Another great gaming dev gone to dogs
im very disappointed with this michonne mini series TBH... gutted infact....
while im a HUGE michonne fan, this doesn't interest me in the slightest... It can only ruin her character for me in the tv series if im honest, this is a cash cow plain and simple and nothing more...
how about letting us know wtf happened christa? that would be a damn good place to start!
im not one to bitch and moan but im really disappointed....
TWD S1 was a masterpiece!, they made a young girl not just likable! you loved her!, something many devs have tried and failed with, I honestly cannot praise S1 highly enough.. one of if not THE best story driven game ive ever played and ive played 25+ years.. incredible!
then we get S2, ok I know this has been beaten to death, but IMO and many other TWD fans it wasn't a patch on S1, not to beat about the bush here ,it was WEAK!... take Kenny out (like him or hate him S2 was the Kenny show!) what are you left with? half assed characters with little to know development that we are supposed to care about, making clem protagonist was another sell out that screwed S2 from the start IMO...
now this....
I could sit here now and trash the devs but what I really want to say is this!
I know you guys are here to make money, but please don't sell yourselves out to writing half assed story games that you can make millions off just because your usung cash cow names... your waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than this, there a million and one devs out there doing this and its upsetting to see you guys go down this road...
you took on the TWD franchise and made it your own and created one of the best story driven games out there, I love michonne but that's Roberts creation!... I want to see YOURS!.. your fantastic at it when you guys get down to it...
im sorry for the negativity but its a sad day when your watching one of the best devs in the business drop there high standards to knock out easy money makers...
while im sure you more than capable of pulling this off with michonne mini series, we would much rather play YOUR! creations where you have full control on how we as players view and feel about YOUR! characters...
while S2 was not BAD game, it wasn't even in my top 20 story games, it was weak on so many levels, I was hoping we would be moving back more towards S1 standards.. but now it seams this is what we can expect from now on... and it saddens me... you guys are the best when you do it right and put your hearts into it......
I hope im made to eat my words here.. I really do...
heres to TTG getting back to doing what they do best!
Confused on how a story about a comic book character will ruin the Tv version.
I agree that telltale doing the mini series is dumb and I hate it , but they haven't gone to the dogs lol. They are currently making one of the best games I ever played (Tales from the Borderlands) and a game based off Game of Thrones which alot of people seem to like as well.
To be honest, I enjoyed Season Two. Yes it had it's flaws, but its still a damn sight better than most of the dross out there.
You're right about Season One though. It was/still a masterpiece and no matter what telltale did, I find it difficult to see how they could have topped it.
Season Three, well we'll have to see how that pans out, but lets hope telltale learn from their mistakes.
This Michonne farce is nothing but a cash cow, you're spot on. Problem is though, cynics like us will buy it anyway for completeness. It's the fans of Michonne that worry me. Simply because they are the ones that will slag off telltale relentlessly if they make the slightest error. More so than Season Two, much more. They are messing with an already established character now, one that's known across the globe.
I daren't look at the comments if telltale get her wrong.
I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but did it cross your mind that maybe you are being a bit too dramatic about this?
I sincerely doubt that this one little mini-series has irrevocably ruined the franchise. You can call it a cash-in, but don't act like this is some permanent irreversible mark that has completely decimated any credibility or reputation Telltale has. Because that is... well, simply not true.
Why are people taking this so hard? Its an extra bit of content. Its not ruining all the other projects.
You have expresed my thoughts Craticus . season 1 was a masterpice. season 2 was ok good. dlc sucked hard. and this michone thing is meh. This is a cash decision just that. miss indie companys thats actualy cares
NOTE: this is my opnion so dont be a drama queen.
Completely disagree I loved S2 (I do admit that S1 was better though) and I'm not exactly happy about the mini series either it's not a cash-in and it will probably be amazing.
I'm not familiar with the comics or tv show, but I respect writers that don't listen to the fans and do whatever they think is best for the series. I think it is best that way and I trust the writers to make another awesome game.
I cant see where they went wrong. I think it could turn out to be very good in fact. It all depends on how they handle it. I think Telltale has the ability to make something happen here, like they always do. yes, they do have some short comings, but don't we all? I personally am exited to see how this is handled by Telltale.
