What do you think about Daenerys?



  • Kelly C is just the worst. How people think she's one of the best female characters in the show is beyond me.

  • See, I didn't get that she was going to betray you. It seemed like a situation where she would boast and brag and basically test you convictions, depending on your choices of course and their outcome, but would ultimately relent given your wordings when you talk to her. For example, I allowed Bheska to kill her old slave master and so I got the outcome where she yells at me for "not allowing the people to have their justice" or something. Now, if they are going to be true to character, as they have been for every character, including Danny, if my Asher were to demand that she was indeed a slave and thus got justice, it's obvious she would relent, most likely saying something like "...well played." or some other smarmy comment. That said, at the end of the day, unless you outright caused the one guy to die and the lighthouse to catch fire, I don't see her breaking her word in any meaningful way.

    You're not the only one. I love her too and she is my favourite character in show and books. I was looking forward to meet her in the game.

  • Long live King Stannis!

    I agree, she's going to lose it.

    I liked her in the first season, and rapidly started to not like her past that point. I thought her entire storyline was a spiral chart, it

  • edited June 2015

    I have read the books and I don't care for her story other than Ser Beristan the rest is.

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  • She's very resourceful and strongwilled - two things I like... but she can be too prideful and selfish and annoying... so I'm neutral about her.
    Personally I don't think she has the right mindset to rule the Seven Kingdoms - before she's convinced to do wise actions shit gets fucked up and she has to learn the hard way

  • I find her to be painfully boring in both the show and books, I only care about her supporting cast/characters like Ser Jorah and Ser Beristan(mainly Ser Jorah).

  • She's a really big poop

  • She's a fucking baby child. All of her advisers know what they're talking about and she heeds like none of their advice. Her setting (Essos) and her supporting characters are the only thing to like about her character. I'll even be one of the first to say she made dragons LAME to me. Although, that isn't entirely fair as I already considered dragons pretty lame but she nailed the final nail in the coffin on dragons for me. The only way to redeem them is to employ them to make Valyrian Steel to fight the White Walkers. Honestly I just hate Targaryens and Andals. Rhoynar are okay I guess... First Men ftw.

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    P.S. can't wait for the Second Siege.

  • Yeah, I just hope Tyrion can help her out.

    She probably won't listen to him though. For her sake I hope she does.

    Churned posted: »

    She's a fucking baby child. All of her advisers know what they're talking about and she heeds like none of their advice. Her setting (Essos)

  • edited June 2015

    I hope it too. Tyrion is a clever man and understands a lot of politics and strategy. She should learn from him. That's the best way to be a good queen.

    And please Dany forgive Ser Jorah. I understand the first banishment, but now he has suffered enough (and he still stands loyal to you, after all this isn't naturally)

  • edited June 2015

    I can summarise her like this "Oooh I have Dragons be scared of me, I know what's best because I save slaves and you know nothing"
    So yeah, I don't like her. She is painfully cliché as well.

  • I think one of the reasons why many people find Show!Dany obnoxious is because the show has not conveyed her childhood and her innermost desire. In the books we are often told that she just wants to go back to the house with the red door where she has memories of carefree happiness, and this really humanizes her character. In the show, she is introduced as a lifeless damsel and though she tells Viserys that she wants to go home, his reply "we go home with an army" implies that they're talking about King's Landing which makes no sense from her perspective (as she left Westeros or at least the Crownlands when she was a baby - I totally buy the theory that the house with the red door is in Dorne not Braavos).

    Another tragic consequence of the book-to-TV adaptation is that show viewers have no idea that her name is Dany. Except for Viserys uttering that name once, right before Drogo gives him a golden crown, she is always referred to as Khaleesi or one of her queenly titles. So show viewers don't know how she sees herself - a young girl who is affectionately called Dany, who dreams of a happy domestic life, and has mixed emotions for her protector and abuser Viserys (as compared to the indifference & hatred she shows him in the show) The only thing the show does to establish Dany's vulnerability is to give her an unpleasant wedding night, which is pretty much neutralised by her subsequent seduction and love for Drogo.

  • Same, that is what kept me going through those segments were the people around her, and now one is dead, the other probably soon to be dead. Well, we did get the best dwarf ever, I hope that evens it all out, it looks like it might from the last episode, but you never know.

    MisterGusty posted: »

    I find her to be painfully boring in both the show and books, I only care about her supporting cast/characters like Ser Jorah and Ser Beristan(mainly Ser Jorah).

