Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Don't trust Jack at the end of episode 2 and it should be fine. :P

    Telltale, why did you ruined Rhys chance with sasha by making him smack her ass while being controlled by jack ! I know you are listening to

  • Since someone had already used the Marshall gif

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    QUESTION What was your reaction when you first saw Rhys put the flower on Sasha's head? Mine was:

  • Well guys, we've now hit over 80 likes! This place keeps growing by the day, and it is glorious!

    To all the new members, welcome!

    To all of my brethren that I've known since the start, you have all done, and continue to do an amazing job of keeping this such an awesome place to visit, and I couldn't be happier.

    I knew Rhysha was destined from the moment they spent time together in Ep1. They may have only been the most subtle of hints, but I and many others could see that it would go on to be something huge.

    Although they may not be officially together just yet, Ep3 provided us with so much, that it would almost be impossible to not expect anything to happen between the two in the last couple of episodes. And I look forward to it.

    For now. Let's all enjoy the gift that Ep3 has provided for us all, and continue to make this thread the greatest thread on the forum.

    Love you guys. You make me proud to be a part of this. And let's look forward to the near future!


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  • Post it on imgur or any other website that allows you to post images, then right click the picture and select "copy image URL". Then you can press the "image" icon when typing a new comment and paste your URL there.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    So... I'm doing... a fan art... and I need to know.. how to upload it to the forums. Can someone help me?

  • You know that each drawing isn't finished right? I'll have to color them too.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Yeah Yeah, if you have any more drawings then better hurry up!

  • I am aware, but it made it in a way that the change will ber elatively easy

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    You know that each drawing isn't finished right? I'll have to color them too.

  • How do I use imgur? o.O

    mirashade posted: »

    Post it on imgur or any other website that allows you to post images, then right click the picture and select "copy image URL". Then you can press the "image" icon when typing a new comment and paste your URL there.

  • Step 1: Go to the website.

    Step 2: Press the green "upload" button in the top left corner

    That's pretty much it, the rest is easy.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    How do I use imgur? o.O

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    Pipas posted: »

    @Intellectual_Poultry Tried to find some Rhysha art on tumblr, but since most of the tumblr hates Rhysha, there's not much. But it's something! Source Source Source

  • Do I need an account? I drew this in a notebook and I'm on my phone

    mirashade posted: »

    Step 1: Go to the website. Step 2: Press the green "upload" button in the top left corner That's pretty much it, the rest is easy.

  • Nope you can do it without the account

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Do I need an account? I drew this in a notebook and I'm on my phone

  • Did you fuck up anything unintentionally with Sasha? xD I have one that I regret since the first episode. I didn't let her hold my stun baton xD I regret it so much but I'm not rewinding.

    Back in the day when I played Ep 1, I didn't know anything of BL universe, so I didn't really get why she was so rude and sassy with Rhys, then I played Bl2 and also saw the pinky swear in someone's let's play so realized I made a mistake :D

    Rhysha for life!

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  • Have a gif:

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    Not unless I escape in this conveniently placed UFO you got there in the corner! Gets inside YOU CAN'T GET ME NOW!

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    Leluch123 posted: »

    Right next to the Black Bible bah! I told you to be discrete....guess who will be the next sacrifice?

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    Have a gif: :

  • Thank you, I drew it myself! I am loving this already, you are all so nice :D

    Welcome to the forums and welcome to Rhysha, also, love the Clem hat Gravatar.

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    Volker94 posted: »

    Not unless I escape in this conveniently placed UFO you got there in the corner! Gets inside YOU CAN'T GET ME NOW! Fuck.

  • I've been following him for over a year and I've noticed that too. I was just worried cause of all the rhysha hate on my dash. Thank goodness this group exists to cheer me up :)

    mirashade posted: »

    Nah, Cry's a huge sap. Been following him for eh... 5 years? And he'll jump on pretty much any romance he's given.

