Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Excuse me? :P

    What was kinky about my work? I'm quite curious now :)


  • I believe her quote is:

    "Oh daaaayyyyuuuumm ladies, you looking good!" :P

    Lol sorry, and thanks I guess? :)

    Tiny Tina voice Dayyyyyyum, man - you lookin' fine. I am totally not a 14 year old hitting on you. What are you talking about?

  • Gary Stu?? I don't know who/what that is :/

    The thing with Alucard is that you know he won't die, you know he will win every conflict. So to make up for that lack of fear, he has a personality that is both philosophical and maniacal. His views on what humanity is, and how his life isn't good because of his immortality... It's unexpected :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I've heard about him before, the anime too. That's why I was so curious. But I've seen so many mixed reactions that it held me back. I'm gue

  • Lol I don't care I still draw and ship them because I enjoy it! TTG can never take that from me!

    DeityD posted: »

    It's not even funny once you realize those guys say "don't ship/draw/whatever Rhyiona, it'll never happen lol".

  • Good morning or whatever part of day is it for you all. I can't take this heat, it is like 33°C outside .__.

  • Uhhh, thanks again? :)

    Sorry, I really don't get complimented on my looks, I even got called ugly by a girl in school once...

    Dude, you get better looking with every picture...

  • They said that? When?

    DeityD posted: »

    It's not even funny once you realize those guys say "don't ship/draw/whatever Rhyiona, it'll never happen lol".

  • I have arisen from my extremely comfy bed! :D

    NOW! Onto TFTB!! XD

    Cuz I need to get caught up god-dammit :)

  • Alt text

    Vernaya posted: »

    completely?) Oh... thats so cute

  • I was called giraffe neck and other mean stuff (I'm a tall girl) when I was a kid but you know...then I grew up and people around me grew up too. Now I'm totally fine with my looks.

    you actually look a lot like my best friend and that's very confusing! :D But no, you are definitely not ugly.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Uhhh, thanks again? Sorry, I really don't get complimented on my looks, I even got called ugly by a girl in school once...

  • My thoughts exactly. Like something not being a canon ever stopped people.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Lol I don't care I still draw and ship them because I enjoy it! TTG can never take that from me!

  • This only makes us stronger!!

    DeityD posted: »

    My thoughts exactly. Like something not being a canon ever stopped people.

  • Haha it's raining in Finland. Typical Finnish weather..

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Good morning or whatever part of day is it for you all. I can't take this heat, it is like 33°C outside .__.

  • Weird dreams are weirdly entertaining! ;)

    Also heres a list of what I saw on my journey through the vastness that are the comments. 1.A lot of 69s 2.A debate about Coffee vs.Tea?

  • Although I kinda love rain and autumn days, I don't think I could survive without warm sunny days. Is the weather in Finland always like that?

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Haha it's raining in Finland. Typical Finnish weather..

  • what? they said that? well that's kind of rude.

    i find it very unnecessary and disrespectful when devs or show writers or whatever make fun of fans because we're "delusional" for liking something. idk, if i created something and people liked it whatever it was i'd be happy and thankful and not like "lmao look at those poor souls shipping something that's never going to happen ha ha ha"

    i hope TFTBL writers are not the kind who do shipbaiting and tease us. i get very emotionally invested in things and i hate it when they play with my feelings like that.

    DeityD posted: »

    It's not even funny once you realize those guys say "don't ship/draw/whatever Rhyiona, it'll never happen lol".

  • I completely agree with you. It is really rude going around and saying "lol what's wrong with them that ship's never gonna happen". We all have opinions.

    I'd hate it if they only set Rhysha as a possible ship or even a canon.

    rhonu posted: »

    what? they said that? well that's kind of rude. i find it very unnecessary and disrespectful when devs or show writers or whatever make f

  • I'm barely 5'8 and about 220 pounds...

    Since I've graduated college, I have been complimented by girls on my looks, but it's such a new thing to me that I'm kinda shy :P

    Haha, unless you live in Oxford, England then that is a hell of a coincidence :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I was called giraffe neck and other mean stuff (I'm a tall girl) when I was a kid but you know...then I grew up and people around me grew up

  • I'm sure they didn't mean it like that. More like that we shouldn't give each other false hopes or something. Exactly because people can "get very emotionally invested in things". They just don't realize it already happened and there's no going back and the least they can do is not to crush those hopes completely.

    rhonu posted: »

    what? they said that? well that's kind of rude. i find it very unnecessary and disrespectful when devs or show writers or whatever make f

  • Oh, gosh. You're scaring me a bit with the hostility.

    I haven't read your work, but usually when I see someone saying "M rated fanfic," I assume some cheeky stuff goes down in it.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Excuse me? :P What was kinky about my work? I'm quite curious now

  • It's 19C in England, and cloudy :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Good morning or whatever part of day is it for you all. I can't take this heat, it is like 33°C outside .__.

