If Robert Kirkman were to write The Walking Dead Season 3...
If Robert Kirkman were to write 2 episodes of The Walking Dead Season 3 or write the whole season I think that would be pretty awesome because he's the creator and without him The Walking Dead wouldn't exist.
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Is it just me, but from what I have seen he hasn't showed much love towards the Game, did he?
He's praised it here and there. In fact, I think he's said enough good about it. And the fact that they actually have his direct blessings to do the Michonne series means he must definitely trust them enough to write for one of his major characters
If you want to see him really not liking a game, look at Survival Instinct: he's made jokes at that game's expense and has rather stealthily hinted at the fact that he doesn't really like it.
We would stay in a farm the whole season.... Lol jk
I don't blame him for not liking Survival Instinct, but from what ive seen about his opinion on the Telltale Game, he doesn't hate it but he doesn't really care for it... maybe i'm wrong...
He'd get Clem killed off in a brutal fashion, only to be replaced by Carl who clearly overshadows the cast with his edgy badass bullshit and lamenting how fucked his life is.
While I do love Kirkman, I don't think he should really be a writer for Season 3, but I'd be open to him writing for the Michonne series along with Telltale staff since it is one of his characters.
i know thats why i said Jk
I think it would be awesome if he wrote one or two episodes. But if he wrote everything, Clem would be dead in 5 minutes.
No, no, no, no. Robert is a fantastic writer but I'd rather Telltale do this.
Well... he would kill Clem off. So I think he should stick to writing for the comic and the show.
Why do people think he would kill clementine, the comics still maintains several original group characters on top of many more that last longer than a season.
The game kills off way more characters particularly in terms of an overall ratio
Telltale wouldn't let that happen. He'd probably just turn her into a mixture of Lee Everett, comic book Carl and comic book Michonne.
Telltale wouldn't allow that. I'd like him to atleast write the first episode or the story for season 3 so we know it will be good or he could create new characters for season 3 so we know some will be likeable.
OP: and Kirkman wouldn't exist if it wasn't for George Romero
I think you're wrong because I remember that one time he said that's it's fun working with Telltale Games in which Kevin (or other member of Telltale, I don't remember, sorry) said that this feeling is mutual. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that it happened.
I suppose that the game would be darker than it is.
Though I haven't read any novels written by Robert Kirkman.
I'm pretty sure he's been more directly involved in Season 2 than he was with Season 1. The 'edgier' angle of Season 2 seems in line with the overall tone of the comics.
Season 3 would be better.
I think it would be pretty cool. He's praised this game in the past and knows how good this little game Telltale created has grown. Adding his own spice to this dish would probably make it an even darker story than what we got so far, but that's why we're here... I guess.