Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Ok another bit I found on tumblr

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  • Just a discussion about Sasha's ass. You know, normal stuff...

    ....What did i just witness?

  • Ahh, I bet you'll get to apologize to her next episode. :)

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Never doubt that Rhysha will happen...unless you trust Jack like a certain moron -_-

  • No one can resist dat ass even Jack

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    She secretly loved it

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    ....What did i just witness?

  • Glory

    ....What did i just witness?

  • I hope you won't make matter worse by telling her it was HJ fault....

    Pipas posted: »

    Ahh, I bet you'll get to apologize to her next episode.

  • Aaaaw you... It's really cute and nicely done! I was smiling from ear to ear while watching it. :)

    ata95 posted: » Uhm... I made a video. I was hanging out in this thread for a loooong time so i wanted to contribute. Not very good but hope you'll like it. :P

  • Well, looks like Rhyiona is still somewhy more popular than Rhysha, so complaining comes naturally :(

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    What angered me was most of the people complaining about Rhysha being forced shipped Rhyiona. I don't have a problem with their opinions, I

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    Pipas posted: »

    Dammit, and here I thought there'll be only Episode 3 spoilers.

  • Well, I think the main cast will find out about Jack eventually since present Fiona already knows. Now let's just hope Sasha will understand. :P

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I hope you won't make matter worse by telling her it was HJ fault....

  • Can I be add to the map?

  • Are you sure you want to do this, Empire?

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    Leluch... Armis... Come to your senses! Rhysha is a peaceful and responsible ship. If you cannot keep the peace, I must deal with both of you myself...

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited July 2015

    Sure you can just tell where you're from and @HandsomeGrumpy will put you on ;)

    Can I be add to the map?

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    armis37 posted: »


  • I am from Slovakia.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Sure you can just tell where you're from and @HandsomeGrumpy will put you on

  • Might take a while till you be there though, Handsome Grumpy is feeling sick + he's figuring out how to squeeze more people in since there's not much space left in poster. :P

    Can I be add to the map?

  • Ok

    Pipas posted: »

    Might take a while till you be there though, Handsome Grumpy is feeling sick + he's figuring out how to squeeze more people in since there's not much space left in poster. :P

  • God I miss Futurama.

    Pipas posted: »


  • Hey thats me! :D

    This pretty much sums up what my reaction would be exactly: When they're alone and talking, Id be like - Then when it seems like some ki

  • edited July 2015

    The thing can choose to NOT have the romantic scenes with Sasha...its not forced xD

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    What angered me was most of the people complaining about Rhysha being forced shipped Rhyiona. I don't have a problem with their opinions, I

  • edited July 2015

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    Never forgive. Never forget...

    armis37 posted: »

    Are you sure you want to do this, Empire?

  • Do you know who the artist was? :)

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Ok another bit I found on tumblr

  • I'll work on that tonight i think ;) (there will be 2 posters then)

    Pipas posted: »

    Might take a while till you be there though, Handsome Grumpy is feeling sick + he's figuring out how to squeeze more people in since there's not much space left in poster. :P

  • We'll make some especially for you...

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    Come, and we can rule forever!

    Never forgive. Never forget...

  • You have to do a particular patern, and a lot of them don't really know how to do it.

    cena966 posted: »

    The thing can choose to NOT have the romantic scenes with Sasha...its not forced xD

  • Sasha with an apron? You mean Rhys right ? x)

    ImUrban posted: »

    Are they married yet? 2 kids, pet skag, Rhys with a pipe and Sasha in an apron cooking green eggs on toast? No? Hit me up when it happens.

  • :) glad to hear! Thanks:)

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Aaaaw you... It's really cute and nicely done! I was smiling from ear to ear while watching it.

  • No idea

    Do you know who the artist was?

  • Paráda! :D Zdravím tě, sousede. :P

    I am from Slovakia.

  • Rhys makes the best cookies to go with his ice cream.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Sasha with an apron? You mean Rhys right ? x)

  • edited July 2015

    Ohh, nice. Can't wait. :)

    Do you need updated list?

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I'll work on that tonight i think (there will be 2 posters then)

  • (there will be 2 posters then)

    Ohh? You made something new?

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I'll work on that tonight i think (there will be 2 posters then)

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    I live in Britain. That place with crappy weather.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I'll work on that tonight i think (there will be 2 posters then)

  • Me too. :(

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    God I miss Futurama.

  • Well, I do like myself some cooki... I mean
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    I will always uphold the light side of shipping!!!
    You may have been on this thread much longer than I have, but I'm a veteran shipper. Prepare yourself!!!
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    armis37 posted: »

    We'll make some especially for you... Come, and we can rule forever!

  • NO SRY xD My english is sooo bad :D Im going to edit the comment now :D

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    You have to do a particular patern, and a lot of them don't really know how to do it.

  • Current temperature? I've been hearing things.

    OOOH! DO ME! DO ME! DO ME! I live in Britain. That place with crappy weather.

  • Doesn't the sight of this tempt you, my friend?

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    I'm not new to shipping myself. And I've come prepared...

    Alt text

    Well, I do like myself some cooki... I mean I will always uphold the light side of shipping!!! You may have been on this thread much longer than I have, but I'm a veteran shipper. Prepare yourself!!!

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