Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • I love this gif xD

    Pipas posted: »

    Inner Sasha be like Yeah, I'll never get tired of posting this gif.

  • Aw... Thanks :)

    Pipas posted: »

    Not very good?

  • Alt text

    It's... so beautiful! Great job!

    ata95 posted: » Uhm... I made a video. I was hanging out in this thread for a loooong time so i wanted to contribute. Not very good but hope you'll like it. :P

  • edited July 2015

    Thanks :)

    armis37 posted: »

    It's... so beautiful! Great job!

  • No problem :)

    ata95 posted: »


  • Give yourself a credit you just need more practice

    ata95 posted: » Uhm... I made a video. I was hanging out in this thread for a loooong time so i wanted to contribute. Not very good but hope you'll like it. :P

  • I do need a lot of practice. But it was fun doing it so i might do more often :P

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Give yourself a credit you just need more practice

  • I just saw that Rhyona has 5 times more comments and views.

    How can so many people be wrong?
    The realization has to come eventually...

  • This is wonderful, don't sell yourself short, you did an amazing job.

    ata95 posted: » Uhm... I made a video. I was hanging out in this thread for a loooong time so i wanted to contribute. Not very good but hope you'll like it. :P

  • We don't think this will happen because we are optimistic and love ourselves, but:

    If Sasha turns Rhys down in the next episode, would you be mad at her?

  • Well that would suck....probably cause civil war here between Rhys and Sasha's supporters....

    mirashade posted: »

    We don't think this will happen because we are optimistic and love ourselves, but: If Sasha turns Rhys down in the next episode, would you be mad at her?

  • An interesting question, haven't thought about this...

    Hm. I think I wouldn't be mad at her. First of all, she seems pretty into Rhys. To deny him, there should be a pretty good reason. Second of all, you can't force affection. If she doesn't like Rhys, you can't make her. Of course, it'd be unpleasant, but I wouldn't blame her :)

    mirashade posted: »

    We don't think this will happen because we are optimistic and love ourselves, but: If Sasha turns Rhys down in the next episode, would you be mad at her?

  • Thank you:) and metallica rules indeed my friend.

    This is wonderful, don't sell yourself short, you did an amazing job.

  • Nah. I'd just be really sad.

    mirashade posted: »

    We don't think this will happen because we are optimistic and love ourselves, but: If Sasha turns Rhys down in the next episode, would you be mad at her?

  • So Vaughn was going to like athena? Because "chicks dig guys that are good with numbers" o.O

    Pipas posted: »

    These unused lines are golden. Also 2:55. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I would be disappointed but I guess I could live with it. What I wouldn't be able to live with is if Rhiona happens after that. Never.

    mirashade posted: »

    We don't think this will happen because we are optimistic and love ourselves, but: If Sasha turns Rhys down in the next episode, would you be mad at her?

  • If that happens Telltale wanted to f*ck with our feelings. Because all the hints and stuff and then this?!

    Anyone in the right mind would demand a rewriting and a prohibiton of the first (obv wrong) version.

    mirashade posted: »

    We don't think this will happen because we are optimistic and love ourselves, but: If Sasha turns Rhys down in the next episode, would you be mad at her?

  • Well, then I'd just make my own Episode 4.

    With blackjack..... aaand hookers!

    mirashade posted: »

    We don't think this will happen because we are optimistic and love ourselves, but: If Sasha turns Rhys down in the next episode, would you be mad at her?

  • As a Rhyiona shipper (hi) I DOUBT they would make it happen if they don't make Rhysha happen.

    I would be disappointed but I guess I could live with it. What I wouldn't be able to live with is if Rhiona happens after that. Never.


    Well, then I'd just make my own Episode 4. With blackjack..... aaand hookers!

  • This pretty much sums up what my reaction would be exactly:
    When they're alone and talking, Id be like -
    Alt text
    Then when it seems like some kinda conclusion is gonna come to their relationship status, I'd be like -
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    Then if she turned Rhys down, I'd be like -
    Alt text
    Then I'd be like -
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    WHY TELLTALE?!!?!! WHYYYYYYY?????!!!!!?
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    mirashade posted: »

    We don't think this will happen because we are optimistic and love ourselves, but: If Sasha turns Rhys down in the next episode, would you be mad at her?

