Cotter's sister

edited May 2015 in Game Of Thrones

What do you guys think about Sylvi, what role would she have in the next episode.


  • I think she's adorable, but will probably be annoying later on.

  • I think Cotter will probably betray Gared Gollum style

    Scaeva posted: »

    I think she is going to end up Gared's only companion at some point. Cotter will probably die of his wound. Since they are north of the w

  • edited May 2015

    I think she is going to end up Gared's only companion at some point.

    Cotter will probably die of his wound. Since they are north of the wall and Gared is the only playable Night's Watchman, you also know they are going to run into White Walkers eventually. Finn probably dies in a White Walker attack if you brought him along, executed by the Night's Watch for helping you desert if you didn't. Maybe Cotter even returns as Walker zombie during the attack.

    Sylvi will probably end up guiding Gared to either the North Grove, if they haven't reached it yet, or to Mance Rayder's camp.

  • She obviously knows more about the North Grove than we do. Remember what she said in the preview? Along with Gregor's map, she might be our best chance at finding it.

  • Instead of the ring it's actually some potatoes.

    I think Cotter will probably betray Gared Gollum style

  • Fucking bitch cut my arm.

    I'll get over it.


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    You tried to draw your sword?

    Fucking bitch cut my arm. I'll get over it. Probably.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited May 2015

    She seems like an interesting character, and she's good in a fight as shown if you try reaching for your weapon. What I'm curious about is why Cotter decided not to mention her until we met her, when his intention was to bring us to her.

  • You tried to attack a little girl?!? For shame sir, for shame...

    Fucking bitch cut my arm. I'll get over it. Probably.

  • I did.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You tried to draw your sword?

  • I would do it again.

    As long as I didn't get sliced again.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    You tried to attack a little girl?!? For shame sir, for shame...

  • edited May 2015

    Besides being the whitest white girl I've ever seen in a Telltale game, she seems like she's going to be the one to lead Gared to the North Grove.

    Hopefully she makes it through episode 5.

  • Lol!

    I would do it again. As long as I didn't get sliced again.

  • I don't trust her. We just got attacked by a bunch of female wildlings, now another female wildling is traveling with us. She has to be connected to the others in some way that will bite us in the ass next episode, so we should all be on guard with her.

  • Sylvi clearly has albinism.

    Katalept posted: »

    Besides being the whitest white girl I've ever seen in a Telltale game, she seems like she's going to be the one to lead Gared to the North Grove. Hopefully she makes it through episode 5.

  • Shes okay no real opinion of her yet.

  • I think she is cute, hopefully she will be useful...and won't be killed.

  • It worries me that Cotter didn't mention her. That would have been the logical thing to do. I agree that she might be Gared's only companion soon though.

    Killah posted: »

    I think she is cute, hopefully she will be useful...and won't be killed.

  • Sylvi appears to be an exceptional huntress and tracker, seeing as she survived all by herself and honestly, I think she might have a spiritual connection to the "secret forest within the forest" and the North Grove. I'd say, she's like a shaman in the making and protects the North Grove from outsiders. That's why she is the only one who can guide Gared to it. I also have this crazy theory that Gared is being guided by the old gods to help Sylvi protecting the North Grove from a threat that exceeds her powers. I tried to have Gared stay true to his vows and yet still ended up having him betray his brothers. I figure, he's being sent to Sylvi by the gods to help her saving the North Grove and fulfill his obligation to the gods so he can return to the Night's Watch to die with no regrets. As to what I think of her as a person, I think she's pretty and adorable and if there's a second TT's GOT season, I'd love to see her hit maturity.

  • She looks pretty cool so far. Though when I saw the screenshot where she was shown, I thought she was an adult.

  • I'm not basing this on anything, but it might be cool if she turns out to be a warg. There are a few of those among the wildings.

  • I don't recall her eyes a reddish pink, but perhaps.

    Drakonys posted: »

    Sylvi clearly has albinism.

  • Great username.

    Sylvi appears to be an exceptional huntress and tracker, seeing as she survived all by herself and honestly, I think she might have a spirit

  • Haha I posted about that random thought yesterday on my blog too, hell yeah I hope she's a warg. The way Cotter mentioned that she 'might be able to help us' got me thinking, she has GOT to be a Warg ( It might be a challenge to find the north grove without any help, clearly)

    Scaeva posted: »

    I'm not basing this on anything, but it might be cool if she turns out to be a warg. There are a few of those among the wildings.

  • To be fair, in that situation, it doesn't matter that it's a young girl. If she was threatening to gut you, I think you'd want to be able to defend yourself.

    I would do it again. As long as I didn't get sliced again.

  • She seems smarter than Cotter already so hopefully I won't have to kill him and piss her off.

  • She's the snow-covered version of Clementine. SnowClem.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    Did the same to me.......that little bitch...
    I don't like her..

    Fucking bitch cut my arm. I'll get over it. Probably.

  • Her eyebrows scare me.

  • Could be to surprise us

    JNOGaming posted: »

    It worries me that Cotter didn't mention her. That would have been the logical thing to do. I agree that she might be Gared's only companion soon though.

  • i think her and cotter will have an orgy with a potato

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