Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I feel like we as shippers should prove to the telltale staff that we as a forum do NOT constantly tear each other's throats out over ships. We should work together to make those two staff members who tweeted that these threads were 'humorous and scary' realize how wrong they were.



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    ...goddammit Fiona who gave you the right to be cute.

  • Fiona wouldn't... damn, she would. Probably the nose.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    R.I.P. Rhys's face or other body parts that Fiona can brake

  • Yeaaa. I guess all the "shippy moments" come with Fiona ending then ;D

    buntingsir posted: »

    Version with Fiona's ending was pretty cool, Rhys and Fiona were together (my shipper's feelings were content) and with Gortys (although she was in a ball form at that time, but still)

  • Probably the nose.

    I dunno why but the name "Rhys the reindeer" cam to mind. I'm laughing like crazy XD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona wouldn't... damn, she would. Probably the nose.

  • I dunno what they were on about... we've always gotten along so well.

    Fiona is always cute bruh B)

    I feel like we as shippers should prove to the telltale staff that we as a forum do NOT constantly tear each other's throats out over ships.

  • edited June 2015

    Yeah, I got "Disney vibes" from all those violet things and such...

    Bridge scene was really funny, I didn't expect that at all to be honest xD And I gave Rhys' boot back in the Ep2, so next time I'll play, I'm not gonna give it away that easily.

    DeityD posted: »

    Lol, I panicked a little at first but now that I saw the whole episode I'm just glad we didn't have the same... thing. Too sappy for me. I liked the bridge scene and "throwing a boot at Rhys" part tho.

  • They'll be fine sure, but it looks like they're about to go at it hard.

    Which is fine, BST is the best kind of tension, and they seem to have it in spades.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hope Telltale is listening and doesn't force us into a ship we don't want (no offense, Rhyshas, you know I love ya). I managed to avoid most

  • Lmao they expected a civil war to break out between us, I guess their plan back fired pretty badly :P

    I feel like we as shippers should prove to the telltale staff that we as a forum do NOT constantly tear each other's throats out over ships.

  • Yes, both Rhyiona and Rhysha deserve better! ;(

    buntingsir posted: »

    I agree with you, the whole scene really felt like something out of the Dishey cartoon with princesses...

  • Given how badass she becomes throughout the episode, she dont need NOONE's permission.

    I feel like we as shippers should prove to the telltale staff that we as a forum do NOT constantly tear each other's throats out over ships.

  • This brings an interesting question... what would the family be if they were animals? Jack would definitely be a crocodile. :P I see Fiona as a tiger. No idea about Rhys though. :(

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Probably the nose. I dunno why but the name "Rhys the reindeer" cam to mind. I'm laughing like crazy XD

  • i just chose "..." rhys' reaction to you doing that is the best he just like "er anyone gonna help?... no okay then... hes coming later"

    TheQuebecer posted: »

    The funniest answer is if you tell her he's dead. Followed by Rhys "He was a really bad guy" "Oh, Good riddance then!"

  • my favorite moment: Fiona gives Rhys' shoe back during the intro. I don't know why but I love that.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    So what were your favourite moments? I particularly liked telling Gortys Vasquez was "sleeping". The moment was so cute even with the corpse laying there lol

  • I'm just really curious as to why they're so angry... what happened? Did Rhys do something under Jack's influence?

    That's what attracted me to the ship.

    TheQuebecer posted: »

    They'll be fine sure, but it looks like they're about to go at it hard. Which is fine, BST is the best kind of tension, and they seem to have it in spades.

  • But Gortys is "the freaking cutest robot" with any ending (I love her even more now), which is always acceptable too.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yeaaa. I guess all the "shippy moments" come with Fiona ending then ;D

  • it would be really good if you could choose then everyone would be happy. two opposing ships simultaneously canon. the Everett principle. in doublec effect.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hope Telltale is listening and doesn't force us into a ship we don't want (no offense, Rhyshas, you know I love ya). I managed to avoid most

  • I regret giving him his shoe last episode. ;-;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    my favorite moment: Fiona gives Rhys' shoe back during the intro. I don't know why but I love that.

  • Yeah, the whole Sasha and Rhys interactions did seem kind of forced. The responses I could give didn't feel like Rhys, I wanted more comedic responses than straight up flirts. Even looking back to their alone time in Ep. 1, Rhys was a lot more joking and when he did get serious it was a more natural bonding with Sasha. I don't know, maybe trying to be "romantic" ends up Rhys butchering it for comedy sake.....


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It'll take more than that to bring us down lmao

  • It would be fair, at least. Don't think we should just be ignored when they know we exist.

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    it would be really good if you could choose then everyone would be happy. two opposing ships simultaneously canon. the Everett principle. in doublec effect.

  • Yes. I'm so happy with Gortys right now

    buntingsir posted: »

    But Gortys is "the freaking cutest robot" with any ending (I love her even more now), which is always acceptable too.

  • It feels like they tried too hard, honestly. My Rhys had no part in this flirting, he kept his trap shut. I feel a bit bad because it's being mean to her in a way but I just wanted to avoid that.

    Gortys is the best character. <3

    Yeah, the whole Sasha and Rhys interactions did seem kind of forced. The responses I could give didn't feel like Rhys, I wanted more comedic

  • It's nice that Rhysha fans are coming here to cheer us up rather than gloat or whatever telltale expected :)

  • edited June 2015

    but aren't they hinting at it?

