I don't agree with Clem POSSIBLY being the s3 protagonist



  • Or, you could start with a character we have some background info on (400 days characters).

    Ladariel posted: »

    Yeah I agree, I get a feeling that things will really go crazy if they start leap frogging from protag to protag. It made sense to go from L

  • I'd agree with you 100% about seeing her story from the eyes of another character but not anymore. Not after Lee died. After we lost him in Season 1, I don't think that any adult character would replace him as protagonist. At least not new character, though Telltale won't chose any known character from previous seasons. There is almost no one left. Everyone's dead, determinant or their fate is unknown. In other words, I think it's a choice between Clementine or some new character introduced in Season 3 and I don't want to play as some stranger.

    longlivelee posted: »

    I agree with you , her story is NOT over. I'd just like to see her story go through from a different protagonist, playing as her (again, imo) was quite limited. And it's fine, Everyone has there different views. No opinion is wrong.

  • I was thinking that one of the 400 Days characters could possibly be a protagonist, yet she would still be able to include in the story. After all, they never really explored any of the 400 days characters except Bonnie (who is meh.)

    Tewudin posted: »

    I'd agree with you 100% about seeing her story from the eyes of another character but not anymore. Not after Lee died. After we lost him in

  • That's what I was thinking too. Out of a 1-10, s1 was a 9.6 to me and s2 was a 6.1. Writers can make or break a game.

    jackymasdar posted: »

    bad writers made clementine unreal. season 1 and season 2 had diferent ones. hope that the season 3 have better writers. but i want clem was a main char.

  • I don't think that they will use 400 Days characters because they also are determinant. They can be in Carver's camp or they can be somewhere else. In other words, we can meet them in Season 2 and there is also an option that we won't. At least not all of them and because of that I don't believe that 400 days characters could be used as protagonists again.

    Though... hm. Maybe there is a chance, I don't know but if there is then I'd see either Shel or Vince as protagonist. I really like them.

    longlivelee posted: »

    I was thinking that one of the 400 Days characters could possibly be a protagonist, yet she would still be able to include in the story. After all, they never really explored any of the 400 days characters except Bonnie (who is meh.)

  • I like all of the 400 days characters except Bithecca.

    we can meet them in Season 2 and there is also an option that we won't.

    That is true. That's why I was saying they should have introduced more of the 400 Days characters instead of just Bonnie.They only made cameos.

    Tewudin posted: »

    I don't think that they will use 400 Days characters because they also are determinant. They can be in Carver's camp or they can be somewher

  • She needs redemption story arc, she'd make a great anti-hero if you ask me :)

    longlivelee posted: »

    Well, I guess that's another opinion. I personally didn't really like Lilly, but that's fine. Why would you like playing as lilly?

  • Oh, yeah. I didn't understand it seems. In that case, I totally agree with you. They should've done something more then just cameos for this characters. They deserved better than this but what's done is done. We can't change that. Maybe there is a little chance that we might play as one of them as Season 3 protagonist? I mean, in Season 2 there is only one choice that matters about them - if they are in Carver's camp. This could be solved pretty easy by different backstory (which means, different dialogues). I'd still want to play as Clementine but if Telltale ever decide to chose another character, I hope it'll be someone from 400 Days group.

    longlivelee posted: »

    I like all of the 400 days characters except Bithecca. we can meet them in Season 2 and there is also an option that we won't.

  • If they brought her back for a little while in s2, I would've had a different opinion. But now, im not sure. They missed a lot of opportunities in s2.

    kaza125 posted: »

    She needs redemption story arc, she'd make a great anti-hero if you ask me

  • She should have came back instead of Kenny. His story seemed finished to me s1. His story in s2 was kinda the same, just revamped a bit.

    longlivelee posted: »

    If they brought her back for a little while in s2, I would've had a different opinion. But now, im not sure. They missed a lot of opportunities in s2.

  • I have no idea why they brought Kenny back either. He was really wearing out his welcome.

    kaza125 posted: »

    She should have came back instead of Kenny. His story seemed finished to me s1. His story in s2 was kinda the same, just revamped a bit.

  • Who cares? Telltale are going to do their thing whether you want them to or not.

  • Am I the only one that just wants a good story? I don't care if Clementine is in Season 3 or not, just gimme a story with good writing and intrigue.

