not in being able to kill a White Walker. He is probably Azor Ahai, the legendary hero from prophesy that Melisandre keeps referring to. (although she thinks Stannis is the one to fulfill the prophesy)

    KCohere posted: »

    Its Valyrian steel. I dont know if theyre trying to tell us that Valyrian steel can also kill white walkers or that there is something powerful inside Jon himself thats doing it.

  • It was one of the best episodes of the entire series.

    The White Walkers and their zombie minions are scary as fvck. They make zombies in the Walking Dead look lame in comparison. Can't wait for Gared & company to run into them!

  • edited May 2015

    Well. That was bloody intense. From the thousands of Wights to the ones that newly rose from the dead.

    Winter is no longer coming. Winter is finally here.

  • Nice to see Winter finally came too lol

  • Jorah is dead, he got touched by the stonemen.

    I doubt he'll be cured. I wish, but I don't think so.

    KCohere posted: »

    Ive been enjoying the season throughout and this is no different. They had to build up to this great episode with a lot of putting things in place. I just hope Jorah is not going to get himself killed trying to impress Dany.

  • wow those white walkers are a different level jeebus.... JON SNOW!!!

    damn what a slaughter. goddamn.

  • yep they dont use swords and they can be downed by headshots.

    Scaeva posted: »

    It was one of the best episodes of the entire series. The White Walkers and their zombie minions are scary as fvck. They make zombies in the Walking Dead look lame in comparison. Can't wait for Gared & company to run into them!

  • I thought "Ta-Da!"

    I thought "Come at me bro"

  • On the bright side maybe we'll get to see Ramsay torn apart by wights.

    Popcorn, anyone?

  • He's not dead yet.

    PigeonPie posted: »

    Jorah is dead, he got touched by the stonemen. I doubt he'll be cured. I wish, but I don't think so.

  • edited May 2015

    I think Azor Ahai and The Prince That Was Promised are the same hero being foretold in different prophesies, and that it is Jon.

    But I also think she's going to end up wedding Jon at some point (Targaryens gonna Targaryen) and that she and the dragons are going to play a role in defeating the White Walkers.

  • My mistake. I meant Wights.

    I guess I'm still in shock from that whole episode.

  • I'm a bit disappointed that Sir Jorah got sent away again. I reaaaalllllllllyyyy hate Daenerys.

  • Ser Jorah of House Friendzone

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm a bit disappointed that Sir Jorah got sent away again. I reaaaalllllllllyyyy hate Daenerys.

  • HAHAHAHA if people honestly stopped watching this show after episode 6 because of the ending you are complete losers, missing out on the best episode of the entire series!!!

  • Somehow I feel the remade swords Tywin created would not have done the same thing. But I doubt they'll be used.

    Scaeva posted: »

    It is the steel. There are only two known things that can supposedly kill the White Walkers, and that is dragonglass and dragonsteel. Dra

  • That 30min scene at Hard Home was the best.. Never been so scared xD Right when I saw the snow moving I was like "HELL YEAH, it has got to be whitewalkers!!!".

  • So there was other stuff in the episode too people lol. Arya's story is getting even more awesome and I think Reek is very close to snapping. In the sense that he may actually help Sansa. I could also see Theon killing Ramsay in the season finale.

  • Great episode tonight. The pacing from screen to screen felt right. Cersei is eating crow (not literally) for powering the Sparrow. Reek breaks down and actually tells Sansa that her younger brothers were not killed by him. Ramsey being cocky again and needing 20 good men. Tyrion bars throughout speaking with Dany. White walker overdose. I like that ep 8 was the big battle (I assume) instead of always ep 9. There is not much more I can say.

  • I wasn't expecting to see the White Walkers this episode so that really took me by surprise. Every second of that scene was epic! Also, am I the only one who doesn't feel bad for Cersei? I feel like she's finally getting what she deserves, no sympathy for her on my part.

  • What did you expect? At best, I figured she would lock him up in a dungeon.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm a bit disappointed that Sir Jorah got sent away again. I reaaaalllllllllyyyy hate Daenerys.

  • I can understand where your hatred comes from. I find myself beginning to dislike her character as each episode airs, which is really unfortunate because she use to be one of my favs.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm a bit disappointed that Sir Jorah got sent away again. I reaaaalllllllllyyyy hate Daenerys.

  • thats what cersei deserves, but ot by fanatic religious nut bags. it should be by the starks, or stannis, or tyrion

    I wasn't expecting to see the White Walkers this episode so that really took me by surprise. Every second of that scene was epic! Also, am I

  • Trust me. Nothing would make me happier to see Cersei suffer in the hands of the Starks or Tyrion, but right now I will take what I can get. XD

    jamex1223 posted: »

    thats what cersei deserves, but ot by fanatic religious nut bags. it should be by the starks, or stannis, or tyrion

  • I'm really surprised at how much I've come to like Jorah. I know it's creepy because of his age, but I feel like he deserves to be with her than the freakin Daario asshole.

    Scaeva posted: »

    Ser Jorah of House Friendzone

  • I just have to say that my anus was not prepared for that episode. Oh, and I thought Dany's "I'm going to break the wheel" speech was a lot cooler in context. I fuckin' hate Thenns.

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