OP does make a very valid point....i also want to see Telltale's creation of characters not Kirkmans ,if im honest Telltale for me are far superior at creating characters than Kirkman,i don't think we know the full story OP,it could indeed be a cash cow,or maybe pressure to mix the universes,i don't know,i just hope they go back to the drawing board for season 3 even if it means bringing Clem/Christa/Lilly back.
I'm alright, i guess my biggest beef with this, is why waste your time with this: When it has nothing to do with the original story other than fan filler, when they could of announced TWAU: S2.
That is why i am annoyed. , because i don't want to play another DLC that has nothing to do with the original story, and will mean absolutely nothing in the end, ie the last DLC.
Instead of this in my opinion worthless dlc they could've been making more Wolf Among Us instead.
I see the forum is overreacting to another announcement. Good times, good times, I'll remember this fondly.
Oh its not that bad. Is it as bad when they announced minecraft. That was funny.
Oh look another overreaction
Still better than what happened when minecraft was announced
Oh yeah, that was simultaneously hilarious and somewhat scary.
So a comic character ruins a TV one? Say what?
You should've seen people chewing out Telltale for having the gall to release Wolf Among Us alongside Walking Dead: Season 2, despite it being announced directly at the same time as the first Season. People were livid and accused it of delaying Walking Dead: Season 2, even when Wolf fans got the short end of the stick with the wait for episode 2.
I look at it this way Borderlands is something I don't like but Tales from the Borderlands has been a good game so far I imagine they will do the same for Michonne.
A lot of people think the majority opinion is the correct opinion and have a hard time accepting others opinions, i think it's a maturity level imo.
you're right @Blind,lets not forget Telltale have also done some GREAT things like...releasing season 2 early when everyone expected it at least a year later,and making Clem the playable character which mostly everyone wanted.
Goustttt yeah i agree people are overreacting again just like with minecraft story mode i dont get why people start judging before pretty much a episode or something comes out all they are judging it by is a poster of the series and nothing else i feel people are judging too early just like with minecraft story mode when that came out people overreacted pretty much the same we should wait until episode 1 comes out for both before we go saying its gonna suck right now we just have to wait for fall 2015
Gosh, why you ackin so cray cray? Seriously, this is extra content made by an amazing developer, and if they believe that this game is worth making, then I believe it's worth playing. And for the record, I thought season 2 was awesome, don't know why you're so upset about this.
Yeah i agree gijoe
Its a DLC MINI SERIES, you baby.
Except they aren't doing that. It's clear you're only accusing them of milking because YOU don't like the idea. If they were actually milking it they would slap Deryl Dixons name on it, not Michonnes.
I think Telltale is actually pretty far away from being a lost company. They have Marvel and Lionsgate partnered with them for heaven sake
Tbh I'm just happy Clementine isn't in it this time around. As long as it doesn't pull as Season 2 with choices, characters,dialogue etc
You're a genius
Also it is insult to all dogs becuase dog is loyal, brave and courageous and they shouldnt be used as insult.
Nice troll, bro
That is truth not troll, only simleton will judge something before he tried it.
Calling people assholes and hypocrites for not feeling strongly about this concept seems that way
Their...Their is just too much win in that pic it's ridiculous. :' )
I don't normally like to be nitpicky but i would like to point out that this image was made by @JakeSt123
michonne will be the player character so we can decide her attitude, and a believably capable player character as well, none of this "please help us 12 year old small child" also it will be the other characters she meets that will determine whether the game is good or not, and that will be up to telltale to make interesting characters and scenarios.
i just hope we don't have to have read the comics to understand anything, because i never got that far on the comics, i only got past the prison arc then stopped
Half-assed? Absolute nonsense. You assume that because they are taking on an already established character and adding their own unique story to her that they will not put as much effort in? Great logic. Based on the work they are doing with Thrones and Borderlands, they are far from going to the dogs. Hell, TFTB is looking like becoming a Telltale classic the amount of effort they are putting into it! Don't worry, I think you are going to be eating those ill-informed words.
Also, it's a DLC for crying out loud! An additional bit of content that is a THREE episode mini-series. Whatever was going to be the focus, I am thrilled with that level of content in a DLC.