Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Nazdar

    Pipas posted: »

    Paráda! Zdravím tě, sousede. :P

  • Yesterday was so hot, I had to walk around in shorts and no top. Today is much colder.
    It hasn't rained in several days. Something amiss is afoot...

    Current temperature? I've been hearing things.

  • No... I... I won't be tempted!!!
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    I too, have come prepared...
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    Besides... I'm not a fan of chocolate!!!!!

    armis37 posted: »

    Doesn't the sight of this tempt you, my friend? I'm not new to shipping myself. And I've come prepared...

  • Besides... I'm not a fan of chocolate!!!!!

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    No... I... I won't be tempted!!! I too, have come prepared... Besides... I'm not a fan of chocolate!!!!!

  • Hey! I'm not lazy! I just know that people will do it for me ;)

    Pipas posted: »

    Source, because Leluch is too lazy to look.

  • We also have tons of... ICE CREAM!

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    The dark side has the best damn ice cream in the universe.

    You thought this would be easy, didn't you? Too bad I'm not alone here... The Dark Side has backers everywhere...

    Get him guys!

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    No... I... I won't be tempted!!! I too, have come prepared... Besides... I'm not a fan of chocolate!!!!!

  • I'm being serious though. One chocolate bar is my limit. That's my days chocolate. And I probably won't even enjoy it. It's sad, but it's the truth...

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Besides... I'm not a fan of chocolate!!!!!

  • I like how all your dark side supporters are good guys. o____o
    In that case, take a look at my back up!!!
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    Yup. They may be evil in 'real life', but just like your dark side backers, they're quite different when it comes to shipping!!!

    armis37 posted: »

    We also have tons of... ICE CREAM! The dark side has the best damn ice cream in the universe. You thought this would be easy, didn't you? Too bad I'm not alone here... The Dark Side has backers everywhere... Get him guys!

  • Thanks :)

    Pipas posted: »

    Source, because Leluch is too lazy to look.

  • That's the way! xD

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Hey! I'm not lazy! I just know that people will do it for me

  • Irony is a bitch xD

    You think they're enough? How about this?

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    It seems we have an epic battle on our hands!

    I like how all your dark side supporters are good guys. o____o In that case, take a look at my back up!!! Yup. They may be evil in 'real life', but just like your dark side backers, they're quite different when it comes to shipping!!!

  • Tonight yes :)

    Pipas posted: »

    Ohh, nice. Can't wait. Do you need updated list?

  • Not for now but i'm planning too :) (thanks to "Diggy diggy hole" i've got my motivation back)

    Leluch123 posted: »

    (there will be 2 posters then) Ohh? You made something new?

  • edited July 2015

    Let me balance the odds...
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    ... in my favour.
    Also, I'm curious as to who that giant guy is on your last post...
    Edit: Never mind, found out.

    armis37 posted: »

    Irony is a bitch xD You think they're enough? How about this? It seems we have an epic battle on our hands!

  • Please make some more if you feel like it. There's a disturbing lack of music videos of Tales :P

    ata95 posted: »

    glad to hear! Thanks:)

  • Ah, I see... You have a strong spirit, my friend... Yet this is not over yet!

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    And the huge guy in my post is Morgoth, basically the Satan of Middle Earth, Sauron's master. :)

    Let me balance the odds... ... in my favour. Also, I'm curious as to who that giant guy is on your last post... Edit: Never mind, found out.

  • Alt text

    Good point.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Hey! I'm not lazy! I just know that people will do it for me

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah, I just found that out. I know of him, but I didn't recognise him.
    Anyways... Go forth my Waif... I, err... mean my female characters in anime that happen to be my favourites in their respective series and nothing more... ahem
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    Neferpitou from HxH.
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    Yoruichi from Bleach. (actually Gin is my favourite character, but then the joke would be lost...)
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    Aisha Clan Clan from Outlaw Star. An actual member of the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire!!!
    YAY! ANIME!!!
    Also yeah, who is that golden guy. I'm missing most of these references, I swear...

    armis37 posted: »

    Ah, I see... You have a strong spirit, my friend... Yet this is not over yet! And the huge guy in my post is Morgoth, basically the Satan of Middle Earth, Sauron's master.

