Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Hey guys, just your daily reminder that our ship is canon.

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    ♫ Caaan you feeeeel the looove tonight? ♫

  • Watch out for Smaug, at this rate, he'll be here in no time!

    Hehehe!!! Rubs hands together I can just smell the money getting ready to roll in! Inhales deeply Aaaaaaaahhh...

  • throws a lifebelt

    Save yourself!

    Help! I'm drowning in all of these comments!

  • That's alright. I'm a proficiant D&D player. I'll smite him with my
    Deck of many things!!!
    (Actual name of an item in D&D)

    armis37 posted: »

    Watch out for Smaug, at this rate, he'll be here in no time!

  • ♫I got chills♫

    ♫They're multiplying♫

    ♫And I'm losing control♫

    ♫Cause the power you're supplying♫

    ♫It's electrifying!

    -Jones- posted: »

    Hey guys, just your daily reminder that our ship is canon. ♫ Caaan you feeeeel the looove tonight? ♫

  • I think you'll need something more arrow shaped... How about a Black Bolt? ;)

    That's alright. I'm a proficiant D&D player. I'll smite him with my Deck of many things!!! (Actual name of an item in D&D)

  • One of the cards that can be drawn is this...
    Key V. - The Hierophant - Queen of hearts: Gain a major magic weapon.
    I'll draw from the deck and hope I don't draw a card that kills me...
    Hopefully I can get a magical Black Bolt!!!

    armis37 posted: »

    I think you'll need something more arrow shaped... How about a Black Bolt?

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    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Nooooope let me work without that kind of paperwork T.T

  • Good luck with that, since you only got one chance - Smaug the Terrible doesn't give second chances ;)

    One of the cards that can be drawn is this... Key V. - The Hierophant - Queen of hearts: Gain a major magic weapon. I'll draw from the deck and hope I don't draw a card that kills me... Hopefully I can get a magical Black Bolt!!!

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    Help! I'm drowning in all of these comments!

  • Well, I drew this card (Used a random number generator to figure it out).
    The Fates - Three of cups - Ace of hearts: Avoid any situation you choose . . . once.

    I choose... to avoid an ending where Rhys and Sasha don't end up together. Bam. Done. Their fate is sealed. As soon as I drew the card, I saw my chance. That was more important than this.
    Remember me!
    Remember my sacrifice!!!!
    Burns in fire

    armis37 posted: »

    Good luck with that, since you only got one chance - Smaug the Terrible doesn't give second chances

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    armis37 posted: »

    You mean there aren't already? it may has something to do with one little journey about which I didn't tell you...

  • You did the right thing, brother. We shall always remember you as our saviour and sealer of fate. Rest well, brother.

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    Well, I drew this card (Used a random number generator to figure it out). The Fates - Three of cups - Ace of hearts: Avoid any situation yo

  • ♫My anaconda don't!♫
    ♫My anaconda don't!♫
    ♫My anaconda don't want none, unless you got buns hon!♫
    Sasha's got dem buns and jack can't resist (neither can Rhys)...
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    armis37 posted: »

    ♫I got chills♫ ♫They're multiplying♫ ♫And I'm losing control♫ ♫Cause the power you're supplying♫ ♫It's electrifying!♫

  • It's okay, bro, chillax.

    They're friendly.




    All I did was bring back a unique example of a beautiful lizard... Though I guess I should've known that gamma rays will affect him in some way...

    Pipas posted: »


  • Oooh yeah.

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    ♫My anaconda don't!♫ ♫My anaconda don't!♫ ♫My anaconda don't want none, unless you got buns hon!♫ Sasha's got dem buns and jack can't resist (neither can Rhys)...

  • Wait a second... This power... It must be...
    From accepting both the light and dark sides of Rhysha into my soul earlier in our fight thread...
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    RHYSHA PUUUUUUUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    The power of Rhysha... looks complatently at fist ... is strong.

    armis37 posted: »

    You did the right thing, brother. We shall always remember you as our saviour and sealer of fate. Rest well, brother.

  • Smaug the Terrible stands no chance against the mightiest ship in the world...

    Quick, draw him out of his cave while he's stunned and furious at you! He's not thinking straight! We have our vessel ready to shoot with all cannons!

    Wait a second... This power... It must be... From accepting both the light and dark sides of Rhysha into my soul earlier in our fight threa

  • PREACH IT!!!!!

    armis37 posted: »

    Oooh yeah.

  • That will be all for tonight:

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  • edited July 2015

    I run out of the cave with smaug in tail. He dives out and splashes, thundering onto the shoreline.
    The music cuts and silence falls upon the ears of our trusty crew mates.
    I dive into the ocean to get out of harms way...
    You begin to hear the distant grunting and groaning of the gargantuan red dragon.
    ALL AIM!!!!!!
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    armis37 posted: »

    Smaug the Terrible stands no chance against the mightiest ship in the world... Quick, draw him out of his cave while he's stunned and furious at you! He's not thinking straight! We have our vessel ready to shoot with all cannons!

  • I tried ;-;

    fiona looks weird

  • The beauty :P Thanks xD

    GrumpyDof posted: »





    The sky is blackened by smoke and ears bleed as hundreds of cannonballs fly towards confused and disorientated Smaug. Every impact with his skin makes an explosion, since we stuffed the balls with explosive powder just to be sure. Nobody can see anything in smoke and fire...

