Stannis vs Dany

I notice how everyone thinks Dany is a bad ruler, that everything she does backfires on her. How is Stannis any better? his plans backfire all the time too.
1. Killing Renly. On one hand, he got enough men to take King's Landing. But it made the Tyrells side with the Lannisters, and he lost the battle of blackwater. Not to mention losing most of his army, and the Stormlands...
2. Sacrificing Shireen. It made the snow melt, but half his forces deserted, and his ugly wife killed herself. he lost all the horses too, and he got his ass handed to him. (By Brienne technically)
3. Burning Mance. It made the wildlings absolutely NOT want to join Stannis. plus it just seemed pointless to burn him.

Face it, he wouldn't have been a very good we have no choice but to root for Dany


  • edited June 2015

    now we have no choice but to root for Dany

    Fuck that

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    Woot woot

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited June 2015

    I miss Stannis.

    I for one welcome our new Petyr Baelish overlords.

  • Ladders.

    I miss Stannis. I for one welcome our new Petyr Baelish overlords.

  • Dany is the shit.

  • Well say whatever you want about him, at least he doesn't burn or flay men living. Yup, we have a new king of westeros. im sure he only wanted to talk to the wildlings at hardhome at first, but then everyone started panicking, and it scared him. they way dogs bite ppl when theyre scared

    now we have no choice but to root for Dany Fuck that Woot woot

  • All hail The Red King!

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  • edited June 2015

    Well say whatever you want about him, at least he doesn't burn or flay men living.

    Yep, neither Dany or Stannis can say the same.

    Night's King 2015

    Well say whatever you want about him, at least he doesn't burn or flay men living. Yup, we have a new king of westeros. im sure he only want

  • If R+L=J proves true, Jon may have a claim to the throne. Yes, I know he got killed in the finale, but I don't think he is going to stay dead. Melisandre will bring him back to life. If that happens, then I hope he will become king.

  • nah im kinda hoping the night king will sit on the iron throne. then he and dany could marry and make adorable little white walker/human babies!

  • Dany's problem is that she's impulsive and often indiscriminate in her rule. This is most apparent in how she doles out punishment. Mereen taunts her with crucified slave children? Crucify random masters. Her subordinate disobeys her rule? Public execution. Harpies kill off Barristan? Trial by fire! She does all this on her own without consulting with her advisors or otherwise considering all the possible consequences of her actions. Essentially, she lacks wisdom. That being said, she's still quite new at this and (in the books) still quite young. As such, she has room to grow and does actually show some progress in the way she handles things. With time and experience, she could grow to be a capable ruler.

    Stannis is different. His problem isn't impulsiveness or inexperience. It's dogmatism. Unlike Dany, he judges every decision he makes carefully and with great forethought. The problem is that the bases for his most important judgments are just really wrong and fucked up. And, because he's Stannis, he refuses to acknowledge that he could be mistaken and even when shown incontrovertible proof that he's wrong, refuses to act in any other way. That isn't something that can get better with time. That's what he is and what he always will be.

    So what you have is a choice between an impetuous queen who seems to be getting better and an extremely narrow minded king who will always be that way. Neither of them are prize picks as they are, but I favor the leader with the potential to improve over the one without.

    In a perfect world, though? Tyrells. All day. Every day.

  • Exactly people just say: "Daenerys sucks bcs she makes choices as an impulsive cunt and she doesn't listen to other people advice" but they forget that she is new in ruling. Now with Varys and Tyrion by her side i think she will improve and become a great leader.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Dany's problem is that she's impulsive and often indiscriminate in her rule. This is most apparent in how she doles out punishment. Mereen t

  • Like Stannis hasn't mad bad choices. He really has no honor and thankfully won't be representing the 7 kingdoms at least in 1 installment of the franchise.

  • edited June 2015

    Never. She's going to go insane and die in the end, anyway; it's already been foreshadowed.

    #TeamWhiteWalkers have my full support now.

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    Oh, and the Greyjoys if they decide to cast them next season.

