No...Opinion and fact are two different things.
You could state actually technical issues wrong with the game and those will be fact but as soon as you just call them garbage it becomes opinion.
I bought a bag of butterfingers and one of them in the bag was unwrapped and half missing. Somebody layed a finger on my butterfinger. And I am NOT a happy panda right now.
Much better pain-wise, though that could be because of taking pain killers every 5-6 hours or so. That almost seems like overkill, but hey, that's what I was told to do I guess. I have an appointment tomorrow to figure out what the problem is. I do think my body is taking care of it anyway, though.
So I see a lotta people are Butthurt and Offended over Drake Bell's latest Tweet, "Sorry... Still calling you Bruce.", and I'm gonna share my opinion on this. and This will sound harsh to both LGBT supporters and Haters, But to be clear, I am a supporter on the matter.
Just because Drake Bell said he's calling Caitlyn "Bruce" still, Does Not mean it's a transphobic comment. Her name was originally Bruce, and Drake still wants to Call her that. Chill out and quit Being so offended over an Opinion. and To all of those people who think Bruce and every other LGBT person are Satanists, Go fuck off! God is the only one who can Judge, and Y'all can't! So if your so Intent on shoving Religion down Gay people's throats, Then how about you fuckin' read the Bible and remember only god can judge, and I'm damn certain I don't see any clouds moving, and God pointing a finger saying, "Fuck you and your Sexuality." Therefore, they are okay. Sorry, Needed to get this off my chest...
So today there was a banquet at my school for the graduating class of CLS kids. CLS stands for Community Learning Skills, which basically supports students with mild to severe delays in learning and developmental areas. These kids are usually at the learning level of kindergarten/elementary students but are very kind and excited to be graduating. A few volunteers offered to help set up and bake for the party. I was among them.
I realize now that having other students make the food was a big mistake. We had a specific time schedule to meet all of the goals and we were separated into groups. There was no teacher or supervisor because we were all seniors and were expected to do the work correctly (some of the volunteers weren't actually volunteers at all, but part of the home ec class and were being graded). My group and a few others made sure that our assignments were done on time, but some groups waited until the last minute and rushed, being sloppy and messing up recipes. Otherwise pretty-looking rainbow rice krispie squares turned out smushed, overly-sticky and, when cut, jagged and lopsided. The melted chocolate for the strawberries was seized and lumpy. This was all done in the morning and the banquet was expected to be held after lunch.
What was stupid was that the teacher of the home ec class didn't even see anything wrong with the food. She just bustled along, stacking everything as if it didn't matter. At lunch I decided to check out the library's set up - where the party was. It was nothing special. No streamers or lights or anything; the only decorations were two balloons. There was a long plastic table in the centre of the room with the food haphazardly piled on top and a stereo for music. As part of my chosen assignment, I had baked 3 dozen red velvet cupcakes topped with pretty multi-coloured icing, and they weren't on the table with the rest of the food. I don't know what happened to them or why they weren't being served, but I was very upset and disappointed because I worked extremely hard on them and was looking forward to seeing the kids' reactions to them. My best guess is that they decided to use them for our banquet instead, because I assume they think they were too pretty to be served to such kids. What upsets me the most is that while we get professionally catered and a DJ for our banquet, they have a cold library with poor quality food made by kids who barely know how to make spaghetti.
That's another thing that bothers me - the segregation. Every year the graduating class attends a banquet at the city hall, complete with dinner, a salad bar and a professional DJ, among other things. It's this big thing. People hire limo drivers to take them to and from the party, spend months tailoring their dresses and suits. These students with disabilities are graduating from the same school. Why are they not allowed to join us? They're the same age, only in different classes suited for their needs. Do they not deserve the same? Are people so selfish as to feel repulsed or have their day ruined by seeing children of lower IQ having fun? How sick in the mind can someone be to feel personally bothered by this?
I know these kids might not be able to tell the difference, because they've known unfair treatment their entire lives, but the way my school handled this and continue to handle it is extremely fucked up. There was nothing remotely fun about this party. Even the punch was lukewarm. I thought graduation was supposed to be something special for everyone , since it happens only once in a lifetime. It should be even more special considering these kids are already at a disadvantage compared to other students. What made me even more sad was that they had dressed up in pretty dresses and tuxedos just to stand in a bland library and be served clumpy chocolate and warm juice.