  • Excellent idea , now I just have to make some friends for that first and it will be perfect xD

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    Talk to your fellow South Americans and get them to join Rhysha!

  • Once i have more material from EP 4 and EP 5, i might do a Rhysha with videos from all the episodes in the game. Would be loooong but cool!

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Please make some more if you feel like it. There's a disturbing lack of music videos of Tales :P

  • I don't watch much anime, so the only thing I could do is retaliate with my favorite female characters from video games!

    Alt text Nerissa from TWAU

    Alt text kinda self-explanatory xD

    Alt text I believe this one doesn't need introduction xD

    And the golden guy is the 'One Above All'. Pretty much a God in comics xD

    Yeah, I just found that out. I know of him, but I didn't recognise him. Anyways... Go forth my Waif... I, err... mean my female characters

  • I was gonna invoke the beyonder, but he's kinda below the one-above-all.
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    Asura (Final) AND Chakravartin (One is creater of universes. The other is stronger...)
    And I hate to pull out the big guns, but...
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    He who swims through land...

    armis37 posted: »

    I don't watch much anime, so the only thing I could do is retaliate with my favorite female characters from video games! Nerissa from TW

  • Anyone here a fanfic writer? We need some good fics around here!

  • I write a fan fic called A Game Of Domain, which happens to have a character named Sasha (I literally stole Sash's design and gave her a crazy girlfriend personality. By the way I used the nickname Sash before Episode 3 lololol) but that's it.

    Anyone here a fanfic writer? We need some good fics around here!

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    I was gonna invoke the beyonder, but he's kinda below the one-above-all. So... Asura (Final) AND Chakravartin (One is creater of universes. The other is stronger...) And I hate to pull out the big guns, but... He who swims through land...

  • You wanna play rough then? So be it.

    Alt text Franklin Richards, the kid who bends reality to his wishes and creates universes.


    Alt text Bring it on, Chuck.

    I was gonna invoke the beyonder, but he's kinda below the one-above-all. So... Asura (Final) AND Chakravartin (One is creater of universes. The other is stronger...) And I hate to pull out the big guns, but... He who swims through land...

  • I have one started on, I've posted it here too, but I don't if it's any good...

    Anyone here a fanfic writer? We need some good fics around here!

  • Damnit...I NEED EPISODE 4 NOOOOWWWW!!!! :D I want to see what happens to Rhysha :/ But i think we will have to wait a long time :/

  • Bringing out them Marvel dukes, eh?
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    Marvel's Beyonder who is far above celestial should be able to put up a fight against Richards above celestial powers.
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    For the record, I think wrestling is fake, but still. Cena will always be an icon to me and the butt of many inside jokes of his epicness...

    armis37 posted: »

    You wanna play rough then? So be it. Franklin Richards, the kid who bends reality to his wishes and creates universes. Andddd... Bring it on, Chuck.

  • Now we're talking! xD

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Sasha with an apron? You mean Rhys right ? x)

  • I honestly thought it meant give him a drink :(

    That's what I thought too, but then he fucked up and said something that I didn't want him to say. I wanted to go back, but I live by a ment

  • At least Carver has a personality unlike Kenny

  • Alt text Thanos should be able to duel the Beyonder nicely.

    As for Mr. JOHNNN CENNAAAA...

    Alt text Edge, the greatest rival of Cena ever!

    Bringing out them Marvel dukes, eh? Marvel's Beyonder who is far above celestial should be able to put up a fight against Richards above


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    OOOH! DO ME! DO ME! DO ME! I live in Britain. That place with crappy weather.

  • What if this whole time its just been Jack taking your body over and flirting with Sasha because Rhys is too nervous

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    So very sorry...
    I'm afraid it looks like this is the endgame...

    armis37 posted: »

    Thanos should be able to duel the Beyonder nicely. As for Mr. JOHNNN CENNAAAA... Edge, the greatest rival of Cena ever!

  • Alt text

    What if this whole time its just been Jack taking your body over and flirting with Sasha because Rhys is too nervous

  • Stop being mean to me... please. :(


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