DO u miss any characters



  • edited June 2015

    I really liked Mike before what he did aswell. He felt like a Lee replacement of some sorts. Well the only thing he can do to get me to forgive him is to either kill Arvo or save Clems/Kenny's life. Yeah I saved Kenny aswell, KENNY BOYZ.

    Only_Jags posted: »

    I miss Lee, Carley, Molly, Ben (Yes Ben) I would say Mike but after what he did... F that guy. And I wont say Kenny because Kenny is still a

  • What's your problem? It's his opinion. I think Sarah never deserved to die, and you have no idea.

    Hypnosis posted: »

    Sarah? Why her? I mean she was just useless weight imo. Killed her as soon as possible...

  • I was just asking why she was worth saving... Calm down lol. I don't say she deserved to die but think about survival and what she adds to the group... yep nothing. She is just an useless mouth to feed and not worth risking lifes for in my eyes... Well why would you save her then?

    AronDracula posted: »

    What's your problem? It's his opinion. I think Sarah never deserved to die, and you have no idea.

  • I've been her best friend. She even saved Clem's life in EP1. Why would you leave someone when he/she just saved your life? I'm not on survivor side bullsh*t. I hate Jane, and she needed to die for being selfish and caused Sarah to die.

    Hypnosis posted: »

    I was just asking why she was worth saving... Calm down lol. I don't say she deserved to die but think about survival and what she adds to t

  • When did she save clementine again? I mean I only see her bringing the group in danger... Her dad made her too soft imo.. I mean look at how crazy she was! And well, im not going to save a stressed out girl who can barely talk...

    AronDracula posted: »

    I've been her best friend. She even saved Clem's life in EP1. Why would you leave someone when he/she just saved your life? I'm not on survivor side bullsh*t. I hate Jane, and she needed to die for being selfish and caused Sarah to die.

  • edited June 2015

    She gave Clem peroxide to disinfect her arm, why would you love the people who locked you in the shed? Also what if it was your sister or your girlfriend or your best friend in Sarah situation? You would leave them as well? Your action was completely selfish, no way it was heroic.

    Hypnosis posted: »

    When did she save clementine again? I mean I only see her bringing the group in danger... Her dad made her too soft imo.. I mean look at how crazy she was! And well, im not going to save a stressed out girl who can barely talk...

  • Yeah she gave it to her, but I don't think that clem couldn't have got that without her help. And yes if they were like Sarah I would leave them for my own survival. Yes it sounds selfish etc but its for my survival. I also kinda agree with Carver and the guys from Crawford, yes they are cold hearted etc, but they survive... This is just my opinion though, I respect your opinion to save her etc

    AronDracula posted: »

    She gave Clem peroxide to disinfect her arm, why would you love the people who locked you in the shed? Also what if it was your sister or yo

  • Ok, I'll do that too, but don't criticize people who miss the characters you don't like, ok?

    Hypnosis posted: »

    Yeah she gave it to her, but I don't think that clem couldn't have got that without her help. And yes if they were like Sarah I would leave

  • I don't do that, I was just asking why him/her missed Sarah out of all the TWD characters

    AronDracula posted: »

    Ok, I'll do that too, but don't criticize people who miss the characters you don't like, ok?

  • Because she was just a girl who was suffering because of her dad and she deserves better than what she got. I'm the biggest fan of her.

    Hypnosis posted: »

    I don't do that, I was just asking why him/her missed Sarah out of all the TWD characters

  • Spoiler

    Yeah the way how she came to her end was sad and how she saw her dad die etc. I think its also part Carlos fault in raising her... I mean look at her vs Clem...

    AronDracula posted: »

    Because she was just a girl who was suffering because of her dad and she deserves better than what she got. I'm the biggest fan of her.

  • edited June 2015

    I forgot to say that Sarah was like Clem in S1. This time I hate Clem because she was a horrible protagonist. I don't care much for her anymore like how I did in S1.