  • That's a lot of gifs xD

    This pretty much sums up what my reaction would be exactly: When they're alone and talking, Id be like - Then when it seems like some ki

  • She might not actually want to date anyone because its Pandora and you can easily lose someone... But she seems to like Rhys if you trust Fiona. Tough call, I wouldn't be mad, probably be in shock and confoozled.

    mirashade posted: »

    We don't think this will happen because we are optimistic and love ourselves, but: If Sasha turns Rhys down in the next episode, would you be mad at her?

  • edited July 2015

    I needed each and everyone of them to go through just some of the many emotions I would experience...
    Retreats to bed and crys self to sleep, where I'll dream of headcanon

    armis37 posted: »

    That's a lot of gifs xD

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    ata95 posted: »

    Thank you:) and metallica rules indeed my friend.

  • I laughed. And then read it again and laughed again :')

    This pretty much sums up what my reaction would be exactly: When they're alone and talking, Id be like - Then when it seems like some ki

  • Don't worry Empire, they will be together forever ;)

    I needed each and everyone of them to go through just some of the many emotions I would experience... NO IT'S A LIE!!! THEY'RE GONNA BE TOGETHER FOREVER!!!! Retreats to bed and crys self to sleep, where I'll dream of headcanon

  • Yeah... yeah, you're... you're right armis...
    Looks up Rhysha on Google images and strokes screen
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    armis37 posted: »

    Don't worry Empire, they will be together forever

  • Never doubt that Rhysha will happen...unless you trust Jack like a certain moron -_-

    Yeah... yeah, you're... you're right armis... Looks up Rhysha on Google images and strokes screen

  • Thanks for putting me on the map @Grumpydof ! I feel so cool all alone down there with plenty room for walking :P

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    SpackJarrow posted: »

    I just saw that Rhyona has 5 times more comments and views. How can so many people be wrong? The realization has to come eventually...

  • The only thing I regret about that is not getting Dumpy. Everything else is fine, even Vaughn's paralysis, since it changes the plant conversation from, 'Should he touch the plant?' to telling Sasha about the view from Helios.
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    :'( Poor dumpy, left behind. Just know your sacrifice aids this great and mighty ship!!

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Never doubt that Rhysha will happen...unless you trust Jack like a certain moron -_-

  • They will always be together! They will marry, have 3 kids, go camping, draw, sing songs to each other and live happily ever after! It's possible even on Pandora!

    Yeah... yeah, you're... you're right armis... Looks up Rhysha on Google images and strokes screen

  • Yeah poor Dumpy let's hope that Sasha forgive him. Also the scene when Van got the plant juice over himself was hilarious

    The only thing I regret about that is not getting Dumpy. Everything else is fine, even Vaughn's paralysis, since it changes the plant conver

  • But I already had the two kid headcanon thing I mentioned earlier!! I-I don't know what's real or isn't anymore!!!!
    My heart! It's so fragile right now :0
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    Ahh... Heart rate... slowing down... emotions... stabilizing...

    armis37 posted: »

    They will always be together! They will marry, have 3 kids, go camping, draw, sing songs to each other and live happily ever after! It's possible even on Pandora!

  • Forgive him? I don't know what for as I didn't do the trust jack playthrough, so I regret not getting dumpy. I don't know many things about that side of Ep 3, but I do know bits, like the slap ass and the helping sasha onto truck as mentioned earlier by someone.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Yeah poor Dumpy let's hope that Sasha forgive him. Also the scene when Van got the plant juice over himself was hilarious

  • They will have the 3rd one later, after the first two they need some rest ;)

    Calm down and let Rhysha flow through you... Feel the Rhysha... Become one with Rhysha...

    But I already had the two kid headcanon thing I mentioned earlier!! I-I don't know what's real or isn't anymore!!!! My heart! It's so fragile right now :0 Ahh... Heart rate... slowing down... emotions... stabilizing...

  • Breaths in..................
    Breaths out..................
    Ahh. I feel it. I feel the power of Rhysha inside me.

    armis37 posted: »

    They will have the 3rd one later, after the first two they need some rest Calm down and let Rhysha flow through you... Feel the Rhysha... Become one with Rhysha...

  • Yeah that, she seemed pretty pissed off about that. I hope she will let Rhys explain himself.

    Forgive him? I don't know what for as I didn't do the trust jack playthrough, so I regret not getting dumpy. I don't know many things about

  • edited July 2015


    Leluch123 posted: »

    Yeah... I would love a hug

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