A question about Kenny, the Telltale Community, and the stats.


Firstly, this post isn't taking any side in the Jane vs Kenny discussion. I hope you don't interpret it that way. I just had a question stemming from observations here.

So Kenny seems mostly hated in this community, but the stat page (on the wiki, mind you) shows that apparently a (slight) majority of people sided with him in the fight instead of Jane.


So my question is:
Is the stat page just being screwed with again like it has been in the past, or is this community a vocal minority in regards to this choice?


  • Well in the beginning the stat used to be right around 70% people who killed Kenny, again though that was 10 months ago so a lot could have changed (or the wiki stat is faked, I remember some people pointed out that people were doing that around September)

    And for the forum, the forums majority is much different from the actual majority. As most can see just by looking through a few threads Season 2 isn't very liked around here (often considered trash) yet most other places consider the game to be fine, or even a great game. So what I'm getting at is, that the forum doesn't really play a big part in what the majority picked, so the in game stats Telltale provides is probably the best way to actually define what the majorities opinion actually is.

  • I think it's more mixed like a lot of people love Kenny and a lot of people hate him, and I'm sure even Kenny fans shot him to save Jane.

  • Thanks for the response! That makes a lot of sense.

    This is irrelevant to the topic, but you know those "Type what you see here to prove that you're a human" tests? The one I had to do to make this discussion was actually 613. You must be the chosen one.

    Green613 posted: »

    Well in the beginning the stat used to be right around 70% people who killed Kenny, again though that was 10 months ago so a lot could have

  • This forum is often a bit different to the mainstream opinion, not quite sure why that is.

  • You must be the chosen one.

    Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if I was :^]

    Forsoothe posted: »

    Thanks for the response! That makes a lot of sense. This is irrelevant to the topic, but you know those "Type what you see here to prove

  • I'm sure neither the statistics on the game or the wiki aren't a true representation of how people played in their primary game. I mean, I was with Kenny till the end in my primary playthrough. Of course I also played the other endings just to see what happened, just as most other players did, so i'm sure that has alot to do with it.

    Yes there are people who couldn't stand Kenny and shot him given their first opportunity. However, myself being a member of quite a number of Walking Dead groups, most in them are also with Kenny at the end. This forum on the other hand chops and changes. I mean before Season Two started, the love for Kenny was everywhere. You couldn't open a thread without seeing a certain image. Then during Season Two and after, that changed. Mainly because many Kenny fans were banned, so that obviously contributed to the change of opinion.

  • Kenny gets way too over hated in this forum when in reality most people i believe would side with Kenny in that fight

  • fuk keni

    -Kenny posted: »

    Kenny gets way too over hated in this forum when in reality most people i believe would side with Kenny in that fight

  • It's pretty much what Green said. In here, majority of people think that Season 2's place is the dumpster, while in other places the game is fine or great, so the quarrel between the Not-Forum-Guys and Forum-Guys led to the shown statistics, while the opinions are completely different.

  • Screw Kenny, he hated on Lee and murdered Larry, then back tracked and kept Duck alive too lo g. He was such a jerk that Kat seeing that Duck's death would leave her Kenny and his wonderfulness she chose a bullet to that.

  • I don't think most people think that. They might have issues with the season but i didnt get the impression that it was that hated.

    Crips posted: »

    It's pretty much what Green said. In here, majority of people think that Season 2's place is the dumpster, while in other places the game is

  • Trust me, a lot of people hate Season 2 :S

    KCohere posted: »

    I don't think most people think that. They might have issues with the season but i didnt get the impression that it was that hated.

  • No doubt, but i dont think most fans did.

    Crips posted: »

    Trust me, a lot of people hate Season 2 :S

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