Were you convinced by Kenny's breakdown?
To me even though a dickwad he never seemed psychotic just a whiny, arrogant jerk. I would have been more convinced if:
While working on the wall, Kenny beats Mike and smashes open the wall accidentally letting walkers through
They used Troy for Kenny to beat in instead of Carver. Troy would beg for his life with tears in his eyes and Kenny would beat him regardless, showing Kenny is merciless
If he was more abusive towards the Clementine, like during the loss of Sarita instead of just yelling at her, how shocked would you be if he backhanded her? If the player chooses to side against him in the truck, he says "you know what happens when you push me, Clementine"
Instead of The Russian group, they used the 400 Days group with Becca being the only surviving member only to be beaten and abused by Kenny
This would really build him up and make the ending scene make him seem more deadly. It would also build him up as a Shane character
I dunno, i thought he was a total prick. If they would have let him hit Clem.... I don't know what i would have done. Something really unladylike i'm sure. And i chose to kill him.
There were moments where i was really pissed that the game was forcing me to be close to him. i didn't even like him in Season 1, and as soon as i saw him i was like 'Fuck, here we go again! Nobody mention boats!'
I think that the whole of season 2 would have been 100 times better if Kenny hadn't been in it at all. So no, i don't really think we need a Worse Kenny than we already had.
People don't just turn evil when people they love die Kenny was a good man who was slowly going down the deep end it would've been stupid if he suddenly started beating people that don't side with him especially people he cared about. Kenny was better as a grey character. Maybe he would appear more dangerous but it would've become a completely black and white scenario.
Did you forget Kenny saved Lee's ass at the drugstore? What if Lee died there? Clementine would have died.
All of what you said would make the Kenny endings make no sense.
How's that...
If Kenny behaved badly I would consider that Kenny's going slowly insane...
Group members yelling, saying that Kenny's insane is... just... not how you do present it....
The kenny endings show him as a good character. Ergo, asking for events that make him look much more like unredeamable lost case villian-like character would contradict that for the most part.
Edit: As Agentz said, Kenny's a mostly grey character.
I hate you all for making Kenny a bad fucking guy. His endings should convince you to think he is a nice guy. His ending are better than Jane's. Jane is the one who cares for no one but herself and abandoned Clem multiple times.
So what? Just because Kenny didn't leave Lee to die when he clearly thought about it first, doesn't make him a likeable person. I'm not real big on playing fictional 'what if?' He didn't die, neither did Clem, and Kenny was an Asshole.
Anyone who feels the need to constantly put people around them down, and call them derogatory names for no reason at all, as well as shooting down every idea anyone else ever has in favor of the stupidest non-existent plan in the history of video gaming, is not a person i want in my Apocolypse Survival Group. Not even a little bit.
Also I hate Becca. I would have let Kenny beat her too.
His ending doesn't erase all his bad behavior before, and i didnt get that ending anyway. I got the one with Jane and it was decent.
Honestly I think flimsii put it the best in terms of his 'breakdown.' Namely that it was largely caused by everyone else's stupidity and lack of will to help in the larger problems of the group, and even then Kenny's responses weren't even that drastic.
'Kenny's girlfriend is dead and we don't know how he's taking it? Mate, I'm not talking to him. 2spooky4me. Better send in the 11 year old girl.'
'Kenny's taking a human shield in a heated gunfight that puts us all at risk? Better criticise him all while not contributing at all to the fight.'
'Kenny knocked out a screaming man in the middle of the night which put everyone at risk of attracting a horde of walkers? What the hell man?'
'Kenny's driving in a snowstorm with a single eye and has already suffered the betrayal of other members and having one of the few important people in his life shot? Better antagonise him about his dead girlfriend and how everyone hates him.' (Do keep in mind that in this last one I'm fairly surprised Kenny didn't actively punch Jane then and there. I would've.)
Nobody is making Kenny a bad guy. He IS a bad guy.
Bruh, when did Jane enter into this?
I'm near to the point of wanting to push Kenny off a cliff or something.
He's very unlikeable.
Welcome to the Walking Dead section of the forums.
Cool, nobody was talking about Jane's irrelevant ass though, lmao.
I wish I could upvote this twice.
I was convinced ever since Season 1 that Kenny was psychotic. But if those scenarios happened, I'd definitely make sure to shoot him in Episode 5.
Green, mah boi I think I might have been wrong bout ya
I don't feel that his 'breakdown' was meant to build him up as being a violent psychotic maniac, or that he was becoming a Carver 2.0 (even if some of the characters themselves see it that way), but rather as someone that is losing more and more control over themselves as time goes on. Where he isn't a danger himself necessarily, but a proponent and catalyst for danger to occur. He wouldn't be a direct danger to his group himself; he wouldn't just turn on them one day and kill them/enslave them, but he'd be more likely to cause problems by pissing off the wrong group of people one day, and getting his own group in trouble as a result. He's not turning into some villain, he's just becoming harder to keep on a leash.
