Who would win in a Fight?



  • edited July 2015


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  • edited July 2015


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  • Actually, it says Ramsay has an improper style, using his sword more like an axe/cleaver than the slicing weapon it was meant as. It really depends on armoring and weaponry, in light armor I'd assume Ramsay the winner, and Jon if they're in moderate/heavy armor.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Jon vs. Ramsay: I'm pretty sure it says in ADWD Ramsay was never any good at fighting and Jon is a fairly capable fighter. so probably Jon Snow.

  • edited July 2015
    • Sandor, because no headaches and all that.
    • Khal Drogo. Everyone says Jorah beat a dothraki, however that one was holding onto his weapon. We saw Drogo kill a man by twisting his own weapon out of his hands and slicing him open in a spot that very few armors cover. Quite simple he could break Jorah's bones even through armor.
    • Viserys. Joffrey was too clumsy with a sword, he never trained and never fought. Viserys however had a sword he actually used time to time. And he'd be quicker to strike, any time joffrey was in a combat situation he cowered, while Viserys dared draw his sword in a tent full of the most well known savages in the world.
    • Rodrik, quite simply because Asher is more of an improviser and body based fighter while Rodrik is a plain disciplined sword and shielder.
    • Ygritte. She's a fucking wildling, Tyrion has almost no combat skills beyond smacking things with other things.
    • Gared. He's larger, older and more experienced.
    • Ned, most probably. In his prime he defeated one of the greatest swordsmen to ever live (whateverhisnamewas Dayne).
    • Myranda. Neither of them are fighters, but Myranda would be more willing to strike.
    • Beric. We never saw Theon fight. He was mostly boasting and had literally no strength (not being able to behead a man in one strike) while Beric was experienced.
    • Either, depending on circumstances and range. If they were close and lightly armored, so that one strong hit could kill, it would be Ramsay. If they're wearing armor that can take in a few blows or they started far from each other, Jon could simply make better use of his reach and weapon.
    • If we're talking young Robert, then it clearly would be him. Otherwise, Gregor could easily take down a fat, slow man wielding a hammer, provided that he was well in battle-worthy condition during the red wedding.
  • You know Cleganebowl probably isn't going to happen, as awesome as it would be, its seriously over-hyped and Martin has already written a pretty decent conclusion to the Hound's story - in turns into a gentle cripple.

  • edited July 2015

    Sandor Clegane: We've seen the brothers fight already, and Sandor is better at combat. Gregor is just a brute.

    Jorah Mormont: The weapons the Dothraki use cannot pierce metal armor as Jorah pointed out, while a sword can.

    Joffrey Baratheon: Hate him, but he uses that crossbow with deadly accuracy.

    Rodrik Forrester: Combat becomes him. Asher is a guerrilla while Rodrick is a warrior who has surviveed a lot of shit while wounded. At full capacity I would wager he could beat the Mountain.

    Ygritte: Had you said Bronn, then Tyrion. But since it's Tyrion against her, he'll make a nice decoration piece.

    Gared Tuttle: It's an even fight, but I give Gared this win.

    Eddard Stark: Jaime Lannister couldn't beat Eddard during the Rebellion, nor in front of Littlefinger's whorehouse. Hell, even Robert said he would lose if the two ever fought. And it's been written as canon that Robert killed Rhaegar, but Eddard killed three Kingsguard. So there is no debate. Eddard would win if the two ''brothers'' came to blows.

    Myranda: Like Joeffry, the bow gives her the advantage.

    Beric Dondarrion: Theon can't fight worth shit.

    Jon Snow: Ramsay is not a fighter. He's a torturer and a sadistic maniac, and he instills fear. Jon has fought White Walkers, the most terrifying things in Westeros and won. Hands down it's Jon.

    Robert Baratheon: I don't know the combat abilities of Gregor, so Robert in this instance.

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