  • It's a goddamn opinion. I'm not holding a gun up to ttg and telling them to "do what i say". I'm giving my opinion and looking at other's opinions.

    Who cares? Telltale are going to do their thing whether you want them to or not.

  • I didn't even say you did, wtf? What's the point of saying "I don't want Clem as the protagonist" or "I do" if either way your opinion won't have an impact on what telltale has planned to do for Season 3. The hell is even the point of these kind of threads anyway? It's unimpactful, and just bound to start arguments within the community.

    longlivelee posted: »

    It's a goddamn opinion. I'm not holding a gun up to ttg and telling them to "do what i say". I'm giving my opinion and looking at other's opinions.

  • Why even post threads then if you think TT doesn't listen? Even if they don't its fun to have debates and see other peoples opinions.

    I didn't even say you did, wtf? What's the point of saying "I don't want Clem as the protagonist" or "I do" if either way your opinion won't

  • I want Clem as the playable character in S3. I left her and Jane together with AJ in Howes and here is so much that can happen. Will that family I turned away return and try to take Howes? Will another herd of walkers pass through? Will a group of bandit's happen by? There's nearly unlimited possibilities of what could happen to keep Clem's story going.. And about those who took Clem to Wellington.. What could happen inside there? Will it fall from a group outside? Will it fall from within? Is Lily the leader inside? Could it be like Woodbury? there's almost unlimited directions of where TTG could take Clem's story and no need for any time skip's.

    If you left with Kenny, what sort of adventures will they discover? What will get Kenny killed, what will happen to Clem and AJ, who may they meet?

    I think there's alot of Clem's story to tell, there's what? 5 different possible beginnings, 5 different directions to take Clem til they all merge into one finale.

    I think the Michonne 3-part mini series will be just extra content, something we'll all just enjoy while waiting for Season 3. I doubt and hope that this will have nothing to do with Clementine. It's just extra and I can't wait for it!

  • You just answered your own question. It's fun to see other's opinions.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Why even post threads then if you think TT doesn't listen? Even if they don't its fun to have debates and see other peoples opinions.

  • edited July 2015

    An opinion is an opinion. It's no different than people saying "Lee should not have been killed". It's never going to happen, yet it's an opinion. If you don't like this thread, well then you don't have to post if you find no meaning in it.

    You just said I am acting like ttg is going to listen. The gun example is just how you are making it look like I am "demanding" ttg to do what I say.

    By this theory, No opinionated threads or posts should be allowed on the forum at all, due to an argument arising.

    I didn't even say you did, wtf? What's the point of saying "I don't want Clem as the protagonist" or "I do" if either way your opinion won't

  • I think that many people are associating whether or not Clem is in the game with whether or not the game will have a good story

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Am I the only one that just wants a good story? I don't care if Clementine is in Season 3 or not, just gimme a story with good writing and intrigue.

  • Wait, did they confirm Clem as season 3 protagonist?

  • That's not the point. It's fun to have debates and share opinions, but it's not fun to argue and repeat the same thing half of the community already has.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Why even post threads then if you think TT doesn't listen? Even if they don't its fun to have debates and see other peoples opinions.

  • An opinion is an opinion. It's no different than people saying "Lee should not have been killed". It's never going to happen, yet it's an opinion.

    Yeah, but there's not thousands of threads about it and it's not springing up any vicious arguments like these type of threads have. Besides, what's done is done. Telltale hasn't confirmed anything about their protagonist for Season 3.

    You just said I am acting like ttg is going to listen. The gun example is just how you are making it look like I am "demanding" ttg to do what I say.

    That's... not how that type of stuff works. At all. Acting like their listening and MAKING them listen to/do what you want, id completely different.

    By this theory, No opinionated threads or posts should be allowed on the forum at all, due to an argument arising.

    No, by my theory, you should stop beating the dead horse that's just going to make a shitstorm. Just like the Kenny vs Jane crap.

    longlivelee posted: »

    An opinion is an opinion. It's no different than people saying "Lee should not have been killed". It's never going to happen, yet it's an op

  • Before "Long Road Ahead" got released, there were theories on the internet how there would be more characters from Ben's summer camp appearing, and how they might be future protagonists (they would've worked like Tales FB)... or how those two shadowy figures in the distance from "No Time Left" how one of them would be OC and a protagonist...

    I would've preferred one of these TBH...