    I run out of the cave with smaug in tail. He dives out and splashes, thundering onto the shoreline. The music cuts and silence falls upon t

  • edited July 2015

    I hear the muffled sounds of steel crackling againt dragon scale. Debris and dust begins to plummet into the depths and as the great dragon thrashes his mighty limbs in confusion and frustration, I am swepped by the current back onto the shore, some several hundred metres away from the commotion.

    I look up at the plume of smoke I assume to be what's left of the beast and as distant cheers of celebration broke out, I began to see the faintest tint of... no... the plume was consumed in a flare red, then orange, then white as the heat of dragon-flame engulfed it and a dragon's bellow roared from within, silencing all cheers and cause for celebration.

    It turned to me, it's eyes aflame with hate as its feet slammed sluggishly, into the sand, beating louder with every step.
    It was on that day... I realized armis and I had created another rediculously long comment chain...

    armis37 posted: »

    READY AIM FIREEEEEE The sky is blackened by smoke and ears bleed as hundreds of cannonballs fly towards confused and disorientated

  • You're welcome !

    javoris767 posted: »

    The beauty :P Thanks xD

  • I am.

    If I decide to write though, you guys shouldn't expect more than one-shots. I've learned over the years that that's pretty much as much juice that I can squeeze out of one idea. Regardless of the plot I have worked out in my head already lol.

    Anyone here a fanfic writer? We need some good fics around here!

  • We were jumping, cheering and shouting victory. We thought we killed the beast, but it's never that simple, oh no. We were so stupid to think that all it will take will be cannonballs...

    We caught the sight of Empire, crawling in the beach, barely alive. At the same time, we saw it. Smaug the Terrible was alive. Injured, but alive and more furious than ever. He had madness in his eyes and flames already brewing in his throat. He was approaching helpless Empire, ready to burn him, tear him apart, destroy him... And that's when we decided...

    'Fuck it, load it with Rhysha power'.

    As Empire started to run, trying to buy us some time to do anything, we loaded the cannons with the special balls. The ones filled with the purest Rhysha energy and power. Men were scared. It could be seen in their eyes. But this had to be done. Nobody knew what the consequences might be, since nobody ever shot so many Rhysha power filled something to one location. We steered slightly, to aim perfectly at the dragon.

    The wind was in our favour. All we had to was shoot.

    And so we did.

    We will never stop creating these chains xD

    I hear the muffled sounds of steel crackling againt dragon scale. Debris and dust begins to plummet into the depths and as the great dragon

  • Glorious.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    That will be all for tonight:

  • I finally made it, mama. -wipes tears-

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    That will be all for tonight:

  • Been awhile since I seen this post so I'll do it.
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    R.I.P. Rakk Hive. One of the original Rhysha shippers. He Who Died For Our Ship.

  • edited July 2015

    I recognised it. The scent, the sound, the feel of the force. It was so familiar. It was the power of Rhysha.
    If there was one thing I learned from ghostbusters, it was to never cross the streams. But just like in ghostbuster, concentrating the Rhysha energy into one point was highly volatile and effective.
    The dragon stumbled back as wave after wave of Rhysha energy slowly swept over him.
    I could barely make out what was going on before I was blown back by the tremendous force. But it didn't hurt.
    Rhysha power was gentle, yet powerful. It was like a life force, yet had a singular purpose. Make Rhysha happen.

    Somehow, it seemed like it recognised me. I was spared. But the dragon was not. Smaug struggled to free himself, but Rhysha would not leg go. The power of true love was too strong with the dragon.
    As he was engulfed in the awesome power, he gave us a chilling glare and roared like he had never done before. Surely denizens of the Telltale website would have been able to hear it islands (threads) away...
    He spoke: 'You damn Rhyshans!!! I am Smaug the magnificant! Smaug the Terrible! I am Mighty! I am Powerful! I...'
    Before he could finish, he was engulfed in the light. Both I and the crew stood in silence, shock and relief in equal measure, watching as the light slowly faded, dissipated and wisped away.

    Shortly after the Rhysha energy had returned to the world around us, we were greeted by a small box in the top-left corner of our vision. We, in unision, turned to face it, wondering as to what it might be.

    'Smaug will remember that...'

    armis37 posted: »

    We were jumping, cheering and shouting victory. We thought we killed the beast, but it's never that simple, oh no. We were so stupid to thin

  • And thus, ends another comment chain. It was a pleasure getting rid of Smaug with you, bro! xD

    I recognised it. The scent, the sound, the feel of the force. It was so familiar. It was the power of Rhysha. If there was one thing I lear

  • edited July 2015

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    Also, wow! We did two super-long comment chains in one day?
    I worry for this thread.

    armis37 posted: »

    And thus, ends another comment chain. It was a pleasure getting rid of Smaug with you, bro! xD

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    Kuroix12 posted: »

    Been awhile since I seen this post so I'll do it. R.I.P. Rakk Hive. One of the original Rhysha shippers. He Who Died For Our Ship.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2015

    So I found this on Tumblr, but the answers were for Rhys and Vaughn. (Good thing they acknowledged Rhysha is the OTP) Answer way!

    Who’s the cuddler:

    Who makes the bed:

    Who has the weird taste in music:

    Who is more protective:

    Who sings in the shower:

    Who cries during movies:

    Who spends the most while out shopping:

    Who kisses more roughly:

    Who is more dominant:

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