I definitely agree with Doctor Who and Jurassic World. I also kind of agree with one of my real life friends who suggested that Boondock Saints should get the TTG treatment. Also, what about something like Agent Carter?
Yorick Brown is the last man on Earth following the sudden death of every other male on the planet. He, along with his helper monkey, must traverse a savage world in search of answers. Why was Yorick spared? Is there a cure for whatever caused this plague? The journey is repeatedly hampered by Yorick's stubborn nature and the conflicting needs of the women of the world. The 60-issue journey is just past the half-way point, but is already one of the strongest series every produced by Vertigo. Vaughan mixes humor with tragedy to create an incredible work that is socially relevant, but also great fun.
2. Hellblazer
John Constantine is an unconcerned, amoral occultist with a British working-class background. He's an anti-hero who manages to come out on top through a combination of luck, trickery and genuine magic skill.
Preacher chronicles the story of Jesse Custer, a preacher in a small Texas town who is possessed by a supernatural creature. Genesis, the creature who possesses him, is the product of an angel and a demon and contains both pure goodness and pure evil and has power that rivals God. Custer, now bonded to Genesis and a superhero of sorts, goes on a trip seeking God, accompanied by ex-girlfriend Tulip and a vampire named Cassidy. Influenced by the power of John Wayne and Clint Eastwood, Ennis created many of the most memorable new characters in recent comics history and entertains the reader all the way through. There are nine trade paperbacks that anthologize the entire series, starting with Preacher: Gone to Texas.
4. Fell
Homicide detective Richard Fell is transferred from his old post across the bridge to Snowtown, a city rife with urban decay of America's worst inner cities and the poverty of a third-world country. At one point described as a "feral city," Snowtown's denizens are generally desperate, hostile, or both. Violence is commonplace, with whole chunks of the city devoid of proper utilities, services and basic amenities. So hopeless is the city that the citizenry have begun spraypainting giant S's that have been crossed out as a form of protective magic, in the hopes that Snowtown will not harm what has been labelled as its own. Having joined the "three and a half detectives"[5] in the entirety of Snowtown (one having no legs), Fell is determined to do all he can to better the city in many ways. He takes calls on his time off, he ignores a lack of a warrant for the sake of a little girl and he pushes through efforts to hire more precinct employees. He is noted by his powers of observation and deduction (a salute to Sherlock Holmes) and his ever-present digital camera.
Snowtown is not without its share of mysteries, including its location, which is near a body of water somewhere. According to Lt. Beard, it is "miles from anywhere, [and] colder than Eskimo nipples." Also unclear are the reasons for Fell's transfer though it involves an injured partner with recurring memory loss. Fell's city setting is anonymous with Snowtown obviously being a mixture of many downtown areas.
Richard meets the owner of a bar, Mayko, who is a young woman of Vietnamese descent. While Richard is spending an evening at her apartment, Mayko brands him while she is drunk and under the influence of painkillers, burning the Snowtown emblem into his neck. Later she and Richard make up and start spending more time together. An interesting minor character seen in passing throughout the series is the nun. She appears as a short, somewhat heavyset nun in a habit, wearing a Richard Nixon mask and having black eyes with tiny white pupils. Thus far, the nun has been seen buying ice cream, purchasing a handgun, hiring the services of a prostitute, and apparently robbing a beggar. Richard's thought on his second sighting of the nun: "I need to think of something to arrest her for." Ellis has yet to indicate the nun's place in the grand scheme of Snowtown, but indicates she is getting "more dangerous" at the end of an issue, referring to her purchasing a gun in the next issue.
I was thinking that maybe telltale could use the whodunnit format (it's a reality completion on abc it was created by athony zukier, google it) the next inventory crossover game, due to the murder at the inventory secret dialogue. telltale has worked with Anthony e zukier before on the csi games, maybe he could work with telltale again to write the mysteries. (each episode a contestant get murderd by the killer in a complicated way, simpler to csi,basic game is that the contests have solve it , worst one gets murderd next) they have to say that the game is COMPLETELY non canon, in order to get away with murdering the characters. If they use this, then it could work. (here is the first ep)
(oh if youre wondering why this is happening in universe, its not the first time. Giles was a butler for a man named mr anderson before he got fired a package got sent to him asking for employment for westlake estate with a good fee, giles felt like he had done a terrible mistake, hes right. murder game happens and at the end the killer, jaqccline bossart curses him to whenever he gets a job, a murder game happens. its true and in the last time we see him, he is going to a prison where jaqccline is there to talk to her. maybe you cold play has him in the game?
