Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!




    I can't talk enough about her. <3 She lived up to expectations 100%

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Why sorry?It's not your fault and I know you're all happy about that scene X3 (I dunno...seemed kinda forced imo). But there were Rhyiona moments too, and also Gortys was the star of the episode CUTENESS OVERLOAD AlsoKeepThePeace

  • Make it 20% cooler

    ( •_•)

    ( •_•)>⌐■-■



    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    GORTYS IS THE CUTEST THING EVER I can't talk enough about her. She lived up to expectations 100%

  • She's already reached max coolness.

    She's everything we hoped for. <3

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Make it 20% cooler ( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) COOL

  • I think we're scaring everyone. :P

  • Let it rain with new content, baby! I'm readehh!!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She's already reached max coolness. She's everything we hoped for.

  • Still too early, not everyone has played, but soon enough. :P

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Let it rain with new content, baby! I'm readehh!!

  • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa mä rakastan Gortyspölleröpalleroaaa niiiiiiiiiiiin paljon ei helevettiii!!!!!!!!! ;A;

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    Ehem, sorry about that. Yeah, so this episode....THIS DAMN EPISODE! I don't know what to say...it was so funny, so good, so everything..

    And Gortys!! THAT GORTYS MAN! jndsklcnadklcnsdvllknklnl.....I definitely love her new design, I definitely love her personality and oh god I can't even....My feels are..oh...

    And yes, Rhyiona didn't really happen but this episode was still amazing. And I loved those scenes between Athena and Fiona so I can understand why they didn't give Rhys and Fiona some "alone together" moments there. I think those Sasha and Rhys moments were cute but reaally forced. I wouldn't have liked some of those moments even if Fiona was there instead of Sasha. Their romance seemed to be waay too easy and too sweet. Like, what the hell was that flower scene all about? Come on Rhys! Atleast try to be little smoother than that..

    But yeah I love this episode. Even Rhysha kinda happening didn't make me mad. I still prefer Rhyiona to Rhysha no matter what. So good job TTG, good job..

  • Gortys made the entire episode.

    Give me two hours of Gortys and I'll be happy.

  • edited June 2015

    Me the entire episode -> Alt text Means I enjoyed it

  • Alt text

    plot twist: Rhys is pregnant

  • Yes! ;---; I have to draw her now even moore! ;A;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Gortys made the entire episode. Give me two hours of Gortys and I'll be happy.


  • She's even better than we thought.

    I also liked the Rhyiona interactions if you chose to trust Fiona. So cute.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yes! ;---; I have to draw her now even moore! ;A;

  • Didn't you enjoy the episode at all or are you just annoyed by amount of Rhysha in it?

    Man, those scenes were so weird. There was no subtlety... It kinda felt like I was watching a bad romantic comedy. It would have been okay if they were humorous about it but most of those scenes were...very serious. Come on TTG, If you want to make those scenes annoingly romantic at least joke about them too.

    I liked that "let go of me, so at least you can live" moment and some others but that flower scene uuugh.. too much sugar..

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Me the entire episode -> Means I enjoyed it

  • The child is ice cream

  • edited June 2015

    I don't really consider myself a hardcore shipper, which is why I never asked to be part of your group, but I do prefer Rhyiona and still do after this ep... even though TTG was clearly pushing more for one ship than the other. Rhysha makes a cute pair, but I don't really feel them as a romantic couple. The ships I tend to gravitate towards are like "antagonism --> tension --> UST --> whoa feelings? --> love/hate --> big bang --> relationship" haha.

    Anyway, I'm not really disappointed that Rhysha happened (or tried to happen depending on your choices), but more that it was pretty heavyhanded and even if you chose all the options to push it away, it was still... there. Looming in the background.

    But I am happy when other people are happy. So I'm happy for you, Rhyshas :). And Rhyionas, stay strong and remember I will be there in the background supporting you...

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  • Maybe he just craves ice cream because of the pregnancy.

    Jaesong1 posted: »

    The child is ice cream

  • wait I've never seen this? is it from trusting Fiona?

  • gotta play this episode again to see that! (yeah I trusted Jack because it seemed more fun back then)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She's even better than we thought. I also liked the Rhyiona interactions if you chose to trust Fiona. So cute.

  • It means I enjoyed it lol (edited)

    And yeah it was kinda cringe worthy, not the moment itself, but the bad writing of that scene. I saw it on a you tube playthrough and was kinda disappointed, even if it was a Rhysha moment, it could've been better :/

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Didn't you enjoy the episode at all or are you just annoyed by amount of Rhysha in it? Man, those scenes were so weird. There was no subt

  • Oh I completely forgot that other little robot!! was it dumpy..dimpy..? You know that little one! He/She's a third child! ;A;

  • I prefer Fiona's. Jack's is more "badass" but Fiona's is funnier and there's some funny Rhyiona lines.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    gotta play this episode again to see that! (yeah I trusted Jack because it seemed more fun back then)

  • everyone is using a spoiler tag... I haven't seen anyone not using it D:

    OreoAnarchy posted: »


  • edited June 2015

    Yeah, trusting Fiona.

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    It's way funnier.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    wait I've never seen this? is it from trusting Fiona?

  • LMAO that was impossible to scroll through with a straight face.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I think we're scaring everyone. :P

  • gotta play it again..

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I prefer Fiona's. Jack's is more "badass" but Fiona's is funnier and there's some funny Rhyiona lines.

  • "antagonism --> tension --> UST --> whoa feelings? --> love/hate --> big bang --> relationship" haha.

    THIS. So much.

    Thanks for the support. We're strong, we can get by. :)

  • Yeah, let us know which one you like more. :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    gotta play it again..

  • Good, plan: successful. :P

    Suzy222 posted: »

    LMAO that was impossible to scroll through with a straight face.

  • edited June 2015

    Another member to the family...?! YES PLEASE.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh I completely forgot that other little robot!! was it dumpy..dimpy..? You know that little one! He/She's a third child! ;A;

  • Same :о

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    everyone is using a spoiler tag... I haven't seen anyone not using it

  • edited June 2015

    I think it will appear in steam about midnight bc I don't have it even if achievements have already appeared

    But not episode itself

    What the skag

    sorrows of pain

  • oh god. the emotional confusion this is causing me is so intense it's absurd. i love rhyona (with all of my heart, forever and always) and i think i'm open to rhysha, but i feel like that's only because i want to be able to enjoy it if it's the "canon choice" of the game and not because i genuinely like it, or do i? i'm not sure, i don't know what to feel, this is so weird. i've had enough of my favorite pairings not being canon, i fear rhyona is another one waiting to (not) happen... but well, i guess it's okay, i'm used to it and i can always check this thread for good material if canon doesn't provide B)

    ps: hey good to know rhys is the submissive one in this relationship

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  • You can do it, friend.

    I think it will appear in steam about midnight bc I don't have it even if achievements have already appeared But not episode itself What the skag sorrows of pain


    I... HAVE TO... RESIST!!11!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You can do it, friend.

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