Fear The Walking Dead Series Premiere 'Pilot' Discusson Thread

InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
edited August 2015 in The Walking Dead


So as most of you know, this spin-off of the main TV show, taking place in LA at the beginning of the outbreak with no comic background, is coming out this summer, August to be exact.

What does this promo do for you? Excites? Disappoints? Or just not care about the spin-off?

As for my opinion:

It seemed very underwhelming. Kind of disappointed, but considering how this looks in this short promo, I can't really judge. But by the looks of it, Nick, the character running, is leaving what looks like a crack house, judging by the status of the building, and that he character is supposedly a drug addict. With this information, I think he was with a group doing the stuff and someone died and reanimated and he's high running shitless out of there.

Thank you YouTube comment section for this information.

Tonight at 9:00 PM Eastern Time! Discuss your thoughts before and after, comment while watching!



  • It's hard to say by a 30 second clip, but i'm looking forward to it. It's still AMC The Walking Dead and I like the idea of it talking place at the beginning of the apoc in LA.

  • This has to be the worst promo I've ever seen for a show.

  • I misread this 'Gay running without his shirt.' XD

  • When this video was first uploaded there were so many comments saying that he looked retarded or he was autistic. I said "would you rather him walk and have a big smile on his face?" to some dude in the comments.

  • edited June 2015

    So, does every character in TWD universe with the name Nick have to be some kind of chronic fuck up? Its like the Black Highlander thing.... just this on going pattern in TWD that's getting harder and harder to ignore.

  • It's very unimpressive I must say. It looks more like he got caught sleeping with another man's wife and had to jump out the window than a promo for The Walking Dead.

  • AMC Presents, "Shirtless Guy Running away from Visibly nothing at All, Disapointing Walking Dead fans everywhere: The series"

  • It does look like that, lol

    It's very unimpressive I must say. It looks more like he got caught sleeping with another man's wife and had to jump out the window than a promo for The Walking Dead.

  • edited June 2015

    You cant tell anything from that...unless the new zombies are much faster than they are in the current show.... Im pumped anyway though. After the success of Better Call Saul, i have new faith in spinoffs.

  • They're more fresh since its the begging, so they are faster, just not THAT much faster. Season 1 zombies are the closest we've seen so faster than that.

    KCohere posted: »

    You cant tell anything from that...unless the new zombies are much faster than they are in the current show.... Im pumped anyway though. After the success of Better Call Saul, i have new faith in spinoffs.

  • Well. He's hauling ass away for some reason, unless he just someone die and come back and that was enough to freak him out.

    They're more fresh since its the begging, so they are faster, just not THAT much faster. Season 1 zombies are the closest we've seen so faster than that.

  • Lol that promo made me smile; it was so silly xD. I wonder if they did that on purpose. It would be interesting if they try to fit more humor into this spinoff, like its own silly brand of humor hmm. Anyway, I'm still looking forward to the new show lol.

  • I wonder if the first week walkers will look more human?

    They're more fresh since its the begging, so they are faster, just not THAT much faster. Season 1 zombies are the closest we've seen so faster than that.

  • ugh, August? I thought it was going to come out in July boooo

    I can't really judge what the show will be like from that trailer, but I'm excited about it anyway

  • Here a version for people who cant watch the op one due to AMc's .... whatever reasoning


    Also pretty lame first look, that guy looks a bit odd to me but whatever

  • I hate that I can't watch AMC's videos expecially since the webisodes are on there :'(

    Here a version for people who cant watch the op one due to AMc's .... whatever reasoning WHY Also pretty lame first look, that guy looks a bit odd to me but whatever

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Another promotional video has been released.


  • I guess he's running away from a human?Because walkers aren't that fast.

  • There's some poster floating around, but I'm not positive if it's official.



  • that was a shitty teaser. the other were far better and actually turned my opinion about this show.

    it has me intrigued, hopefully it is good and can be as good as S4 & S5.

  • How much different will it be than the other show? Other than insight on the origins of the plague, how this operate? I'm not big on the show but having an add'l one with about the same premise does seem very redundant.

  • you need to spend less time on the internet

    The story of my life :)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Another promotional video has been released. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-qSBv4GnwQ

  • I think focusing on the origin is the biggest change but I also think that they're gonna focus more on the threat of walkers versus the threat of humans like the main show heavily does.