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  • hmm, i would like to see the tyrells in charge for once. we have never seen how margaery or olenna would do things when it comes to things like justice and devotion. i think margaery is manipulative, but unlike cersei i think she is a good person

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Dany's problem is that she's impulsive and often indiscriminate in her rule. This is most apparent in how she doles out punishment. Mereen t

  • Honor get you killed in the game of thrones. hasn't there been enough evidence of that?!
    Ned Stark
    Robb Stark
    Jon Snow (for now)
    Jeor Mormont
    Robert Baratheon
    all honorable, none still breathing

    Clemenem posted: »

    Like Stannis hasn't mad bad choices. He really has no honor and thankfully won't be representing the 7 kingdoms at least in 1 installment of the franchise.

  • edited June 2015

    Maybe, but only if:

    1) Jon's birth right in general can be proven, basically that he his the blood of the dragon and not a pretender. Could be proven depending on his relations with a dragon or if someone can testify to his birth right.

    2) That there is physical proof that Rhaegar and Lyanna were married. If not, then Jon is still a bastard and has no claim to the throne anyway. This could be changed if it was proven that a secret marriage between the two took place. Do keep in mind that there are multiple precedents which would support a Targaryen-Stark marriage, including the Pact of Ice and Fire which involved a promised marriage between the two houses during the Dance of Dragons which was never fulfilled, and the ancient Targaryen tradition of multiple partners in a marriage such as in the case of Aegon the Conqueror and his two sisters, circumventing Rhaegars already existing marriage with Elia Martell.

    And on top of escaping death, there's also the fact of whether Jon actually wants to be king. His attention is North. Unless he abandons the Nights Watch using the hole of 'lol, I died, and so my watch is ended, bye' because Olly and co stabbed him up, he isn't leaving. And, finally, there's the matter of how he'll actually get the throne considering no one will hand it to him. Lannisters would actively fight against him for it. Same with The Reach unless the Tyrells decide to kill another king and jump ship again to Jon. The North would assumedly join him being half-Northern. The Stormlands and Riverlands are apparently broken and neither would mean much anyway. Dorne and Vale would be wildcards and largely dependent on whether we talk about book or show variants since they're both very different now. And obviously there's one more way to gain support, through Daenerys, which would also give a chance for Jon to prove his parentage via the dragons.

  • I'll remind you Stannis isn't breathing either (thank god). I do agree people who are cunning are rewarded and those who are honorable die but sometimes karma catches up with some, Stannis being a prime example

    Honor get you killed in the game of thrones. hasn't there been enough evidence of that?! Ned Stark Robb Stark Jon Snow (for now) Jeor Mormont Robert Baratheon all honorable, none still breathing

    1. Killing Renly - Renly was total child, he was absoulutely unprepared to lead nor rule. He had biggest army from all of pretenders and he choose not to do anything. He only wanted to be a king becuase he everyone else wanted the same thing.
  • How exactly does Dany have a claim to the throne? Once Robert overthrew Dany's family, she shouldn't have a claim. and what does a claim really mean? It's not like Dany can go into KL and tell Cersei, "Tommen is illegitimate the throne belongs to me," and she'll just say okay. So more war is coming. As far as Stannis vs. Dany, neither are perfect. Dany is very green to ruling others and it's shown during her stint in Mereen. Stannis is (was) too rigid for his own good. His relationship with the Red woman is interesting, considering he is renowned as a great military strategist but we did not really get to see this.

  • Was he wrong for leaving Ned at KL and not backing him? Or was he stupid (somewhat honorable) for not just detaining Cersei & her children without Ned's consent? Though he did not have a claim over Stannis, he did have as much opportunity as Ned Stark did to take it.

    * Killing Renly - Renly was total child, he was absoulutely unprepared to lead nor rule. He had biggest army from all of pretenders and he choose not to do anything. He only wanted to be a king becuase he everyone else wanted the same thing.

  • Stannis FTW.

  • Well Stannis is dead so...,

  • All hail Bran Stark, the Warg King! Dany can have the south but I don't think she could handle a guy who just slip into the mind of her dragons and take them for a joy ride.

    There but one king in the north whose name is Stark.

  • edited June 2015

    She is far too arrogant and inexperienced. But I think it is pretty obvious by now that D & D plans on making her Queen of the 7 kingdoms since she literally has been proven unkillable so far.. Her story is the most predictable one in the entire series.

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