Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Ah, Dave. The cinnamon roll of this thread ;)

    You are never alone when you are among us.

  • You bet.

    That song gets me sappy.

    Try and look at some Rhyiona fanarts or just stare at Rhys and Fiona while listening the song. It is magic!

  • Aww, thanks man. :´)

    Ah, Dave. The cinnamon roll of this thread

  • <3 <3 <3

    Aww, thanks man. :´)

  • when you see Rhyiona hate

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Never forget

  • What is Rhys nervous about? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • No he's just very touched by Rhyiona! ;---;

    Poogers555 posted: »

    What is Rhys nervous about? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I hardly see Rhyiona hate, and I stalk this thread. It's a cool and good quality thread! Well, for the most part. (Not going to point fingers here)

    However, being Rhyshan, we constantly get hate from:

    • Rude/immature Rhyionans (not you Wolf, and other beautiful Rhyionans)
    • Augasha shippers
    • People against shipping
    • People against Sasha
    • People who want Rhys in a gay relationship (nothing wrong with a gay relationship, but any shipper can be rude)

    Plz wolf-kun forgive meh for me mini-rant that surfaced from what was a lighthearted joke about ship hate, I have acted most dishonorobru.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    when you see Rhyiona hate

  • Lovely <3

    Added a few more musics. Never Gonna Give Rhyiona Up - A Rhyiona Fanmix

  • Don't cry, Rhys. Smile for Rhyiona.

  • I meant tumblr hate, mostly. Believe me, we get a ton.

    (I just wanted an excuse to post that pic tho)

    I have, though, noticed you've gotten a lot more trolls in your thread than we have and I'm really sorry for that.

    wolf-kun forgives <3

    I hardly see Rhyiona hate, and I stalk this thread. It's a cool and good quality thread! Well, for the most part. (Not going to point fin

  • Meanwhile I'm the only Czech here.

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    It's awesome how many polish people are here Rośniemy w siłę

  • edited June 2015

    We get the same things as you, more likely than not in full thread form. Ever see those anti-ship threads? Those are more directed at us Rhyionas since we started this whole thing :/ I've even had people call me out on being an annoying child because I made a thread, I've had people tell me it's my fault there's no discussion on the forums anymore and lots of ship threads. I'm not saying I take those to heart, because I don't, and I don't take criticism from children who are too blind to see what's actually going on either, but what I'm saying is that we get just as much hate as you guys do. If that makes you feel any better :P

    I hardly see Rhyiona hate, and I stalk this thread. It's a cool and good quality thread! Well, for the most part. (Not going to point fin

  • Oh that's confirmed! Dave is our cinnamon roll for now on!! :3

    Ah, Dave. The cinnamon roll of this thread

  • Rude/immature Rhyionans


    I hardly see Rhyiona hate, and I stalk this thread. It's a cool and good quality thread! Well, for the most part. (Not going to point fin

  • Welp, better get out of Youtube then.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So, it looks like Ep 3 got leaked on Xbox. R.I.P.

  • I was going to post a comeback bird meme here, but it seems thing have turned a bit serious here...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    when you see Rhyiona hate

  • I've had people tell me it's my fault there's no discussion on the forums anymore and lots of ship threads.

    This..this is the stupidest thing ever..

    Green613 posted: »

    We get the same things as you, more likely than not in full thread form. Ever see those anti-ship threads? Those are more directed at us Rhy

  • Oh, looks like I missed something...


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    Quiff posted: »

    I was going to post a comeback bird meme here, but it seems thing have turned a bit serious here...

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    Pipas posted: »

    Oh, looks like I missed something... HAPPY 3 MONTHS ANNIVERSARY!

  • Don't be down about trolls. Think about how in 4 days we'll have episode 3 guys! EPISODE 3!

  • probably not for long pipas, don't worry :(

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    Pipas posted: »

    Meanwhile I'm the only Czech here.

  • Alt text

    Pipas posted: »

    Oh, looks like I missed something... HAPPY 3 MONTHS ANNIVERSARY!

  • i don't know why, but i'm laughing now :D

  • Thank you! <3

    Pipas posted: »

    Oh, looks like I missed something... HAPPY 3 MONTHS ANNIVERSARY!

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    Pipas posted: »

    Oh, looks like I missed something... HAPPY 3 MONTHS ANNIVERSARY!

  • If you see an offfensive comment, just flag it. It'll disappear.

    Don't be down about trolls. Think about how in 4 days we'll have episode 3 guys! EPISODE 3!

  • edited June 2015

    4 days?! to be honest, it still feels like 16 years.

    Don't be down about trolls. Think about how in 4 days we'll have episode 3 guys! EPISODE 3!

  • It'll disappear.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    If you see an offfensive comment, just flag it. It'll disappear.

  • Birds are confirmed by scientists to be the best comedians of the animal kingdom.

    xfuriouss posted: »

    i don't know why, but i'm laughing now

  • ayyyyy fiesta :P

    Pipas posted: »

    It'll disappear.

  • really?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Birds are confirmed by scientists to be the best comedians of the animal kingdom.

  • ...no. ;-;

    xfuriouss posted: »


  • you should totally add this :D


    If you can't stand it much longer, why not hear the songs of Rhyiona? it chilled you out! Never Gonna Give Rhyiona Up - A Rhyiona Fanmix

  • 4 years*

    xfuriouss posted: »

    4 days?! to be honest, it still feels like 16 years.

  • my bad, fixed.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    4 years*

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