I lovet the Batman Arkham games, But while those games have a great story, the games are still more action than adventure, thats why i would love if Telltale would make a Batman game. Batman is a detective, detectives solves puzzles, Batman is ideal for a Telltale game
I'm 100% for a telltale Bioshock game. I mean, it totally fits in with what infinite left off. The multiple endings, the different ingame choices. Constants and variables. It works perfectly.
I know it has been posted, but I just rewatched Firefly followed by Serenity and thought. Fuck. Too bad the whole story couldn't be told as it was truly meant to be. Especially since it was a story with a rich world, complex characters (even the ones that aren't are awesome) and top notch dialogue. A show that inspired a cult following despite being cancelled in its 1st season. If only there was someone that could revive it...
Oh and the best part of it is, the entire cast and crew of the show loved it so much I'm sure they would all sign up to be part of ANYTHING Firefly. Meaning voice acting by the whole cast (well the 9 main characters anyway).
Fantastic show, loved by a broad demographic of people. Come on Telltale... please...
My name is Mateus, I am 24 and I am Brazilian, so first I would like you to forgive possible mistakes in my English.
First of all I would like to say I am big fan of the telltale since I played the first season of The Walking Dead, back and forth've played all the games available from you what delighted me more and more.
I would like to make some suggestions of possible titles that would give great games as well as the current ones.
The first possibility is a game related to The Terminator franchise, that just as you did in Game of Thrones does not necessarily need to involve the main characters from the movies but could treat other survivors of the apocalyptic future and also involving time travel.
The second option, a little more daring, it would be a game related to an anime called Beck - Mongolian Chop Squad. It is an anime related to the musical universe and the difficulties of a rock band to engage in artistic career. I believe that through the same mechanism of the current games would be possible to adapt to this different style in so genial way as your current games.
A third possibility that just burst in worldwide theaters would be a game set in the universe of Mad Max, another fabulous universe that would fit perfectly in telltale physics. This one I think would be like Tales From the Borderlands, for dealing with an apocalyptic universe with a touch of comedy.
The last possibility would be a game based on The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, another series that has thousands of fans and no doubt it would be beautifully crafted by you as the others.
Anyway, I am sure that the process of partnership with existing titles is not a simple thing because it involves not only the desire but also copyright issues.
What I am doing is just a suggestion of Series, Books and Movies that are famous in worldwide and have thousands of fans who would love to play in their created universe.
Thank you for your attention and keep making good games.
My name is Mateus, I am 24 and I am Brazilian, so first I would like you to forgive possible mistakes in my English.
First of a… morell I would like to say I am big fan of the telltale since I played the first season of The Walking Dead, back and forth've played all the games available from you what delighted me more and more.
I would like to make some suggestions of possible titles that would give great games as well as the current ones.
The first possibility is a game related to The Terminator franchise, that just as you did in Game of Thrones does not necessarily need to involve the main characters from the movies but could treat other survivors of the apocalyptic future and also involving time travel.
The second option, a little more daring, it would be a game related to an anime called Beck - Mongolian Chop Squad. It is an anime related to the musical universe and the difficulties of a rock band to engage in artistic ca… [view original content]
Alright TellTale I doubt you guys will see his but if you jus made The Warriors it would be amazing. So many possibilities and directions you jus could take. So many gangs still not talked about and a old school New York theme with probably a new gang or continuing the original warriors story after the showdown at the beach. WARRIORS COME OUT TO PLAYYYYYY
Alright TellTale I doubt you guys will see his but if you jus made The Warriors it would be amazing. So many possibilities and directions yo… moreu jus could take. So many gangs still not talked about and a old school New York theme with probably a new gang or continuing the original warriors story after the showdown at the beach. WARRIORS COME OUT TO PLAYYYYYY
Hey there mates!
Seeing how good Telltale is at making great games, and thinking about this new wave of remakes, mostly 90's movies and games, I though that it would be a great thing if Telltale made a Jumanji game. What you guys think of it?
