Troy Baker/Ashley Johnson for season 3
As much I would love to have characters from past seasons as playable ones I would much rather Telltale take advantage of the talents of these two individuals. The last of us had the best voice acting of any game and lots of credit goes to those two.
The emotional depth of them as individual actors and the chemistry they have together would be amazing for them as the 1-2 punch in Season 3 of The Walking Dead.
I'm not saying I don't want Clementine in the game but definitely not as our/one of our playable characters.
Edit: I guess I have a strong opinion so in order to make it so there aren't anymore arguments about whether or not the last of us had good voice acting or not, I would like to say THIS IS ALL MY OPINION, NOT FACT. IM SORRY THAT I LIKE TROY BAKER. (and that all the big game companies seem to as well) (I include Ashley johnson mainly because I really liked Ellie and thought her and Troy were really good together. Just wouldn't mind seeing them collaborate again especially with the talented writers at Telltale.)
Also it doesn't have to be a daddy daughter sim. Just because the last of us was one doesn't mean that the characters they portray in Season 3 need to have the exact same relationship.
Then we could have clem say shit,fuck and damn alot.
I really wish Clementine was like Riley from TLOU. Strong, capable and confident while still having a damn personality.
I put the video on the beginning of the post now.
This is an example of what I'm talking about....way more then saying "shit", "fuck", and "damn" a lot. It is primarily an example of the depth they have as a duo. Have you even played the game?
I've played the game. Then it broke in the Winter chapter. Then I played on ps4.
It's a joke. You guys just talk about tlou so much it's starting to get annoying.
BTW, i can't view the video. Can someone tell me what it has?
Fuck off this is the first time I've ever brought it up this forum. Yeah real joke of a game bud, winning game of the year and rated 10/10 by nearly everyone. Horrible.
Sorry Kenny was probably your favorite video game character ever.
I know you haven't, you only have 200 posts. I was talking about others. And no, I dislike Kenny. Let's be mature now.
oops i liked your post on accident
The video is of Ellie confronting Joel about his daughter and how he's trying to block Ellie out of his life becuase he doens't want to experience the pain of losing her. She has a ben speech but WAY better ;p
a "ben" speech? This is from tlou remastered right? cool.
Well it's from the original game. lol
Writing =/= Voice acting
You can dislike swear words, or the fact that they used them alot, but you can't deny the quality of the voice acting on the game.
i just said i never completed the winter chapter. my game broke. they started hopping on the horse. If you like the game so much and love talking about it. why not go to the tlou forum? Im not trying to be mean. just asking.
lol im done. every time i criticize this game i get hordes of fans chasing after me. i learned from the last time i got banned.
Sure the writing was fantastic but so was breaking bad's writing and I don't think anyone other then Bryan Cranston could of played Walter White.
And swearing alot. Don't forget the swearing.
i didnt stop. my game glitched bad. right after i left the university, they hop on the horse and the horse hops. it was fucking annoying. made me mad.
never said it was bad and...

People take the game's criticism too seriously. I like tlou, yet there are things i did not like. i like twd, and you there are a lot of stuff i dont like about twd.
Alright well....I don't know what to tell you. You don't like a game that you haven't even completed. And this "glitch" you're talking about sounds pretty fishy if you ask me. How does a glitch BREAK your game? Usually you would just have reset your console for those things. Anyways a "glitch" shouldn't change your entire view on a game. Tellta'es games are glitchy as fuck sometimes
They hop on the horse and the horse hops?
No. I love their performance in TLOU and Troy Baker's voice acting in general, but I hope TT will keep them away from TWD.
No. They go on the horse, and it starts hopping, then it freezes. I cant go to the next chapter because it says i have not yet completed it. i downloaded patches and everything. and yes i liked the game in general, probably even more than the walking dead (definitely more than s2). just some characters i didnt like at times.
im going to have to record it. it's funny yet dumb. i think i played the dlc too early.
Reason? (Troy clearly is able to differentiate between characters so it wouldn't be a carbon copy of Joel and Ellie)
That would be great as long as they're part of a supporting role. I don't want them to steal the show completely
I personally think TellTale should bring in Russ Bain.
I can only take so much Troy Baker.
When Ellie talks normal she is this.
When screaming she is this.
Lord Whitehill's voice actor (forgot his name) should make an appearance too, he's the most talented one in the game imo
I was talking to the guy that was...blaming? the voice actors for the ammount of "shit" and "fucks", when 99% of the time they just say whatever's in the script.
By the way, both Troy&Ashley are working on Tales From The there is that... it's probably not what you wanted but hey, better than nothing.
That girl you mean
I just said it was a joke. You guys are getting sensitive about dumb isht. C'mon now.
One of them coming over would be fine, but I don't think they could do both of them.
well riley was like 16.. so theres that
Well Ashley Johnson voices Gortys in tales of the borderlands so I guess they already have taken advantage of their talents.
Wasted role in my opinion.
We already have Troy Baker as the VA of Rhys... like, right now. They might call him up again for TWD or another series.
Why's that if i may ask? I think she's a great addition to the team.
I'm aware it's partly why it would make sense. He's already got a relationship with Telltale so it'd be very easy to get it done.
And apparantly Ashley Johnson voices Gortys. It's likely that they will have a role in TWD but whether they are protagonists is another thing.
We already got the daddy/daughter Sim from S1 and it was fantastic. Now the VAs themselves, which I think is what the TC is talking about, could be a great adittion. They are very talented people and been in the business long enough/have the vocal range to create some compelling characters.
I really like them both and their performance in The Last of Us was one of the best I've ever seen, but I don't want to play a Joel & Ellie story AGAIN. Be different.
Sure, but I think I'd prefer them being cameo/secondary characters though
I like how with TWD, most of it's main cast is made up of VAs that aren't really big names. It gives some really talented, but less popular people some time in the limelight, and the chance to work with some really great scripts.
That, and with all due respect to both Troy and Ashley, they'd probably end up stealing the show if they had big roles.