I can't wait to be leaving this disgusting excuse for a school. In fact I hope they shut it down. The way they treat kids with disadvantages like they are second-class citizens is absolutely nauseating.
I already told you my piece on this, but I think it goes to show how much you care and how kind-hearted you are. The treatment of special ed kids always hits close to home for me since I was grouped with them due to my mental health problems. I met and always listened to them, even when others would look away or laugh. I didn't get that treatment because I outwardly seem normal and have no learning problems, but these kids were looked down upon since their shortcomings were evident. It's nice to hear that you put so much effort into making them the pretty cupcakes they deserve, even if they didn't end up on the table. The gesture speaks volumes compared to the other classmates that just wanted to get done with the baking.
I have another rant about my school.
So today there was a banquet at my school for the graduating class of CLS kids. CLS stands for Commu… morenity Learning Skills, which basically supports students with mild to severe delays in learning and developmental areas. These kids are usually at the learning level of kindergarten/elementary students but are very kind and excited to be graduating. A few volunteers offered to help set up and bake for the party. I was among them.
I realize now that having other students make the food was a big mistake. We had a specific time schedule to meet all of the goals and we were separated into groups. There was no teacher or supervisor because we were all seniors and were expected to do the work correctly (some of the volunteers weren't actually volunteers at all, but part of the home ec class and were being graded). My group and a few others made sure that our assignments were done on time, but some groups wait… [view original content]
We need more people like you. Not enough people stand up for them and only take advantage because they might not be aware of what's going on, they shouldn't be treated any differently from anyone else, they still have the same rights as everybody and deserve to be treated equally.
I have another rant about my school.
So today there was a banquet at my school for the graduating class of CLS kids. CLS stands for Commu… morenity Learning Skills, which basically supports students with mild to severe delays in learning and developmental areas. These kids are usually at the learning level of kindergarten/elementary students but are very kind and excited to be graduating. A few volunteers offered to help set up and bake for the party. I was among them.
I realize now that having other students make the food was a big mistake. We had a specific time schedule to meet all of the goals and we were separated into groups. There was no teacher or supervisor because we were all seniors and were expected to do the work correctly (some of the volunteers weren't actually volunteers at all, but part of the home ec class and were being graded). My group and a few others made sure that our assignments were done on time, but some groups wait… [view original content]
When I got to the part about the kids dressing up all nice and having to have their graduation in a crappy library with warm punch I put down my phone and just said 'god damnit' under my breath. That is so messed up.
I have another rant about my school.
So today there was a banquet at my school for the graduating class of CLS kids. CLS stands for Commu… morenity Learning Skills, which basically supports students with mild to severe delays in learning and developmental areas. These kids are usually at the learning level of kindergarten/elementary students but are very kind and excited to be graduating. A few volunteers offered to help set up and bake for the party. I was among them.
I realize now that having other students make the food was a big mistake. We had a specific time schedule to meet all of the goals and we were separated into groups. There was no teacher or supervisor because we were all seniors and were expected to do the work correctly (some of the volunteers weren't actually volunteers at all, but part of the home ec class and were being graded). My group and a few others made sure that our assignments were done on time, but some groups wait… [view original content]
This is utterly disgusting. whomever believed that this was a suitable, let alone a morally acceptable decision, is disgusting.
This hits me close to home, as I and my brother exist on the autism spectrum: myself as a high-functioning individual and my brother on the shit end of the spectrum.
I thought my school was poorly treating those of whom have special needs, but this just slapped my face the other way around to prove me wrong. Your school needs new head staff to replace those who obviously do not care for those whom are dealt a proverbial bad hand.
I have another rant about my school.
So today there was a banquet at my school for the graduating class of CLS kids. CLS stands for Commu… morenity Learning Skills, which basically supports students with mild to severe delays in learning and developmental areas. These kids are usually at the learning level of kindergarten/elementary students but are very kind and excited to be graduating. A few volunteers offered to help set up and bake for the party. I was among them.