This isn't a series suggestion, but rather a mechanically one.
Telltale have been using this formula of story driven narrative well since the TWD season 1 and I'm wondering if they ever plan to expand on it?
As we all know, the current setup essential puts the player into scene after scene with little interaction with things outside the narrative, which provides a great story to each episode and season over all, but could we not try breaking free of that and allowing some more exploration in the world? I'm not saying create a huge open world, full of quests etc, think something like the town square in TT's back to the future game. You could go into the shop, diner, school etc, see NPC's around, weather and so on to add depth to the world and a reason to explore and keep playing beyond the story.
I just had a great idea. AMC connected with talltale for walking dead, so thay should make a breaking bad game I would play it for Shure just think..... Mind blown!!
The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us are designed to look like a comic book.
Tales From The Borderlands sports a highly-saturated, cel-shaded art style.
Game Of Thrones looks like a moving oil painting.
Yeah @green613 is correct robert kirkman owns skybound and owns the walking dead and he created the walking dead comics which is what universe the walking dead game s1 and s2 are in anyways amc only made the walking dead tv show
Yeah @green613 is correct robert kirkman owns skybound and owns the walking dead and he created the walking dead comics which is what universe the walking dead game s1 and s2 are in anyways amc only made the walking dead tv show
Thread: Is there any game series you want from Telltale
What this question is asking is what do you want from telltale games as another little series beside the ones that they have already made. Please post some ideas that you ad in mind for a while down here
@JamesDalton1995 put this idea into my head: I'd love a Harry Potter game made by Telltale with different characters at Hogwarts or even a completely new generation.
You can be a student in Harry Potter's year, and there is so much you can do. You can interact with Harry, Ron and Hermione off screen and be around general events. You can meet Hermione when she's time travelling in Prisoner of Azkaban, help Ron flying in Order of the Phoenix, join Dumbledore's Army in Order of the Phoenix, visit Fred and George's joke shop in Diagon Alley in Half Blood Prince, have them take part in the Battle of Hogwarts and so much more. They could honest to god make seven whole god damn seasons from this stuff.
And have a seperate cast of characters in Harry's year be affected by your own choices and whatnot. It would work, and I'd love to see what type of spells and choices that can arise.
What about a series based on the Best-Selling book series, Warriors by Erin Hunter? I think it would unique as you'd have to play as a cat and I can definitely think of allot of decisions they could make, maybe even have your Clan's base as the main menu and you speak to other Clan Cats to change options, learn controls, learn more about the lore or progress through the story, crazy thought I know but I think Warriors to be a good challenge for TTG.
FX's Archer would be a great addition (if they were interested).
Sharp and ruthless it makes fun of the spy genre, the premise of the show and it's world is ideally suited to episodic nature and to give people a better glimpse into it. As it's a popular show there is a built in fan base and as the shows assets are done in 3D CAD to begin with porting them into Telltale production process may be possible.
It would also be a way for Telltale to show it can handle adult humor something it hasn't done to date (Sam & Max, Borderlands are no where near the same league).
@JamesDalton1995 put this idea into my head: I'd love a Harry Potter game made by Telltale with different characters at Hogwarts or even a completely new generation.
I love this "other story behind the scenes" kind of idea. I especially want to see what Neville, Ginny and Luna did leading Dumbledore's Army in the Golden Trio's stead while they were away on their horcrux quest.
Harry Potter. Why has this not been done?
You can be a student in Harry Potter's year, and there is so much you can do. You can interact … morewith Harry, Ron and Hermione off screen and be around general events. You can meet Hermione when she's time travelling in Prisoner of Azkaban, help Ron flying in Order of the Phoenix, join Dumbledore's Army in Order of the Phoenix, visit Fred and George's joke shop in Diagon Alley in Half Blood Prince, have them take part in the Battle of Hogwarts and so much more. They could honest to god make seven whole god damn seasons from this stuff.
And have a seperate cast of characters in Harry's year be affected by your own choices and whatnot. It would work, and I'd love to see what type of spells and choices that can arise.
Centered on brand new hunters with cameos from familiar faces? Or a story focused on people like Bobby, Rufus, Jody, Ellen, Jo, Garth, etc?
My one wish: more Gabriel.
