Ludd Whitehill: Not evil



  • Hi everyone! I killed someone and enjoyed it....but hey, at least I didn't kill 1000 people! Therefore I am not evil =D


    • Ludd Whitehill taunted the Forresters while their child was dying on the ground.

    • Ludd tried to forcibly have Lady Glenmore married to his son against her will.

    • Ludd Whitehill is planning to attack Ironrath and massacre everyone even though he's HOLDING A TRUCE MEETING.

    • Ludd Whitehill stole all of the Forrester's ironwood.

    He's weak tea compared to Ramsay Bolton but he's still a horrible, evil monster.

  • Ludd Whitehill taunted the Forresters while their child was dying on the ground.

    Horrible thing to do really but really isn't "evil" just a shitty thing to do

    Ludd tried to forcibly have Lady Glenmore married to his son against her will.

    Didn't she say it was her father who made the calls on who she's betrothed to?

    Ludd Whitehill is planning to attack Ironrath and massacre everyone even though he's HOLDING A TRUCE MEETING

    Technically he never said that Gwyn did. I still have a hard time believing he'd storm Ironrath with his son in control and kill his workers and he especially won't know after what's on the line

    Ludd Whitehill stole all of the Forrester's ironwood

    It's possible Gregor had his men steal Ironwood from him and shaming his family. Ludd mentions several times Gregor as head of the house pissed on the Whitehills

    * Ludd Whitehill taunted the Forresters while their child was dying on the ground. * Ludd tried to forcibly have Lady Glenmore married to

  • Didn't she say it was her father who made the calls on who she's betrothed to?

    Her father was blackmailed by the Whitehills

    It's possible Gregor had his men steal Ironwood from him and shaming his family. Ludd mentions several times Gregor as head of the house pissed on the Whitehills

    You're just making baseless assumption.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Ludd Whitehill taunted the Forresters while their child was dying on the ground. Horrible thing to do really but really isn't "evil"

  • To tell the truth, it isn't completely baseless. When Ludd says that their share was taken from them, Duncan and Royland - people, who ought to know, what really happened - are nearby, but Duncan is the only one, who objects, and in my opinion, he gives up too easily. It does not prove anything, of course, but I have a strong feeling, that there is more to it, than meets the eye. Throughout the game Ludd and Gryff say, that Forresters have always treated Whitehills like shit and most times no one really objects, which makes me feel, that at least some of those statements are true.

    Herodriver posted: »

    Didn't she say it was her father who made the calls on who she's betrothed to? Her father was blackmailed by the Whitehills It

  • Even if it was true,The Whitehills clearly not worthy of it,because they had their share of Ironwood forest once,but now it was gone due to their own incompetence in maintaining it,so Ludd is just being greedy.

    Krapinka posted: »

    To tell the truth, it isn't completely baseless. When Ludd says that their share was taken from them, Duncan and Royland - people, who ought

  • When Ludd said, that their share has been TAKEN from them no one objected. He says, that they had to harvest what was left, so maybe that's the reason of their problem with their part of the groove.

    Herodriver posted: »

    Even if it was true,The Whitehills clearly not worthy of it,because they had their share of Ironwood forest once,but now it was gone due to their own incompetence in maintaining it,so Ludd is just being greedy.

  • edited June 2015

    He says, that they had to harvest what was left

    Exactly,he can only exploit,not conserve unlike the Forrester.

    Krapinka posted: »

    When Ludd said, that their share has been TAKEN from them no one objected. He says, that they had to harvest what was left, so maybe that's the reason of their problem with their part of the groove.

  • But he is not a good person too. Ethan was killed because of him, he took Ryon, and sent his soldier to westeros and took over there. Everyone loves own family even if a man is evil.

  • Soooo... Who did Ludd kill?

    Doughnuts posted: »

    Hi everyone! I killed someone and enjoyed it....but hey, at least I didn't kill 1000 people! Therefore I am not evil =D /logic

  • Why do you think, that Ethan was killed because of him? Also, he took Ryon because Ramsay told him to do so. And what do you mean by "sent his soldier to westeros"?

