What if Kirk introduced a group of Arabs?
Would it be cool to see Arabs that vary from Iraq to UAE? I honestly like to see the texts that pop up in bubbles like نَعَم and السلام عليكم.
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Would it be cool to see Arabs that vary from Iraq to UAE? I honestly like to see the texts that pop up in bubbles like نَعَم and السلام عليكم.
I'm not exactly sure anyone in the comics would be happy to see them. Remember, the ZA started in like 2003 in the summer, so the Iraq War had started in the past six months, and it's still pretty close to 9/11.
I mean it could make sense - refugees, but if like the women were wearing all their garbs, I'd need an explanation on how they didn't get grabbed and killed already.
It should be 2007 by now since it's 4 years. And I didn't really say Muslim or anything since they can be Christians.
People's most recent thoughts would have been based on then.
I don't know. I wouldn't have a problem with it, it just would needed to be explained (which the Russians weren't). As long as they're interesting characters.
That would be pretty crazy actually, if it were a group of Middle Eastern women who originally wore all those clothes to cover their faces/bodies (e.g. the hijab or burqa) when the ZA first broke out, and then they realized to survive that they had to shed those extra clothes, because frankly, there's barely any visibility those women have to see if walkers/danger is coming when wearing that stuff....There's many different reasons those clothes can be worn by women, such as tradition, fashion, religious reasons, and also sometimes the seclusion of women from men. It would be fascinating to see how that sort of situation would play out, not just for the women, but also for the men in a group like that. E.g. if they wear them for religious purposes, what religious person would shed their religious customs, especially when the dead have come back to life, and religion might be one of the last things to help you through the situation? It would be a religion/traditionalism vs. survival conflict.
I wonder if some other non-Middle Eastern survivors might (on unfounded grounds of course) accuse them of starting the ZA. Like they might accuse the Middle East of creating the zombie virus and spreading it through the U.S. as biological warfare.
It would be. I'd still need an explanation on how they survived though.
This makes me think what ever happened to all the troops deployed in Iraq before the ZA started. That's something I would want Kirkman to tackle.
I don't really care if a character will be an arab,an european,an american or whatever as long as they are interesting and appear for a reason.Not because "why not"
I'm OK with it so long as it doesn't perpetuate Orientalistic stereotypes
What do 'Orientalistic stereotypes' (whatever that means) have to do with having people from the Middle East in the game? They are not even remotely the same cultures, or regions.
I think it would be hilarious! Sort of like a Team America adaptation!
Orientals are East Asians.
Stereotypes about Arabs. You know - suicidal terrorists, crazy Muslims, oil sheiks, riding on camels.
Telltale threw in a bunch of Cold War-era Russians for the hell of it, so I'm wary of the series featuring other foreign groups in an intelligent manner.
It'd be a cool twist if, like in 28 Days Later, it turns out that the virus was isolated to America (if not the American continents.) Finding out that the rest of the world is actually doing relatively fine would provide an interesting contrast from the misery of the series.
ugh.. someone says Arab.. and the first thing someone mentions is 9/11.. and how they should be grabbed and killed..
True. Arabs don't have to be Muslims at all.
Well, if you actually paid attention to my comment, I noted that the ZA takes place relatively close to 9/11, so Americans did not have strong opinions of Arabs, and how let's say refugees, wearing hijabs or burqas, are at a disadvantage because they could be grabbed more easily, which is similarly why Lee can cut Clementine's hair so she couldn't be grabbed.
How so?
That comment was really weird and came off very strange, me being from Arab grandparents.
you don't get that Arabs at this day and age have plenty of bad connotations, yet you wanna use them as props?
نَعَم means yes. It's just basic greetings and responses. It's not bad connotations unless if I put Allahu Akbar. I'm a Muslim myself so I don't really know what you mean by props.
It would be cool...if they don't completely butcher the language, which is extremely easy to do.
Mumtaaz on the Arabic though, wa alaykum as-salaam.
I am aware of what a stereotype is, thanks.
My confusion comes from the fact that Middle Easterners are not even remotely the same as Asians. They do not share the same region, language, culture or religions. So what do 'Orientalistic stereotypes' have to do with anything at all?
So my question was really more along the lines of What the Hell is this guy talking about? Not, please list some examples of Middle Eastern stereotypes for me. But thanks anyways.
speaking russian
speaking arabian
look up Orientalism before making ignorant comments
Orientalism covers the Near East, Middle East and Far East....people please learn some history
watch and learn
don't be ignorant...not all Muslims are extremists....there is good and bad in every religion and your comment proves that you know nothing about Islam or Islamic culture
Sorry, but either give me a quick summary of the video b/c i am not watching a 40 min long video b/c someone on a forum told me to.
Just adding certain ethnic group in there b/c its "cool"
I didn't expect you to watch the whole thing, but remain ignorant for all I care
the information is there, I'm not going to spoon feed it to you...adults learn things for themselves
"In British English, the term Oriental refers to people from East and Southeast Asia. On the other hand, the word "Asian" refers to people from Indian Subcontinent. Therefore, Orientals is the only term which can refer to people of East Asian origin."
hey i looked it up. Not Orientalism. It's Oriental People.
Because grown adults go on a forum just to teach other people "information".
You seem so "passionate" on this topic, if you are a an adult, do something more productive on this topic then teaching on a forum.
yes, that's the only reason why I come to these forums is to teach the ignorant likes of people like you!
when people makes ignorant comments, don't get mad when you get schooled, k?
Who hurt you sweet dearie?
feel smarter now?
You know what....
it's not worth being banned again.
if they do it in a good way like in apocalypse z (book that i higly recommend you
! ) why not ?
*SPOILERS : but they didnt end up very well tough :(because of their russian leader, one of them got infected and bled from every orifices and i mean the word "every ", *