I definitely agree with Doctor Who and Jurassic World. I also kind of agree with one of my real life friends who suggested that Boondock Saints should get the TTG treatment. Also, what about something like Agent Carter?
Yes, a Telltale Jurassic World Game sounds pretty good, it could do the first game justice since they have improved so much since then.
1. Y: The Last Man
Yorick Brown is the last man on Earth following the sudden death of every other male on the planet. He, along with his helper monkey, must traverse a savage world in search of answers. Why was Yorick spared? Is there a cure for whatever caused this plague? The journey is repeatedly hampered by Yorick's stubborn nature and the conflicting needs of the women of the world. The 60-issue journey is just past the half-way point, but is already one of the strongest series every produced by Vertigo. Vaughan mixes humor with tragedy to create an incredible work that is socially relevant, but also great fun.
2. Hellblazer
John Constantine is an unconcerned, amoral occultist with a British working-class background. He's an anti-hero who manages to come out on top through a combination of luck, trickery and genuine magic skill.
Preacher chronicles the story of Jesse Custer, a preacher in a small Texas town who is possessed by a supernatural creature. Genesis, the creature who possesses him, is the product of an angel and a demon and contains both pure goodness and pure evil and has power that rivals God. Custer, now bonded to Genesis and a superhero of sorts, goes on a trip seeking God, accompanied by ex-girlfriend Tulip and a vampire named Cassidy. Influenced by the power of John Wayne and Clint Eastwood, Ennis created many of the most memorable new characters in recent comics history and entertains the reader all the way through. There are nine trade paperbacks that anthologize the entire series, starting with Preacher: Gone to Texas.
4. Fell
Homicide detective Richard Fell is transferred from his old post across the bridge to Snowtown, a city rife with urban decay of America's worst inner cities and the poverty of a third-world country. At one point described as a "feral city," Snowtown's denizens are generally desperate, hostile, or both. Violence is commonplace, with whole chunks of the city devoid of proper utilities, services and basic amenities. So hopeless is the city that the citizenry have begun spraypainting giant S's that have been crossed out as a form of protective magic, in the hopes that Snowtown will not harm what has been labelled as its own. Having joined the "three and a half detectives"[5] in the entirety of Snowtown (one having no legs), Fell is determined to do all he can to better the city in many ways. He takes calls on his time off, he ignores a lack of a warrant for the sake of a little girl and he pushes through efforts to hire more precinct employees. He is noted by his powers of observation and deduction (a salute to Sherlock Holmes) and his ever-present digital camera.
Snowtown is not without its share of mysteries, including its location, which is near a body of water somewhere. According to Lt. Beard, it is "miles from anywhere, [and] colder than Eskimo nipples." Also unclear are the reasons for Fell's transfer though it involves an injured partner with recurring memory loss. Fell's city setting is anonymous with Snowtown obviously being a mixture of many downtown areas.
Richard meets the owner of a bar, Mayko, who is a young woman of Vietnamese descent. While Richard is spending an evening at her apartment, Mayko brands him while she is drunk and under the influence of painkillers, burning the Snowtown emblem into his neck. Later she and Richard make up and start spending more time together. An interesting minor character seen in passing throughout the series is the nun. She appears as a short, somewhat heavyset nun in a habit, wearing a Richard Nixon mask and having black eyes with tiny white pupils. Thus far, the nun has been seen buying ice cream, purchasing a handgun, hiring the services of a prostitute, and apparently robbing a beggar. Richard's thought on his second sighting of the nun: "I need to think of something to arrest her for." Ellis has yet to indicate the nun's place in the grand scheme of Snowtown, but indicates she is getting "more dangerous" at the end of an issue, referring to her purchasing a gun in the next issue.