I realize now that having other students make the food was a big mistake. We had a specific time schedule to meet all of the goals and we were separated into groups. There was no teacher or supervisor because we were all seniors and were expected to do the work correctly (some of the volunteers weren't actually volunteers at all, but part of the home ec class and were being graded). My group and a few others made sure that our assignments were done on time, but some groups wait… [view original content]
I should start from the beginning. This all started Yesterday. As the oldest in My household, Whilst my mother was away, I was tasked with being in charge of my Siblings and the House work that needed to be done. I got up, I was in a great mood, and I started cleaning with My Siblings. And then My brother went to sleep, Which yes, was Understandable considering he didn't sleep that night, So I had let that slide. Then My sister decided to sleep, I was again, Okay with that, It was fine by me. Anywho, I finished cleaning most of the house, I got things done, and decided, "Hey, Maybe I should take a break." So, I came upstairs, Put on my headphones, and watched Game Theory. Meanwhile, I was trying to contact 3 of My best friends that I have not heard from in ages. I contacted the First one, and She had forgotten all about My existence, and Sure, after talking a while, She finally remembered, But we were close, and Now she can Hardly remember my Name. I got in Contact with the 2nd friend. We laughed and Chatted for a bit, and it was Great. Then I got in contact with the 3rd friend... He hated me, He hated my guts, and I have no idea why, But it Could have had something to do with My Ex-Friend Nathan, who was friends with my friend, and I assume Nathan spouted some Major Bullshit. So that was Painful to see, Afterwards, My friend came to me and Said her Boyfriend wouldn't talk to her because she wouldn't answer a Question, I then got frustrated and took my Anger out on her, which led to Me being a total douche and hating myself even MORE. Later on, I went downstairs, and the House was a mess. There was Baby powder thrown everywhere, The sink had a brand new pile of dishes, and My Oldest sister out of the 2, she was okay with all of this. So to put it lightly, I flipped my fucking shit, and ended up sounding Just like my father when he was angry. And then I recieved a Phone call in the Midst of that... My girlfriend called and said She was Breaking up with me, Because she feels like she isn't enough. She said maybe one day we'll be together again, But we have to be done for now. So, I dropped to the floor, Broken inside, Holding back all my emotions Like I have been the Last 3 weeks, and My father called. He cancelled our Trip to his house this weekend Because of Money problems. I got online to cool off, and Then Got into a fight with My Friend Chris. He blocked me on Social media, and He isn't returning My calls. I left the house, with My Inhalor and a Hammer in case of danger, and I just left. My mother came and picked me up, I went home, and Re-cleaned.
So I have a new rant or whatever.
I should start from the beginning. This all started Yesterday. As the oldest in My household, Whilst my… more mother was away, I was tasked with being in charge of my Siblings and the House work that needed to be done. I got up, I was in a great mood, and I started cleaning with My Siblings. And then My brother went to sleep, Which yes, was Understandable considering he didn't sleep that night, So I had let that slide. Then My sister decided to sleep, I was again, Okay with that, It was fine by me. Anywho, I finished cleaning most of the house, I got things done, and decided, "Hey, Maybe I should take a break." So, I came upstairs, Put on my headphones, and watched Game Theory. Meanwhile, I was trying to contact 3 of My best friends that I have not heard from in ages. I contacted the First one, and She had forgotten all about My existence, and Sure, after talking a while, She finally remembered, But we were clos… [view original content]
I only have one thing to say.
Fuck people, ungrateful assholes.
You're cool, its not your fault for this brother...well except freaking out but that's understandable.
Much better pain-wise, though that could be because of taking pain killers every 5-6 hours or so. That almost seems like overkill, but hey, … morethat's what I was told to do I guess. I have an appointment tomorrow to figure out what the problem is. I do think my body is taking care of it anyway, though.
Edit: My doctor thinks I have something called Brachial Neuritis.
In the morning I started the computer up and when it finally fully loaded up, both of the online protection programs that I use turned off on their own. Tried to turn them on but nadda. Had to turn the computer off and back on, then the programs turned off again. Finally after 15 minutes they turned back on. I started the internet and it stopped working.
Then I had to go to the bathroom. I proceeded to take my watch off, aaannnndd I lost grip, dropping it into the TOILET! I couldn't flush it or else it'll get clogged. So I....
I had to throw the watch out, the water got in it. It would rust, and batteries would short circuit anyway. Ugh, last time I take my watch off in the bathroom. ._.
Later in the day, me and my family couldn't figure out what to have for dinner (no a lot of food to have) so I suggested to buy food. Me and the others put our money together to get garlic strips (basically the store I went to used pizza dough, so it was like a pizza). I got the food and headed back home. However they forget to give me the sauce I asked for, so my sister complained while I was indifferent about it. But she really wanted the sauce so I had to head back to the store, get the sauce, and returned home. She was she got the sauce but still complained that they forgot, I was tired and hungry so I told her just be happy she got the damn sauce.
