Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Awww, don't worry, it was very amusing :3

    I recall you panicking thinking that posting over 40 comments would get you banned, so I basically had to be your saviour by explaining that that wouldn't happen :P

    So you think I'm cute and lovely?! :O Joke, but thank you anyways :')

    rhonu posted: »

    oh god......... well this is awkward.......... i woke up like an hour ago and my mom said i didn't react weirdly to anesthesia, she told

  • aw, i'm glad at least it made you laugh!

    xfuriouss posted: »

    don't worry, it was kinda funny :P

  • IKR XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hehe, that works :P

  • you've just created heaven

    xfuriouss posted: »

    what have i done... http://www.jibjab.com/view/NMpXWquaRHezuFvMdCzViA

  • No problemo amigo (amigo means friend C: )
    BRO FIST <3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Thanks Brah!! XD

  • I know what amigo means bruh :P


    No problemo amigo (amigo means friend C: ) BRO FIST

  • thank god my mom put me to sleep though, because i could've gone on and on with my rambling and that may have been a problem in the end... when i got out of it and i read that @john_smith13 told me to read my earlier comments, i imagined like 3 pages of just me saying nonsense and at first i was terrified, i thought i went like off topic talking about my life or whatever but it looks like rhyiona was the only thing i could think about. i don't know how to feel about that... but telltale should feel proud? :P

    well, i don't think i had the brain capacity to lie... B)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Awww, don't worry, it was very amusing I recall you panicking thinking that posting over 40 comments would get you banned, so I basicall

  • ;D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Thanks Julie and human Gortys!

  • edited July 2015

    NOW THAT'S BRO, BRO :D i did NOT know that :b tu eres mi mejor amigo :D (you are my best and you already know what amigo means :b) BRO FIST <3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I know what amigo means bruh :P BRO FIST!

  • Don't worry about it, I've done far worse when I've been drunk :P This was funny :D

    Awww <3

    rhonu posted: »

    thank god my mom put me to sleep though, because i could've gone on and on with my rambling and that may have been a problem in the end... w

  • My Spanish is very bad :P

    The only other languages I have any real grasp over are German and Russian (German is my better subject by far though)

    BRO FIST<3

    NOW THAT'S BRO, BRO i did NOT know that :b tu eres mi mejor amigo (you are my best and you already know what amigo means :b) BRO FIST

  • Hey, guys! Did anyone have Fiona's model for XNALara?

  • You know German and Russian NOW THAT'S AWESOME :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    My Spanish is very bad :P The only other languages I have any real grasp over are German and Russian (German is my better subject by far though) BRO FIST<3

  • To say I know them is an over-statement :P

    I can speak, read and write some German. I took it as a subject in school ,and now my only real supply of it is Rammstein!

    I know like 10 words in Russian... And trying to read/write it is impossible for me! XP

    You know German and Russian NOW THAT'S AWESOME

  • ugh wow I've been listening the same song over an hour now... I can't stop! :O I should do things! I don't have time for this!

  • Rhyiona is Love, Rhyiona is Life

    Man... It's sad that I have to play the waiting game again for more episodes :(

    Guess I should start playing GOT...

  • That sounds like me when I'm writing :P

    Music helps me with ideas... But I tend to listen to the same song for over an hour!! XD

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    ugh wow I've been listening the same song over an hour now... I can't stop! :O I should do things! I don't have time for this!

  • What song are you hearing?

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    ugh wow I've been listening the same song over an hour now... I can't stop! :O I should do things! I don't have time for this!

  • We'll i wish you luck on your journey my friend on learning how to write,read, and speak German and Russian :D again sorry i did not know that :b BRO FIST <3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    To say I know them is an over-statement :P I can speak, read and write some German. I took it as a subject in school ,and now my only rea

  • Lol, master of languages :P

    BRO FIST <3

    We'll i wish you luck on your journey my friend on learning how to write,read, and speak German and Russian again sorry i did not know that :b BRO FIST

  • after TFTBL episode 1 i spent like one entire month listening to busy earnin over and over and over and over every day at every hour. i couldn't listen to anything else that wasn't busy earnin. i felt trapped and subjugated by a song. and now i want to listen to it again...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    ugh wow I've been listening the same song over an hour now... I can't stop! :O I should do things! I don't have time for this!

  • Alt text

    Final catch up again today we have a new member joing us welcome to the family Hazza:D BRO FIST<3, welcome back furiouss BRO FIST<3,

  • SHAME. SHAME. SHAME. Telltale give us ep4!!!

    Alt text

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Rhyiona is Love, Rhyiona is Life Man... It's sad that I have to play the waiting game again for more episodes Guess I should start playing GOT...

  • Playing the waiting game sucks a lot =(

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Rhyiona is Love, Rhyiona is Life Man... It's sad that I have to play the waiting game again for more episodes Guess I should start playing GOT...

  • Don't worry, episode 4 will be out soon! And by soon, I mean September...

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Rhyiona is Love, Rhyiona is Life Man... It's sad that I have to play the waiting game again for more episodes Guess I should start playing GOT...

  • exactly! I'm trying to concentrate on drawing but I get interrupted when I have to bush that replay button over and over again! ;D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That sounds like me when I'm writing :P Music helps me with ideas... But I tend to listen to the same song for over an hour!! XD

  • It was great! This gif should sum up last night:

    Alt text

    rhonu posted: »

    oh god......... well this is awkward.......... i woke up like an hour ago and my mom said i didn't react weirdly to anesthesia, she told

  • It's a Finnish song.. xD

    What song are you hearing?

  • Alt text

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Rhyiona is Love, Rhyiona is Life Man... It's sad that I have to play the waiting game again for more episodes Guess I should start playing GOT...

  • Achievement unlocked: Master of languages!!!
    Also Achievement unlocked: BRO FIST SOMEONE 3 TIMES!!!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Lol, master of languages :P BRO FIST

  • OH YES

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    1 more like for Green to whore out again

  • (?) Chewbacca will not forget that :D BRO FIST <3

  • Sweeeeet :D

    BRO FIST :3 (This is gonna be our thing now, always BRO FIST each other!)

    Achievement unlocked: Master of languages!!! Also Achievement unlocked: BRO FIST SOMEONE 3 TIMES!!!

  • Same here :P

    Some songs I don't have on my iPod so I have to go onto YouTube, where the replay button is non-existent :(

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    exactly! I'm trying to concentrate on drawing but I get interrupted when I have to bush that replay button over and over again! ;D

  • hazza confirmed for second most lewd person :^)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    ... I liked the last one he posted



    Killah posted: »

    OH YES

  • We'll get it for Christmas, don't worry!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    YES! Wait...NO! I don't want to wait the next episode any longer!! :O

  • We're all different; it doesn't make a work less valuable than another. :)

    JCleto10 posted: »

    I wish I was as good as that @ABigBadWolf guy though. But I guess we can't all be gods

  • I hope everything goes well for you!

    Rhyiona will be with you. <3

    Kruzii posted: »

    seriously 700+ comments? what did I miss? got sedative tablets from my doctor(have a reeeeeaaaalllyyyy important exam tomorrow) and I can do

  • We all kind of understood what was going on. You don't need to apologise for it! The posts were actually funny. :D I think we all enjoyed them!

    rhonu posted: »

    oh god......... well this is awkward.......... i woke up like an hour ago and my mom said i didn't react weirdly to anesthesia, she told

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