6. From Hell
Thread: Whodunnit: Murder At The Inventory
I was thinking that maybe telltale could use the whodunnit format (it's a reality completion on abc it was created by athony zukier, google it) the next inventory crossover game, due to the murder at the inventory secret dialogue. telltale has worked with Anthony e zukier before on the csi games, maybe he could work with telltale again to write the mysteries. (each episode a contestant get murderd by the killer in a complicated way, simpler to csi,basic game is that the contests have solve it , worst one gets murderd next) they have to say that the game is COMPLETELY non canon, in order to get away with murdering the characters. If they use this, then it could work. (here is the first ep)
(oh if youre wondering why this is happening in universe, its not the first time. Giles was a butler for a man named mr anderson before he got fired a package got sent to him asking for employment for westlake estate with a good fee, giles felt like he had done a terrible mistake, hes right. murder game happens and at the end the killer, jaqccline bossart curses him to whenever he gets a job, a murder game happens. its true and in the last time we see him, he is going to a prison where jaqccline is there to talk to her. maybe you cold play has him in the game?
its in the conpaion books
murder at mystery manor : http://www.amazon.com/Whodunnit-Murder-Mystery-Anthony-Zuiker-ebook/dp/B00BW1QWZS
mystery island : http://www.amazon.com/Whodunnit-Murder-Mystery-Island-2-ebook/dp/B00CH3A3LE/ref=pd_sim_351_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=07RSF2XX7H29JGG3746P
They should definitely collaborate with rooster teeth to make a RWBY game, they could make it about the Fawness segregation/oppression.
I lovet the Batman Arkham games, But while those games have a great story, the games are still more action than adventure, thats why i would love if Telltale would make a Batman game. Batman is a detective, detectives solves puzzles, Batman is ideal for a Telltale game
I'm 100% for a telltale Bioshock game. I mean, it totally fits in with what infinite left off. The multiple endings, the different ingame choices. Constants and variables. It works perfectly.
Mirror's Edge. Impossible, but I like to dream.
I know it has been posted, but I just rewatched Firefly followed by Serenity and thought. Fuck. Too bad the whole story couldn't be told as it was truly meant to be. Especially since it was a story with a rich world, complex characters (even the ones that aren't are awesome) and top notch dialogue. A show that inspired a cult following despite being cancelled in its 1st season. If only there was someone that could revive it...
Oh and the best part of it is, the entire cast and crew of the show loved it so much I'm sure they would all sign up to be part of ANYTHING Firefly. Meaning voice acting by the whole cast (well the 9 main characters anyway).
Fantastic show, loved by a broad demographic of people. Come on Telltale... please...
My name is Mateus, I am 24 and I am Brazilian, so first I would like you to forgive possible mistakes in my English.
First of all I would like to say I am big fan of the telltale since I played the first season of The Walking Dead, back and forth've played all the games available from you what delighted me more and more.
I would like to make some suggestions of possible titles that would give great games as well as the current ones.
The first possibility is a game related to The Terminator franchise, that just as you did in Game of Thrones does not necessarily need to involve the main characters from the movies but could treat other survivors of the apocalyptic future and also involving time travel.

The second option, a little more daring, it would be a game related to an anime called Beck - Mongolian Chop Squad. It is an anime related to the musical universe and the difficulties of a rock band to engage in artistic career. I believe that through the same mechanism of the current games would be possible to adapt to this different style in so genial way as your current games.

A third possibility that just burst in worldwide theaters would be a game set in the universe of Mad Max, another fabulous universe that would fit perfectly in telltale physics. This one I think would be like Tales From the Borderlands, for dealing with an apocalyptic universe with a touch of comedy.

The last possibility would be a game based on The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, another series that has thousands of fans and no doubt it would be beautifully crafted by you as the others.

Anyway, I am sure that the process of partnership with existing titles is not a simple thing because it involves not only the desire but also copyright issues.
What I am doing is just a suggestion of Series, Books and Movies that are famous in worldwide and have thousands of fans who would love to play in their created universe.
Thank you for your attention and keep making good games.
Ótimas sugestões.
Alright TellTale I doubt you guys will see his but if you jus made The Warriors it would be amazing. So many possibilities and directions you jus could take. So many gangs still not talked about and a old school New York theme with probably a new gang or continuing the original warriors story after the showdown at the beach. WARRIORS COME OUT TO PLAYYYYYY
The Rockstar game from 2005 was brilliant. I'm sure Telltale could surpass it.
True Detective and TTG is a match made in heaven
Telltale should make the Devil's Playhouse OST already. And probably make some merchandise, too.
Insert generic years-long complaint about the website containing the word "make".
Thread: What about a Jumanji game?
Hey there mates!