    I also kinda find it ridiculous that they're leaving an origin story of the virus to be answered in a spinoff show. Like, I know the comics and show are different universes but they should have left that for the comics considering they are the original story.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    How much different will it be than the other show? Other than insight on the origins of the plague, how this operate? I'm not big on the show but having an add'l one with about the same premise does seem very redundant.

  • I am not too impress for what they have shown us so far. Nick's escape looks rather silly. Maybe a proper trailer would change my mind?

  • Not impressed yet, but to be fair Walking Dead trailers never really impress me,but I still love the show.

  • The new trailer has released:



    My reaction:

    Alt text

    It going be like the intro of the Last of Us, the best part.

  • Now that was incredible, now I'm really hyped for this show. So now we got:

    1. Fear The Walking Dead starting on August 23rd and will most likely run until September/early October
    2. The Walking Dead Season 6 starting on October 11th, running until late November
    3. The Walking Dead Michonne coming out in late fall (November/December most likely)

    The next few months are a great time to be fans of The Walking Dead.

    The new trailer has released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDxew5SguVw Thoughts? My reaction: It going be like the intro of the Last of Us, the best part.

  • Don't forget that Volume 24: Life and Death is coming out August 26, 2015, (basically it features Issue #139, when Michonne returns).

    Now that was incredible, now I'm really hyped for this show. So now we got: * Fear The Walking Dead starting on August 23rd and will mo

  • Omg this is such a funny comment! Cheers for making my day! Have a like ;)

    AMC Presents, "Shirtless Guy Running away from Visibly nothing at All, Disapointing Walking Dead fans everywhere: The series"

  • Well it takes place at the beginning of the outbreak, so this cast is seeing all these atrocities for the first time. They aren't hardened by what they've seen and experienced yet, they are still 'fresh meat' ( bad pun intended ) and therefore still easily freaked the fuck out by walking dead people.

    They will still be learning how to survive, and what the walkers are capable of. And that you don't have to be bit to come back - That's the gift that keeps on giving, that.

    KCohere posted: »

    Well. He's hauling ass away for some reason, unless he just someone die and come back and that was enough to freak him out.

  • edited July 2015

    Wow, I think this is even better than the walking dead season six trailer.

    The new trailer has released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDxew5SguVw Thoughts? My reaction: It going be like the intro of the Last of Us, the best part.

  • That trailer looks great! Im so excited now. Between this and the Walking Dead right after, zombie heaven.

    The new trailer has released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDxew5SguVw Thoughts? My reaction: It going be like the intro of the Last of Us, the best part.

  • That one was great too, just more insular, not a huge crowd of people and chaos which is always exciting.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Wow, I think this is even better than the walking dead season six trailer.

  • Holy...This is great, I'm officially on for this. This might be better than the first show.

    The new trailer has released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDxew5SguVw Thoughts? My reaction: It going be like the intro of the Last of Us, the best part.

  • Gotta say, at first I wasn't really excited for this at all, but this looks pretty cool.

    The new trailer has released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDxew5SguVw Thoughts? My reaction: It going be like the intro of the Last of Us, the best part.

  • So tomorrow is the premiere of Fear The Walking Dead.

    The first like three minutes of the premiere has been released, but I'm not going to watch it.

    I'm not sure how many episodes there will be, but it looks interesting.

  • There are supposed to be 6 episodes in the first season, with the season finale being on October 4th and the 6th season premiere of The Walking Dead the following week.

    So tomorrow is the premiere of Fear The Walking Dead. The first like three minutes of the premiere has been released, but I'm not going to watch it. I'm not sure how many episodes there will be, but it looks interesting.

  • Nice. I was thinking it was going to be 6 episodes like the first season of the main show.

    There are supposed to be 6 episodes in the first season, with the season finale being on October 4th and the 6th season premiere of The Walking Dead the following week.

  • Yes. They created 6 episodes for the Season 1 and they already announced that there will be Season 2 with 13 episodes. ;) Yes, they released first 3 minutes of the show and I had a chance to watch it but... honestly, I don't regret it. They showed an extended version of one of the scenes from the trailers and it didn't spoiled anything but I won't push you towards watching it. If you really don't want to then don't. Just wait for the Fear The Walking Dead because "Fear Begins Here". :D

    Nice. I was thinking it was going to be 6 episodes like the first season of the main show.

  • It would be cool that since the show is set in LA if they could get some celebrity cameos :P But probably not since it's only a TV show.

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