What's the thing with Snow?

I never got the ''You know nothing, Jon Snow.'' phrase.

The fuck's wrong with Ygritte, she just kept repeating it to him.

Peter Dinklage obviously says the same thing.


  • It's mostly to do with everything he's heard of concerning the Wildlings, what's North of the Wall, and old legends. Jon as a brother of the Night's Watch has been told repeatedly about how bad the Wildlings are, that they're just savages but as he comes to find out, they're people simply trying to survive in a much harsher place than Jon has ever known.

    Then of course there's all the stories and legends he's heard of growing up, believing them to just be that, stories. But later he discovers how right Ygritte is. White Walkers are real and they're returning, giants aren't just fabled monsters, and dead men rise again.

    At first the phrase is almost said to mock him, but it more or less becomes something to remind Jon not to take things at face value, that there actually may be some truth or a greater truth to what he may at first believe.

  • It's her catch phrase. I prefer it to Shagga and dick eating goats.

  • Jon Snow knows how to eat pussy, thats for sure.

    (Yes, i copied it from youtube cus i thought it was funny :P)

  • (I know how's your pussy tastes like )

    Jon Snow knows how to eat pussy, thats for sure. (Yes, i copied it from youtube cus i thought it was funny :P)

  • It's like that old piece of wisdom... 'the truly wise man knows just how little he actually knows.' (Paraphrased, but that's the gist of it)

  • and also later it was like an "i love you" type shit, well thats what i took up on that.

    man i miss Ygritte and Jon </33

    It's mostly to do with everything he's heard of concerning the Wildlings, what's North of the Wall, and old legends. Jon as a brother of the

  • It's just a silly catchphrase meant to annoy him.

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