And later on, my brother bit his tongue badly during dinner, and it was bleeding. Some of the flesh popped up. Took him to emergency in the hospital in case of an infection. Me and sis stayed home while our aunt was with my brother. Sis kept going on about his tongue and almost in a panic like manner, saying he might be screaming in pain (we thought he needed stitches), being understanding ably worried. But she kept going on and on, driving me freaking nuts. I didn't think it was going to be THAT bad and he'll be fine anyway, so I told her to stop panicking and said he'll be fine (he wasn't bleeding a whole lot, and it stopped before he went off to the hospital). And he came back home with aunt, didn't need stitches (doctors said they can't anyway), just needs salt and water, and use frozen stuff for his tongue. Maybe I was a little insensitive to my sister, but she was hurting herself more by panicking so I had to stop her.
So yesterday was a filled with bullshit.
In the morning I started the computer up and when it finally fully loaded up, both of the online… more protection programs that I use turned off on their own. Tried to turn them on but nadda. Had to turn the computer off and back on, then the programs turned off again. Finally after 15 minutes they turned back on. I started the internet and it stopped working.
Then I had to go to the bathroom. I proceeded to take my watch off, aaannnndd I lost grip, dropping it into the TOILET! I couldn't flush it or else it'll get clogged. So I....
I had to throw the watch out, the water got in it. It would rust, and batteries would short circuit anyway. Ugh, last time I take my watch off in the bathroom. ._.
Later in the day, me and my family couldn't figure out what to have for dinner (no a lot of food to have) so I suggested to buy food. Me and the others put our money together to get garlic strips (b… [view original content]
Actually stating that your opinion isn't fact isn't an opinion.
Stating that Battlefield is a good or bad game is an opinion.
In your opinion.
Battlefield 2 and battlefield vietnam were both great.
No...Opinion and fact are two different things.
You could state actually technical issues wrong with the game and those will be fact but as soon as you just call them garbage it becomes opinion.
That's subjective to the definition of garbage you use.
In your opinion.
I see where this is going, alright, I'm done, peace.
Iron Maiden is shit, there my opinion and whatever you try to say to make me think otherwise is wrong.
I agree.
Nope, it's a fact look it up.
You're on crack, Zack.
Much better pain-wise, though that could be because of taking pain killers every 5-6 hours or so. That almost seems like overkill, but hey, that's what I was told to do I guess. I have an appointment tomorrow to figure out what the problem is. I do think my body is taking care of it anyway, though.
Edit: My doctor thinks I have something called Brachial Neuritis.
So I see a lotta people are Butthurt and Offended over Drake Bell's latest Tweet, "Sorry... Still calling you Bruce.", and I'm gonna share my opinion on this. and This will sound harsh to both LGBT supporters and Haters, But to be clear, I am a supporter on the matter.
Just because Drake Bell said he's calling Caitlyn "Bruce" still, Does Not mean it's a transphobic comment. Her name was originally Bruce, and Drake still wants to Call her that. Chill out and quit Being so offended over an Opinion. and To all of those people who think Bruce and every other LGBT person are Satanists, Go fuck off! God is the only one who can Judge, and Y'all can't! So if your so Intent on shoving Religion down Gay people's throats, Then how about you fuckin' read the Bible and remember only god can judge, and I'm damn certain I don't see any clouds moving, and God pointing a finger saying, "Fuck you and your Sexuality." Therefore, they are okay. Sorry, Needed to get this off my chest...
I have another rant about my school.
So today there was a banquet at my school for the graduating class of CLS kids. CLS stands for Community Learning Skills, which basically supports students with mild to severe delays in learning and developmental areas. These kids are usually at the learning level of kindergarten/elementary students but are very kind and excited to be graduating. A few volunteers offered to help set up and bake for the party. I was among them.
I realize now that having other students make the food was a big mistake. We had a specific time schedule to meet all of the goals and we were separated into groups. There was no teacher or supervisor because we were all seniors and were expected to do the work correctly (some of the volunteers weren't actually volunteers at all, but part of the home ec class and were being graded). My group and a few others made sure that our assignments were done on time, but some groups waited until the last minute and rushed, being sloppy and messing up recipes. Otherwise pretty-looking rainbow rice krispie squares turned out smushed, overly-sticky and, when cut, jagged and lopsided. The melted chocolate for the strawberries was seized and lumpy. This was all done in the morning and the banquet was expected to be held after lunch.