  • Oh, the title had me thinking that telltale confirmed her.

    And don't get too smug, Clementine is almost certainly going to be the protagonist, if not that then dual protagonist.

  • edited July 2015

    I don't agree with Clementine being season 3 protagonist

    OP makes it sound like they announced the news. Titling it "The Walking Dead: Clementine is the Protagonist Season Three" sounds like something the mods would use, not someone who has an opinion on the forums. Also, how am I being smug in the slightest? I never said I wanted Clementine to be the protagonist, it just makes sense to keep with her story since it started with her.

  • I actually wouldn't mind playing Kenny's story before he met up with Clementine again.

  • She always has been boring.

    Believe me you are not alone. Their are quite a few of us on this forum that don't want clementine as the protagonist of S3 and I am one of


    longlivelee posted: »

    That's fine, but what is your reasoning behind preferring to continue as Clementine?

  • edited July 2015

    Ok? If you don't agree with me well then let me fail.

    I just don't understand "an argument will occur" thing. If everyone is grounded and knows how to express their opinion, no argument will occur. I know different threads have had this thing (Jane vs Kenny).

    An opinion is an opinion. It's no different than people saying "Lee should not have been killed". It's never going to happen, yet it's an op

  • ARGUE? Lol there were no arguments in this thread?

    That's not the point. It's fun to have debates and share opinions, but it's not fun to argue and repeat the same thing half of the community already has.

  • edited July 2015

    And don't get too smug, Clementine is almost certainly going to be the protagonist, if not that then dual protagonist.

    That's the biggest possibility, sadly.

    Bad wording on my part. I already know that the odds are against my wishes.

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    I don't agree with Clementine being season 3 protagonist OP makes it sound like they announced the news. Titling it "The Walking Dea

  • That'd make an interesting dlc.

    I actually wouldn't mind playing Kenny's story before he met up with Clementine again.

  • If you left with Kenny, what sort of adventures will they discover? What will get Kenny killed, what will happen to Clem and AJ, who may they meet?
    I think there's alot of Clem's story to tell, there's what? 5 different possible beginnings, 5 different directions to take Clem til they all merge into one finale.

    I think all of the beginnings, no matter what, must merge into one beginning, maybe the same situation, just with either Jane/Kenny.

    I want Clem as the playable character in S3. I left her and Jane together with AJ in Howes and here is so much that can happen. Will that family I turned away return and try to take Howes? Will another herd of walkers pass through? Will a group of bandit's happen by? There's nearly unlimited possibilities of what could happen to keep Clem's story going.. And about those who took Clem to Wellington.. What could happen inside there? Will it fall from a group outside? Will it fall from within? Is Lily the leader inside? Could it be like Woodbury? there's almost unlimited directions of where TTG could take Clem's story and no need for any time skip's.

    If they do go with Clem being protagonist, interesting things could POSSIBLY happen. I'd just hate for the story line to come up repetitive.

    One of the other things people wouldnt want clem to be s3 protagonist is b/c of the perspective in clem's shoes. SHe most likely won't have a lot of group leadership, and due to her age the interactions are very "basic".

    But you do make a point. ttg still has many possibilities to take with clem.

    WowMutt posted: »

    I want Clem as the playable character in S3. I left her and Jane together with AJ in Howes and here is so much that can happen. Will that

  • The amount of people that hate Kenny would make that impossible tbh

    I actually wouldn't mind playing Kenny's story before he met up with Clementine again.

  • hmmm true

    The amount of people that hate Kenny would make that impossible tbh

  • Agreed. Clem is a terrible protagonist.

  • You just have my mind. I too want a well written story.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Am I the only one that just wants a good story? I don't care if Clementine is in Season 3 or not, just gimme a story with good writing and intrigue.

  • edited July 2015

    I don't care who the protagonist is as long as I still enjoy the game like I did both seasons. If i don't like something, anything about a game, I won't buy it. You morons should follow suit. What puts you in a position to say how a game "should be" made. Are you a developer, fan, or non-fan? Know your role.

  • edited July 2015

    You morons should follow suit. What puts you in a position to say how a game "should be" made. Are you a developer, fan, or non-fan? Know your role.


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    almighty posted: »

    I don't care who the protagonist is as long as I still enjoy the game like I did both seasons. If i don't like something, anything about a g

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