Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Welcome bro, glad to have you participating and not just lurking! :)

    Kuroix12 posted: »

    Hmm. Can I get blue and orange? If not, just orange would be fine! Thanks Jim & Reggie! Also, great job on the picture. It looks wonderful.

  • Niiiiicee.

    Made by I-am-shepard-commander

  • edited June 2015

    Alt text done by CragApolis

  • Lol, I love that Fiona is just sitting in the background drunk. This is amazing, great job :)

    Great timing for joining, my fan art matches this occasion Welcome to the Club!!!! My gallery

  • Alt text

    what could Gortys be smiling at?

  • Considering she acts like a small, yet quite mature child, she's giggling at Rhys and Sasha sharing a kiss :)

    what could Gortys be smiling at?

  • Loader Bot proposed

    what could Gortys be smiling at?

  • Awww. Gortys, you're so cute. <3

    what could Gortys be smiling at?

  • Can I be put on the map?

  • Eh, that's Jack for ya. He can't believe Rhys trusted "bandit" over him, so he's just making up Rhys' reasons.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I think its kinda creepy how Jack thinks that would be the only reason Rhys would trust Fiona over him ;-;

  • Sure you can. :) Just tell me where you live and I'll pass the information to Grumpy. Hopefully he'll get better soon. :/

    Also I don't think I've officially welcomed you before, so... Welcome aboard, 2DLee! :D

    2DLee posted: »

    Can I be put on the map?

  • Yo! Long time lurker here finally coming out of the Rhysha closet. I live in Scotland, can I go on the map?

    Also what does Sash see in Rhys and vice-versa?

  • so what program did you use for posing this time? because i can't tell which program it is

    what could Gortys be smiling at?

  • Welcome @Bromid123 !

    I think Sash sees a good side of Rhys in his Hyperion façade, which after 'dating' August is what she wants in a man. Rhys on the other hand, well, as Friar Laurence said in Romeo & Juliet "So soon forsaken? Young men’s love then lies
    Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes."
    I think her looks definitely had a play, but with him he probably saw past the whole bandit thing and saw that they weren't always bad.

    Bromid123 posted: »

    Yo! Long time lurker here finally coming out of the Rhysha closet. I live in Scotland, can I go on the map? Also what does Sash see in Rhys and vice-versa?

  • Welcome, welcome! Good to hear you're joining us!

    What an interesting question. At first, I think Sasha thought Rhys was a typical Hyperion pushover jackass, arrogant and unfriendly. In time, though, she saw a person, not a mask. Awkward, funny, friendly guy who just wanted to make the best from what he's got.

    Rhys... Well, this one is harder. This is purely speculation, but I think he sees what he craves in her. Wilderness, freedom, danger - all the things that were not exactly there in Helios. Of course, she's very beautiful, but I tried to think a bit deeper on this one xD

    Bromid123 posted: »

    Yo! Long time lurker here finally coming out of the Rhysha closet. I live in Scotland, can I go on the map? Also what does Sash see in Rhys and vice-versa?

  • Rhysha question for today!

    What names would Rhys and Sasha give to their kids?

  • Woah. This was.. unexpected :D

    Poogers555 posted: »

    You guys wanna hear some creepy unused Jack lines? yes you do!

  • Well. Loader Bot would be the name of their first child I guess, seeing as how Rhys pretty much promised it in Ep1.

    armis37 posted: »

    Rhysha question for today! What names would Rhys and Sasha give to their kids?

  • how the hell did that happen...

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Luluch you got banned?

  • I think Rhys would want to name a kid Jack but Sasha would veto that pretty quickly! Maybe a daughter would be called Fiona?

    armis37 posted: »

    Rhysha question for today! What names would Rhys and Sasha give to their kids?

  • Maybe. I'm sure Fiona would be very pleased!

    She'd that aunt which often comes to visit and teaches cool tricks, like how to lift a clock without anyone noticing ;)

    Bromid123 posted: »

    I think Rhys would want to name a kid Jack but Sasha would veto that pretty quickly! Maybe a daughter would be called Fiona?

  • make it happen, telltale. This is what I want.

    Can you imagine!? While at Helios Sasha gets into a horrible accident and Rhys has to try to get her help, resulting to this? Depending on how much Sasha likes Rhys will be her willingness to go through the procedure.

  • Guys what is the best thing to say to sasha in the hallway scene in episode 3? I really dont know what questions or answers i should take :/ They all dont sound 100% right to me :/ Dumb question i know but...i want to make it right :D

  • Thanks :)


  • Say you're JOHNNN CENAAAAAAAAA and it will be okay ;)

    On a more serious note, you should say (IMO) 'Were you two close' when she's talking about August and 'You're not so bad yourself' in the beginning. :)

    cena966 posted: »

    Guys what is the best thing to say to sasha in the hallway scene in episode 3? I really dont know what questions or answers i should take They all dont sound 100% right to me Dumb question i know but...i want to make it right

  • edited June 2015

    I went with;

    "You're not so bad yourself." (It comes up with '[?] Sasha will remember that', so I assume it's important)

    And then;

    "He pointed a gun at you." (Not as important, as it doesn't come up with any remembering stuff.)

    cena966 posted: »

    Guys what is the best thing to say to sasha in the hallway scene in episode 3? I really dont know what questions or answers i should take They all dont sound 100% right to me Dumb question i know but...i want to make it right

  • Thanks :)

    I went with; "You're not so bad yourself." (It comes up with '[?] Sasha will remember that', so I assume it's important) And then; "He pointed a gun at you." (Not as important, as it doesn't come up with any remembering stuff.)

  • You are going to use it every time do you? xD
    Still thanks :)
    John Cena will remember that :D

    armis37 posted: »

    Say you're JOHNNN CENAAAAAAAAA and it will be okay On a more serious note, you should say (IMO) 'Were you two close' when she's talking about August and 'You're not so bad yourself' in the beginning.

  • I'll surely try to remind you of it often xD

    cena966 posted: »

    You are going to use it every time do you? xD Still thanks John Cena will remember that

  • I think it'd be something Pandoran. No way Sasha would let Rhys name their kids. He even looks like he's horrible at naming things :p

    armis37 posted: »

    Rhysha question for today! What names would Rhys and Sasha give to their kids?

  • He's a bit terrible at telling jokes too. Sometimes xD

    Kuroix12 posted: »

    I think it'd be something Pandoran. No way Sasha would let Rhys name their kids. He even looks like he's horrible at naming things

  • Genevive

    armis37 posted: »

    Rhysha question for today! What names would Rhys and Sasha give to their kids?

  • Has a ring to it though xD


  • ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ) I feel like this is going to turn worse VERY soon ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )

    Pipas posted: »

    What are you Lenny facing me for, are you hitting on me? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • edited June 2015

    Sasha looked adorable when she presented the sandwiches to Rhys and Athena.

    "I made these especially for you, did I do a good job?" :)

    Alt text

  • I'm not sure they like them very much xD

    Though Sasha looks adorable ^^

    Sasha looked adorable when she presented the sandwiches to Rhys and Athena. "I made these especially for you, did I do a good job?"

  • This is great art.

    Great timing for joining, my fan art matches this occasion Welcome to the Club!!!! My gallery

  • The ring of an egotistical maniac.

    armis37 posted: »

    Has a ring to it though xD

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