    Hypnosis posted: »

    I don't do that, I was just asking why him/her missed Sarah out of all the TWD characters

  • I mean that Clem saw alot of terrible things and is more used to it, Sarah isnt on the other hand she flipped out.. Clem can handle her self way better than Sarah, you cant deny that

    AronDracula posted: »

    I forgot to say that Sarah was like Clem in S1. This time I hate Clem because she was a horrible protagonist. I don't care much for her anymore like how I did in S1.

  • Sarah was like Clem but Clem is alive because of Chuck, not Lee. He is the one who gave Lee the advice about survival.

    Hypnosis posted: »

    I mean that Clem saw alot of terrible things and is more used to it, Sarah isnt on the other hand she flipped out.. Clem can handle her self way better than Sarah, you cant deny that

  • You can't say that, as Lee you teach Clem alot and you need to protect her alot through the whole season... It's not Chuck that Clem is alive, Chuck only made the chance of Clem dying smaller. And why is Sarah alive? because she stays in that house 24/7

    AronDracula posted: »

    Sarah was like Clem but Clem is alive because of Chuck, not Lee. He is the one who gave Lee the advice about survival.

  • Whatever

    Hypnosis posted: »

    You can't say that, as Lee you teach Clem alot and you need to protect her alot through the whole season... It's not Chuck that Clem is aliv

  • Ben, chuck, Pete and nick

  • Yes, She was useless weight. But I felt as if Clem was her caretaker, and every scene with Sarah reminded me just how much I miss playing as Lee, taking care of Clem.

    Hypnosis posted: »

    Sarah? Why her? I mean she was just useless weight imo. Killed her as soon as possible...

  • Ah, I understand you now, although I find Clem to have a more likable personality imo. ( In season 1 )

    Yes, She was useless weight. But I felt as if Clem was her caretaker, and every scene with Sarah reminded me just how much I miss playing as Lee, taking care of Clem.

  • I miss Carley a lot. Like A LOT. Oh and I miss Chuck, Sarah, Rebecca, Alvin and Lee of course. Maybe even Lilly. I was really pissed off when she killed Carley so I left her. I don't regret it but if she will be back in season 3 I'm fine with that just don't let her shoot somebody else.

  • edited June 2015

    I miss a good chunk of those we've lost over the course of the games, especially the Cabin group. Some of them should've survived. Even Chuck from S1, but at least he sacrificed himself for the others to escape.

    Lee, Carley, Kenny, Katjaa, Duck, Chuck, Mark, Doug, Omid, Pete, Luke, Nick, Alvin, Rebecca and Sarah - you will be remembered and have earned my respect.

    To the living: Christa, Lilly, Bonnie and Mike and the rest of the 400 Days gang, please still be alive and find a way to return in future seasons.

  • I miss Luke so much. I also will miss Carley, Lee, Duck, Katjaa, Omid, Pete, Alvin and Sarah. :'C

  • Jane... just kiddin haha :P

  • I miss Lee, Kat, Duck, Carley, Doug (even though I barely knew him in my game), Chuck, Omid, Christa, Pete, Sarah, Nick, Luke, Rebecca, Alvin... I can't say I miss Kenny since he's alive and with Clem in my game... Basically I'll just say I miss almost everybody.

  • Beatrice for sure. (Tell me who actually remembers her)

  • I miss Lee, Lee, Lee and Lee. They were the best characters ever!

  • Lilly. I hope we play as her in Season 3's main story (if not Clementine), or at least in an extra episode; or just having her back as a group member would make me happy.

  • way to many characters that I miss.

    Doug - he was the one character I could really relate to, Lee, Luke, Pete, Kattra, Chuck, Vince and Russel