    AsheRodrik posted: »

    But he is not a good person too. Ethan was killed because of him, he took Ryon, and sent his soldier to westeros and took over there. Everyone loves own family even if a man is evil.

  • It's not an excuse to take their share.

    Herodriver posted: »

    He says, that they had to harvest what was left Exactly,he can only exploit,not conserve unlike the Forrester.

  • Ludd hasn't killed anybody in the game. He didn't even touch Ryon.

    Doughnuts posted: »

    Hi everyone! I killed someone and enjoyed it....but hey, at least I didn't kill 1000 people! Therefore I am not evil =D /logic

  • It was Ramsay the one who killed Ethan. I doubt that Ludd would murder a child. Yes, he is not a good person, but he is not that ruthless.

    AsheRodrik posted: »

    But he is not a good person too. Ethan was killed because of him, he took Ryon, and sent his soldier to westeros and took over there. Everyone loves own family even if a man is evil.

  • firstly, he came alone to us. We didn't agree with them. Then he brought Ramsey. I don't know if he was a good guy he wouldn't do anything bad to Forresters. Maybe he is good but not for Forresters. Also we can make an alliance or peace with Ludd but Ramsey screw up everything as you said.Ludd also loves to humiliate us. For example, "if you want to see Ryon you will kiss my ring in everyone". Gryff also did something to us. He hit Rodrik.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Why do you think, that Ethan was killed because of him? Also, he took Ryon because Ramsay told him to do so. And what do you mean by "sent his soldier to westeros"?

  • That also stood out to me, that no one objected. Maybe things aren't as black and white as they seem and Gregor did some shitty things as well.

    Krapinka posted: »

    It's not an excuse to take their share.

  • I also wouldn't call him evil, he seems bitter and spiteful, at least concerning the Forresters, but not evil.

    What about Gryff, though? At first I also thought he wasn't that bad (he could have done a lot more terrible things while at Ironwrath), but he did slap Talia (at least in some playthroughs) and I was appalled at how he treated Eleana, he threatened to hurt her in the first scene they were in together! He doesn't seem to have much respect for women, I think so far his actions are worse than his father's

  • Ramsay obviously couldn't care less about dead Whitehill soldier. He is a psycho, this is the only thing that got Ethan killed. What about Ludd humiliating us - he said numerous times that Forresters have treated Whitehills like shit for generations and most times no one objected, which makes me think that he is just trying to get what he thinks is "justice". Of course I'm not going to let him go on like this. But I have a feeling that if we really make the trade (Gryff for Ryon) and I'll show Ludd that I don't want to hurt him or his family and have an intention of treating them with respect and as an equal he'll consider making an alliance. Of course I may be wrong. Still, I feel like Foresters have never tried to treat Whitehills this way and if I actually do, it might turn out better than expected. About Gryff - firstly, Rodrick had an option of fighting back both times. Secondly, Gryff is just a dumb scared little boy, who needs to get the fuck over it. Is some stupid youth's bad behaviour a real reason for a war between two houses? I don't think so.

    AsheRodrik posted: »

    firstly, he came alone to us. We didn't agree with them. Then he brought Ramsey. I don't know if he was a good guy he wouldn't do anything

  • Already predicting people will go ape shit here.

    Yeah, the TellTale fan forums tend to be incredibly black and white. They don't seem to understand gray morality.

  • Kinda realized this set of people are easily confused by mor ambiguity and automatically think everyone who isn't good is evil to the core

    LeFedore posted: »

    Already predicting people will go ape shit here. Yeah, the TellTale fan forums tend to be incredibly black and white. They don't seem to understand gray morality.

  • He doesn't have pregnant women and defenseless men murdered."

    He doesn't have thousands of innocent men, women and children burned before him for his own amusement

    He doesn't impregnate his own daughters and leave his own sons for White Walkers

    He doesn't kill children and rape their mothers

    Alt text

  • The examples you provide are individualized and are all tied in with the villains behind them (outside from the last one, but that's only because I don't remember to whom it is attributed). Ludd doesn't have to do any of that to be considered "evil" or a villain.