What was stupid was that the teacher of the home ec class didn't even see anything wrong with the food. She just bustled along, stacking everything as if it didn't matter. At lunch I decided to check out the library's set up - where the party was. It was nothing special. No streamers or lights or anything; the only decorations were two balloons. There was a long plastic table in the centre of the room with the food haphazardly piled on top and a stereo for music. As part of my chosen assignment, I had baked 3 dozen red velvet cupcakes topped with pretty multi-coloured icing, and they weren't on the table with the rest of the food. I don't know what happened to them or why they weren't being served, but I was very upset and disappointed because I worked extremely hard on them and was looking forward to seeing the kids' reactions to them. My best guess is that they decided to use them for our banquet instead, because I assume they think they were too pretty to be served to such kids. What upsets me the most is that while we get professionally catered and a DJ for our banquet, they have a cold library with poor quality food made by kids who barely know how to make spaghetti.
That's another thing that bothers me - the segregation. Every year the graduating class attends a banquet at the city hall, complete with dinner, a salad bar and a professional DJ, among other things. It's this big thing. People hire limo drivers to take them to and from the party, spend months tailoring their dresses and suits. These students with disabilities are graduating from the same school. Why are they not allowed to join us? They're the same age, only in different classes suited for their needs. Do they not deserve the same? Are people so selfish as to feel repulsed or have their day ruined by seeing children of lower IQ having fun? How sick in the mind can someone be to feel personally bothered by this?
I know these kids might not be able to tell the difference, because they've known unfair treatment their entire lives, but the way my school handled this and continue to handle it is extremely fucked up. There was nothing remotely fun about this party. Even the punch was lukewarm. I thought graduation was supposed to be something special for everyone , since it happens only once in a lifetime. It should be even more special considering these kids are already at a disadvantage compared to other students. What made me even more sad was that they had dressed up in pretty dresses and tuxedos just to stand in a bland library and be served clumpy chocolate and warm juice.
I can't wait to be leaving this disgusting excuse for a school. In fact I hope they shut it down. The way they treat kids with disadvantages like they are second-class citizens is absolutely nauseating.
I don't even know what to say...
I already told you my piece on this, but I think it goes to show how much you care and how kind-hearted you are. The treatment of special ed kids always hits close to home for me since I was grouped with them due to my mental health problems. I met and always listened to them, even when others would look away or laugh. I didn't get that treatment because I outwardly seem normal and have no learning problems, but these kids were looked down upon since their shortcomings were evident. It's nice to hear that you put so much effort into making them the pretty cupcakes they deserve, even if they didn't end up on the table. The gesture speaks volumes compared to the other classmates that just wanted to get done with the baking.
We need more people like you. Not enough people stand up for them and only take advantage because they might not be aware of what's going on, they shouldn't be treated any differently from anyone else, they still have the same rights as everybody and deserve to be treated equally.
When I got to the part about the kids dressing up all nice and having to have their graduation in a crappy library with warm punch I put down my phone and just said 'god damnit' under my breath. That is so messed up.
This is utterly disgusting. whomever believed that this was a suitable, let alone a morally acceptable decision, is disgusting.
This hits me close to home, as I and my brother exist on the autism spectrum: myself as a high-functioning individual and my brother on the shit end of the spectrum.
I thought my school was poorly treating those of whom have special needs, but this just slapped my face the other way around to prove me wrong. Your school needs new head staff to replace those who obviously do not care for those whom are dealt a proverbial bad hand.
So I have a new rant or whatever.
