You morons should follow suit. What puts you in a position to say how a game "should be" made. Are you a developer, fan, or non-fan? Know yo… moreur role.
1.1 R-E-S-P-E-C-T! We're all here to have fun, so be cool to each other. Always behave respectfully towards other community members, moderators and Telltale team members. Insults, hate speech, platform wars… leave it out. Constructive criticism of another user's opinions or actions is OK, but refrain from insulting users/volunteer moderators/Telltale staff members themselves - whether directly or in passing. If you feel especially slighted by another forum member, use the "Flag" button to report their comments to moderators instead of shooting back!
Hmmm... consorting to trolling to get your point across is not so mature, is it?
I'll stop replying now. I'd hate to go to drop to your level.
Since I hurt your feelings you probably shouldn't be using the internet.
"can't bait me if I keep my mouth shut"?
Yet, you responded with forum rules and a picture meme like the typical not so bright average user of this forum. Totally not a response at all, fan.
I used the word moron broadly not directly. I didn't even read anyones response, just the OP. And you were compelled to reply because it described you. Those who buy games that they apparently "don't like", then try to change them with often shitty, poorly thought out suggestions with their unprofessional video game background.
Ok? If you don't agree with me well then let me fail.
I just don't understand "an argument will occur" thing. If everyone is grounded and… more knows how to express their opinion, no argument will occur. I know different threads have had this thing (Jane vs Kenny).
Yes in that case we could start with Clementine....again. Whom has the most in depth character background info by far. You might think we've already played as that character but then again.... we have played with each of the 400 Days weirdos as well, all except for Becca and Eddie. I do not really want to play an entire season as one of the 400 Days folks (besides Eddie since the guy was quite comical), But I do feel that they all should have much more impact on the remaining seasons.
I'm hoping Nate and Eddie make a reappearance in season 3 since Eddie was on the cover art for S2 ep.4. which was another let down of season 2, and its unknown what happened between those two characters since their 400 Days debut and maybe we could get some sort of revelation like mid season 3 or whatever. Or knowing Telltale since they like to feel as though they are displaying "realism" in the plot, they will leave the fate of those characters unknown yet again as another lazy cheap cop out.
Hmmm... consorting to trolling to get your point across is not so mature, is it?
I'll stop replying now. I'd hate to go to drop to your level.
Well I could see Christa or Clementine as the protagonist. No one from 400 days was interesting enough to warrant being a protagonist.
Eh, Clem is the charm of the WDG for me, without her I don't think I'd be interested in the game.
Except not everyone IS grounded and threads like these have a history of stirring up conflict.
Threads about the same topic have already caused conflict. It's just beating the dead horse.
What can I do? I can't delete the thread. If I could I would. I already see problems.
Obviously there's nothing you can do now.
Yes in that case we could start with Clementine....again. Whom has the most in depth character background info by far. You might think we've already played as that character but then again.... we have played with each of the 400 Days weirdos as well, all except for Becca and Eddie. I do not really want to play an entire season as one of the 400 Days folks (besides Eddie since the guy was quite comical), But I do feel that they all should have much more impact on the remaining seasons.
I'm hoping Nate and Eddie make a reappearance in season 3 since Eddie was on the cover art for S2 ep.4. which was another let down of season 2, and its unknown what happened between those two characters since their 400 Days debut and maybe we could get some sort of revelation like mid season 3 or whatever. Or knowing Telltale since they like to feel as though they are displaying "realism" in the plot, they will leave the fate of those characters unknown yet again as another lazy cheap cop out.