How is Michonne better in the comics, compared to the show?



  • During the Governor's assault on the prison in the comics, Tyreese (Michonne's Boyfriend and basically Rick's second-in-command) and Michonne attempt to ambush the Governor and his militia. They end up killing a few of his men but are quickly surrounded by reinforcements. Tyreese gets captured while Michonne loses her sword forcing her take off back in the woods and retreat back to the prison. Later, the Governor publicly decapitates Tyreese with Michonne's katana in front of the Rick's entire group sometime before ordering his militia to tear down the fences and "Kill 'Em All."

    So, it's safe to say Michonne feels very responsible for Tyreese's death and maybe even the destruction of the Prison for not killing the Governor sooner like she thought she did when she mutilated him.

    sialark posted: »

    Now that's a fair answer with some actual reasoning. Besides the Governor's rape and Michonne's later vengeful torturing of him, what else happened to her in the comics that didn't happen in the show that you felt changed her character?

  • Ahhh. Yes I remember Tyreese was decapitated from the wiki, but I hadn't realized that this was after the torture of the Governor, and I didn't realize at the time the torture was so bad that Michonne assumed she'd left him for dead. That was never explicitly stated in the wiki. So I never realized Michonne felt guilt for Tyreese's death either, the poor woman.

    It seems to me that the comic Michonne, looking at the most recent issues, and also what people have said here, has more internal conflicts she needs to work through, compared to the show Michonne, who seems to have forgiven herself for a lot of things at this point in time. The comic Michonne for example seems to still blame herself for her daughters at the very least, and hasn't gotten past that yet.

  • I think the biggest differences between the tv show and comic versions of Michonne is that comic Michonne is a much much much more sexual person than she is in the show. Every character is a little more sexual in the comics than they are in the show but Kirkman really went out of his way to show us that comic Michonne is a sexual person.

    It will be interesting to see how TellTale handles this because if they are having this take place in the comic universe than Michonne really should be making a move on an African American guy at some point (as she has pretty much slept with every African American guy that joined the group up to this point (accept for Heath but she still tried to seduce him)).

    And no it is not a big deal that Michonne only sleeps with black guys. It's no different than a white guy who only sleeps with white girls. It's just what they are attracted to.

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