I should start from the beginning. This all started Yesterday. As the oldest in My household, Whilst my mother was away, I was tasked with being in charge of my Siblings and the House work that needed to be done. I got up, I was in a great mood, and I started cleaning with My Siblings. And then My brother went to sleep, Which yes, was Understandable considering he didn't sleep that night, So I had let that slide. Then My sister decided to sleep, I was again, Okay with that, It was fine by me. Anywho, I finished cleaning most of the house, I got things done, and decided, "Hey, Maybe I should take a break." So, I came upstairs, Put on my headphones, and watched Game Theory. Meanwhile, I was trying to contact 3 of My best friends that I have not heard from in ages. I contacted the First one, and She had forgotten all about My existence, and Sure, after talking a while, She finally remembered, But we were close, and Now she can Hardly remember my Name. I got in Contact with the 2nd friend. We laughed and Chatted for a bit, and it was Great. Then I got in contact with the 3rd friend... He hated me, He hated my guts, and I have no idea why, But it Could have had something to do with My Ex-Friend Nathan, who was friends with my friend, and I assume Nathan spouted some Major Bullshit. So that was Painful to see, Afterwards, My friend came to me and Said her Boyfriend wouldn't talk to her because she wouldn't answer a Question, I then got frustrated and took my Anger out on her, which led to Me being a total douche and hating myself even MORE. Later on, I went downstairs, and the House was a mess. There was Baby powder thrown everywhere, The sink had a brand new pile of dishes, and My Oldest sister out of the 2, she was okay with all of this. So to put it lightly, I flipped my fucking shit, and ended up sounding Just like my father when he was angry. And then I recieved a Phone call in the Midst of that... My girlfriend called and said She was Breaking up with me, Because she feels like she isn't enough. She said maybe one day we'll be together again, But we have to be done for now. So, I dropped to the floor, Broken inside, Holding back all my emotions Like I have been the Last 3 weeks, and My father called. He cancelled our Trip to his house this weekend Because of Money problems. I got online to cool off, and Then Got into a fight with My Friend Chris. He blocked me on Social media, and He isn't returning My calls. I left the house, with My Inhalor and a Hammer in case of danger, and I just left. My mother came and picked me up, I went home, and Re-cleaned.
So yeah, There's my Vent.
YOU DONT got to love it, because the hood got to love it.
I only have one thing to say.
Fuck people, ungrateful assholes.
You're cool, its not your fault for this brother...well except freaking out but that's understandable.
Thanks man... It just... It fucking sucks dicks, You know?
Yup, I have a friend being a total bitch to me because of a stupid joke I did MONTHS ago.
Some people can't take a joke, and they learn to hate me.
I know that feeling.
I'm sorry you're going through that dude.
Makes sense, that looks like what you said.
I'm really mad that I'm not able to have the title of Sir.
Watch a young nigga show his ass out in public AAAYYYY!
You're just jealous cuz he's got the whole block bumpin.
I don't like the drugs the drugs like me, don't like the drugs the drugs the drugs.
Legend :'D
I honestly want aliens to come and annihilate the human race.
I bet that guy tho even if Aliens attacked and destroyed the planet still would survive and kill them all B}
Don't be sad m'lady.
Punch her in the throat.
This is what happens when hollywood Agenda takes over.
So yesterday was a filled with bullshit.
In the morning I started the computer up and when it finally fully loaded up, both of the online protection programs that I use turned off on their own. Tried to turn them on but nadda. Had to turn the computer off and back on, then the programs turned off again. Finally after 15 minutes they turned back on. I started the internet and it stopped working.
Then I had to go to the bathroom. I proceeded to take my watch off, aaannnndd I lost grip, dropping it into the TOILET! I couldn't flush it or else it'll get clogged. So I....
I had to throw the watch out, the water got in it. It would rust, and batteries would short circuit anyway. Ugh, last time I take my watch off in the bathroom. ._.
Later in the day, me and my family couldn't figure out what to have for dinner (no a lot of food to have) so I suggested to buy food. Me and the others put our money together to get garlic strips (basically the store I went to used pizza dough, so it was like a pizza). I got the food and headed back home. However they forget to give me the sauce I asked for, so my sister complained while I was indifferent about it. But she really wanted the sauce so I had to head back to the store, get the sauce, and returned home. She was she got the sauce but still complained that they forgot, I was tired and hungry so I told her just be happy she got the damn sauce.
And later on, my brother bit his tongue badly during dinner, and it was bleeding. Some of the flesh popped up. Took him to emergency in the hospital in case of an infection. Me and sis stayed home while our aunt was with my brother. Sis kept going on about his tongue and almost in a panic like manner, saying he might be screaming in pain (we thought he needed stitches), being understanding ably worried. But she kept going on and on, driving me freaking nuts. I didn't think it was going to be THAT bad and he'll be fine anyway, so I told her to stop panicking and said he'll be fine (he wasn't bleeding a whole lot, and it stopped before he went off to the hospital). And he came back home with aunt, didn't need stitches (doctors said they can't anyway), just needs salt and water, and use frozen stuff for his tongue. Maybe I was a little insensitive to my sister, but she was hurting herself more by panicking so I had to stop her.
Sigh, damn crazy day.
A series of unfortunate events...Hope you have a better day tomorrow.
lol thanks, let's hope.