That's more the point I feel the writing was trying to make, at least from my perspective. As the episodes progress, it gets harder and harder to calm him down or talk sense into him. His outbursts occur more frequently, his patience gets thinner, and it starts to reach points where it takes physical intervention to get him to stop if someone or something sets him off, and even that isn't always a guarantee. Kenny's reaction to Ben confessing (trying to attack him and having to be held back by Lee and Vernon) was the extreme for him in S1. By S2, that reaction is almost the standard for him.
He's like a runaway bus whose brakes are slowly malfunctioning. Eventually, it will reach a point where no one will be able to keep control of it as it barrels down a hill and crashes into god knows what.
And to be fair, Kenny's not even all that violent. The two most brutal things Kenny has done is crush Larry's head and beat Carver's face in. Larry would have died instantly, and Carver was out cold (if not already dead) by the third hit, so it's not exactly like they suffered. As far as TWD as a franchise goes, he has a pretty tame rap sheet. That's not to excuse the shit that he has done, but he is far from being the most reprehensible character ever. Kenny wouldn't even make my top ten for "craziest and most brutally violent motherfuckers in TWD"
Hey there's no call for that.
You mean... you have a list? Please tell me! Oh please tell me now
Well no, I don't. But what I do know is that if I were to make a list of the craziest and most brutally violent motherfuckers in TWD, Kenny would not be in my top 10.
I'm not a big fan of lists, though. If I made a list about things I don't like to do, making lists would be #1.
There's always a call when people decide to post especially dumb shit such as this cancer inducing spawn.
I think you need to calm down a little buddy.
I'm perfectly calm.
Seemed like an okay guy to me. Although, I was a bit of a dick in my first playthrough as Clementine and as Lee I had originally sided with Kenny on the Larry situation so he was a lot nicer to me.
Don't get me wrong, I completely understand that he's a violent and broken man, but he was the only friend I had left after season one so I kind of just went along with him on most things.
I feel like his outburst on Ben was understandable though I don't agree with it but I think most people would've reacted that way in his position.
That's my list. Rick Grimes will always be somewhere on it no matter what he does.
Note: I decided to leave off a few insane children from the comics and TV show. You know the ones.
...You would let a grown man beat up a child just for having an attitude?
I don't even know what to say to that.
Becca was a bitch all the time. She wanted a woman to die even though they were best friends. She was even mean in front of Clem in Season 2.
OF. Tell me why:
Cause I hate Jane more than ANYONE in the entire game.
Becca's hardly a bitch, she's maintaining a tough persona to cope with the zombie apocalypse and is being influenced by whoever leads her group (Roman and Carver), moreso than her older sister Shel who is already struggling to keep hold of her own morals and dilemmas.
Challenge her to take up the offer to execute her friend Stephanie for her theft and betrayal, and she'll immediately back off and state that she'll do it when it's her turn to do the deed. She's angry at Stephanie, but not enough to want to do the deed herself and is clearly uncomfortable about the whole situation, even if Becca does advocate executing betrayers and thieves. And should Shel decide to flee instead of executing Stephanie, Becca is more concerned about Roman catching them than leaving Stephanie alive.
As for her appearance in Episode 3, we don't even talk to her to explore more about her character and motivations, she's just there to establish her character and nothing else. For all we know she's bitter at being held by Carver along with her sister and is having a bad day, since the community is being run by a mad man who kills people for not picking enough berries off of trees.
Yeah right, cause kenny would backhand clem.. It is how it is, you cant just change story and then say "yup thats how he is" he wasnt a merciless asshole, he was just a guy with problems.
This! Thanks man, couldn't have said that better
One little thing I'd like to correct you on is Mike did indeed try to talk to kenny before they asked Clem to talk to him......alright, with that out of the way. I agree with most of what you said and...
Even worse is, people are less mad(or atleast mention less often) at what Mike, Bonnie and Jane did despite the fact that unlike Kenny, those 3 weren't pushed half, or even quarter as hard as Kenny was pushed, into doing what they did. And as you said they "in some extent or another" pushed Kenny into what he did also.
I mean, that doesn't make kenny's wrong actions not wrong. But we keep talking as if the other people in the group are Lee,Christa,Omid,Carley and Doug who are devoid of all wrong and that out of them Kenny is undoubtedly the sickest most sadistic selfish disloyal fox in the hen house.