Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Imagine if he would literally kick some ass of bandits or Hyperion employees. I want to see this so bad!

    So. Here's a story. I was imagining what might happen in Ep4, and one of the main things that came into my head was; what if Sasha was to

  • I was thinking that Fiona hates Rhys(in present game time) because he chose Sasha and not her in the end.

  • @GrumpyDof Can I be added to the Rhysha map pls? (◕◡◕)

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Well Walking wolf asked me to do it so...

  • I think she'd understand that nobody can stop true love <3

    I was thinking that Fiona hates Rhys(in present game time) because he chose Sasha and not her in the end.

  • Have you guys noticed that inside the dome there's a change station(a kind of NewU from the other borderlands) where you can change some clothes,skins?

  • Welcome to Rhysha.

    Hey guys! I want to join this Rhysha thing

  • Sasha will get Rhys' stun baton. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    armis37 posted: »

    Rhysha question for today: what do you think would be the best gifts for Rhys and Sasha to give each other on their birthdays?

  • Thanks

    Welcome to Rhysha.

  • I just realized that whenever Pipas visits the forum, his feed probably explodes...

  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    Dracu98 posted: »

    1) there has to be a sexual joke about it, I just can't think about one 2) love knows no genders 3) is that a 4?

  • edited June 2015

    Such an electrifying gift ;)

    Sasha will get Rhys' stun baton. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Ya. I'm still saving my money because I'm like turbo-cheap.

    Plus, I wonder what will happen if we do save all our money.

    Have you guys noticed that inside the dome there's a change station(a kind of NewU from the other borderlands) where you can change some clothes,skins?

  • edited June 2015

    At this point I assume both Pipas and Green's feeds aren't able to load.

    I just realized that whenever Pipas visits the forum, his feed probably explodes...

  • Okay buuuuuuuut i need your location !

    @GrumpyDof Can I be added to the Rhysha map pls? (◕◡◕)

  • Mine's able to load, it's actually faster reading all the comments that appeared over night in my feed then scrolling through the thread.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    At this point I assume both Pipas and Green's feeds aren't able to load.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited June 2015

    Buy Rhys a lavish gift obviously to give to Sasha.

    Ya. I'm still saving my money because I'm like turbo-cheap. Plus, I wonder what will happen if we do save all our money.

  • Fiona doesn't seem like she would be that type of person to get jealous, especially over romance. She probably hates him over some Hyperion thing he did XD

    I was thinking that Fiona hates Rhys(in present game time) because he chose Sasha and not her in the end.

  • ^o^Thanks! I live in Las Vegas,NV.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Okay buuuuuuuut i need your location !

  • I don't understand how your feed is able to survive that ;~;

    It's a trooper.

    Green613 posted: »

    Mine's able to load, it's actually faster reading all the comments that appeared over night in my feed then scrolling through the thread.

  • Truth this time

    Alt text

    Yeah I think that would be a reaction when Rhys would tell that part of the story.

    So. Here's a story. I was imagining what might happen in Ep4, and one of the main things that came into my head was; what if Sasha was to

  • Alt text

    Alt text

    And don't forget i can edit your avatar anytime you want and i can do (almost) everything so don't be shy ! Color, background,...

  • All you have to do is not trust Jack at the end of Ep2.

  • I hope there'll be an option to kiss her.

    I just played the episode, and all I have to say is..... RHYSHA CONFIRMED! I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!! BDLUIEBIFBEWFBBWEFBIWEI!!!111!!

  • plug in to charge up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    armis37 posted: »

    Such an electrifying gift

  • Whoa, someone's fancy. Looks great btw. :D

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    @The_Walking_Wolf :

  • It's kinda sad that we have two guys with the same avatar around...

    also, I kinda feel bad for the guy down there in south america. He is so far off from everyone, he must be lonely xD

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    And don't forget i can edit your avatar anytime you want and i can do (almost) everything so don't be shy ! Color, background,...

  • Could you post the Gravatar tuto in the main post?

    Pipas posted: »

    Whoa, someone's fancy. Looks great btw.

  • Oh, don't worry about me, mine feed's fine. Poor Green though.

    I just realized that whenever Pipas visits the forum, his feed probably explodes...

  • Soon there'll be no place left in the poster. :D

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    And don't forget i can edit your avatar anytime you want and i can do (almost) everything so don't be shy ! Color, background,...

  • Yeah. Still pissed I didn't see it on my first playthrough. I'd buy Loader Bot the smokin' hot tuxedo if I found it. ;_;

    Have you guys noticed that inside the dome there's a change station(a kind of NewU from the other borderlands) where you can change some clothes,skins?

  • We're glad to have you with us. And sure, share the playlist whenever you're done. :)

    Mcboats posted: »

    Its funny, at first, I didn't ship Rhysha at all, I thought they had cool banter in episode 1, but I thought that that was how far it was go

  • heheheHEHEHEHE

    plug in to charge up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I didn't end up picking the flower because I was afraid it would piss off the local wildlife. I was right, but after seeing how cute that scene could have been I definitely regret it :,(

  • So I guess I've gotta get myself in gear and do some Rhysha Questions of the Day, because @armis37 is moping the floor with me XD

    Rhysha Question of the Day

    Where would Rhys and Sasha rather go: one of the relaxation resorts, or a health spa?

  • Yeah kind off hitting a mile stone here....again gets notalgic, we have come a long way eh Pipas?

    Pipas posted: »

    Soon there'll be no place left in the poster.

  • armis37 posted: »

    Rhysha question for today: what do you think would be the best gifts for Rhys and Sasha to give each other on their birthdays?

  • We can do it in turns man :)

    I think it'd relaxation resort - somewhy I think Sasha would love getting massages, and Rhys would sit nearby in a folding chair, sipping some kind of cocktail. He'd occasionally start flirting with ladies around him and Sasha would give him angry looks, until he would be forced to come and give her a personal massage as an apology :)

    So I guess I've gotta get myself in gear and do some Rhysha Questions of the Day, because @armis37 is moping the floor with me XD Rhysha Question of the Day Where would Rhys and Sasha rather go: one of the relaxation resorts, or a health spa?

  • Can you add me to the map, please? I'm from Western Poland.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    And don't forget i can edit your avatar anytime you want and i can do (almost) everything so don't be shy ! Color, background,...

  • Alt text

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Yeah kind off hitting a mile stone here....again gets notalgic, we have come a long way eh Pipas?

  • I don't know about anyone else, but am I the only one who would find it hilarious if the reason Fiona hates Rhys in the "present day" isn't because of being betrayed or anything bad like that, but because of Rhysha? "I thought you were mad at me for being with Handsome Jack?" "No, I'm mad at you because you plowed my sister you asshole!"

    Also, I guess this is me also sheepshly asking if I can join the group. Never been part of a ship before, but I'm so invested in this series, I really want it to happen, even more so than Maya and Krieg for BL3.

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