This doesn't make sense and it make me mad....
Why couldn't they just walk around? It looks safer. They didn't even try to look for another option as if it was no big deal!
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Why couldn't they just walk around? It looks safer. They didn't even try to look for another option as if it was no big deal!
Yeah uhm... the same thing happens in Dora the Explorer lol. You can walk around all of the obstacles but God forbid that the charcters can take the easy way out. The writers just like to torture us, that's all.
True, but WHY?!? Darn u Telltale
You probably mean Trolltale because ever since S2 they've been trolling us to the moon and back -_-"
b/c then the game would be too realistic and characters wouldn't die when needed
It makes sense if you accept the gospel of the river, which explains that it is a river
Because the plot demands it.
B/c there's no going around it that needed to get rid of all the secondary character before the seson final
We can't go under it
We can't go over it
We're going to have to go through it
Seriously the entire plot has places that were relevant to the writers. Season two was kind of rushed so telltale had to find ways for secondary characters to die quickly
It's hard for rivers to freeze completely because they're always flowing and it's way too deep to be a river

Too much walking, let's improvise instead. What could go wrong with a group made up of a little girl taking care of a baby and grown-ups, crossing a frozen lake with Walkers slowly stalking them.
The writers of season 1 and season 2 are a diferent group of people so thats why there is alot of changes in the scrip. season 2 had a bunch of plot holes just for the need of something happen. still a good season and not even some bad writing and plot holes ruined it. still season 1 is better in my opnion.
It is NOT a river. Please stop saying it is... We've been over this too many times.
Oh my god... my childhood!
Because the writers wanted to kill off Luke.
"Hey! Let's kill Luke by drowning him, we've never done that before!"
"Good idea!!!!!"
So they wanted to be original and make the group cross a frozen lake and then kill him by drowning him. Plus as Kenny said:
So it must have been the only option... -.-
oh yes it is
1000 ways to die
What made you think it was ever a river?
Agree! One of my biggest pet peeves of Season 2. I'm from Canada, and one of the first things i ever learned about Winter safety was; don't walk on frozen bodies of water unless you are ABSOLUTELY sure that it's fucking frozen!
Even if noone had ever taught me that little nugget, it's pretty common sensical. And in game, Clem even mentions that we should go around. I don't know what the hell is wrong with the Adults and their decision making abilities in this game, but, fuck me if i'd follow any of their advice on staying alive.
Everyone is afraid of Kenny so they just do what he says rather than argue with an unstable person who is holding a gun so I was fine with this scene.
The body of water that runs parallel to Parker's Run is a river
Clementine also refers to it as a river here. Furthermore, if you went to the museum with Mike and Bonnie first, Luke will mention it when talking about the water you found at the museum: "Anybody else gets a thirst, you can go to the river"
You might notice the compass that points north. Now, if the intent of Kenny and the others was to keep going North, and provided that they kept in the same general direction, keeping the water on their side, it'd make sense that what they cross in episode 5 would be part of the river from episode 4. Given the state of Rebecca, they likely wouldn't be traversing that large a distance, at least not too quickly.
Jane at the observation deck states that the next river crossing is miles up, which is in fact supported by the map, as there are no visible crossing visible on the portions of the map that are visible:
The museum is apparently 1 mile from the observation deck. So using that as a rough unit of measurement, that means that a crossing has to be at least one or two more miles further from the museum. Given the state of Rebecca at the time, there's a good chance they didn't make it much further than the civil war museum when they came across Arvo.
Unless they traversed far enough towards the east (which goes against the plan of both going towards Wellington, and attempting to stop at the town that is across the river), it'd make more sense given the geography we have been able to discern that this is still the Grand River that they come across in episode 5, rather than a separate body of water.
However, if you further want to complicate the problems that arise from going solely off what the characters say it is (Clementine referring to it as a lake in a single piece of dialogue), then that opens up more dilemmas from similar situations:
This is a map of the park where the Moonstar Lodge is located. If you look towards the bottom, that's the body of water that the bridge spans across, which Carlos refers to as a lake
Despite Carlos referring to it as a lake, it looks much more like a river or a source of running water. The water beneath the bridge has a very definite and strong current to it, which further corroborates that it is a source of running water, which would make Carlos... well, wrong.
I guess the point to make is why should we take what a character says as an absolute fact, especially if said character is an 11-year old? Sure, Clementine might know the difference between a river and a lake, but does she fully understand the vocabulary, more-so the fact that the terms 'river' and 'lake' aren't interchangeable?
Now I know what you're probably thinking to yourself right now is "Why is this crazy man going into semantics about the English language over something this trivial?", which would be a valid question, because I really don't know why, either.
Anyways, to get to the point: I believe it's a river, since the nearest body of water that was seen prior was a river, and given the general direction the group has been traveling in, the time it has taken them to travel, and the next closest crossing being at least 2 miles from the observation deck at minimum, it would make more sense that it is still part of the Grand River.
But there is one big piece of the puzzle you might be missing.
It could just be a totally different body of water.
Maybe it's an artificial lake for that house or maybe it's just a lake that the river feeds into.
You might be right but you could also be very wrong.
And why would we believe Clementine? Well the writers would know if it's a lake or a river so they would make Clementine say it's a lake because it's a lake they wouldn't make her say lake if it was a river. Right?
No one would walk across that, Why would it break in the middle, where it is most strong, but not on the edges where it is the weakest. Its completely illogical, not realistic, but then again we are talking about a zombie story.
Wouldn't they rather it take long than risk somebody's life?! killed Luke
Ice is always strongest around the edges, because there's less depth and the movement of the water (if running) is not as swift near the banks as it would be in the middle of a river.
Either way, it takes a couple of weeks of good hard freeze every day with no variations in temp. to freeze a pond over completely. Anything bigger would definitely take longer.
Telltale: We need a river, a random river. I don't care if it makes sense or not, we just need a river to kill Luke.
I'm not scared, I'm not scared