It's Beskha, not Beshka!

I see this mistake SO OFTEN on these forums and it's starting to grate :P


  • edited May 2015

    Nearly everyone from essoss I cant spell, including the name esoss/essos/essoss. Its part of the reason people call dany; dany.

    Also sometimes I just type Beskha wrong

  • I actually read that Beshka in game at first and was wondering why Asher pronounced her name like that. x)

  • It's pronounced "Besh-ka", so I spell it Beshka. :v It's just easier in my mind.

  • Well, I don't play with subtitles, but before episode 4 I swear everyone pronounced it Beshka but in ep 4 Beska

  • Asher pronounces it "Besk-ha"

    fayescarlet posted: »

    It's pronounced "Besh-ka", so I spell it Beshka. :v It's just easier in my mind.

  • 'Sk' linguistically can sometimes sound like 'shk', but I assure you it's always been Beskha :P

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, I don't play with subtitles, but before episode 4 I swear everyone pronounced it Beshka but in ep 4 Beska

  • I swear every time I hear her name I hear "Beshka". 8D; Even when I listen to a video on Youtube best I can.

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    Asher pronounces it "Besk-ha"

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    I'll confess... I have to double check the spelling of so many names (people and places, TV show and game) to make sure I get them right. Pretty sure I will never EVER be able to get Daenarys / Danerys / DannaioharogsaldfksnfRAGGGHHHH correct first go.

  • edited May 2015

    It's Daenerys, and her name always confuses me, I don't blame you.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    I'll confess... I have to double check the spelling of so many names (people and places, TV show and game) to make sure I get them right. Pr

  • Nicole_MNicole_M Former Telltale Staff

    It is indeed Beskha (k before h), pronounced Besk-ha.

  • That's why I just say Dany sometimes xD

    puzzlebox posted: »

    I'll confess... I have to double check the spelling of so many names (people and places, TV show and game) to make sure I get them right. Pr

  • Can I just say thanks so much for your writing on episode 4 Nicole (assuming you are the Nicole Martinez from the credits :P)! It's my favourite episode so far, ya did a great job imo :)

    Nicole_M posted: »

    It is indeed Beskha (k before h), pronounced Besk-ha.

  • Eh whatever. They know who I'm talking about.

    Though I hate when people misspell Elaena.

  • Nicole_MNicole_M Former Telltale Staff

    Aww thank you. :) I have to give props to Brad Kane as well. He did a lot of writing on this episode. Glad you enjoyed it!

    Flog61 posted: »

    Can I just say thanks so much for your writing on episode 4 Nicole (assuming you are the Nicole Martinez from the credits :P)! It's my favourite episode so far, ya did a great job imo

  • I thought it was Danaerys. Like Aerys but with a Dan in front of it.

    But yeah, the Essossi names are the worst. When reading i just nickname everyone based on what i think of their character. It's more fun that way.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    I'll confess... I have to double check the spelling of so many names (people and places, TV show and game) to make sure I get them right. Pr

  • I give mad props to both of you, Mira's part was just epic.

    Nicole_M posted: »

    Aww thank you. I have to give props to Brad Kane as well. He did a lot of writing on this episode. Glad you enjoyed it!

  • Yeah, you two were great. I also very much enjoyed the work you and Brad did on The Wolf Among Us.

    Nicole_M posted: »

    Aww thank you. I have to give props to Brad Kane as well. He did a lot of writing on this episode. Glad you enjoyed it!

  • Nicole_MNicole_M Former Telltale Staff

    Brad wasn't on The Wolf Among Us, but thank you. :)

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    Yeah, you two were great. I also very much enjoyed the work you and Brad did on The Wolf Among Us.

  • Doesn't really matter, but people do it with Rodrik too. They spell it Rodrick.

  • It's hard for me to hear it, I tell you. But I will try to correct myself from now on. 8D; Thank you for your input.

    Nicole_M posted: »

    It is indeed Beskha (k before h), pronounced Besk-ha.

  • Just did a double take, my mistake. I was thinking of Joe Pinney. Regardless, great work on both games.

    Nicole_M posted: »

    Brad wasn't on The Wolf Among Us, but thank you.

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Yup, Besk-ha.

    Pronouncing "Maester Ortengryn" and "Dezhor zo Raza" was initially quite a challenge for pretty much all the voice actors. :-P

  • I call them all Harzoo.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I thought it was Danaerys. Like Aerys but with a Dan in front of it. But yeah, the Essossi names are the worst. When reading i just nickname everyone based on what i think of their character. It's more fun that way.

  • Like Thing 1 and Thing 2? Except with Harzoo? I like it!

    I call them all Harzoo.

  • You are all wrong. While it is spelled Beskha it is pronounced as "bad-ass"

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