Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Sweet Rhyiona dreams man, you deserve them.

    Brawl posted: »

    Welp , I'm going to sleep guys , 7 hours of freaking work , I can barely sit on the chair anymore.I hope you liked my Spider-man comics stor

  • Okay, so after a lot of thought, I decided to write song lyrics for now. I will write a story eventually, but while I was in the middle of writing I had the urge to write a song, and I realized how fun it is. Now don't judge to harshly, I don't normaly do this kind of thing. :P


    Tales From The Frozen Borderlands 1: Do You Wanna Build A Vault Key?



    (Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.)

    Do you wanna build a Vault Key?

    Come on let's go and paint.

    I never see you anymore,

    Come out the van,

    It's like you're a New-U!

    We used to be best bandits,

    And now we're not.

    I wish you would tell me why!-

    Do you want to build a Vault Key?

    It doesn't have to be a Vault Key.


    Go away Fiona!


    Okay, bye...



    Do you wanna build a Vault Key?

    Or ride our stingrays around the bar.

    I think some company is overdue,

    I've started talking to,

    The psychos which,

    Is really quite bizarre!

    (I have the shiniest meat bicycle!)

    It gets a little rough around here,

    All these empty pockets,

    Just watching the money fly by,

    (Cha-Ching, Cha-Ching, Cha-Ching, Cha-Ching, Cha-Ching)




    Please, I know your in there,

    People are putting bounties on our heads,

    I need to keep my cool, and I'm trying to.

    I'm right out here for you, just let me in.

    We only have each other,

    It's just you and me,

    What are we going to do?

    Do you wanna build a Vault Key?

  • edited July 2015

    Oh my god this was too cute. It was really funny, too. :D

    (I have the shiniest meat bicycle!)

    10/10 best reference

    Okay, so after a lot of thought, I decided to write song lyrics for now. I will write a story eventually, but while I was in the middle of w

  • That's a huge releif, I was really scared people wouldn't enjoy it. I'm not exactly a songwriter. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh my god this was too cute. It was really funny, too. (I have the shiniest meat bicycle!) 10/10 best reference

  • (?) Chewbacca will remember that.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "this is my chance"

  • It's great, have faith in yourself. :D

    That's a huge releif, I was really scared people wouldn't enjoy it. I'm not exactly a songwriter.

  • Only one word to describe this AWESOME <3 LOVE IT BRO FIST <3

    Okay, so after a lot of thought, I decided to write song lyrics for now. I will write a story eventually, but while I was in the middle of w

  • (?) Chewbacca will remember that.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh my god this was too cute. It was really funny, too. (I have the shiniest meat bicycle!) 10/10 best reference

  • (?) Chewbacca remembers everything.

    (?) Chewbacca will remember that.


    Only one word to describe this AWESOME LOVE IT BRO FIST

  • Aww, thanks Wolf. That's so sweet! <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's great, have faith in yourself.

  • What wolf said. Don't be sacred =D

    (?) Chewbacca thinks that your should have more confidents in your self and you should do more of this.=D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's great, have faith in yourself.

  • Aww, you're welcome!

    Aww, thanks Wolf. That's so sweet!

  • says CarLee has sunk when it's everywhere


    Brawl posted: »

    Welcome to Spider-Man comic : The Sequel! WARNING WARNING : This contains strong languague and whores , +18 please Have a good one , e

  • Well, Carley died so technically it sunk.

    says CarLee has sunk when it's everywhere Riiiiiiiight.

  • Yeah, Carley died, but that doesn't mean the ship itself has sunk. I hate CarLee with a burning passion, but it's all everyone writes. Just check out TWDG fanfic archive on FF.Net. That and Cluke or Click.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, Carley died so technically it sunk.

  • (?) Chewbacca will remember that.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    (?) Chewbacca remembers everything.

  • A ship can sink and still be popular. Both Lee and Carley are dead so you have really nothing to worry about, haha. Yeah, Cluke is everywhere. :|

    Yeah, Carley died, but that doesn't mean the ship itself has sunk. I hate CarLee with a burning passion, but it's all everyone writes. Just check out TWDG fanfic archive on FF.Net. That and Cluke or Click.

  • ur welcome

    thank u

  • edited July 2015

    (?) Is thinks that she definitely will! <3

    What wolf said. Don't be sacred =D (?) Chewbacca thinks that your should have more confidents in your self and you should do more of this.=D

  • (?) Awesome...


  • (?) Awesome...

    (?) Awesome...

  • If a ship can sink and be popular... ??? What does that mean? As soon as one character dies, the ship is sunk? What???

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    A ship can sink and still be popular. Both Lee and Carley are dead so you have really nothing to worry about, haha. Yeah, Cluke is everywhere.

  • (?) Chewbacca appreciate that. =D

    (?) Is thinks that she definitely will!

  • (?)...Awesome...?

    (?) Awesome...

  • A ship is sunk when it's 100% confirmed not to be canon.

    If a ship can sink and be popular... ??? What does that mean? As soon as one character dies, the ship is sunk? What???

  • OMG it's so sad, and so sweet! I loved every inch of it! :O

    thank you wolfy for encouraging me disclaimer: this fic has pretty dang dark themes * a question before you start reading: how the

  • :T lol ppl these days. U 2fast4dem

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    excuse me?

  • (?) Awesome!


  • xD All I can say is, wow.

    Brawl posted: »

    Welcome to Spider-Man comic : The Sequel! WARNING WARNING : This contains strong languague and whores , +18 please Have a good one , e

  • Pretty much every choice is canon in different playthroughs... CarLee is an available way to go. At least, the beginning stages before Carley's death. It wasn't canon in my own (I saved Doug), but it was somewhat canon in someone else's... kinda. :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    A ship is sunk when it's 100% confirmed not to be canon.

  • Nighty night. C:

    xfuriouss posted: »


  • lol. Perfect couples these days. <3

  • Oh, yes, sure, I'm aware CarLee was probably going to be canon if you saved her -- I just mean that now that they're both dead the ship is kinda sunk. :P I mean, I guess it's half canon but nothing's gonna come out of that.

    Pretty much every choice is canon in different playthroughs... CarLee is an available way to go. At least, the beginning stages before Carley's death. It wasn't canon in my own (I saved Doug), but it was somewhat canon in someone else's... kinda. :P

  • they don't even respect my sick skills

    :T lol ppl these days. U 2fast4dem

  • Cuteness overload! ^-^

    Okay, so after a lot of thought, I decided to write song lyrics for now. I will write a story eventually, but while I was in the middle of w

  • When there is so much Rhyiona. ^-^ (happy mode activated)

  • Daily reminder that Rhyiona is love, Rhyiona is life.

    Alt text

  • Cuteness overload! ^-^

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