Who I think will die in TWD season 6



  • I think Tara should die

    Abe I think will get the boot

    Maggie- I know it's not likely, but I think Maggie should either get more screen time or get the boot cuz I find her character extremely bland

    That Nick guy needs to go. He's such a weasel

    Jessie I think will die her comic book death

  • Please reply to my post :)

    My death predictions.

    • I think this season..we will have far less "Main" character deaths then we did in season 5. I feel we will lose the Alexandria people and others as well,but here is my estimated list with a little reasoning.

    Rick- No, He's the main character and there is no way Rick is going to die.
    Daryl- No, He's one of the most badass survivors in the group, He gets annoying sometimes and sure his standalone episodes kinda suck,but he's overall a fun character to watch and is interesting.
    Glenn-No, I honestly do not think Glenn will die this season, He's personally my favorite character in the series and I really could see him surviving for awhile.
    Maggie-Maybe, I wouldn't be to surprised if she died, Maggie was a side character in season 5 and if she died it would be shocking and unexpected.
    Michonne-No, I just don't see it happening.
    Carol- Yes, I honestly think Carols time is coming, She's a very interesting character and was well developed. Killing her off would be emotional and not just that,but Carols death would mean the first character to have died from the "Main" group since season 1.
    Carl-No, Just no.
    Judith- No, Just no.
    Abraham- No, I don't feel like Abraham is ready to go. He has development to go through.
    Rosita- Maybe, She could go either way although i'd prefer if she lived.
    Eugene- No, I don't think so.
    Tara-Maybe, I am on the fence with her character...I think in season 6 when no way out happens we will lose her.
    Sasha- No, She's way more interesting then Tyreese ever was. I personally like her character and wanna see more. She was also upgraded to the main intro for season 6.
    Morgan- Maybe, I would hope not,but he is working on a lot of things. Losing him in season 6 would be shocking and devastating.
    Gabriel-Yes, I know a lot of people hate Gabriel. I don't hate him,but am not to fond of him. I'm pretty sure he will die in season 6.
    Aaron-No, Just...not yet.
    Deanna- Yes, I think around the mid-season finale we will be seeing the end of Deanna. I wouldn't be surprised if she survived longer though as well.
    Holly-(Fat girl) Yes, She will die.
    Nicholas-Yes, FUCK YES he will die.
    Enid- No,I don't think so, Not yet anyway.
    Jesse-Maybe, I could see her dying around the midseason finale or even finale of Season 6,Then again I could see her surviving.
    Eric-Yes, Aarons boyfriend will die..I'm pretty sure.
    Sam(Jesses son) No, He's just a lot of fun.
    Ron(Jesses son) Yes, I think he will die when the zombies invade Alexandria.
    Spencer(Deannas son) Maybe, I could see him surviving atleast another season.

    Those are my death lists.

  • For some reason I think Glenn might die, I hope I'm wrong because he's one of my favourites.

    Michonne and Carol are too important, they are too big of fan favourites and aside from being huge badasses.

    And well it's obvious that the Grimes family are going to live. Well maybe not Judith, I hope not though I don't think I can handle the baby dying xD

    I don't know about Sasha because I think they are kind of giving her comic book Michonne's storyline, like when she lost her shit at the welcoming party. I sympathise with her due to Tyreese and Bob dying so I hope she lives to become a little more...saner? I guess? Idk it's just my opinion.

  • The comics are not much of a hint at this point

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Lol, I have seen the comic spoilers and its funny how off some people are.

  • Maggie was just kinda there in season 5 with nothing really to do

    Please reply to my post My death predictions. * I think this season..we will have far less "Main" character deaths then we did in s

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