  • Pete: Such a great character. He's the first to actually trust Clementine. Probrably my favorite out of all the cabin group survivors. Very sad that he was killed off that early. Even though we weren't with him for that long, I still miss him.
    Nick: Such wasted potential. He was a great character, I wanted to see him cope with Pete's death more. It would've been interesting if they explored their relationship more. I liked Nick, I was frustrated when they wasted his character in Amid The Ruins. I miss him.
    Alvin: He, along with Pete were the ones that actually wanted to help Clementine in episode one. He seemed like a nice guy. That fishing scene with Clementine should have definitely been added. I don't really miss him that much, due to lack of character development.
    Sarah: She had SO much potential. I wanted to see her grow...her fathers death should have made her stronger, teaching her how to shoot should have mattered. I wanted to see her get over everything and become a badass like Clemntine. I miss her and her death was way to harsh.
    Rebecca: I didn't like her in episode one. It took me awhile to like her, giving that she basically wanted to kill Clementine along with Nick. In A House Divided she warmed up to me a bit. I felt like her storyline with Carver was interested and it could've been explored more...sadly it wasn't. In Amid The Ruins I grew closer to her. And she became one of my favorites. I miss her.
    Carlos: hated him, didn't care when he died. Don't miss him.
    Luke: He was very inconsistent. His death felt very rushed, he had that whole "nice guy" thing going for him. I didn't like him at all in Amid The Ruins. He showed very little emotion for Nick, Sarah, Rebecca, and Pete's deaths. I don't know, I felt if they hadn't killed him off the same way I wouldn't feel this way towards him. I guess I miss him....

  • Just wanted to add: Lilly is my favorite character; someone I can relate to most. For example: believing she's not responsible for every struggling survivor, and not wanting extra mouths to feed. She was a solid leader with great instincts (example: wanting to leave the dairy farm asap), and handled herself pretty well. My Lee agreed with Lilly on just about everything, and I even chose to leave in the RV with her before she drove off as Lee went to get Clementine. I don't blame her though: she was grieving, pushed to her breaking point, had a power struggle with Kenny, and awaited an unknown fate in the RV. It was sad to watch her drive off. There's still so much story that can be told with her, and her character development has a lot of potential.

  • I do.

    Beatrice for sure. (Tell me who actually remembers her)

  • I think out of all the Characters, After constantly replaying, And re-experiencing each death, Lee's, Kenny's, Carley's, and all of the above, I think most of all, I'll always be sad about Sarah, Doug, and Alvin being gone. If they came back, I'd always be happy. They're all amazing characters, with hardly any flaws in development, and All people wanna do is make GoGo eyes over Luke... Blech. Luke was an awful character.

  • Lee, Carly, and Omid.

  • Well i miss Lee the most :((( and i miss Omid too he was a funny guy i think he deserved to live a little longer i mean he lived like 7 minutes in s2

  • The character I miss more than anyone isn't Lee, It's Luke and i'll explain why:

    Even though his Lee got a dramatic and tearful send off it kind of felt that his story arc was finished. Season One wasn't really about Lee's story, it was about Lee making sure Clementine's story would continue. I miss Lee and he's the second best character in the game behind Clementine for me but I felt everything was done right when he died.

    Luke though had a great sibling like bond with Clementine and was one of the few strong characters in Season Two. Telltale teased the Luke and Kenny rivalry to go to a head and the both clash but that idea veered off and all of a sudden Luke took a backseat to Jane and by Episode 5 he just died. The death was fairly memorable but there was no goodbye, no grieving and there wasn't any closure.

    Clementine just got on with it like it was just another death but when you can choose to shoot Kenny she's bawling her eyes out. My Clem had a much better bond with Luke and felt she should have been far more traumatized that Luke died rather than Kenny in my opinion. Although the game didctated that we liked Kenny better therefore Clem likes him more but that's not what my Clem felt at all. In my Season One Kenny always butted heads with Lee and Clem saw him as a danger and in Season Two my Clem though that exact same thing but the game just took over and decided I was affectionate towards Kenny when I was far more affectionate towards Luke!

  • Lee, Carley, Lilly, Larry, Mark, Eddie, Pete, and Luke. I wish Season One was ten episodes long because everything that came out of Larry's mouth was gold and if there were more time to develop the Kenny and Lilly struggle the meat locker would've been a tougher choice.

  • Kattra, you mean Katja?

    way to many characters that I miss. Doug - he was the one character I could really relate to, Lee, Luke, Pete, Kattra, Chuck, Vince and Russel

  • yes I was half asleep when I type the comment

    JMOREL posted: »

    Kattra, you mean Katja?

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