Seeing how good Telltale is at making great games, and thinking about this new wave of remakes, mostly 90's movies and games, I though that it would be a great thing if Telltale made a Jumanji game. What you guys think of it?
That sounds fun as hell. Shame we don't have Robin Williams anymore for his voice but still.
I dunno. No Robin Williams is a big problem and a shame.
This is awesome, I love this is idea!
Sequel for Back to the future and Jurassic park, those games deserve a sequel.
This isn't a series suggestion, but rather a mechanically one.
Telltale have been using this formula of story driven narrative well since the TWD season 1 and I'm wondering if they ever plan to expand on it?
As we all know, the current setup essential puts the player into scene after scene with little interaction with things outside the narrative, which provides a great story to each episode and season over all, but could we not try breaking free of that and allowing some more exploration in the world? I'm not saying create a huge open world, full of quests etc, think something like the town square in TT's back to the future game. You could go into the shop, diner, school etc, see NPC's around, weather and so on to add depth to the world and a reason to explore and keep playing beyond the story.
I just had a great idea. AMC connected with talltale for walking dead, so thay should make a breaking bad game I would play it for Shure just think..... Mind blown!!
I'd rather them do this instead of Minecraft.
The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us are designed to look like a comic book.
Tales From The Borderlands sports a highly-saturated, cel-shaded art style.
Game Of Thrones looks like a moving oil painting.
Wonder what Breaking Bad would look like?
AMC did not connect with Telltale for TWD, Skybound did.
Yeah @green613 is correct robert kirkman owns skybound and owns the walking dead and he created the walking dead comics which is what universe the walking dead game s1 and s2 are in anyways amc only made the walking dead tv show
How about conected in a mind set
Thread: Is there any game series you want from Telltale
What this question is asking is what do you want from telltale games as another little series beside the ones that they have already made. Please post some ideas that you ad in mind for a while down here
@JamesDalton1995 put this idea into my head: I'd love a Harry Potter game made by Telltale with different characters at Hogwarts or even a completely new generation.
Harry Potter. Why has this not been done?
You can be a student in Harry Potter's year, and there is so much you can do. You can interact with Harry, Ron and Hermione off screen and be around general events. You can meet Hermione when she's time travelling in Prisoner of Azkaban, help Ron flying in Order of the Phoenix, join Dumbledore's Army in Order of the Phoenix, visit Fred and George's joke shop in Diagon Alley in Half Blood Prince, have them take part in the Battle of Hogwarts and so much more. They could honest to god make seven whole god damn seasons from this stuff.
And have a seperate cast of characters in Harry's year be affected by your own choices and whatnot. It would work, and I'd love to see what type of spells and choices that can arise.
What about a series based on the Best-Selling book series, Warriors by Erin Hunter? I think it would unique as you'd have to play as a cat and I can definitely think of allot of decisions they could make, maybe even have your Clan's base as the main menu and you speak to other Clan Cats to change options, learn controls, learn more about the lore or progress through the story, crazy thought I know but I think Warriors to be a good challenge for TTG.
FX's Archer would be a great addition (if they were interested).
Sharp and ruthless it makes fun of the spy genre, the premise of the show and it's world is ideally suited to episodic nature and to give people a better glimpse into it. As it's a popular show there is a built in fan base and as the shows assets are done in 3D CAD to begin with porting them into Telltale production process may be possible.
It would also be a way for Telltale to show it can handle adult humor something it hasn't done to date (Sam & Max, Borderlands are no where near the same league).
I'd like a game set in Supernatural but not Sam and Dean's story.
A game following Harry & Ginny and Ron & Hermione's kids could be fun. They could also follow the Marauders during the First Wizarding War.
I love this "other story behind the scenes" kind of idea. I especially want to see what Neville, Ginny and Luna did leading Dumbledore's Army in the Golden Trio's stead while they were away on their horcrux quest.
Centered on brand new hunters with cameos from familiar faces? Or a story focused on people like Bobby, Rufus, Jody, Ellen, Jo, Garth, etc?
My one wish: more Gabriel.
Brand new hunters for sure!
Thread: True Detective TTG
We need it. Enough with the minecraft and borderlands nobody cares about that. do the stuff that makes you special.
Borderlands is freaking amazing, have you even played it yet? What makes Telltale special isn't the dark and gritty.