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    Well guys, we've now hit over 80 likes! This place keeps growing by the day, and it is glorious! To all the new members, welcome! To a

  • Hey guys! I want to join this Rhysha thing

  • Of course. Welcome aboard, The_Walking_Wolf! :)

    Hey guys! I want to join this Rhysha thing

  • Welcome aboard ! ;)

    Hey guys! I want to join this Rhysha thing

  • Rhysha question for today: what do you think would be the best gifts for Rhys and Sasha to give each other on their birthdays?

  • Rhys gets clothes and ice cream

    Sasha gets deadly weaponry

    armis37 posted: »

    Rhysha question for today: what do you think would be the best gifts for Rhys and Sasha to give each other on their birthdays?

  • But what flavour ice cream?

    What kind of deadly weaponry? New SMG? Assault rifle? Stun baton?

    Rhys gets clothes and ice cream Sasha gets deadly weaponry

  • Lemon Ice Cream, since it's Hyperion Yellow. Or just French Vanilla, that is like super French (and therefore, more yellow).

    And Sasha will gladly take any legendaries of any kind.

    armis37 posted: »

    But what flavour ice cream? What kind of deadly weaponry? New SMG? Assault rifle? Stun baton?

  • Thanks Flix

    The-Flix posted: »

    Welcome aboard !

  • Don't trust Jack at the end of ep 2 and also tell him that you don't trust him when you talk to him on the caravans roof. If you do that Rhys won't slap Sasha's ass.

    Telltale, why did you ruined Rhys chance with sasha by making him smack her ass while being controlled by jack ! I know you are listening to

  • who the hell is that?

    mirashade posted: »

    Did I call it, or did I call it?

  • Its funny, at first, I didn't ship Rhysha at all, I thought they had cool banter in episode 1, but I thought that that was how far it was gonna go. But then the whole "Love is in the air" thing showed up, and I started considering Rhysha as a ship that could happen. At first I was a little miffed, because I shipped Rhyona and gayperion a little bit, but I reminded myself to keep an open mind about the idea of Telltale changing my shipping ways, I wasn't gonna be bitter if they decided to go somewhere else with it.

    And then I played the episode. And oh my gosh. Seriously the first opportunity to flirt with Sasha I got, I took it without even thinking about it. I took the "You looked nice" option, and that was all it took. xD From then on, any time they so much as LOOKED at each other I lost it. You can imagine how much I was loving it when the bridge and flower scenes took their course. I am still just on a cloud of Rhysha love and happiness right now.

    I am in the process of making a Rhysha playlist on 8tracks, I should be done with it in a day or two, and I will post a link to it on here if you guys want! :)

  • Rhysha for life, bro! Glad you liked this glorious ship so much :)

    Mcboats posted: »

    Its funny, at first, I didn't ship Rhysha at all, I thought they had cool banter in episode 1, but I thought that that was how far it was go

  • edited June 2015

    So. Here's a story.

    I was imagining what might happen in Ep4, and one of the main things that came into my head was; what if Sasha was to get into harms way?

    Rhys. Who always fails miserably at the hero act, gets knocked down yet again.

    Sasha doesn't have a weapon, she's surrounded by enemies, and her doom seems to be drawing closer and closer. And then.......

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    Rhys rises. Sasha being in a life-threatening situation has caused a new found power in his cybernetics caused by the high levels of anger and aggression that he's never shown before.

    This Rhys is ready to kick some serious ass.

  • edited June 2015

    Hey, whats that lovely Rhysha mark? Is that a first new multicolored model?

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    @The_Walking_Wolf :

  • I'm glad I didn't trust that asswipe.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    He's gonna be jealous.. I mean Jack touched her butt instead of Rhys amirite? xD Same hand but he wasn't conscious.

  • And he gets messed up in the process of being a badass. Of course she escapes though, but still.

    So. Here's a story. I was imagining what might happen in Ep4, and one of the main things that came into my head was; what if Sasha was to

  • Cool story bro

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    So. Here's a story. I was imagining what might happen in Ep4, and one of the main things that came into my head was; what if Sasha was to

  • Well Walking wolf asked me to do it so... :p

    Hey, whats that lovely Rhysha mark? Is that a first new multicolored model?

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