  • I like her. This ruthlessness she's showing can be useful for a ruler. And lets be honest the slavers deserve worse than whats done to them. I would've just lined up the whole lot of the families of all three cities and killed em all. Let that business be over and done with.

  • Exactly! I wish we had that choice with Dany but nope! Hella annoying.

    LadyAzzar posted: »

    I think she's in character. She has to be a ruler and have power so of course she's not going to be nice to everyone and grant every request

  • It's a shame because I love the idea of a Targaryen using their dragons to take back the Seven Kingdoms (so basically Aegon's Conquest 2.0)... but damn is she an awful leader. Ignorant and downright stupid at times.

    I still think she's hot tho

  • I think it be more enjoyable if it was a failed invasion because of the cockiness of a Targarygen. I'm thinking of the reciprocal of the Field of Fire. Gain some early victories, but the people of the Realm set aside their differences (much like the Lannisters and Garderners) and go on the offense destroying the Targarygen bloodline for good.

    Or someone else invading Essos from Westeros. That be kind of cool.

    It's a shame because I love the idea of a Targaryen using their dragons to take back the Seven Kingdoms (so basically Aegon's Conquest 2.0)... but damn is she an awful leader. Ignorant and downright stupid at times. I still think she's hot tho

  • I liked her until she had that slave executed in the show. I hope Stannis and her kill each other so the Night's King can finally take charge because there isn't a better option anyway.

  • Quite simply, Dany was a good person, who has gone quite mad.
    She burnt that master for no good reason, name one reason beyond paranoia and "sending a message" for murdering someone.
    Because those reasons sound like those of Joffery and the mad king.

    No it wasn't. I must admit that she was sometimes arrogant in the actual season, but she would never broke her word to a man, who helped her

  • Haven't liked her in the show since Season 2 Episode 10. She was never so needlessly cruel in the books.

  • I can understand you defending Daenerys so strongly, she's a very inspiring, strong and interesting (at least most of the time). I think you're right in thinking Daenerys does what she does because she's naive rather than cold or manipulative (especially Book-Dany, who is much younger than her counterparts), but I think the game are still portraying her correctly.

    In the books and TV show we see everything from these character's perspectives and they deliver verbal beatdowns and deliver judgement on several minor or guest characters and we're always on their side since it's the only perspective we can see, to be on the receiving end changes that perspective drastically.

    Daenerys is a woman on a mission, determined to liberate Meereen and knows she has to seem proud and queenly, she can't afford to show weakness at such a crucial time. Also, Asher comes in talking about some land war happening to some minor House in Westeros that is too small to really be of much use to her. She's very busy, Asher and Beshka likely strike her as the typical sellsword thugs she's had to deal with a hundred times over by now too. (Also if you kill the slave master, these thugs have stopped off to brutalize some dude for seemingly no reason to her - don't know her reaction if you tell her Beshka was a slave.)

    Also, as for breaking he word to a man who helps her in a crucial situation? The masters of Yunkai gave her an army she desperately needed (being down to the ragged remains of a khalasar) in exchange for a dragon. I suppose technically they did have the dragon for a bit, but she soon took it back.

    No it wasn't. I must admit that she was sometimes arrogant in the actual season, but she would never broke her word to a man, who helped her

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited July 2015

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    I like her.

  • I'm not a big fan of her on the show, and she comes off as strangely hostile in the game.

  • edited July 2015

    I have no respect for her. She is a sh*tty ruler with no skills to speak of. If she didn't have Dragons, no one would care. I want her to die more than any character in the books or show.

  • I'm not a Daenerys hater. I am pissed that she basically lied to and used Asher. I risked my ass for a small box of gold and six dudes who got killed right off the banana boat.

  • I don't think Telltale understood her character at all.

  • I think they were pretty on point. She is idiotic upstart who has deluded herself into thinking she can do no wrong.

    I don't think Telltale understood her character at all.

  • Don't get me wrong, I'm not the biggest Daenerys fan. She has a lot of iffy character traits, but she tries to do the right thing. She tries to help people, and tries keep her word. I mean, if you've seen Season 5, do you remember her going on and on about how she just can't bring Jorah back into her service, even if she wanted to, because if she can't keep her word as queen then what is she?

    Daenerys is very passive aggressive, and I think Telltale tried to show that, but it just didn't deliver. She was passive aggressive in all the wrong ways. Just my opinion, of course.

    I think they were pretty on point. She is idiotic upstart who has deluded herself into thinking she can do no wrong.

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