  • The Mountain it's attributed to The Mountain and the his slaughtering of Rhaegar's family

    Lingvort posted: »

    The examples you provide are individualized and are all tied in with the villains behind them (outside from the last one, but that's only be

  • Ah, I see. Thanks for the reminder.

    Clemenem posted: »

    The Mountain it's attributed to The Mountain and the his slaughtering of Rhaegar's family

  • i actually though the same thing when he said "may the boltons have mercy on us both when they come for their ironwood"

  • this ^^

    LeFedore posted: »

    Already predicting people will go ape shit here. Yeah, the TellTale fan forums tend to be incredibly black and white. They don't seem to understand gray morality.

  • There's a fine line between evil and asshole

  • Didn't even touch Ryon? He cut his cheek!

    Shaboomm posted: »

    Ludd hasn't killed anybody in the game. He didn't even touch Ryon.

  • He is evil, he is just not ax-crazy.

  • I mean while he was a prisoner, when he didn't know that we were holding Gryff as a hostage.

    jarmoksk posted: »

    Didn't even touch Ryon? He cut his cheek!

  • edited June 2015

    What, he only grabs Ryon after finding out about Gryff... While he was panicking (and it grazed it because he held it against it to threaten not intentionally slicing him) and you can call out his bluff proving he doesn't have the ability to actually kill a child. He was never going to do it.

    jarmoksk posted: »

    Didn't even touch Ryon? He cut his cheek!

  • I think it should go something like this: Ludd is an evil asshold.

    Ludd is not evil...he is an asshole.

  • Gryff isn't evil either,he's only a sour little cunt. Like Gared said it's not easy being the fourthborn son and Gryff was constantly bullied by his brothers when he was young.

  • Well, I honestly can't say what the writer's intentions are. However, in life you are your actions. Whitehall and his people have shown themselves to be ruthless and dangerous to anyone not allied with them. Which is ok on the face of it. They do have an empire to run. However their actions are without regard for any commonly accepted view of morality. Killing a child ruler in his home simply to prove a point and then kidnapping another child to use as insurance is quite evil if one chooses to use such words. Rulers who have no respect for common decency lead their people into corruption and decline. It is a storyline in the end however so maybe he will become something else entirely in the end.

  • i agree. ludd whitehill doesnt strike me as a psycho like ramsay and joffrey. the boltons are probably unhappy about not getting their shipment of ironwood, so maybe the forresters and the whitehills have to put their differences at some point. they were allies before, and gwyn is definetly not evil. maybe she convinces rodrik and ludd to team up.

  • edited June 2015

    i dont think the whitehills would go so far as to kill ethan. that was all ramsay. i dont even think roose bolton would have approved of ramsay's actions. ludd looked really shocked, just like the rest. he would never do what ramsay did (i think)

    Well, I honestly can't say what the writer's intentions are. However, in life you are your actions. Whitehall and his people have shown the

  • if he's not evil he has entrusted people with positions of power who should not be trusted. this would represent a serious weakness in any of his plans. remove those people from positions of power in the game, and you should be able to bargain with them. if you can't bargain with him then he really is in line with me Action of his people. of course if you murder anyone in his household like Gryff you lose the power to bargain. interesting thought.

    i dont think the whitehills would go so far as to kill ethan. that was all ramsay. i dont even think roose bolton would have approved of ramsay's actions. ludd looked really shocked, just like the rest. he would never do what ramsay did (i think)

  • He's not totally evil , but he's not a good guy either

    I don't think i have to remind everyone what he tried and planned to try to get rid of the the Forresters and steal their inronwood

  • Oh sorry I didn't read your comment until after I replied to this comment, sorry!

    Wait. He didn't even mention Romeo & Juliet. I did. Et tu, Brute?

  • Not evil. Just a total DICK

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