    Kind of. I think it's on the verge, but it's subtle (and I like it this way). She really admires her and doesn't want to fall flat on face whenever they're doing something together.

    Also, that's just great. I freaking like it and it's another awesome ship that won't happen in canon. And we probably won't even see Athena again in TftB.

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    Mercyva posted: »

    guys... i think i ship athena and fiona xD yup i'm guilty... but aren't they hinting at it? especially when you use rhys micro eye on her a

  • edited June 2015

    So today, I finished my final exams with top grades and receiving my student hat. I spend most of my day enjoying it with my family. So I finally got to play Catch A Ride.

    In my opinion, I like the episode a lot. However, I think you already guessed it, it is the Rhysha stuff. I wouldn't have minded it, if it didn't felt so forced. I would have preferred it, if it was more subtle. It also kinda distract Rhys' own story and there was no character development in his. But I like Fiona's story a lot better. She is receiving a lot of character development in her story. She is starting to fully become a vault hunter. I also love Gortys, she is very cute.

    And this pic will be my favorite pic for a long long time.

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  • Oh right I didn't even think about that... This episode really focuses on Fiona and does amazing job developing her. I love Fiona in this episode!!

    TheQuebecer posted: »

    Given how badass she becomes throughout the episode, she dont need NOONE's permission.

  • Them Youtube comments 2 strong ;-----;

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    we <3 u 2 youtube

  • aww hi guys <3

    [Insert You're goddamn right gif]

    Green613 posted: »

    Them Youtube comments 2 strong ;-----; we u 2 youtube

  • Man, Im really good at typing!

    awkwardly fixes mistake

    Leluch123 posted: »

    at least Rhyiona is shoved down our throats Is that a good thing?

  • Welcome back, Dave! Don't have low spirots, two episodes to go!

  • My favourite moment was waking Gortys up (I really love her, she's so adorable, oh my god ;__;). Rhys and Fiona was like a real parents in that scene.

    Also I don't know why but Vaughn's faces in paralisys cracked me up all the time, so I guess that was my favourite too.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    So what were your favourite moments? I particularly liked telling Gortys Vasquez was "sleeping". The moment was so cute even with the corpse laying there lol

  • Damn right. That ending, she goes toe to toe with vault hunters and Vallory and lives. Only a real Vault Hunter could handle that.

    Rhys is gonna need to up his game.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh right I didn't even think about that... This episode really focuses on Fiona and does amazing job developing her. I love Fiona in this episode!!

  • So i just finished the episode! I thought it was pretty good but i found the whole Sasha/Rhys parts to be kind of annoying. They literally force you to be romantic with her :(. They should have at least given us a choice to pick Sasha or Fiona! Here's hoping that episode 4 has more Rhyiona moments!!

  • I hate to see everyone in such low spirits.

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  • Me too, I really need to replay the first episodes now...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I regret giving him his shoe last episode. ;-;

  • Oh, all the scenes with them were really parent like. Like explaning what happened to Vasquez. She was like a little naive, innocent baby. <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    My favourite moment was waking Gortys up (I really love her, she's so adorable, oh my god ;__;). Rhys and Fiona was like a real parents in t

  • I'm gonna do that in a spare save file. I really want that cute scene. ;-;

    buntingsir posted: »

    Me too, I really need to replay the first episodes now...

  • I really really really like our spirit.
    It feels so... united. Yeah.

    And i think now i'm not so against Rhysha as i was couple hours ago... just 'cause there is so nice community. =)

    Thats interesting feelings, really. Thanks all of you for that ;D

  • Yeah, that's why I went with "He's just sleeping" or something like that, without even thinking it through. Gortys is too precious for this world ;__; (Loader Bot is too though, he was so charming in this episode)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, all the scenes with them were really parent like. Like explaning what happened to Vasquez. She was like a little naive, innocent baby.

  • edited June 2015

    it would be a first. I mean have you ever seen a game or any piece of media have two overlapping ships that are both canon. (except you know The Sims and stuff). like how Schroedinger's cat (or maybe that mad Atlas scientist's cat) can be considered simultaneously in two states at once until it is observed (like the singing fungi). however since romance is not a quantum level event. it cannot be disrupted by observation. meaning that the theory holds water when it comes to alternate choice! however this will probably contain 3 paths super-imposed upon each other. i will call them Rhyiona, Rhysha and Neutral State. the flower is the moment of choice between Rhysha and Neutral State, something will happen early in episode 4 to separate Neutral State from Rhyiona. They wouldn't need to change much just some dialogue changes. and some things said will mean different things to different players. Something that is said by fiona may come of as friendly to a Rhysha or Neutral State, will mean so much more to a Rhyiona shipper. Are you still with me because this is where it gets difficult. also interesting, but mostly difficult...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It would be fair, at least. Don't think we should just be ignored when they know we exist.

  • We've been a close group for a while now... something like this won't break us.

    But yeah, the Rhyshas have been lovely through all this -- but then again, they've always been amazing neighbours!

    Vernaya posted: »

    I really really really like our spirit. It feels so... united. Yeah. And i think now i'm not so against Rhysha as i was couple hours ago

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