  • Oh I wasn't being serious with the hostility!! :O Sorry!!! You would know if I was trying to be hostile anyways...

    Lol, just shameless sex :P I don't do any weird or kinky sex though, it's too awkward for me to write :/

    Oh, gosh. You're scaring me a bit with the hostility. I haven't read your work, but usually when I see someone saying "M rated fanfic," I assume some cheeky stuff goes down in it.

  • yeah, you're right, i'm sorry i got angry... i'm a little resentful because writers did that to me a lot in the past :(

    DeityD posted: »

    I'm sure they didn't mean it like that. More like that we shouldn't give each other false hopes or something. Exactly because people can "ge

  • It's not nice to just crush a ship that way.

    I myself have a slight doubt about Rhyiona, but it's because of the Episode 5 image of Rhys and Fiona with their weapons drawn. It makes me wonder if shit will go down... and a choice will have to be made :(

    But you don't have a right to just put a ship down. A lot of fans of TWAU wanted BigbyxNerissa to be a thing, regardless of the Fables comics giving us a totally confirmed BigbyxSnow. Also, some people want BigbyxBloody Mary to be a thing, good for them!

    Vernaya posted: »

    completely?) Oh... thats so cute

  • I know how you feel. I don't think I ever liked any canon pairing (except for the games where we can choose it ourselves, but I guess it doesn't count). It's like a curse.

    rhonu posted: »

    yeah, you're right, i'm sorry i got angry... i'm a little resentful because writers did that to me a lot in the past

  • You don't like BigbyxSnow? :(

    DeityD posted: »

    I know how you feel. I don't think I ever liked any canon pairing (except for the games where we can choose it ourselves, but I guess it doesn't count). It's like a curse.

  • Huh, haven't thought about TWAU. :) But... no I guess. It's not that I dislike it, but I can't say that I really like it either. It's just... not awful and it's just there.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    You don't like BigbyxSnow?

  • Not always but as I said it's very typical. :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Although I kinda love rain and autumn days, I don't think I could survive without warm sunny days. Is the weather in Finland always like that?

  • Fair enough, everyone has an opinion :)

    DeityD posted: »

    Huh, haven't thought about TWAU. But... no I guess. It's not that I dislike it, but I can't say that I really like it either. It's just... not awful and it's just there.

  • no one should trust these episode images. just look at twd s2 ep4. wtf? clem painting her face with blood? no such thing ever happened. even ep3, rebecca is shown in labor, but that event doesn't occur until ep4.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    It's not nice to just crush a ship that way. I myself have a slight doubt about Rhyiona, but it's because of the Episode 5 image of Rhys

  • Not sure why you spoiler tagged that :P

    This is true, not everything in TWAU episode images happened in the episodes either... Guess I'm just looking into things too deeply, again :)

  • oh god, that feeds my worst nightmares. i always try to calm down by thinking this is borderlands, comedy, not heavy deep stuff, but... i mean, if they don't make rhyiona canon it's okay, i will be sad but i'll understand it and get over it, but if they make us choose between rhys and fiona it would probably leave me emotionally scarred forever. i love things that start off as very lighthearted and end up touching dark themes but that would be very very hard for me. like, in another game i had to choose who dies between two of my favorite characters and after that i had to stop playing for a while to move on x) i get too invested in storytelling but i'd have that over casual playing without feeling anything any day.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    It's not nice to just crush a ship that way. I myself have a slight doubt about Rhyiona, but it's because of the Episode 5 image of Rhys

  • Fic? What fic? Oh, one of those fics...

    I think after what just happened I would like to go to sleep, goodnight my fellow Rhyiona brother and sisters I shall slumber... and try to forget about the fic...

  • TWD Season 2 by any chance? Choosing between Jane and Kenny?

    Meh, I chose Kenny :P Granted, it took me weeks to get over my final decision...

    rhonu posted: »

    oh god, that feeds my worst nightmares. i always try to calm down by thinking this is borderlands, comedy, not heavy deep stuff, but... i me

  • They also changed EP3 image in TWAU, at first it was showing a girl stalking Bigby, then it changed to Bigby chasing Crane.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Not sure why you spoiler tagged that :P This is true, not everything in TWAU episode images happened in the episodes either... Guess I'm just looking into things too deeply, again

  • nope, it was dragon age!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    TWD Season 2 by any chance? Choosing between Jane and Kenny? Meh, I chose Kenny :P Granted, it took me weeks to get over my final decision...

  • it could be worse! here it's 40ºC :(((((((((

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Good morning or whatever part of day is it for you all. I can't take this heat, it is like 33°C outside .__.

  • Woah, that's really extreme. If I may ask, where do you live then? :O

    rhonu posted: »

    it could be worse! here it's 40ºC ((((((((

  • Watch it.

    It is quality work.

    I just watched a John Cena dating sim.

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